The Blacker House

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The Blacker House Page 20

by Nicole Mulloy

  They drove back to downtown Huntington to the hotel where the Autumn Ball had already started. Kate walked into the crowded ballroom, Jacob on her arm, and finally felt better. In fact, she felt like kind of like a princess with her handsome prince. The room was huge, with great chandeliers hanging low over the tables. Large tropical plants strung with tiny white lights lined the walls. Young couples were wandering around the large room, laughing and admiring each other. Kate could hear the swish of gowns.

  As soon as they entered the large room, Lisa ran up to Kate and Jacob, which was pretty amazing considering Lisa was in a ball gown and very high heels. She nudged Kate so hard she nearly fell down.

  “Hey, Lisa, you look beautiful! This is Jacob. Jacob, this is my friend Lisa. You know, the one I’ve told you about.”

  Lisa, always shy around guys, stuck out her hand obliquely and barely whispered “Hi.” She was stunning in a beaded emerald green dress, her long hair gathered into a fancy clip. Beside Lisa stood a handsome Asian guy in a black suit jacket.

  “And this must be Jack,” Kate said, introducing herself since Lisa was currently preoccupied with Jacob. Lisa’s date responded and Kate made small talk with him for a moment. He was a senior at the public high school. Kate found him very attractive and charming, but the poor guy was being neglected. His date couldn’t keep her eyes off Jacob.

  Through the crowd, Kate suddenly caught a glimpse of Patrick, sitting at a table in the back. She turned to Chris. “I thought Patrick wasn’t coming,” she said, raising her voice to be heard over the music which was just starting.

  “Oh, at the last minute he decided to come,” Chris responded. He suddenly grabbed Lucy’s hand and led her toward the empty dance floor. “Come on Lucy, let’s get this party started!” he said. Lucy glowed at him as she was led away. Chris spun her around the empty dance floor, which began to fill up quickly.

  “May I have this dance?” Jacob asked her with a stiff little bow.

  “Of course,” she said, laughing at his formality.

  As they proceeded to the dance floor, Kate noticed all the girls checking out Jacob. And she noticed Jacob checking out the girls.

  They danced to song after song. An excellent dancer, Jacob looked natural on the dance floor. He moved easily to the rhythm, grabbing Kate’s hands and spinning her until she thought she’d pass out. When a slow song started, he pulled her close and smashed her against his heaving chest. Kate noticed she could smell a faint odor of sweat under his cologne. In the past, that musky scent pleased Kate. Tonight, it made her wince. Tonight, he just smelled sweaty.


  After what seemed like hours on the dance floor, they finally took a rest. As Jacob fetched drinks, Kate collapsed in a chair and tried to be comfortable in her tight dress.

  “Hello, Kate” Patrick said, approaching her table.

  “Hi, Patrick. What are you doing here? I thought you ‘didn’t do dances,’” she said as he pulled up a chair. He looked really nice. Kate had never seen him without his gray trench coat. Tonight, dressed in a brown suit and tie, he looked surprisingly handsome. She noticed with wonder how neat his eyes were, the gold glints sparking out from the pupil. He had a firm chin and jaw, but his face was boyish looking. And for some reason, she never before noticed how fit and strong he was. Had he secretly been working out since she met him? His long brown hair was tied back with a black satin ribbon, which she found oddly sexy.

  “At the last minute, I decided, what the heck.” He smiled somewhat uncomfortably. “So, where’s the wonderful Jacob?” he asked, searching the room.

  “He’s fetching drinks.”

  “Oh,” he said, then sat silently for a minute. “Um, you look really pretty,” he said finally.

  She smiled at him and felt a little flip in her stomach. “Thanks, Patrick. You look great too.”

  A shy grin flashed over his face. “Thanks.”

  “So, who did you come with?” Kate asked.

  “Oh, a girl I know from my guitar class. Her name’s Ashley. She’s in the bathroom.”

  “I didn’t know you played guitar,” Kate said. “Are you any good?”

  “Not really.” He laughed.

  “I’d love to hear you play some time,” Kate said as a buxom brunette approached the table.

  “Oh, here she is,” Patrick said, rising from the table. “This is Ashley. Ashley, this is my friend Kate.”

  Trite hellos were exchanged. Kate looked her up and down. She was wearing a shiny purple dress which barely covered her ample breasts. Her short skirt revealed pale legs covered with fishnet stockings. To top off the whole ensemble, Ashley had what Kate and Lisa derisively called “mall hair,” big and teased.

  “Let’s go dance one more time before we blow outta here,” Ashley said with a thick accent and pulling Patrick toward the dance floor.

  “Okay. See you around, Kate,” he said as they walked away. Kate watched them go, feeling a touch of jealousy. God, what’s wrong with me, she wondered, shaking her head slightly.

  A moment later, Bryan Cummings sat down in the same chair Patrick had just vacated.

  “Where are your boyfriends, Bryan?” Kate joked.

  “Oh, they’re all hanging out in the ladies’ room. Fixing their makeup,” Bryan said, making Kate giggle. He looked less strange tonight, all dressed up in his suit, but his red hair still stood straight up like a flaming Brillo pad.

