Trapped Between Heaven and Hell

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Trapped Between Heaven and Hell Page 19

by M. Skye

  “No. He wouldn’t. He is my damn father. How in the hell could this company mean more than us?”

  Asha crawled in the bed with him and pulled him close. “It’s okay,” she whispered against his temple.

  Tyree just watched. He was at a loss for words. He didn’t know what to say or think. He knew he always hated John, but to think that he would try to kill Miguel was too much. He couldn’t process anything. He just knew what he needed to do. He needed to see Mia, spend one last night letting her know how much he loved her; and then he had to let her go. He knew making her stay was a huge mistake he would only live to regret. They were safer, better without him.

  When he reached for the door, Terence stopped him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t do it. I know what you’re thinking, and it’s not true. You can be with them. Stay with them.”

  “I can’t. They wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t made her promise me. She needs to take him and get far away from here, far away from me.”

  “Tyree, no,” Asha interjected. “You just leave with them. It was what you wanted before all this.”

  “Yeah, before I found out about Renee and the baby. I can’t just allow her to raise my child alone. I don’t trust her that much.”

  “Tyree, you can’t worry about Renee. She is not who you think she is.” Pausing, Asha crossed her arms over her chest. “What about Mia? She will be alone if you do this.”

  Not missing the obvious hesitation in his sister, Tyree decided not to push. He knew if Asha was holding something back, it was just because she didn’t have it all figured out. “Mia is a wonderful mother. She doesn’t need me. She takes better care of him than I ever could. I’m not saying I won’t see them again, just not for right now; and I know, after this, we will never be together again. As for Renee, I guess this is my payback for all the things I’ve done wrong.”

  “We can figure it out,” Terence pleaded.

  “By the time we figure it out, they could be dead. I can’t take that chance.”

  “So, you’re giving up?”

  “No. I’m saving her. I can live with being unhappy as long as they’re safe.”

  “She will never forgive you if you do this.”

  “I know.” He walked out the door.

  After leaving that night, Tyree went back to the house, where he explained everything to Rick and made him promise to double security. He also explained things to Jackson and stressed the importance of getting out of town the next day and persuaded him to take Kyan and Mia with him. He told him that he had set something up on an island in Maui. He knew no one would find them there. He had planned for it to be their first stop on his extended vacation with them.

  Tyree had given the plans to only one person besides Jackson so that it would remain undisclosed. He had it listed that they would be traveling back to Paris just for the books. That way, if anyone were to look for them, they would be at one hell of a disadvantage. He wanted to make sure he covered everything well. He needed them to be untraceable.

  Once all the planning was done and everyone knew their roles, all Tyree had to do was carry out his part. It was going to be the hardest thing he ever had to do, but it was necessary. Letting her go a second time was going to crush him, but it was going to save her. He kept telling himself that ranked above all else. He also knew that if he left, he would never figure out Renee’s secrets. Asha’s slip-up earlier let him know that there was something there, so he decided to make a few calls. He knew one person who would know more than anyone else: her mother.

  As Tyree’s mind glided back into the present, he jumped to his feet, reaching for the door. His adrenalin was pumping. He needed to know why she hadn’t gone on the trip. He knew this visit wasn’t going to go over well, but he had to make her go by any means necessary. He was halfway out the door when he thought about something and flew back inside.

  “Don’t talk about anything here. As a matter of fact, don’t talk about anything at the office.”

  They all nodded as he sprinted out of the room. He saw the handful of guards Rock allowed, and nodded, smiling at them subtly. He was sure they were fine, but he couldn’t be too cautious. Rock had hand-picked the entire squad. The one person’s judgment he trusted was Rock’s. He knew he would never allow anything to happen to either his brother or sister. He was thankful for that. At least he knew they were safe. Mia, she was a different subject. He knew she had no idea, but her reckless attitude was endangering her well-being.

