Love Under Two Doctors

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Love Under Two Doctors Page 7

by Cara Covington

  “I turned the towel racks on when I came in, so the towels will be ready for us when we want them.”

  David’s statement made Jillian giggle. “How did you turn on towel racks?” she asked. “Stroke them softly and say ‘hey, baby, you’re looking mighty shiny, there’?”

  “I think our sub is a little punch-drunk,” Robert said.

  David leaned in close to her. “Actually I said ‘come on, baby, give me your heat.’”

  Jillian laughed, delighted that David had been quick enough to come up with a comeback, and then she closed her eyes. She actually didn’t mind being carried at the moment, and she figured Robert was right, she was a little punch-drunk—or whatever you called it when you first pushed yourself way too far physically, and then had the best orgasm of your entire life.

  Likely tomorrow, when she felt rested and recovered, she’d look back on this afternoon’s misadventure in an entirely different light.

  At the moment she felt too sated, and too cosseted, to care.

  “Hang on to me just a bit longer, Jillian.”

  She moved automatically to do what Robert asked. In the next instant she sighed as very warm and lightly fragrant water enveloped her.

  “Oh, that feels wonderful.” She opened her eyes, and didn’t even mind when Robert slipped her off his lap to sit on the sculpted fiberglass bench, though she did like the sensation of skin on skin.

  “After you’ve soaked for a few minutes, we’ll dry you off and then work on massaging those legs, checking for knots.”

  “Okay. Thank you.” She guessed she should thank them, even if they had been rather domineering. No, dominant. She must try and remember that. Maybe she’d look that up on the Internet later tonight.


  “Mmm?” Her eyes had drifted shut again. She figured her ears were open, and that was good enough.

  She guessed Robert disagreed when she felt his fingers on her chin, exerting pressure. She turned her head and opened her eyes, meeting his gaze.

  “You’re not to jog alone anymore, sweetie. David likes to run. He’ll go with you when you need to pound the pavement.”

  “Didn’t your mother raise you to respect the word ‘no’?”

  His grin was quick and put her in mind of a pirate. “Of course she did, and I do. But darlin’, you haven’t said no to us today. Not once.”

  Well, rats. He was right. Jillian frowned. Usually when someone wanted to ask her out, she said no before the question had been fully formed. Why had she behaved so uncharacteristically with these two men? “I don’t understand any of this.”

  Robert looked over at David.

  “Yeah, we’ve figured that out for ourselves,” David said. “It’s the main reason why we are not going to fuck you today.”

  “I don’t make a habit of going around getting naked with men I barely know—no pun intended.”

  Robert and David both laughed. “We know that, Jillian.” David picked up her right hand and kissed it, then threaded his fingers with hers.

  “How do you know that?”

  “The same way we know that you’re a natural-born sub and probably have never realized it,” Robert said. “We just do.”

  Whether for better or worse, Jillian was feeling a little less lethargic and a little more herself.

  These two doctors had one thing right. She’d not once said no to them. She’d allowed them liberties she’d never thought to allow any man ever again, let alone two at once. So there really was no sense in her going all modest now and covering her body from their view. She’d allowed them a certain amount of freedom—or they’d simply taken it and she hadn’t stopped them. But that didn’t mean this had to go any further, or that she necessarily had to let this continue beyond getting her legs massaged.

  Yes, there was a sense inside her that told her this was something special, something she’d really needed for a long time. But she’d thought being with Neil in the backseat of his car on prom night had been right, and look how that had turned out.

  Her inner instincts about men simply weren’t to be trusted on their own. She needed logic to back up the feelings.

  “That’s really not good enough. You can’t just make bold and sweeping statements, and then move in and take over my life. I don’t understand any of this.”

  “We know. Like we already said, that’s why we’re not going to fuck you today.” David smiled at her, as if the sight of that grin could sway her.

  All right, it probably could, but there was no reason to let them know that.

  “Will you stop saying that? Can’t you call it something else? Even ‘have sex with you’ sounds better than ‘fuck you’.”

  Robert raised one eyebrow as he met her gaze. “We’re both Texans, bred and born. We’re plain-speaking, simple, honest men. ”

  “Oh, horse pucky.”

  “Horse pucky?” David said the words as if he’d never heard them before.

  He probably hadn’t. “I used to know a woman who was from Canada. It was one of her favorite sayings. And it definitely fits the circumstances.”

  “Um, so what part of my brother’s statement do you consider to be ‘horse pucky’?”

  “The part about y’all being plain speaking and simple. Because quite frankly, I haven’t understood much of what either of you has said since you…” Jillian let her sentence fall. Since they what? Pushed their way into her life? Kidnapped her from her run?

  Or maybe, conducted an impromptu intervention and saved her from herself?

  “All right,” Robert said. “Let’s try this, and see how you do with it. What you did—probably deliberately and not for the first time—was to push yourself to the point where you experienced pain, and that pain took over. You did that because within the pain you found a refuge, a safe harbor. It’s called sub-space. Most submissives get there through other means, usually with the help of their masters.”

