Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1)

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Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1) Page 6

by Morrison, Krystal

  “Thank you”, she murmured as he rose and left the room with the kit, returning shortly with Matthew in tow.

  “Hello Paige”, he greeted, “hmm something smells great”.

  “Hi Matt. I hope you like barbeque steak”, Brandon had rejoined them by this.

  “Sure…” Matthew glanced around the kitchen oddly as if he wanted to say something but seemed to restrain himself.

  “I’m sorry about the cancellation of our trip”, Sebastian apologized, “I was hoping that my jet would be available but the repairs won’t be completed until tomorrow”.

  “We’ve been planning this trip for months”, Matthew murmured regretfully, “and I was looking forward to watching the game from the stands”.

  “I suppose we’ll have to settle for Brad’s huge flat screen and room service”, Brandon concluded, “or in this case steak”.

  “What are you guys talking about?” Paige glanced from one man to the next.

  “We’re going to watch a football game in the den”, Sebastian informed her as he herded the men towards the door.

  She perked up at the information, “wait, wait, whose playing?”

  Sebastian frowned, “Chelsea and Liverpool…”

  She sprung up from her chair, “Count me in. Chelsea for life”

  “You watch football”, they exclaimed in unison; three pairs of eyes trained on her.

  She quickly checked to ensure that all the equipments in the kitchen were turned off and was at the door in a jiffy; leaving the three men to gap after her.

  “Hurry, hurry, I don’t want to miss any of the match”, that seemed to break the trance and they hurried down the hallway to the den.

  She had only visited the room once when Sebastian had taken her through the house on her first day there. Thus she was shocked when he pressed a button on what appeared to be a television remote and what she had previously thought of as the wall slid sideways to reveal an impressive seventy five inch flat screen television. They had no need to visit the stands with a television such as this, she thought much later as they were immersed in the game. The sight and sounds of the high definition screen gave the distinct impression that she was right there in the stadium.

  She later discovered that she and Sebastian were supporting opposing teams as he was a Liverpool fan along with Matthew, while she and Brandon were diehard Chelsea fanatics. Sebastian was wearing slacks and a t-shirt that clung to his upper torso like a second skin and she couldn’t prevent her eyes from straying to his magnificent form throughout the game.

  “I’ll have to tell Josh that he has found comrades in you two”, she informed Sebastian and Matthew, clarifying quickly when Sebastian’s eyes flashed furiously, “he’s my little brother…he used to force me to watch football games with him until eventually it grew on me..” she laughed nervously.

  “How old is he?” Brandon inquired.

  “Ten…” she admitted grudgingly, questioning the logics of sharing such crucial information about herself. So much for keeping her personal life on wraps, she thought wistfully.

  “Great. We’ll just have to save a seat for him on our next trip. Right Brad..?” Brandon prodded.

  Sebastian grunted a reply, then stated pointedly, “you’re disturbing the game”.

  Brandon merely laughed and they diverted their attention to the game; exclaiming with pleasure or growling with defeat as their respective teams fought for supremacy. They ate cherry pie and drank coke over a heated discussion about the match during the halftime break and when the match was finally over, she and Brandon were celebrating.

  Brandon and Matthew left shortly afterwards but not before heartily partaking of the steak she had prepared earlier that afternoon.

  “You’re friends are the bomb”, she said, laughing, “I haven’t had so much fun in a long time”.

  The smile froze on her lips as she glimpsed Sebastian’s stony expression.

  “I know you can’t help it but please don’t practice your skills on any member of my peerage”, his tone was tainted with disgust and she recoiled in shock and rage at his underlying meaning.

  Her face flushed with anger and embarrassment and she opened her mouth to respond accordingly but he merely strode from the room and moments later she heard the clicking of the door signaling his exit.


  PAIGE LAY FLAT ON HER BACK ON THE quilt she had placed on the wooden floor of the living room; her head elevated on a cushion she had taken from the nearby sofa. She inhaled sharply; relishing her quiet environs and hoping that the tranquility would soothe her throbbing temples.

  She had barely seen Sebastian since his scathing remark two weeks ago and as her ire had cooled somewhat, she had rationalized that it was for the best; all things considered. He had business commitments outside of town; therefore he left early in the mornings and returned late at nights. During a brief phone call the morning following their debacle he had informed her of his expected absence; emphasizing his expectation that she should follow through on their schedule as planned.

  She had been unnerved at the thought of attending such an elaborate event without Sebastian by her side. However, she soon discovered that she had had nothing to fear as Helen was in attendance and everyone seemed to be smitten with the woman, whom they believed, copped Sebastian Bradley’s ‘affections’. She had been pleasantly surprised when Sebastian had arrived almost at the end the gala; his ire of the day before apparently forgotten. And so it was for the two weeks that followed, except for the few occasions when he didn’t make an appearance at all.

  Her days of moping about the penthouse came to an abrupt halt when the wealthy trio; Jessica, Abigail and Jacqueline paid her a social call almost a week ago. They had coerced her into accompanying them for a cup of coffee which drifted into a shopping spree, that lasted the entire afternoon. She had been hard-pressed to rid herself of their company afterwards, thus she’d resigned herself to their excursions; marveling at their excessive spending as it seemed they were always purchasing some trinket or the other.

