Heart Ties: Love Never Dies Novella

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Heart Ties: Love Never Dies Novella Page 6

by Linda L Barton

  With tear-filled eyes, Connie nodded her understanding. “Be safe, okay? I’ll send you a bunch of pictures of the wedding.”

  “Okay, I look forward to getting them. Goodnight, and congratulations.” Before she could respond, Shane disconnected the call. He knew he should have waited, but he did not want her to see him cry.


  The sound of the rotor blades always seemed comforting to Shane. They had left the base and would fly about a half an hour to the drop zone. Then they would hike roughly six hours to the meeting location.

  Resting his head on the wall, Shane decided to use this time to go over their plans again.

  You need to take care, my love. You are headed into great danger.

  Shane knew she wanted him to be safe and would always warn him not to take any unnecessary chances.

  “Don’t worry, I promise not to take any chances,” he mumbled under his breath.

  “What did you say?” Ramsey looked over at Shane, wondering what was going on with him.

  “Nothing, I was just talking to myself. Just going over the plans in my head again.”

  An expression of concern filled Ramsey’s face, “Yeah, I’m having a bad feeling about this one, too.”

  Not wanting to continue with this conversation, Shane shifted in place and closed his eyes again.

  Ramsey began to speak but thought better of it. He decided to follow suit and get a little rest before they landed.


  “Sir, we’re almost to the LZ.”

  Coming out of his thoughts, Shane leaned forward and glanced outside. The sun sat low in the sky, letting him know they would enjoy the cover of night for their hike. “Good, come on guys, we have a long walk ahead of us.”

  The mood of the group was a mixture of excitement and concern. This was an important mission as they were to pick up a valuable informant. A few weeks earlier, he had provided them with information about a camp of the jihadists planning to plant IED’s along a main route used by the locals as well as the US military. The US had used the Intel to destroy the camp; however, the informant now feared the handful of survivors may have discovered he was the one to betray them.

  Once they were all on the ground, and the helicopter was gone, Shane turned toward his men, “We have six hours to get there. At least we’ll have some moonlight to guide us. Let’s head out.”

  Checking the gear one last time, the group headed out into the darkening sky.

  Shane found his mind wandering as they walked through the rough terrain. He was glad the moon cast a glow on the ground. He hated to admit it, but this wild, untamed part of the world had its moments of beauty.

  “There it is, Sir,” Campbell pointed to a rise of rocks ahead of them on the right.

  “Good, let’s get ready,” Shane quickened his pace.

  A cool breeze blew over the men while they waited. It had been around ten minutes when a small flash of light from below the rocks caught their attention.

  “There’s the signal,” Ramsey shifted, getting to his feet.

  Straining to see through the darkness, Shane cursed the clouds now blocking the moon. Not convinced there were no hostiles in the area, he decided they had no choice but to leave their secure spot.

  Each man focused on their surroundings and ready for anything. Each step, taken with care. Each breath, slowly exhaled so as not to disturb the night air. Each man knew the unexpected could happen at any moment. As they drew closer, each prayed this extraction would go off with a hitch.

  Stopping in place, the night air caressed Shane’s face. He could not explain it, but something was wrong.

  Straining through the darkness, he saw what he had feared. The clearing of the clouds illuminated the path ahead of them.

  “Son-of-a…” the words escaped Blair’s lips.

  The sight of the informant strapped to a large rock with his throat cut and his tongue pulled through the opening was beyond belief. Each member of the unit knew what would happen next.

  Before they had a chance to take cover, the sound of gunfire broke the silence of the night.

  Quickly, jumping behind a rock formation, Shane wondered how many insurgents they were facing. The clouds had moved in the sky, shadowing the area where Shane and his men had taken up defense.

  “Damnit, Campbell’s hit,” Ramsey grunted. “Hold on, kid.”

  Taking aim at the gun flash from the jihadists, Shane pulled off a few shots. Each hitting their mark.

  Shouts of rage and cries of the dying filled the air. Shane had no idea how long the gun fight had lasted, but suddenly silence came from the direction of their attackers.

