Hard Man to Kill (Dark Horse Guardian Series Book 4)

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Hard Man to Kill (Dark Horse Guardian Series Book 4) Page 14

by Armstrong, Ava

  Within a couple of minutes, he had Lara secured in a seatbelt in the front seat and Einstein wedged into the backseat with his gear. He leaned over to do what he had been dreaming of doing for the last ten days. Taking Lara’s face into his hands, he touched his lips to hers, tasting the salty tears. “No more crying.” He whispered, pulling her hair back. “It’s all right. I’m here. Don’t worry. Oh, darlin, I missed you so much….” He kissed her again and revved the engine. She was revving his engine. He realized the sooner he got on the road, the sooner he’d be in a hot shower with her.

  The Nissan traveled at a high rate of speed to get to Clearwater Farm. The detectives waved him through, and it was then that Ben blew out a heavy sigh of relief. They unpacked the car and were inside by daybreak. Ben hugged his brothers and they slapped each other as if they hadn’t seen one other for a long time, even though they had just spent the last ten days together. It was more of a celebration of life for a moment. Then the exhaustion kicked in.

  Rusty and Gus volunteered to be first watch. The others all made their way to a guest bedroom.

  Ben took Lara’s hand and brought her to the master bedroom shower. He closed the door and scooped her into his arms. She snuggled against his chest. Whenever he pulled her into him this way and she melded to him, there was no doubt she belonged with him. They fit together perfectly. He wanted her close to his chest, close to his heart, always. “Oh, darlin, this is where I want to be, with you.”

  Ben's hands never left her. His fingers ran under her shirt and across her back, craving her soft skin, her feminine smell, her delicious mouth. His lips went to hers as if magnetically drawn. Although he was tired earlier, he felt a rush of adrenaline careening through him. As his rough hands caressed Lara’s softness, his hormones went into overdrive. It was as if the entire world melted away and the two of them were the only ones existing.

  Nuzzling her neck, he moved his hand to her breast and lightly traced her nipple with his thumb. He felt her respond, and knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her. She was placing light kisses on his face, neck and chest, driving him mad with anticipation. A feeling of uncontrollable joy flooded through him. How could he live without her every day, every night? It was getting more difficult. He fought off enemies, but he now wanted Lara to overthrow him. She probably didn’t know she had complete power over him, something he had never experienced before. As her hands and lips continued on the hungry search of his body, he laid back. Just watching her caress him, brought him to a height of arousal that was uncontrollable.

  “Oh, don’t stop,” he whispered. “I can’t take another day without you, without this. I love you so much, darlin.”

  “You’re here and you’re mine, right now,” she murmured between kisses. “I’m not letting you go. I’ve been dreaming of you.”

  “Don’t, baby. Don’t let me go.” Ben felt himself saying. He waited while she undressed him, but he helped her along. The eagerness could not be stopped or delayed. He wanted her so badly, he felt an ache inside that wouldn’t stop. He inhaled the sweet clean scent of her hair and tugged at her clothing. His heart was pounding non-stop, as he imagined all of the ways in which he could please her. Her full soft lips were on his mouth and the sensation was driving him wild. Kissing her was a delight unto itself; her velvety lips parted and her tongue invited his in.

  Her hands held his face, unshaven and disheveled, and she gazed into his eyes with pure love. “I want to make you feel good, Ben, I have missed you so much. I want…” He placed his finger on her lips and she took it into her mouth. He felt her sucking on his finger and her eyes locked with his. Damn. She could kiss his finger and drive him wild. What guy in his right mind would walk away from this, willingly? He had to be some kind of idiot.

  ~ Lara ~

  Taking a hot shower together, she felt as if she was having the most beautiful dream. Ben was with her in the shower, kissing her, washing her hair and holding her as if he couldn’t let her go. She knew he was exhausted, but he was ready for lovemaking. And, as tired as she was, she wanted him more than ever.

  As they toweled one another off, she felt impulsive. She let herself feel happiness, then giggled, “Where have you been?”

