Justified Steel (Steel Crew Book 4)

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Justified Steel (Steel Crew Book 4) Page 4

by Mj Fields

  “Then someone’s gotta feed them all,” I call back to her. “You think we should bring Steel Sunday to them?”

  “I think that’s a great idea.”

  When I walk into the kitchen, Mom is standing at the kitchen island with cookbooks spread out on the counter.

  She looks up from one and smiles. “I was thinking picnic foods?”

  “Sounds good.”

  She waves her hand over the mess of books on the island. “Wanna help me pick something?”

  I nod and sit down.

  Looking around, I notice one book that looks out of place. It’s an old photo album. I laugh and pull it over to me. “I think you’re one of the few people who hasn’t gone totally digital.”

  “Pictures are important,” she says as she flips a page.

  I look down at the album and laugh again when I see how little Truth was. “How old is this? Truth looks about—”

  “Four years ago.” She flips another page. “It was that summer you spent building all those sandcastles.”

  “Waste of time,” I say, trying my best to hide the fact that I wish I could go back in time and stomp them all down.

  She walks around the island, pulls out a chair, and sits next to me. She flips a couple pages. “This one here was my favorite. It was as tall as Truth, and even when it was getting dark, you stayed out there to finish it.”

  She flips a page, and my eyes hone onto a picture, one I’ve never seen, taken from a distance. If you weren’t my mother, you wouldn’t even know it was me, and if you weren’t my mother taking the pictures, the next one wouldn’t have been a zoomed in snapshot of two stupid kids, with their pinkies linked, smiling at each other, while the sun was setting in the horizon.

  “Can I ask a question?”

  “I’d rather you not,” I mumble.

  “I gotta ask,” she says softly.

  I sigh.

  “Eggplant parm sandwiches or—”

  I smile and shake my head. “We don’t have time to make eggplant parm.”

  She leans over and kisses my cheek. “I made it yesterday while you slept.”

  “Sounds good,” I say as I stand up.

  She looks over her shoulder as she gets up and opens the fridge. “I made an extra pan for lunches next week.”

  “You’re the best.”

  “Your dad said the same thing.” She turns, holding a pan almost bigger than her. “Truth, not so much.”

  “We’ll make her something else.”

  Walking behind Mom into the waiting room, I watch Dad stand up. He walks over and kisses Mom. “You didn’t have to do this.”

  “It was Justice’s idea.” Mom smiles up at me.

  He looks at me and nods as he takes one of the two huge picnic baskets I’m holding. “Glad to hear he’s feeling better.”

  Behind Dad, I hear chuckles and expect to see my cousins as the culprits. Instead, it’s my uncle Zandor, Brisa, Amias, and Tris’s dad, and Uncle Xavier, Patrick’s dad.

  I shake my head as I walk over to the table and set the basket down.

  “Good to see you.” Zandor chuckles.

  “In clothes,” Xavier mumbles.

  I look at Dad, and he shakes his head. “Not on me. Apparently, that school app has videos of a six-foot-two, two-hundred-and-twenty-pound drunk streaker at a party Friday night.”

  They all laugh, including Patrick, Amias, and Tris.

  “Remind me to catch you fools on video next time some chick tosses your clothes out a window,” I say, completely and totally void of emotion, because I straight-up have none at this time. “And the fact that you all watched is a bit alarming to me.”

  “You better hope it got taken down, or you’ll be off the baseball team,” Amias says, pissed off.

  “Believe it or not, I don’t have the app on my phone. Took it off after a week on it. It’s a joke. I’d suggest you all do the same.”

  “After the fight?” Xavier asks.

  I look over at him then at Dad.

  Dad shrugs, like it’s no big deal that he and my uncles pretty much know every fucking thing we do.

  I look at Mom, who looks away, not wanting me to know she knows, too. Not like she doesn’t already know my biggest secret now.

  “Maybe you should call your girlfriend and ask her if she can take it down,” Tris says about the video on the app.

  “I don’t have a girlfriend,” I snarl.

  “Gonna have to disagree,” Tris pops off again. “Claimed that ass in front of—”

  “Tris,” Zandor cuts her off with a warning growl.