  Jillian felt her mouth drop open. Robert was describing exactly what she experienced. “Um, that’s just from the endorphins. Isn’t it?”

  “No, baby,” David said gently. “Endorphins make you feel high, almost drunk, not tucked away and hidden and safe.”

  Robert stroked her arm and then picked up her hand, and knitted his fingers with hers. “You’ve spent your life wanting to please people, but feeling profoundly inadequate when you couldn’t manage to give others exactly what they wanted, or when they complained no matter what you did for them. You crave to have boundaries and someone to take care of you once in a while, because the concept of being completely independent confounds you and yes, makes it difficult for you to function to the very best of your ability.”

  Oh my God, he’s describing me to a tee. “So I’m…a sub? It’s like some kind of birth defect, isn’t it?”

  “Of course not, Jillian. Birth defect? No way. Or, to use your expression, horse pucky.” David squeezed her hand.

  Then Robert grabbed her chin again, this time with just a bit more force. “There’s nothing wrong with you. Being a sub is just your nature, sweetheart. It’s just the way you are and certainly nothing to be ashamed of.”

  The conviction of his words, spoken in that tone that seemed to spear right through to her very soul, left no room for doubt, and left her no choice whatsoever.

  She believed him.

  Jillian couldn’t look away from his gaze. I’ll remember this moment for the rest of my life. Years from now she would be able to recall the most profound revelation of her life with absolute clarity. Maybe the circumstances of it weren’t as bizarre as they appeared. Perhaps being naked it a tub of hot, frothing water with men she’d only just met who were also naked was the situation that needed to take place in order for this revelation to occur, and for her to believe it.

  Jillian blinked back tears, determined not to cry as the significance hit her. These two men got her, and more, she realized, than she even got herself.

he’d given up hope of ever finding one man who did, and here she’d found two of them.

  * * * *

  David waited, perfectly willing to let his older-by-fifteen-minutes brother be in charge. He supposed, in the arenas in which they’d begun to “play” a couple of years before, it could be said Robert took charge of things—except, of course they were both completely heterosexual.

  He bit back a grin. Well, his brother took charge of him except for those times when he reversed things—when he took over and deftly maneuvered Robert, all for his own good, of course.

  Over the last few months, David had been worried about him. He’d seen signs of the stress that had been Robbie’s constant nemesis before they’d made the decision to come home. Being a doctor meant he truly understood the degree to which stress could be a real killer.

  He didn’t spend a lot of time speculating about the what-ifs in life. He pretty much rolled with the flow. But every once in a while an event would stand out, and he’d savor it.

  It occurred to him, as he watched the way the latent sub in Jillian responded to the not-latent-in-the-least Dom in Robert, that a woman’s virginity extended to more than just the state of her sexuality. It didn’t matter in that moment that Jillian Gillespie had been married, given birth to a son, and then gotten divorced.

  She was an innocent, a woman who’d likely managed to get to where she was today by a series of lucky, but unplanned moves.

  Robert leaned forward and kissed her, a small, gentle brush of lips on lips more brotherly, he thought, than lover-like.

  David met Robbie’s gaze. Until right at that moment he hadn’t realized how emotionally involved his brother had already become with Jillian.

  “Let’s get you out of the hot water, love,” David said. “We still need to rub you down.”

  Jillian turned to look at him. Her eyes looked bright, as if the finest sheen of tears covered them.

  “Rub me down? You mean, like you would a horse?”

  David nodded. “Horse liniment would likely be the best medicine right now, but we don’t have any. Sorry, love.” He laughed when she gasped in outrage. She’d soon learn how much he loved to tease.

  Because she’d turned her head to face him, he mimicked his brother’s gesture, and gave her a soft kiss. It took all his considerable will to keep it short and sweet. “But for today, you’ll have to be content with ordinary moisturizer. Besides, it’s not the lotion so much as what we’re going to do with it that matters at this point.”

  He recognized the moment unease began to set in. This was when they were in danger of losing her. He sensed if she walked out the door now, it would take them a long, long time to coax her back.

  He moved smoothly, easing out of the tub. Yanking one of the fluffy heated towels off the rack, he dried himself quickly. Then he reached for another towel and turned back to the tub.

  Robert lifted Jillian from the water and handed her over to him.

  “I really can walk, you know. I can even dry myself off, too. You may be amazed to learn I’ve actually been bathing myself since before I turned five.”

  “We know that, Jillian.” David kept his voice gentle, using a tone he’d been told by his patients was very soothing. “But we like carrying you and lifting you, holding you and drying you. Think of us as your own very personal support staff.”

  He sat on the small chair in front of the vanity with Jillian on his lap, and gently blotted the water from her rosy flesh.

  Robert dried himself then brought a smaller towel over and used it to soak up some of the water from Jillian’s long, blonde hair. He gently worked the elastic off her hair. David guessed Robbie did a good job of it because she didn’t even gasp. He continued to work gently, until her tresses no longer dripped. Then he bent over, kissed the top of her head, and left the bathroom.

  Knowing Robert intended to get the bed ready for them, David turned all his attention on the woman in his arms.