  “That’s top secret, ma’am…” Ben said in a stern voice. Her back was against the bathroom wall, and he was above her covering her mouth with his. She felt his tongue probing. Judging from his urgent French kiss, she sensed there would be no restraint. But, surprising her, he took a deep breath and brought her hand to his mouth. Kissing the palm of her hand, he whispered, “I want you, darlin. I’ll do my best to take my time.”

  “Just love me, Ben. I can’t wait either. Do whatever you want. I missed you so much.” She spoke the words, thinking she sounded bold. All she knew was: she wanted him, and couldn’t slow her own arousal. Longing, yearning, whatever it was – it was strong. It was more than yearning, it was an ache that wouldn’t go away. She had played this out in her mind so many times lying in bed alone.

  Tugging him by the hand, she insisted he recline upon the bed, and she sat atop him. She let her wet dark hair surround her, and felt his hands reaching for her face. His strong arms pulled her onto him. His kiss was urgent, warm and wet. He was an expert at French-kissing, while his hands skimmed her waist and outer thighs, then moved to her rear. She felt his hard erection against her belly. Oh – this was going to be a delightful treat.

  His hands grasped her bottom with an urgency, but she arched her back slightly and he suckled her breast. Frantic for one long moment, she wanted to tease him, savor everything about him. Although she was on top, in control, there were times when she really wasn’t. His mouth on her nipple shot a wave of electricity through her, making her want to relinquish any semblance of power. She wanted him to linger with her erect nipples for a while, a sweet sensual pleasure.

  Lara slipped her hand between his legs and grabbed his throbbing hardness. At that moment, it felt as if a switch had been thrown. She suddenly became even more eager to please him, but also wanted more than ever to enjoy the most intimate part of her handsome husband. She could hear his breathing quicken as she moved lower; he grew harder and his breath caught in his throat. She watched him through half-closed eyes as a slow, secret smile came over his lips. His eyes met hers momentarily, then closed.

  Stroking him, she watched as his body responded involuntarily. Incredibly sexy, she watched his manhood glisten in the sunlight filtering through the drapes. She could no longer stop herself from wanting him – all of him. Mounting him, she heard him exhale and she put her hands on his muscled chest. She began moving him against her, so that he was at the entrance of her warm, wet spot. Swollen and ready, she gasped as his erection slid inside. She ceased moving for a moment and clenched him, instinctively knowing he was feeling pure pleasure. She heard him cry out. Then, slowly, methodically, she moved up and down, writhing in pleasure as waves of ecstasy overtook her.

  ~ Ben ~

  It was as if Lara could read his mind. She was doing all of the things he wanted, touching him in a way that drove him wild. Watching her gyrate on him, he was captivated. Lovemaking with her was incredible. She leaned down to touch his chest, and he felt her lips on him, everywhere. Her mouth was tantalizing, and made him frantic to the point of not knowing if he wanted them on his mouth, his chest, or his cock. Damn, he wanted her to kiss him everywhere all at once.

  When she pulled him inside of her, he had no restraint left. She was in control, and he enjoyed the show. He suspected she had no idea how sexy she looked moving on him that way, how she felt sliding against his body. He traced her mouth with his thumb and she sucked his finger. A moment later she kissed his chest, then her lips were on his mouth and she was wildly panting, thrilling him to the point of no return. As she rode him rhythmically, the sensation became a sensual grinding movement, lasting much longer than he thought it would. Carnal pleasure overwhelmed him as he completely lost control. He cried out with delight as she drove him

  Exhausted, she collapsed upon him, her face next to his. He felt her breathing erratically, while he fought to control his own ragged breath. “Don’t think you’re done,” he whispered. After a few moments, he felt her body relax, and her face turned to his. He kissed her forehead as she nuzzled against his chest. He enjoyed the warmth of her body against him, and pulled the sheet and blanket over them creating a comfortable cocoon. Illuminated by a sliver of sunlight, her beautiful face, was the last image he recalled before falling into deep slumber.