  As he sped over to her house, he couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips. As angry as he was that she wasn’t somewhere on a beach, gazing at the moon, hopefully thinking of him, it was going to be good to see her. The last time he saw her, watching the tears fall from her eyes, he almost dropped his act and pulled her to him. He knew it would have defeated the purpose, but now that she was staying, he thought, why couldn’t he hold her again? He knew it was selfish to think that way, but he wanted the warmth of her touch. He needed to feel her love once more.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  “Everything is going to be okay, right?” Cassandra made her way into Rick’s library. She scanned the walls, looking around at the freshly painted room. The shelves still had the new wood smell, and the floors sparkled like nothing ever happened there. It was almost like Helen’s death hadn’t happened. He still hadn’t responded by the time she rounded the desk and took a seat in his lap. Brushing her hand down his cheek, she leaned in, placing her ear to his chest. She could hear his uneven breaths. “Honey, is it going to be okay?” She sat up to look at his vacant expression.

  “I don’t know,” he replied quietly. She barely heard him until he grabbed her face and pulled her forehead to his. “You should go. Staying here isn’t good for you. This place is cursed. There is nothing but horrible memories between these walls.”

  Cassandra allowed tears to cascade down her cheeks. “Don’t say that. We raised our daughter here. Your family was raised here, you and your sisters.”

  “And they also died here or came damn close to it. No matter how many times we redecorate, this will always be a fortress of misery. I can’t stand being here. How can you?”

  “Memories,” she whispered. “A lot of terrible things happened, but so many wonderful things have, too. You can’t blame this place. Places don’t kill, people do.”

  “Yeah, we come from a family where husbands kill their wives and fathers kill their daughters. Goddammit! Why couldn’t I save them?” he screamed. “I had one thing to do, look after my family, and I couldn’t do it. Mia, Janelle, Mom, they all counted on me, and I let them down. I failed them.”

  Grabbing his face and making him stare her down, Cassandra sighed. “You always protect everyone. You do it for me; you take care of Whitney, Kyan, and Mia. You shouldn’t beat yourself up for this. It won’t help anything.” She placed a light kiss on his lips. “Now, cheer up, handsome. I need you at your best with this most recent mess.”

  “How can I just take it back? How can I just step back in like nothing has happened? I can’t take this company that’s laced with my mother’s and sister’s blood. They died for this.”

  “You take it and make them proud. Neither of them would want you struggling over this. Helen knew what Richmond was capable of, and Janelle wanted to stop him, obviously. They would be proud of you for going on with your life. You sitting here feeling guilty is the last thing they would want.”

  “I just . . . I don’t know how.”

  “You will, and I’m here to help you,” a voice sounded out behind them.

  “What are you doing here?” Cassandra scowled. “You have to leave.”

  “Dang, Mom, I thought you would be happy to see me.” Whitney dropped her bags to the floor.

  “Sweetheart, I told you not to come. I needed you at school.”

  “You see, I’m not one to stand back while my family is in turmoil.”

  Cassandra wanted to rush her away, but she couldn’t help admiring her bea
utiful daughter. Her appearance had changed since the last time she saw her. Her hair was in its natural ringlets, but it still draped past her shoulders. Her golden skin was glistening under the low lights of the office, her brown eyes sparkled with hope that couldn’t be denied, and her smile brightened their gloomy moods.

  “How did you know anything about this?”

  “Word travels fast on the World Wide Web, Mom.” She held out her cell for them to see. “This is everywhere.”


  Cursing and shoving the phone back in her hands, Rick retreated to his seat. “This is a circus. Who in the hell leaked this?”

  “So it’s true? Granddad killed Aunt Janelle and Gran?”

  “This is way out of hand,” Cassandra supplied, not offering an answer to the awkward question. “Whitney, sweetheart, your dad and I love seeing you, but now isn’t a good time. I think you should go back.”

  “Mom, I can’t. I’m no better off there than I am here. I didn’t find out just by surfing the Web. I had swarms of reporters outside my dorm room. It seemed like as good a time as any to come home.”

  “Fuck,” Rick snapped. “I’m sorry, princess. Let me send you somewhere remote. How about a vacation until things blow over?”

