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Unbridled (The Monroe Series Book 2)

Page 9

by Nicole Dykes

What the hell?

  “Born and raised. I can’t believe we didn’t know each other.”

  “Yeah, well it’s a big city.”

  “That’s true. I grew up on the north side.”

  She smiles at him again, “Ah well that explains it, I grew up on the south side.”

  Dammit, did they forget I’m standing here?

  I butt in, “She actually grew up just down the street from me.”

  They don’t even fucking acknowledge me.

  He grins and teases Hannah with fake sympathy, “South side, huh. I’m so sorry for you.”

  She giggles—fucking giggles—again.

  What the fuck is happening here?

  And why the hell are they looking at each other like that?

  I don’t like it.

  He moves closer to Hannah’s other side, causing her to turn her back to me and picks up the conversation, “So are you liking it here at K-State?”

  “I do. I mean I’m very focused on school, so I’m probably not enjoying it as much as most, but I am enjoying my classes and my job.”

  “That’s awesome. I swear this is the first time I’ve been to a party in months. My friend had to beg me to come here tonight.”

  What’s messed up is he’s not lying. And I know for certain he’s just as obsessed with studying as Hannah.

  Hannah’s eyes light up a little, and she jerks her thumb in my direction, “I know the feeling. He got me here under mental duress.” They continue laughing and ignoring my presence, which is beginning to piss me off.

  “I’m glad he got you here. What’s your major?”

  She shrugs, “Right now, I’m undecided. What about you?”

  “Business management. I’m here to go to school, graduate at the top of my class, then in four years, go back to the Kansas City where I have a paid internship waiting for me at my father’s office. I just really want to earn it.”

  “That’s so impressive, Nick.”

  No, it’s not. I’m here to graduate too. And I already have my own business waiting, so I don’t even really need college.

  What the fuck is happening?

  He smiles at her, “Hey, you want to get a drink with me, Hannah?”

  “I actually don’t drink.”

  That’s right, fucker. Go away.

  “That’s cool, I’m actually only drinking Coke. Can’t stand alcohol.”

  She accepts, “Then I would love to.”

  As she starts to follow him, I take hold of her arm, “Hannah, I thought you didn’t want to stay long?”

  “I don’t, but I can stay enough for a drink with Nick. He seems really nice.” She whispers this to me right before she walks off with my friend, leaving me standing with my mouth hanging open.

  Fucking hell, what just happened?

  Chapter 12


  “It’s really nice to meet someone here who’s so serious about school,” I say to Nick. He hands me a red cup filled with ice and coke, and I smile and thank him. He’s really handsome. His looks are more subdued than Luke’s, but he’s still tall and really nicely built. His musculature is more like a runner’s. He has a kind smile, and when Lucas introduced us, something about him instantly attracted me to him.

  “I know what you mean. It does seem like over half of the student body is just here to party.” He looks around at the party going on around us, “Which, I swear I don’t normally do.”

  “This is actually my first college party, and I only came because Lucas promised me it would be tame compared to, I guess, the other college parties.”

  He laughs and nods his head, “Very true. I went to a couple last semester, and it only took me five minutes to realize that it wasn’t my scene. So, you’ve known Luke since kindergarten?”

  “Yes, until I had to move when we were thirteen. How do you know Lucas?”

  “We met in high school, freshmen year actually. That’s probably why I missed you.”

  I nod, “Guess so.”

  “You look really familiar to me, though.”

  I try to think, where we might have met, because I briefly thought the same thing. Then I think it’s probably at my job. “I work at Hale Library. Could that be it?”

  He nods and scratches his chin, “Most likely. I’m there quite a bit, but I’m always lost in the stacks or with my head in a book. I don’t think you ever helped me, though. I would remember that.” He snaps his fingers, “Do you go to the church on campus?”

  I nod, “Yes, every Sunday.”

  “That’s it. I’m there every Sunday, and I even go to a bible study every Wednesday.”