  “So, I found another date for my friend Will. He was really heartbroken that you wouldn’t come to the dance with him, but he asked somebody else who will probably put out. So, actually you did him a favor by saying no.”

  “I’m so glad I could help,” Kate said sarcastically.

  Bryan looked around. “So, where’s your college boyfriend?”

  “Getting drinks.”

  “Sure he is. You know, I almost believed he was real.”

  “Oh, shut up.” Kate was laughing hard now. “Where’s your date?”

  “She’s over there giving me nasty looks because I’m here sitting with you. I’d better go.”

  “Bye, Bryan.”

  Bryan dashed off, leaving Kate alone again. She felt better. Bryan could always make her laugh.

  She looked around at the teenagers around her. Many of the girls had removed their shoes to dance and most of the guys had already lost their ties. It was fun to see everybody so dressed up. They looked like different people, fancier upgrades of the kids she saw at school. Lisa and her cute Asian boy were dancing, but Lisa looked very disinterested. She had a glazed look in her eye. He must be boring her.

  After a few more minutes of waiting, Kate began to feel restless sitting at the table alone. She brought Jacob to this dance to show him off. So where was he? She decided to look for him. She headed for the drinks table, and not seeing him, turned toward the bathrooms.

  Then, she saw him, the love of her life, chatting with a group of senior girls. As she watched, he told a joke of some sort. Funny or not, the girls tittered and tossed their hair. He leaned casually against the wall as they fawned around him like groupies at a rock concert.

  Kate stomped toward him. Caught unaware, Jacob stood up straight and said, “Hey, Kate. Where have you been?”

  “I thought you were getting me a drink,” she said as she lugged him toward the dance floor. She could hear the senior girls laughing.

  “I was, but I met some of your classmates on the way. The people here are really nice,” he said.

  “Of course they’re nice. They want you.”

  “Well,” he said, straightening his tie, “can you blame them?”

  “No, but can we please spend this night together. I mean, you came all the way from Nebraska to see me, and then I find you flirting with those floozies,” she said, her anger building. Some of the couples around them turned to stare as Kate’s voice rose.

  “Hey, I’m sorry, sweetie. I didn’t realize how long I was gone. Come on,” he said as he put his arms around her, “the dance is almos
t over. Let’s not ruin it.”

  She put her arms around his neck and leaned her head against his shoulder. As they rocked back and forth to a slow song, she glanced around the room. Patrick and Ashley were holding each other closely. It looked to Kate like they were more than friends from a guitar class. Patrick’s eyes were closed as he leaned his cheek against hers. I think he loves her, she thought to herself. And for some reason, that thought hurt.

  Then, Kate caught a glimpse of Chris and Lucy. They weren’t just close, they were kissing. Kate stopped dancing and drew her head up erect.

  “What the matter?” Jacob asked.

  “That jerk is kissing my little sister,” Kate said, starting to move in that direction.

  “Whoa! Where are you going?” Jacob asked as he held her hips, not letting her leave.

  “I...I don’t want him kissing my little sister!” she said, her voice getting too loud on the dance floor. “She’s only fourteen. He’s molesting her!” Kate didn’t know why she was getting so upset. She tried to stop herself from feeling this way, but it was too late.

  “No, he’s not molesting her. Lucy’s a big girl now. Besides, Chris seems like a nice guy.” Jacob continued dancing, pulling Kate along with him. “Why do you care so much? We should be kissing over here,” he said, smashing his lips against hers.

  Grudgingly, she complied and kissed him back, but without feeling. Somehow, what should have been the best night of her life, had been ruined. Previously, she thought that Chris was just taking Lucy to the dance to make Kate mad, or just mess with her head. Why else would he want to take her little sister? But it suddenly occurred to her. Maybe he actually likes her.

  Kate pouted. Everybody was happy and in love except Kate. She felt drained and miserable. As the chords of the last song ended, Jacob pulled her close and hugged her fiercely. Kate wanted to cry.

  As Chris drove them home, Kate noticed that he and Lucy were holding hands in the front seat. Kate remained quiet during the entire ride. Chris pulled into the alley behind the house and parked by the garage. He turned off the engine and swung around to look at Jacob and Kate.

  “Why don’t you two get out and give us a minute.”

  “Uh, Lucy, it’s late. I think you should come inside,” Kate said, acting the responsible big sister.

  “Mom and Dad said I could stay out until eleven-thirty. I’ve got ten minutes.” She turned around and looked at Kate with resolve. Kate had never seen Lucy look so determined or so beautiful.

  “You heard the lady?” Chris said with a smile. “Hit the road, you two. I’m sure you can find something else to do, right?” He winked at Kate as she exited the car.

  Jacob and Kate walked through the gate and into the backyard. Jacob slid his hand around her waist and planted a kiss on her bare neck.

  “I had a great time tonight. I’m so glad I came,” he said.

  “Yeah, me too,” she said with a tired grin, trying to put her unhappiness out of her mind. “Listen, I’m really pooped. I’m going to go to bed.”