  “Dad, I’m fine. You guys need me more than I need to be on some island. Plus, I haven’t seen Aunt Mia in so long. I want to catch up with her.”

  “Your aunt won’t be good company, I’m afraid. She isn’t herself these days.”

  “Uncle Tyree?” Whitney questioned with a dreamy look. She was always quite fond of him. “What happened? The last time we talked everything was great.”

  “It’s complicated. They just need to find common ground.”

  “They will.” She smiled at her mother.

  “I don’t know this time,” she said and looked away sadly. “There may be too much to come back from.”

  “Have faith, Mom. They are soul mates. They give me hope.”

  “Hope?” Rick questioned. “Is some little boy trying things on you?”

  “Rick,” Cassandra snapped. “She is a grown woman. If she wants male company, she can have male company.”

  “I’m glad you said that, Mom.” She walked backward, grabbing a nervous young man from behind the door. He was tall, about six feet two, thin, but not frail. He had a muscular physique and light brown eyes that rested behind his dark-rimmed glasses. He was a milk chocolate–skinned, handsome boy. Cassandra was impressed and couldn’t help but break into a smile while Rick was eying him skeptically.

  “Who are you?” Rick’s voice was slightly intimidating.

  “Mom, Dad, meet my boyfriend, Jude. Jude is a second-year law student and comes from an impeccable family, not that it matters. Our family may be known around the world, but it is seriously damaged now that Granddad has ruined us.”

  “We’re not ruined, darling, just rebuilding; and it’s nice to meet you, Jude.” Cassandra offered her hand for him to shake. When Rick just stood with his arms crossed, she nudged him, narrowing her eyes at him. “Say hello. Stop being rude.”

  Reaching his hand out, Rick grabbed Jude in a rough handshake. “Where are you staying?”

  “Here, of course,” Cassandra interjected, rolling her eyes at him. “I’m sorry we’re meeting under these circumstances, but you will be safe here. We have security everywhere.”

  “I’m fine, ma’am. I just wanted to make sure Whitney would be safe. I fought our way out of the dorms and threw her on the first plane out of there. It’s my fault she came here. I apologize.”

  “No need. You thought fast. It’s admirable. Right, Rick?” She gave him the evil eye.

  “Right,” he hissed quietly.

  Turning away from Rick, Cassandra plastered on a smile and looked at the two kids before her. “Whitney, take Jude upstairs and put him in one of the spare rooms.”

  “Preferably not one close to yours,” Rick called out.

  “Sure, Dad, I’ll give him the one directly next door to me.” She walked toward the stairs.

  Once they were gone, Cassandra turned and smacked him on the shoulder.

  “What was that for?”

  “Being an ass. Our daughter never brings guys home, so she must be serious about this one, and you treat him like he has the plague. You’re ridiculous.”

  “No, I’m not. If he’s sleeping with my little girl, I hate him.”

  “She’s twenty-two. She makes her own decisions, and she could do a lot worse. He has to be intelligent to have gotten into law school. Obviously, he has focus, and he got her out of there when she was being hassled. You owe that boy an apology, and you damn well better issue it as soon as they come back down those stairs.”

  “I will not. Not in my house.”

  “Unfortunately for you, it’s my house too, and I say you will. You will do it, and you will mean it, or you’re going to be servicing your own needs for a long time after this.”

  Rick huffed, and she knew she had him in a tough position. After several moments of deliberation, he nodded in agreement. “Fine, I’ll do it, but I want a close eye kept on him. Dammit, this is not the time for company when we’re in such a precarious state. Things are so messy right now.”

  “Things are always messy around here. This time just sticks out more than the others.” She turned on her heels.

  Watching as Cassandra disappeared upstairs, Rick flopped into his chair. He had picked up a few papers, and he was looking them over when his phone rang. He picked it up hastily, not really wanting to be bothered. When he heard the chilling voice on the other end, his anger rose.

  “You have to be out of your mind calling here.”