  She looks up at him, batting her eyelashes, feigning all sorts of innocent. “What? He said he was going to ruin her ass, Daddy. Isn’t that what lovers do?”

  “She’s definitely my favorite.” Uncle Xavier chuckles as he looks away from Uncle Zandor’s bulging eyes. “Tris, have I told you lately that you’re my favorite?”

  She looks down at her phone and rolls her eyes as she says, “Pfft, like that’s a big secret. I’m everyone’s favorite.”

  Xavier laughs as he slides closer to her. “Give Uncle X a hug.”

  “Dude, chill,” she grumbles as he pulls her into a bear hug.

  Uncle Jase comes flying into the room, his hair sticking up all over and his eyes set on mine. “Good you could make it, Saint Dick. Glad to see you’re not stuffing stockings over your dick and are fully clothed.”

  “How’s Kiki?” I ask, ignoring the fact that he obviously saw the video, too.

  “They’re gonna prep her for a C-section. You and Tara go say a quick hello and good luck as soon as the others come out. And don’t take all fucking day. Her heart-rate …” He pauses and clears his throat. “Just make it quick.”

  “Yeah, of course,” I say. “Uncle Jase, she’s going to be fine.”

  “She better be, or Brand is a dead—”

  He stops when Brand’s relatives start walking in. He squats down and fists his hair. “Fuck.”

  Brand’s mom, Juliana, kneels down next to him. “I know this doesn’t make it easier, but they just approved me to be in the OR with her and Brandon.”

  He swings his head toward her. “Then why the fuck can’t I? I’m her father.”

  She nods and answers very calmly, “I’m a nurse, Jase.”

  “Shit,” he grumbles and fists his hair again. “Sorry.”

  “We get it,” Brand’s dad, Garrett, says. “And for what it’s worth, I wish you could be in there, too.”

  “Jase?” Juliana says calmly.

  He looks at her. “I think they’re going to let Carly stay in there, too.”

  “She’s got a bad—”

  “Shh …” Juliana looks around. “Keep that to yourself and let me see what I can do.”

  Jase shakes his head. “I should be the one—”

  Juliana smiles softly. “That’s not gonna happen, and we both know it.”

  His face hardens and turns red—no, purple. He’s pissed.

  Dad grips his shoulder. “You threaten the doctor?”

  Jase glares at him. Pretty much a confession.

  Dad nods. “You can tell me to fuck off now, but you gotta remember not to make enemies with him since Little Bell is his patient, as well.”

  “Fuck off,” Jase spits.

  “Hey, Daddy.”

  We all look at the door.

  Jase jumps up. “Aren’t you supposed to be getting prepped soon, Katie girl?”

  “Told them I needed to use the bathroom first, and made Mom spring me.”

  Carly peeks in. “Hey, everyone, we’re gonna have a baby today.”

  I look behind her and see Max, Truth, Brisa, and Brand.

  “We figured it would be easier, and we’d save some time if we snuck out, huh, Katherine Anne?” Carly says, eyes shimmering with tears.

  Juliana walks over and kisses her cheek. “I’m going to get scrubbed up.”

  “They’re letting you come in?” Kiki asks her, and I notice she looks a
t Carly.

  “Yeah.” She winks and looks at Carly. “I think I can get you in, too.”

  “Really?” Carly asks, and tears start to flow down her cheeks.

  Juliana nods then looks at Brand. “I’m guessing you can get your wife back to her room within the next few minutes?”

  “Yeah, Mom.” He nods.

  Kiki looks around. “You all ready for this?”

  “Can’t wait to see you holding your kid, Kiki,” I say as I walk over and give her a kiss on the cheek.

  “You gonna get the baby its first outfit?” she asks me.

  “Sure, whatever you want,” I tell her.

  “Pink ruffles, if it’s a girl, and”—she scratches her head as she thinks—“a white tube sock if it’s—”

  The room erupts in laughter, and I can’t help but laugh now, too. “Yeah, sure.”

  “Perfect.” She winks.

  “Momma Joe and Thomas here yet?” Kiki asks as she cringes and rubs her belly.