  Paige sighed heavily as she drew her mind to the present. She hoped Sebastian wouldn’t be overly upset as they were slated to attend a musical tonight but she simply couldn’t muster the courage to get dressed. Her heart hammered in her chest as she heard his distinctive footstep on the hardwood floors as he neared the living room and halted. She hadn’t expected him back for another couple of hours and she dreaded facing him in her present state.

  “Don’t turn on the light”, she warned, covering her eyes against the glare nonetheless.

  “Why are you lying in the dark?” he asked, striding towards her and she felt his eyes peering down at her through the silhouetting glow from the moonlight.

  “I have terrible migraine but I’ll be fine soon."

  She heard the rustle of fabric as he removed his jacket and sat. “Did you try painkillers?”

  “I’m not really in the mood for chit-chat Sebastian. Could you please just go?” she couldn’t handle his temper tantrums on today of all days.

  He was silent for a moment before he turned and walked out of the room, not once pausing or looking back. Guilt pricked at her conscience at her casual dismissal as she opened her eyes and watched him go.

  Could her life get any worse? She wondered. Her mother was nowhere to be found, her brother was dying in a hospital and she had sold herself to a snotty playboy. Her musing was interrupted as Sebastian reentered the room; a glass of water in hand.

  “Sit up and take these”, he instructed, offering her the glass and two tablets.

  She frowned. “I said…”

  “Don’t argue with me on this”, he said through clenched teeth and she accepted the proffered items in resignation.

  Perhaps he would go away once she did as he asked. She wondered at his sudden concern as she curled her socks clad feet below her nightshirt and took the pills. He was a mystery she couldn’t begin to fathom. He plucked the glass from her fingers, pausing
as his eyes caught sight of the picture on the floor where she had placed it on his arrival.

  “I’ll be damned. I have to admit I didn’t think you were that type”, he laughed harshly as he placed the glass on the side table and inspected the picture closely, “Mourning a boyfriend huh? Isn’t he a bit too old for you though?”

  She laughed despite herself, “that’s my dad, silly”.

  He glanced at the picture and then at her as if in disbelief, “and why exactly would you be grieving for your father?”

  The mirth drained from her face. “He died exactly seven years ago, today”, her voice cracked on the statement.

  “Oh”, he seemed uncomfortable at the sudden turn of events and she quickly scooped the quilt and cushion from the floor, placed them on the couch and turned towards the door.

  He gripped her arm as she made to leave, “tell me about him…” she glanced at his face and the shock she felt at his unexpected request was mirrored in his expression along with something akin to sadness.

  Her arm tingled where he held her as she sank involuntarily into the soft couch; resting her head on the armrest and when he released her she felt bereaved.

  “My dad was a gourmet chef and everything he did revolved around that”, she began, her eyes pooling with tears at the fond memories, “he started teaching me how to cook before I could talk properly…I’ve always wanted to be a pastry chef and one afternoon when I was eight I talked him into helping me to create a business portfolio for my bakery and café… We even named it ‘Sweets and Treats’", her throat clogged up on the last words and she swiped the tears from her cheeks with her fingertips.

  She inhaled sharply as Sebastian’s arms wound around her waist suddenly; pulling her into the warm cocoon of his arms and her misery immediately abated. He held her awkwardly at first, as if the notion of giving comfort was foreign to him. Warmth blossomed in the pit of her stomach and travelled to every inch of her body at the gesture and she melted into him; inhaling the intoxicating scent that was simply Sebastian.

  He stroked her hair lightly and desire surged through her veins; hot and demanding and as he eased away from her to stare into her eyes, she knew she was lost. She welcomed the enticing pressure of his luscious lips; devouring even as she was being devoured. She went willingly as his muscular torso propelled hers towards the couch; his large body partially covering hers.

  His lips left hers to nip gently along her cheekbones and neck and she moaned in pleasure. He caressed her legs beneath her nightshirt with featherlike strokes as his mouth found hers again for a searing kiss. He traced his forefinger along the interior of the waistband of her skimpy underwear and her heart hammered against her ribcage in tormented anticipation. She should stop this, a sane voice in the back of her head sanctioned but the hunger inside her demanded to be fed. He cupped the swollen flesh between her thighs and she shivered as she pulsed against his palm.

  His kisses grew urgent as his hands drifted to her abdomen; stroking the silken flesh of her flat stomach and he growled low in his throat as his hand met her firm bare breast. He flicked her hardened nipples between his forefinger and thumb and she writhed with pleasure as the heat inside her body intensified tenfold. She was barely aware of Sebastian hauling the nightshirt over her head until he trailed hot wet kisses from her neck to her chest.

  His mouth closed over one hardened nipple, his hand caressing the other and she felt as if he had broken the pleasure gauge of her body; releasing millions of delightful sensory nerve cells inside her. She whimpered with need; threading her fingers through the glossy strands of his hair in a desperate bid to hold his mouth in place. It was as if he was in synchronization with her body as he seemed to know exactly what to do to stroke the fire inside her. His mouth tugged greedily at her breast and the pleasure expanded within her until it exploded into earth-shattering waves of ecstasy. Sebastian swallowed her loud moans as her body trembled with blissful aftershocks; his lips rekindling the embers of passion within her.