  “I think we got them,” Thompson slowly stood, looking in their direction.

  “How’s Campbell? Is anyone else injured?” Shane struggled to stand, but his legs buckled beneath him.

  “Campbell’s gone. Michaels is wounded, but it looks like he’ll be okay. A round grazed that hard head of his.” Ramsey held a gauze pad against the wound to slow the bleeding.

  “I’m okay, but you’ve been hit,” Thompson moaned as he kneeled next to Shane.

  In all the excitement, Shane never felt the bullet enter his chest. He had noticed his breathing seemed strained but had assumed it was caused by the adrenaline rushing through his body. “Well, damn…”

  “Crap, you’re losing too much blood.” Thompson applied pressure to the wound, trying to slow the blood loss. “Blair, grab a chest seal out of my pocket.”

  Not wasting a moment, Blair quickly retrieved the gauze and opened the package. His heart pounded in his chest at the sight of the blood soaking through Thompson’s fingers. “Here it is.”

  “I need you to open it and get the cleaner cloth out. We need to clean the area of the excess blood. I want you to hand me the seal then I need you to quickly clean the area. Are you ready?”

  Blair nodded his understanding.

  Their gazes met, each wondering if they could save their friend. “Okay, now.”

  It happened so quickly that Shane never felt the square seal slapped onto his chest. Thompson held his hand over the seal, pressing it firmly.

  “His breathing sounds a little better,” Blair sighed, knowing it was going to be touch and go from here on out.

  “Ramsey, have you called for evac yet?” Thompson leaned forward, trying to get a better idea of the ease at which Shane was breathing. He was sure the bullet had punctured a lung. He just prayed it had not nicked his heart.

  Shane grew paler with each passing moment, and his skin appeared clammy. “Damnit, if we don’t get him back to the base soon, there’s a good chance he won’t survive.”

  “Yes, they said they’ll be here in five minutes,” Ramsey fumbled through his pocket for a packet of combat gauze. “Damn, I can’t get Michaels wound to stop bleeding.”

  Realizing he was no longer needed, Blair moved over to Ramsey. “Here, let me get that for you.

  Reaching into the pocket, Blair pulled out the packet and then opened it. Handing the gauze to Ramsey, he sat next to Michaels. “Man, that’s gonna leave one hell of a scar. You’re not gonna look so sexy without a shirt anymore.”

  Struggling to smile, Michaels grunted through the pain, “Hell, I’ve heard chicks love scars.”

  “Huh, I guess you’re right. Well, with this one you’re sure to get all the pretty women then,” Blair struggled to distract Michaels from Ramsey forcing the gauze into the wound on his shoulder.

  After a couple of minutes, Ramsey leaned back and grinned, “There you go. You’re stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey.”

  It had always amazed Ramsey how well the combat gauze worked to stop bleeding. On first inspection, it simply appeared to be regular dressing; however, it was infused with a unique clay substance that clotted the blood. Once you found the source of the bleeding, you needed to unroll the gauze and layer it onto the escaping blood. While doing this, you must press the gauze firmly
until you fill the wound. As the clay substance soaked up the blood, it would congeal, thus stopping the bleeding. Then the packed gauze would protect the wound from foreign objects just as dirt and such.

  Shane had watched the commotion between Ramsey, Blair, and Michaels. He knew he should feel pain, but he only felt a warm, calm feeling move over him.

  My love, you have done well.

  Shane wondered why she had come to him this time. He opened his mouth to speak, but the voice interrupted.

  We have been through so many lives together. We have known great joy, and we have known great sorrow. Each of us had lessons to learn before we could move on to the next level.

  The sound of the rotor blades in the distance echoed in Shane’s ears. He could hear Ramsey shouting something about moving toward the helicopter, but he wanted to stay where he was.

  It is time for you to release this life, my love. It is time to join me on our next path.

  The sound of her voice filled him with joy. It was as though all the angels in heaven were singing, letting him know it was time to leave this earthly existence.

  Let go, my love. Let go of this life, and all the pain will be gone.