  Even from several feet away, Brand senses her pain and hurries to her. He squats down. “Breathe, sweetheart, okay?”

  She nods and rests her forehead against his as she does just that.

  I watch them breathe together, and she’s looking at him and only him, pain evident in her eyes, yet she still looks at him like he’s the only person in the world. It’s fucking beautiful.

  “I think this must be your group?”

  I look up and see a girl in scrubs turn around, and her smile falls as soon as she sees me.

  Fuck, I think as I look at none other than Quinn.

  She rolls her eyes slightly as she looks away, smile popping back on her face as she looks at Bella and asks, “You sure you don’t need a wheelchair?”

  “I’m good. I’m sure it’s just Braxton hicks or sympathy contractions for my sister.”

  I look down at Kiki, still focused on Brand, still breathing in sync with him.

  “Well, I’m on shift until seven; just let me know if you need anything,” Quinn tells her.

  “Thank you, dear.” I hear Momma Joe say from the hall. “Don’t go too far. This crew is known to pop them out on the same day. My grandkids, Truth, Justice, and Patrick are living proof.”

  I glance up and catch Quinn looking at me. I lift my chin, and she lifts hers before she turns and walks away. Then I step back, allowing them room to talk to Kiki, who seems to be relaxing.

  Brand pushes her hair behind her ear. “Better?”

  A tear slips down her cheek as she nods.

  Brand steps to her side and starts to rub her back as Bella makes her way in front of them and attempts to squat down.

  Tags chuckles from behind her, and she glares at him.

  “It’s not funny I’m as fat as an ox.”

  He winks. “You’re beautiful.”

  She looks back at Kiki and rolls her eyes. “Can you still touch your toes?”

  Kiki nods.

  “Well, then consider yourself lucky, because I’m so fat Tags has to tie my shoes.”

  “Told you to wear slides,” Tags says.

  Bella looks back and glares at him. “I have Vienna sausage toes; I’m not wearing freaking sandals.”

  Momma Joe looks at Thomas with worry in her eyes, and he squeezes her shoulder.

  Aunt Bekah and Aunt Taelyn walk in with several bags. Obviously, they went shopping for baby things. Kiki’s and Bella’s combined baby showers were supposed to be next weekend so obviously they need baby shit.

  Bella takes Kiki’s hand. “Are we going to tell each other the names we picked out yet?”

  Kiki nods. “Sure, I’ll tell you in about an hour.”

  Bella starts laughing. Then crying, she throws her arms around Kiki and hugs her. “You’re my favorite sister in the whole world, you know.”

  They’re each other’s only sister.

  Kiki starts laughing and crying, too, as she hugs her back. “You’re mine, too, Little Bell.”

  A loud clearing of the throat sounds from the hallway, and we all look in that direction.

  Brand shrugs. “Got lost on the way to the bathroom.”

  “Find your way back, please. The OR staff is almost ready.”

  Bella kisses the top of Kiki’s head. “See you soon, Momma.”

  Kiki smiles. “See you soon.”

  “All right, let’s make this quick,” Jase says, trying really hard to keep his cool.

  Kiki looks up at Momma Joe. “You think maybe you can say a prayer?”

  “Of course, Kiki.” She swipes a falling tear. “Of course.”

  We all gather around her, and Momma Joe tells us to join hands. As soon as we do, she begins, “May the most holy, most sacred, most innocent, and most loved be blessed by Your hand, oh Lord. May you watch over ours, as we praise Your name on Earth as they do in Heaven, from now until forever, Amen.”

  “Amen,” we all say together.

  When we step away, Jase steps forward and wraps his arms around her. “I love you, Katie girl.” He steps back and holds her face in his hands. “You’re going to be fine.”

  Sniffing, she nods, and he thumbs her tears away.

  Without taking his hands or eyes off her, he says, “Brand.”

  Brand nods and steps behind Kiki. “You ready to see our baby?”

  She nods, and then he pulls her back. Jase stands unmoving.

  “Love you, Daddy.”

  “Love you, Katie girl. See you soon.”