  ~ Abdul ~

  He had been in touch with the Americans, Aaron and Tim. But, somehow, Lara Keegan managed to elude them. They had followed her Mercedes in the night through New Hampshire, into Massachusetts, then they lost her. They were searching for Lara, but no sign of her had surfaced yet.

  The Muslim Fellowship leaked the information as requested by the CIA Director. The Muslim Fellowship was now in the State Department, as well as the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Defense, and the Muslim Fellowship was at Abdul’s beck and call.

  Abdul knew it would only be a matter of time before they’d be able to stop Keegan, and all of the CIA snooping on his fellow jihadists. The group had even infiltrated the FBI and the CIA. It would be discrimination for them to be turned down for these government jobs. Abdul loved the liberal legal system in the United States of America. It was ripe for infiltration, and would be easy to take over with Sharia Law, little by little. Death by a thousand cuts. Stealth jihad.

  Sharia law was already being implemented in New Jersey, Texas, Florida, Canada, and had a stronghold in Michigan. Every day, orders were being given by his father on Twitter, with lists of American soldiers to kill, complete with names and addresses. The terror cell used Google maps to locate their targets. His brothers were more than happy to sacrifice their lives in order to kill as many American soldiers as possible. Each one killed was a credit to their cause and martyrdom was their calling.

  The Muslim Fellowship was now actively promoting gun control, collecting millions of dollars for the cause of making America a gun-free zone. And, it was working. Entire states, like New York and even the capitol of the nation, banned gun ownership, and made very few exceptions. Government buildings, public schools, campuses at universities, and entire large cities were now soft targets. Their precious Second Amendment was being eroded, little by little. But, the Muslim Fellowship had a great deal of patience, money, and influence. Soon, all of America would be a gun-free zone, making Islamic take-over free of resistance.

  Co-existing with the infidel was ideal. They even sold bumper stickers to further their cause. They were lulling the Americans into a sense of fellowship, peace, security. The Americans were too busy watching sports and entertaining themselves with recreational drugs to be aware of what was really taking place in their country. Good. Go to the movies, enjoy your free time. Argue over the sporting competitions. Go to the casino. Abdul was happy that those he wished to bring to submission would be so easy to subdue. They were fat, lazy and ignorant. And, soon they’d be unarmed. Perfect for overthrowing when the time was right.

  Even though most of the plans the Muslim Fellowship had made were coming to fruition, he still hadn’t captured Keegan. His father, the great Salib Madi, was ranting and raving today, even though Abdul had managed to be captured, then released by this Keegan. He thought his father would sing his praises for being so clever, for pretending to be a deaf mute and escaping. But, it was exactly the opposite. His father was angry, more so now than ever.

  Thus, Ibrahim and Abdul had come up with the perfect plan to kill Keegan. It might take weeks, months, even a year, because Keegan already knew they were searching for him. Keegan managed to secure his family in his Clearwater Farm safe house. But, how long could he remain safe from the hunting party that would be tracking him every minute of every day? Abdul smiled as he read the latest intel on his laptop. Keegan was feeling pretty protected. He left his compound at least once a day. Tracking his movements, Aaron and Tim fed him information. Once he and Ibrahim got to the United States and made their own observations, things would progress more rapidly.

  The knock on the door jolted him out of his reverie of killing Ben Keegan. Abdul knew it was Saleh, his half-brother, although he seldom admitted to it. Although lately, Saleh was surprising him. Just the other day, Saleh had cut Ibrahim’s face with a fixed blade in a fight. Ibrahim’s pride was still wounded, but his face was healing well. Saleh seemed to be coming into his manhood, standing up for himself more. These were good qualities for an Islamic soldier.

  Saleh cracked the door after knocking, “Did you say to come in?”

  “Yes.” Abdul gestured for him to sit. He liked the way Saleh deferred to him; it showed he respected power, another good trait for a jihadist to have. Maybe Saleh could be useful after all.