  “Then you might know my roommate. Her name is Rachel Montgomery?”

  He nods slightly, “Oh yeah, I know Rachel. Small world, huh?”

  “It certainly is,” I smile. My eyes scan the room, and my smile fades when I see Lucas staring at me like he is furious. What is his problem? He wanted me to come here.

  “So I’m assuming you’ll be there Sunday?”

  I’m distracted by Lucas’s heated gaze, barely catching Nick’s question. “Um, yes, of course.”

  “Maybe we can sit together, if you want?” The way he asks so shyly is cute, and I smile on the inside. Lucas would have just told me we’re going to sit together and ignored my protests. I smile at that thought.

  “I would like that,” I tell him.

  He pulls out his phone, bouncing it a couple of times in his hands like he’s working up his nerve, then he asks, “You think I could get your number? You know, in case I can’t find you that morning.”

  Poor guy, there’s no way I can say no, so I call out my cell phone number, and he sends me a text so I have his. I put my phone away and look up to see Luke heading our way, “Hannah, don’t you think we should go? I have a curfew.”

  I’m not ready to leave, but Rachel is probably losing her mind right now, and Lucas really does have a curfew. Not that he has ever really seemed to care before. “Yeah, you’re right.” I turn to Nick, “It was very nice to meet you.”

  He smiles, and it really is a nice smile. “It was great to meet you, Hannah, and I’ll see you Sunday.”

  “See you then.”

  That’s all I get to say because Lucas is dragging me out of the party so quickly I can barely keep up. When we get outside, I pull my arm away, “What’s wrong with you?”

  He keeps walking to his car and I follow a little more slowly. I barely hear his answer, “Nothing. I just need to get back.”

  I feel like I need to get his good mood back, but the drive is short. All I can think to say is, “So your friend Nick is really nice.”

  “Yeah. And what did he mean by seeing you Sunday?”

  “Oh, it’s the coolest thing, Lucas. We actually go to the same church.” I say excitedly.

  “You’re shitting me?”

  I laugh, “No, isn’t that great? He’s really nice, and I like how serious he is about school. He seems so driven.”

  “Yeah, he’s driven alright.”

  What is with the sarcasm?

  Lucas parks his car and walks me to my door. Usually, he would say something to make me laugh, but all I get is a curt, “Night.”

  Again, I wonder what his problem is, but he’s gone so fast I don’t get to ask. And as soon as I walk into my dorm room, Rachel is standing there with her arms folded and scowling. “Where have you been? Have you lost your mind, Hannah? It’s eleven o’clock at night. I almost called your father.”

  I set my purse down on the counter and slip my hoodie off before I answer. It also gives me time to bite back what I really want to say. Instead, I soothe her ruffled feathers, “Relax. I’m fine. I just went out to dinner with a friend, and then I ran into someone you actually know.”

  She’s still angry and those arms are still folded across her chest, but now she’s intrigued, “Who?”

  “Nick Pearson. I believe you have bible study with him.”

  She drops her arms, “I do. He’s a strong
Christian, Hannah. He always has something profound to add each week. You saw him tonight?”

  I’m not going to tell her exactly where I saw him, “Yeah, he’s really nice, and he’s actually going to join us at church this Sunday.”

  She actually cracks a smile, “Well that’s wonderful. Your dad will be pleased. He is exactly the kind of man he would want to see you settle down with so you can marry and start having babies.”


  I’m almost fairly certain the only reason Rachel is here is to spy on me for my father and to land herself a college-educated, religious man. “Yeah, well let’s not call him just yet. I just met him, and I don’t intend on settling down until I finish college. Now, I’m beat, so I’m going to go to bed.”

  I don’t give her any more opportunity to lecture me on being out so late or the right path. and escape to my room. I get dressed for bed before plugging in my phone. It buzzes in my hand with a text. Thinking it’s from Lucas, I get butterflies in my stomach, but then again that always happens. When I see Nick’s number, they die away.