  The incessant buzz of a cell phone in the distance penetrated the cloud of desire shrouding her brain and she tore her lips from his. She screeched in horror at the sight of her partially nude state; her hands flying to her bare breast in a feeble attempt to conceal her nakedness.

  “Fuck!” Sebastian swore; groping for the offensive object as the shrill sound echoed, incessantly, in the quiet room.

  “This better be damn good”, he said roughly into the phone and she spurred into action.

  How could she have allowed things to get this far? She questioned herself as she located her nightshirt and hauled it over her head, virtually tripping over her feet as she ran from the room. Increasing her pace as Sebastian bellowed after her.


  PAIGE GLANCED AT THE ENTRANCE for what felt like the millionth time since she had arrived a few hours ago. She had been purely a bunch of nerves since her heated foreplay session with Sebastian a week ago; endeavoring to avoid him and knowing such a thing wasn’t possible. Thank goodness they only saw each other during their nightly outings. Yet when he stared at her with blatant lust in his brown eyes, her body hummed with need. She sighed in distress. The memory of his expert caresses haunted her constantly and her body yearned for the bliss of being in his arms.

  “Row-Row!” she froze at the use of the nickname she hadn’t heard in as long as she hadn’t seen the sole person who referred to her by it. It was the shortened version of her middle name which was Rowena.

  She spun reluctantly to face him, “Sean…”

  He was wearing a navy blue dinner suit that fitted perfectly to his lean frame, his boyish good looks unchanged.

  “You look great”, he scanned the length of her tube top velvet peach dress, “I love your hair… I always have…”

  She had expected to feel the familiar heartbreak that had accompanied his memory ever since that horrible day he’d left her standing at her door and never looked back, six years ago. Instead there was only a faint twinge inside her chest. He hadn’t been able to handle the conformities of having a girlfriend who had to parent her little brother.

  “Thank you. You look great yourself”

  “So how have you been…?” his beautiful grey eyes twinkled and she remembered how much she had adored his eyes.

  “I’m fine…”

  “Do you live around here? Incase I’m in the area and need a coffee partner”, he finished conspiratorially.

  She was groping for a remark to his impertinent statement when Sebastian appeared.

  “There you are darling”, he said silkily, curling a possessive arm around her waist and her pulse began to race, “I’ve been looking all over for you”.

  “Sebastian…” she said, mirroring his action, “Sean this is my… boyfriend Sebastian Bradley, Sebastian, Sean Montgomery”.

  Sean’s face paled a bit as he nodded in acknowledgment, “Mr. Bradley, It was nice seeing you again Paige”, with that he made a hasty retreat.

  “Consorting on the job”, Sebastian said sarcastically, “or has your infamous reputation preceded you?”

  “You’re such a jerk”, she spat with disgust; disentangling herself from him and trotting brusquely through the French doors, into the garden.

  The early November night air stung with the promise of a cold winter as she made her way to a wooden garden chair and sat. She closed her eyes for a moment, willing the fury from her body; opening them just in time to see Sebastian striding towards her, her coat in hand.

  “Put this on”, he extended the coat to her, “it’s freezing out here”.

  She hesitated a moment before grabbing the coat from his grasp and shrugging into its warm layers.

  “I shouldn’t have said that…” he said grudgingly, joining her on the bench.

  She laughed coldly, “you think you have it all figured out don’t you..? Well you know nothing about me”.

  “What is there to know”, he scuffed, “you’re an escort from Mount Vernon that I
hired to pose as my girlfriend”.

  Her eyes stung at his retort but she, furiously, blinked away the tears.

  “And that gives you the right to walk all over me… insult me at every turn without reason”, she fairly vibrated with rage as she flew up out of her seat.

  “Calm yourself, there is really nothing for you to get worked up about”, he said calmly, standing.

  “…You sit on your high horse judging me when you know nothing. Nothing!” she was so angry she wanted to tell him to take his money and shove it but she thought of Joshua and bit her lip.

  Besides, he didn’t care.

  Her eyes pooled with tears at the thought. He didn’t care that his insults hurt her, that her brother was somewhere in a hospital struggling for his life or that her pitiful life was falling apart. She collected herself quickly, dashing the tears from her cheeks and strode past him.

  “Paige…” his voice was almost soft as he gripped her arm as she breezed past him.

  She glanced at him scathingly and he released her arm quickly.

  “Come with me”, she eyed his proffered hand suspiciously before preceding him to his waiting car and settling into the farthest corner; resolving that she had no other alternative to be transported home.

  “Where are we going?” she asked when the vehicle went in the opposite direction of his penthouse.

  “Somewhere that will take that frown from your brows.”


  FIVE MINUTES LATER THEY ARRIVED AT what Sebastian informed her was a penthouse party. She had been self-conscious about her attire until she discovered that almost everyone was dressed similarly. The venue had much resemblance to the gala they had left earlier except the plush cushions adorning the marble tiled floors and the loud music bouncing off the walls.


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