  “You can’t be serious,” he said.

  “I’m really tired and I’ve got to get out of these shoes.”

  He stared at her, dumbfounded. “Kate, I’m leaving tomorrow. This is our last night together.” He nibbled at her earlobe. “The night is still young.”

  “Well, I’ll see you in the morning and the whole drive back to Columbus,” Kate said, pulling herself away from him. It should have been a wonderful, romantic night. She should be walking on air, but instead, Kate felt grimy and tired. Kate was ready to go wash her face, get out of the tight dress and slip into some warm, comfy pajamas. “Will you be okay in the guest room?”

  “Oh, yeah,” Jacob said, straightening himself up to his full height. “I’ll be fine.”

  They said their goodnights and Kate pulled herself up the stairs to the bathroom. While removing her makeup, Kate caught a glance of herself in the mirror. The corners of her mouth pointed down. A second later, she was crying.

  She unzipped the dress and slipped off the uncomfortable shoes, feeling instant relief despite her heavy heart. She hung the beautiful dress on a hanger and glanced at it with sadness. Ace trotted into the room and looked up at her with concern.

  She knew it deep in her heart. She supposed she knew it days ago, but couldn’t admit it. But now she could. She sat on her bed and mourned. Her great romance with the handsome Jacob Wilkinson was over.


  Kate awoke. At first it was the sound of wood scraping on wood. A quiet sound, barely perceptible over the roar of the furnace. It sounded as though someone were moving a bedside table. Then, she heard a louder sound, something bigger. This sound continued as Kate quietly listened.

  Then, a tiny yelp sounded from the second floor, a startled sound. Kate knew it was Jacob. Her suspicions proved correct when Jacob came tearing up the stairs to Kate’s room in his shorts. Ace jumped up and growled at Jacob as he invaded Kate’s room at the late hour.

  “Kate, oh, Kate,” he hissed breathlessly. His eyes were wide with fright. His toned pectoral muscles, Kate noticed, twitched as he spoke. “I can’t believe what just happened. I can’t believe....” he trailed off. Sitting slowly on her bed, Jacob looked dazed.

  Seth appeared at the door. He looked in sleepily at Jacob and Kate.

  “What happened, Jacob?” Kate asked softly. Jacob didn’t respond. He continued to stare at the floor, shaking his head. His skin was damp and cold. Kate threw a blanket over his back and turned to Seth.

  Without a word, Seth turned and proceeded down the stairs. Kate hopped up and followed him, leaving Jacob shuddering on her bed. When they came to the door of the guest room, Seth opened it cautiously and peered through the opening. A cool breeze swirled out the door, wafting over Kate’s body, causing her to shiver.

  Seth, who was usually stoic, even in tense situations, gulped loudly. They both stood agape in the doorway of the room. The large windows were flung open, the curtains rippling in the breeze. The small dresser was still there, but its drawers were missing. The bed stood in the middle of the room. Other than that, the room was completely empty.

  Seth finally broke the paralysis. He walked toward one of the open windows, stuck his head through and gazed at the dark lawn below.

  “There they are,” he said, matter-of-factly.

  Kate went to the other window and looked down. There, on the fading autumn grass, lay a broken mirror, like tiny slivers of moonlight scattered on the ground. A small wooden chair lay nearby. The few knick-knacks which had decorated the spare room were flung all over the yard. Kate moved to the other window and looked out. There she discovered the missing drawers and the small nightstand which used to occupy the very spot where she was now standing. Beside it was Jacob’s empty suitcase. His clothes were strewn across the bushes.

  Seth pulled his head out of the window and glanced back into the room. As soon as he did, the window slammed shut. Kate immediately pulled her head back through. Nothing happened, but Kate rubbed her neck protectively nonetheless. She slowly closed the window.

  Seth walked over to the bed. “His bed has moved about two feet away from the wall.” He paused, as if dreading the conclusion. “It looks like Jacob was going to be next.”

  Kate remained silent for a moment, not wanting to say what she knew she had to say. “Seth, we’ve got to finish this, one way or another. I mean, tonight, they’re throwing my boyfriend out the window. What will they be doing tomorrow night?”

  “I don’t know,” he said, staring at the floor. “What are we going to do?”

  “There’s something in our basement, Seth.” Kate said, finally verbalizing what she knew was true. “I mean, all those words painted on the walls of the laundry room. Patrick said somebody painted those words to keep something in the basement. And what about the rocks and that girl who used to live here, Pansy? She was making out with her ghost lover down there. Her sister saw her. It all points down there. To the dirt room.”
br />   “But, why? What’s down there?”

  “I don’t know.” Kate sighed deeply and sat down on the bed, thinking. “Do you think there could be a body buried in the dirt? In our basement? Could that be the cause of all this trouble.”

  “It sounds like the bad plot of a horror movie,” Seth said crossing his arms.

  “You’re right. But that room, the dirt, it’s so…unnatural.”

  “Well, I guess we have to dig it up and see,” Seth said.

  “How? When? How could we do that without Mom and Dad finding out?”


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