  A lightness filled Shane’s body. Reaching out and placing his hand on Thompson’s arm, Shane opened his eyes and met his gaze. “Goodbye, my old friend. Please check in on Connie from time to time for me, and make sure she gets the money I left for her and her daughter.”

  “Don’t talk that way. The helicopter is here, and you’ll be back at the base in no time.” Thompson struggled to stop the tears now wetting his eyes. He knew his friend was dying, and there was nothing he could do.

  Grasping Thompson’s arm, Shane struggled to speak, “Promise me.”

  “I promise.”

  “Over here! We need to get him loaded first.”

  Shane knew there was commotion all around him, but he felt as though he was somewhere else; somewhere calm and far away. He never felt them lift him up and load him onto the helicopter. He never felt the medic working on him. He could hear everyone talking in excited tones, but they seemed so far away.

  My love, it’s time.

  Shane knew what she meant. It was his time to die. He had always wondered what he would feel at that time. He had seen so much death. He had seen the fear in a dying man’s eyes as he surrendered his life to the unknown. He had witnessed the rage of having one’s life stolen from them.

  However, Shane felt neither of those emotions. He thought back over his life. He had made so many choices in his life; some good, some not. The image of his parents flowed into his mind and his heart filled with gratitude.

  “Don’t give up, Shane! Keep fighting!”

  The steady drumbeat of the rotor blades cutting through the air called out to him. Shane knew someone was talking to him, but their voice seemed to grow further and further away.

  “I’m ready,” lost in the sound of the rotor blades, his words went unheard by those working frantically to save his life.

  “Crap, we’re losing him!”

  Shane knew this was the end for him. As the sensation of being in the body grew weaker, Shane felt a new feeling consume him. He could not explain it, but it was as though he was no longer contained in his physical body. He was something different, something more.

  Suddenly, in his mind’s eye, a light began to form with a figure standing within it. “Is that you? Have you come for me?”

  Shane could not explain it, but he felt complete love and joy fill his soul. It was as though a long, arduous journey had come to an end.

  “Yes, my love, it is I.” The image of a beautiful auburn-haired woman moved out of the light and stood before him.

  “I remember you. You’re the beautiful woman who came to me all those years ago. You’re the one who has spoken to me and warned me of danger.”

  “Yes, my love. I have always been with you.”

  “We’ve been together in other lives, haven’t we?”

  A smile crossed her lips. “Yes, many times. You have known me by several names.”

  Suddenly, a rush of images filled Shane’s mind. He was aware that it only took an instant, but he watched as several lifetimes played out in his mind.

  “Do you understand now?” Her eyes glistened with joy.

  Shane paused, unable to choose his words. He had never known souls were connected through time. He had heard about reincarnation, but he never really understood its true meaning. However, now it was all so clear.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry to have made you wait for me. I just never fully understood.”

  Reaching up, her hand gently touched his face. “Do not feel sorrow, my love. Each soul has a path it must follow and lessons to learn before they move on to the next.”

  “Yes, but you waited for me to learn how to release my pride and anger.” Shane took her hand and pulled it to his lips, kissing it gently.

  “We had promised long ago to find each other in our different lives. We have loved each other for longer than time. This next path is one we have always wanted to travel together.”

  The smile on her face warmed his heart and filled him with joy. Shane heard the cries for him to fight his death, but they now seemed distant and unimportant.

  “I’m ready to leave this life. I have completed this lonely journey, and I’m ready to move onward with you.”

  A welcoming glow of light filled Shane’s mind, and at that moment, he knew pure joy.


  Life is full of many experiences. Some bring us joy and others bring us sorrow. However, through this journey, we call life there is one thing we need to learn…that we are all connected. Our souls will come in and out of existence. We will cross paths, and then move on. However, there are some souls destined to spend eternity together. Connected by the power of pure love, those souls will find each other throughout incarnations. Then once both have learned to release themselves of the bounds of earthly emotions and desires, they move onward together. This is the promise of eternal happiness we all hope for ourselves.

  This is Heart Ties.

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