  “How can I help you?” Saleh asked him, with a little bit of defiance in his black eyes. He looked much more like his mother than his father. But, that was fine with him. Abdul was glad he looked like his father more than any of his half-brothers. They envied him because he got preferential treatment due to the resemblance. It was rumored his father wanted Abdul to be the top general in the army of the Islamic State. If he brought Ben Keegan’s head to him, it would surely elevate him to the highest position. He wanted nothing more.

  “We are going to America. We have the visa paperwork prepared for you because you had mentioned you wanted to help us kill Ben Keegan. Do you want to go?” Abdul asked.

  “Yes, of course, where do I sign?” Saleh responded eagerly. Good. He was ready to do this.

  “You, me, and Ibrahim, will all be college students. We are going to the United States on a student visa. Not to worry about attending classes or anything like that. We will be free to roam once we get there. But, we will sign up for classes and attend just enough to look like we are students. Do you understand?” Abdul exhaled.

  “Yes.” Saleh eagerly signed the paperwork and pushed it across the desk. “When do we leave?”

  “Tomorrow I knew you’d sign the visa paperwork and want to go with us. Lately, you have been eager to help. So, I purchased plane tickets. We will fly together, the three of us.” Abdul extended the ticket envelope to Saleh. As he reached to take it, Abdul pulled it away. He watched Saleh’s eyes as he experienced confusion, then defiance once again.

  “What’s the matter?” Saleh asked, staring into his eyes.

  “Here, take them.” Abdul handed the tickets to him. “I just want you to know, I can take things away as quickly as I give them. Don’t forget that, Saleh….”

  “I won’t,” Saleh said, still making eye contact, looking defiant.

  “Make sure you don’t forget.” Abdul wanted to have the last word, and he did, as Saleh slinked out of the room.

  ~ Lara ~

  Living in lockdown for the past two months with Ben and his brotherhood settled into a comfortable routine, and she never believed she could enjoy having so many people at her house for an extended period of time. She began to feel they were her family. Together, the group worked with precision toward one goal: survival. Even though they were being stalked, when inside and sharing dinner or telling stories, it seemed like one big camping trip.

  Everyone worked together and they learned from one another. The men stood watch around the clock and made trips to the grocery store. The women home-schooled the children at Clearwater Farm. Lara was getting to know each Dark Horse Guardian personally. She loved the men as if they were her own brothers. Each one had a unique personality and brought special gifts to the table.

  But, more importantly, for the first time in her life she really bonded with women in a way she had never done before. The women married to these unique men fascinated Lara and taught her more than she ever could’ve imagined. They were strong, confident, capable, and above all, dedicated to their families. Even though the atmosphere at her quiet seaside manor could be overwhelming at times, Lara w
ould not have missed this for the world. She learned as much from the women as the men. The unique challenge was keeping the children from becoming bored during the winter months of January, February, and March.

  Ben continued teaching at the university part-time, and security was ramped up there, as well. The board of directors at the university were more than happy to do it, due to the fact that there had been an increase in campus crime in the last year anyway. Plus, Ben offered to pay for the extra security. He employed a few more veterans returning from the Middle East -- guys he knew and trusted.

  It drove some of the anti-gun advocates on campus a little crazy to have the armed personnel there, but the security detail blended in. You’d never know they were former Navy SEALs.

  But Lara knew -- if someone wanted to kill a person, having extra security would not necessarily prevent it. And, she constantly worried about what might happen next. She had deep concerns about losing Ben to a well-aimed bullet, or any of the others, for that matter. She had grown to love this extended family much more than she could have imagined.

  Her friendship with Monique deepened, as well. It was a wonderful diversion when she and Monique left to do design work at the bungalow. Often Rusty or Bettencourt would go along with them, plus Lara carried her firearm religiously. Lately, business had taken off. Home renovations were trending in favor of moving.

  “I wonder when we will be able to move about freely and not be afraid.” Monique asked as they rode in a different vehicle every day. Today it was an older Chevy Suburban with peeling paint and a dent or two, but it was fitted with bullet-proof windows and plating.

  “I don’t know ” Lara stared out of the window watching the outside world go by, remembering there was once a time when she was in the driver’s seat.


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