  Nick: I’m so glad Luke wanted us to meet. Sweet dreams, Hannah.

  I lay there for a moment thinking about his text. I wonder if it’s true. Did Lucas try to fix us up? I know that can’t be true. First of all, that is definitely not something he would do, like in a million years. Secondly, for some reason he wasn’t too happy about Nick and I hitting it off. And that has me wondering, why?

  Is Nick too good to be true?

  I return his text with a simple:

  Hannah: I’m also glad we met. Sleep well.

  I snuggle down against my pillows and try to clear my head. My conversation with Nick battles with images of Lucas’s angry face fill my head as I drift off to sleep. My last thought is, why did he seem so upset?

  Sunday morning Rachel seems more nervous than I am to be joining Nick. She has straightened my dress several times. He sent me a text this morning to tell me he’ll wait at the entrance for us. As we walk to church, I find I’m excited to get to know him more, but I still don’t feel that flutter in my tummy.

  The one Lucas causes.

  We see Nick standing outside of the church, and he’s looking handsome, dressed in a nice suit and tie. Yep, Rachel is going to love him. She hates how casual people dress for church these days. It’s her esteemed opinion that one should always dress up to go to church, so I know Nick will get more good marks. Nick greets me with a big smile, “Hello, Hannah, you look really nice.”

  I smile politely, “Thank you, you too.” I nod to Rachel, “And you know Rachel?”

  He nods in her direction, “Of course. It’s nice to see you again, Rachel.”

  I’ve never seen her smile so big, “It’s certainly a pleasure to see you again as well.”

  Finally, we go inside and find a seat in the second row. Rachel looks so pleased it’s almost a sight to behold. I’ve never seen her so happy with me, which really gets under my skin. I briefly think about what would happen if she knew that I’ve been spending most of my time with Lucas or that he and Nick are friends. I know without a doubt she would not approve. She would most likely go insane at the thought that Nick or I either one would give Lucas Monroe the time of day, let alone call him a friend. An evil grin almost forms on my face at that thought, and I barely keep myself from laughing out loud because laughing in church would not be good.

  And you need to be good, Hannah.

  After the service, we stand outside and make small talk, well Rachel and Nick do. I just stand there looking awkward while they discuss something about their bible study group. Then Nick says, “That was a great service.”

  Rachel pipes up, “It truly was inspiring wasn’t it?” She nudges me, “What did you think, Hannah?”

  I don’t have a clue because I wasn’t paying attention.

  As usual, I wing it with my go-to answer, “Truly inspiring.”

  They both nod their heads, then Nick looks at me hopefully, “Would you ladies like to join me for lunch?”

  Rachel beams at the idea, “I would love to.”

  Now you see, most girls would probably bow out and let their friend go alone. Not Rachel. For one thing, it’s not appropriate in her eyes to be alone with him so soon after meeting him. For another thing, well, I’m pretty sure she has a thing for Nick herself.

  So sad for Nick if that’s true.

  “Actually, I have to be at work in an hour.”

  He looks across the street to Aggieville. Yes, there’s a cluster of bars and restaurants right across the street from the campus church. How dreadfully convenient for me right now.

  “I know there’s a great deli right there, so we can grab something quick. You have to eat, Hannah.”

  To which Rachel quickly agrees, “He’s right you know. You can’t work your entire shift on no food. You need to listen to him.”

  I have a sinking feeling in my stomach, listening to the two of them tell me what’s best for me. It’s so different when Lucas does the same thing. He’s not dictating as much as he’s just encouraging me to live and with Lucas I actually feel like I have a voice, he will listen to me. Now, it feels like there is just someone else to tell me what I have to do and what I need to do. Like they know better. Rachel’s eyes are telling me not to blow it, so stupidly I nod in agreement and we walk across the street for that quick lunch.

  And I hate myself a little for giving in.

  I allow Rachel and Nick to dominate the conversation while I arrange and rearrange the salad I ordered. At least now I know what the sermon was about, kind of. When they’re not dragging me into their discussion, my mind wanders to Lucas, and how I’m hoping he jogs to the library today like he usually does.