  As soon as they turn and are out of sight, Jase’s hands begin to tremble. He looks up, searching for Carly, and she smiles, tears running down her face.

  “Love you, C. Go be with our girl.”

  “Love you.” She sniffs as she walks away.

  “Daddy,” Bella says, hugging him.

  “Couldn’t move my fucking hands,” he sneers and hugs her tighter. “Couldn’t move my fucking hands.”

  Max hugs them both. “She’s gonna be okay, right?”

  “Of course she is,” Momma Joe says, joining them in the hug, and we all fall in place.

  After a couple minutes, Momma Joe clears her throat. “Isabella, you need to sit so I can look at those feet.”

  “Trust me, Momma Joe; you don’t want to.” Bella laughs.

  More Steel


  An hour later, we’re all gathered in the waiting room … waiting to hear news on both Kiki and Bella.

  Jase is with Bella after promising to keep his shit together, and Max is terrified; worry paints his face. Momma Joe is praying, my aunts and Mom are trying to feed everyone, all in the waiting room, politely saying thank you and picking at their food, but none of them truly enjoying a meal together, clearly. Who the hell can eat when two of ours are under the knife, bringing two more into our family. And I’m ready to blow because not one motherfucker has given us any information at all.

  I want answers for all of us, but mostly for Max.

  Dad says no news is good news. I call bullshit.

  I’d see if Quinn added me on Snap Chat and ask her for an update, but my phone has been MIA since Friday night.

  “Gonna use the bathroom,” I say as I stand and make my way toward the doors in hopes of finding the only person I know here who may be able to get us answers.

  Standing at the nurses’ station, looking at a woman who is obviously frustrated with my family, it pisses me off.

  She tells me, “We have no new information yet.”

  “How can there be no new information? It’s been an hour.”

  “Mr. Steel, when we have some news, we’ll let you all know.”

  I lean in. “How about you show some compassion and go get some fu—”

  “Mr. Steel, there is no person on this floor who doesn’t have compassion, or we wouldn’t be doing the job we’re doing. Please, for the love of God, do not make me call secu—”

  I feel a tug on my arm. “Marcy, he’s a friend. Let me take care of this.”

  I glare over my shoulder, and only th
en do I realize it’s Quinn.

  She shakes her head. “Let’s take a walk.”

  I follow her to the end of the hall where she opens a door that leads to a set of stairs. Once up a few flights, she then opens another door leading to the rooftop.

  “Hey, Quinn,” a guy in blue scrubs says as he puts out a smoke. “Gonna be a full moon tonight.”

  She nods and keeps walking as she says, “Gotta love it, huh, Art?”

  “Yeah, I suppose.” He chuckles.

  “You know if Tiggs is working his shift in the OR?” she asks.

  “Pretty sure he is.”

  “Cool,” she says as she walks to the edge of the roof, turns, and then pushes herself up on the ledge.

  I stand, waiting impatiently as she stretches her neck.

  When I hear a door shut, she looks at me and glares. “I get that you and your kind are used to getting your way, but you disrespect someone outside the walls of your ivory tower, and you’re going to get nothing.”

  I snap back, “She gets a fucking paycheck to do her job; does she need a goddammed gold star, too?”

  She shakes her head. “You fuckers have no clue.”

  “Us fuckers are the only fuckers who matter to me,” I spew. “Love those two girls who have some serious fucking health issues going on and are in ORs, having babies.”

  She hops down and pulls her phone from her pocket as she walks past me.

  I call to her, “And us fuckers don’t lie about who we are, or what we’re after when asked.”

  She swings around. “Your little bitch running her mouth again, is she?”

  “I belong to no one, except those people in there.” I point toward the door.

  “So, your attitude with me has nothing to do with a little brunette playing the Gatsby of Mantoloking when her black card hasn’t been refreshed by Daddy? Your little princess get pissed that you were fucking around with a woman who she—” She snaps her mouth shut and shakes her head.

  “You may think, because I’m a student there, I act like the rest of them, but I can assure you that you haven’t a clue as to who the hell I am. You, Quinn, played a rich prick and got burnt. You need a villain, and I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I’m not it.”


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