  “You have to be out of your mind thinking I’m just going to let any of this stop me. I told you to stay your ass out of the business, and here you are knee-deep in it.”

  “You have no say, bastard. You lost all your rights when you killed my mother and sister. When they find you, you’re going to burn in hell.”

  “They won’t find me until I’m ready to be found. Until then, you better keep your sister and yourself away from Livingston, or you can start plot digging.”

  “You can’t do shit. You step within a hundred feet of anyone in this family, and you’ll be executed. If the feds don’t do it, then I surely won’t hesitate.”

  Rick heard Richmond’s wicked laugh and shuddered. “I know you’re probably trying to trace this call but, let me assure you, you never will. I’m smarter than you all, and I’ll never let you turn me over. This is all done on my terms. Always remember that.” He continued to laugh, and Rick fought the urge to slam the phone in his ear. “Oh and, by the way, tell your sister I said hello. It’s been so long since I’ve seen my beautiful dove. You tell her Daddy will see her soon.”

  “You stay the fuck away from Mia.” He jumped to his feet.

  “Good-bye.” He hung up, and Rick was left gasping for air. His head shot down to Mia’s house, and he sighed in relief. He knew they had guards everywhere, and there was no way he could get to her, but he still wished she had gotten on the plane with Kyan. He didn’t know what had changed. She was packed, she even seemed open to the idea of spending more time with Milan, but as soon as they got to the jet something snapped in her. She refused to get on, and she gave Kyan a tearful good-bye before turning and hopping into a cab they never knew she had called. It was all strange, but he knew one thing for sure: Tyree was going to be livid. After all he had gone through to get her to leave, for her to just change her mind was going to send him off the deep end.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Mia stirred a little as she felt a pair of strong arms encase her. She was already in bed, fast asleep, even though it was only eight-thirty. She had said good-bye to her son for however long and, the more she thought about it, it was probably for the best. He didn’t need to be around fo
r the drama surrounding her life. She knew Milan and Jackson would take excellent care of him.

  In a way, she envied them for the connection they shared; it was the same connection she thought she and Tyree had up until this morning. He really made an ass of himself and embarrassed her in the process. She wasn’t sure if she could ever forgive him; but him slipping in now, holding her so closely, was clouding her brain. She wanted to be a person who could turn and kick him out, but she honestly needed him.

  As she snuggled closer to him, he leaned in, nibbling her ear. It was odd; he was never one to nibble her ear in the past. Before, when he knew he was in trouble, he would have just leaned in, placing a sweet kiss on the spot on her neck that always made her cave. In all the years they had been together that was where he began his attack. He called it skipping straight to the point.

  After a few minutes of the nibbling and silence, Mia was growing impatient. It wasn’t that it didn’t feel good; it just wasn’t enough to make her forget the scene he caused. She was weak. She almost caved until her sense kicked in. He was going to explain himself before they went any further. Just as she was about to pull herself out of his embrace and voice her frustrations, the bedroom door flew open, and the light turned on. The shock was present in the angry eyes she was greeted by, and confusion clouded her brain.

  “What? How are you . . . how are you there if . . .” Mia pulled the covers back to find Jake lying beside her, and a tear trickled down her face. Tyree looked like he wanted to kill them both, and he punched the wall beside him. When Mia jumped and threw the covers from her legs, he held a hand out to stop her from coming closer. She reached for him, and he slapped her hand away.

  “Don’t you dare touch me.”

  “Ty, baby, I don’t—”

  “Shut up,” he yelled. “Just shut the hell up. I don’t want to hear another lie come out of your mouth. This, us, we’re done.”

  Mia was overcome with tears. She was completely caught off guard when he stormed in, and she almost forgot the argument they had earlier; almost. When everything registered in her mind, her arms crossed and her expression went from sad to irate. “Fuck you!” she snapped, undoubtedly jerking him out of his anger into surprise. He was looking at her with such heartbreak, it nearly made her stop short, but her anger was too great. “I gave you everything, and you tossed me aside for that bitch!”


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