  After lunch, I thank Nick, then Rachel and I walk back to our dorm so I can change before work. The whole way Rachel has not shut up, “He is just a dream come true. I think your father will approve, Hannah. You don’t have to worry about a thing.”

  We just sat together at church once followed by a quick lunch, and she’s ready to give her stamp of approval so I can get my father’s permission.

  And I’m sick of this crap.

  “Like I said last night, Rachel, I don’t think my dad needs to know about him just yet.”

  She stops and turns to me, “You’re kidding right? Do you know how much he worries about you, Hannah? He would love to hear the news that you are actually on the right path.”

  Which translates to, my mother’s path.

  Not happening.

  I’m aware that my father worries about me. He knows a little about the things I did the first two years after we moved, but there’s no way he knows everything. But he’s also well aware that I’ve turned my life around, and not for him but for me. A part of me does want to make my dad proud. But deep down, I know the only way I’ll be able to do that is by marrying the right man and serving him in everything. Even if I graduate from this university with ten degrees, he’s never going to see it as an accomplishment because that’s not the path he’s chosen for me. And it looks like Rachel is determined I find that path as well. Poor Nick is the one she see’s joining me on that path.

  Again, never going to happen.

  These are things I contemplate during my shift.

  Monday in Econ I’m happy to see Lucas’s face. He didn’t come to the library yesterday or text me all weekend and I miss him. But although he sits next to me, he seems cold and distant. He won’t hardly look at me, and that hurts. I have no idea what I’ve done. “Hi, Lucas, how was the rest of your weekend?” I still keep my voice casual and light.

  “Fine, just worked out, ran, and studied a little bit. Listened to Hunter go on and on about this weekend.”

  I smile, “What’s going on this weekend?”

  He still barely looks at me seeming to find something interesting about his pen. “He’s going to Norman, Oklahoma to visit his girl.”

  “Hunter has a girlfriend?”

  “Yep, a pretty serious o
ne. They were together all through high school.”

  “How long will he be gone?”

  “Just Friday after classes until Sunday night.”

  I take my notes out but keep talking, “I imagine he’s excited about getting to see her then.”He stretches out his long legs. I think these small desks are uncomfortable for him because he does that a lot. I’m surprised when he changes our conversation to something else, “So how was the church date?”

  He seems irritated, “It wasn’t a date, Lucas. But it was nice. My roommate even seems to really like him, a lot.”

  His eyebrows shoot up, “The girl who hates everyone?”

  I nod laughing, “Yes, it was bizarre.”

  “That’s just perfect,” he mutters in a low voice.

  The professor comes in and starts the lecture so I don’t get to talk to him anymore. Just a quick goodbye and then he’s gone.

  That evening I’m putting books on a shelf when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I jump slightly even though I know its Lucas, and that puts a big smile on my face. I’m hoping maybe he’s going to apologize and explain why he acted like he did in class today. But when I turn around I’m surprised to see Nick standing there instead, “Hi, sorry I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “Oh, no. I’m fine. What are you doing here?”

  “I just finished my last class of the day and thought I would stop by and say hi.”

  I smile, “Well, hi.”

  “So how have you been?”

  Since yesterday?

  “Pretty good.”

  This is way too awkward. He looks so hopelessly nervous, “I’ve been thinking a lot about you since we met Friday. I was thinking that maybe we can get coffee tomorrow between classes, but I don’t know your schedule.”

  Coffee is harmless enough. “That actually sounds good. On Tuesdays, I have a break at eleven o’clock if that works. My shift here starts at one.”

  He smiles, “That’s actually perfect. I tutor on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have a lab that lets out at nine, then I tutor in the afternoons.”

  “So Starbucks at eleven o’clock?” I offer.

  “If you could make it eleven thirty it would be better. Luke and I run at ten, and I’ll need to run home and shower.”


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