  He had to work to keep his focus on drying her, and not on leering at her pert and tasty-looking breasts. Robert was right, she did have nice boobs. Slightly plump, with large light brown areolas and responsive nipples, Jillian’s breasts had shot up to the top of his list of favorite things.

  As had her strong, shapely legs, her sweetly indented waist, and, Lord have mercy, the prettiest little pussy he’d seen in a long, long time.

  He noticed the change in her breathing as he’d been drying her. He hadn’t meant to do anything but dry her. David sighed. In this case it wasn’t the intention, but the result that mattered.

  “Spread your legs for me, Jillian.”

  Jillian had become aroused again, and he had no intention of not finishing what he’d accidentally started.

  There was something sweetly shy about the way Jillian did as he asked.

  His gaze never leaving hers, he used his fingers to stroke a line from the bottom of her slit up to her clitoris. He felt her flex beneath his touch and watched as her nipples tightened and an expression of lust glossed her eyes. Her breathing hitched and sweet, sweet moisture seeped from her pussy onto his fingers.

  The sound of her tiny whimper made him smile.

  “Come for me, baby. I want you to come all over my fingers.”

  Movement drew her attention away from him for just a second, and he wondered what her reaction would be to having Robert come back into the bathroom to watch him playing with her cunt.

  She flicked her gaze up to his brother, who nodded to her in turn. And then Robert said, “Enjoy it while you can, Jillian. After today you’ll have to earn your orgasms.”

  “Earn them?”

  David grinned. Their Jillian was going to be a handful, he just knew it. That was all right, because so could he be, too.

  He slid two fingers into her pussy, and began to finger-fuck her, his rhythm slow and deep. He used his thumb to stroke her clit, a back-and-forth motion he timed perfectly with the in-and-out movement of his fingers.

  “Oh, oh!” Jillian’s eyes widened as her juices gushed on his fingers and her vagina clamped down hard, surrounding them. The spasms of her climax shivered through her, and he couldn’t help but smile in response.

  Obviously, she wasn’t used to enjoying orgasms. It would be a pleasure to help teach her how to hold off her own release, in order to increase it.

  She mewed as the last of the bliss ebbed away. He felt her become even more relaxed in his arms. He wouldn’t be surprised if she fell asleep as they began to work on her legs.

  “Good girl.” He hugged her close and then stood with her in his arms. “Now let’s get you where we really want you—on the bed.”

  Chapter 6

  “This is the biggest bed I have ever seen! What do y’all call this size of bed, anyway?” Jillian had been too overwhelmed by her unexpected circumstances, and by the man himself when Robert had carried her past the bed into the bathroom earlier to even notice it. Now she wondered how she could possibly have missed it. She’d been in a king-sized bed once, and she knew without a doubt the one she was now sprawled upon was a hell of a lot bigger than that one had been.

  The bedroom had to be at least as large as her living room and kitchen combined in her new apartment. The bed was—well, gargantuan was the adjective that came to mind to describe it.

  Robert and David both laughed, and then Robert got onto the bed by her feet. “We just call it a Lusty-sized bed,” he said. “Most of the master bedrooms in town tend to have larger beds than normal.”

  Jillian thought about it and decided that particular piece of furniture would really have to be larger than the norm, considering that in a lot of cases it would be shared by more than two adults.

  “It’s very comfortable.” She didn’t even think about the fact that she was completely naked, and, well, kind of spread-eagled in front of these men. They were naked, too, and they’d already seen all of her and touched most of her.

  She was reasonably certai
n that they would honor their word and not fuck her tonight. Jillian pushed away the emotion that came over her at the thought, an emotion that felt very much like disappointment. Instead, she focused on something remarkable.

  She was naked in front of two men and felt okay with that fact.

  She’d never been a woman who could be completely comfortable in her skin, and yet here and now, she felt good. There really was something about Robert and David Jessop that set them apart from any of the other men she knew. Could she chalk her unusual reaction to these hunky twins up to something as elemental as pheromones?

  Jillian sighed and then gave in to the urge and stretched out her legs. She froze in mid-stretch, sucking in air when searing pain stabbed her thigh, turning her vision nearly white and dredging a scream from her soul.

  “Uh-oh. Okay, sweetie, hang on.” Robert moved up the bed until he knelt beside her and helped her turn over onto her stomach. “Where did it get you, Jillian?”

  “Right leg, midway between my knee and my hip. Ouch, damn it, that hurts. Make it stop, please make it stop.” Jillian tried not to cry as the cramp refused to let go. Tears gathered against her will, and she began to puff breaths, just as she had so many years ago when she’d had to cope with labor contractions.

  “That’s your hamstring, honey,” David got on the bed on the other side of her. “It’s going to hurt a bit when we begin to massage it, too, until we can get the knot to ease up.”

  “I was afraid you were going to say that.” Jillian grabbed one of the pillows, and pulled it close. “Okay, I’m ready. Just do it. Please, oh please.”

  “If the pain gets too bad, you can always use it.” Robert ran his hand up and down her right leg gently. “Oh, baby, it’s a monster cramp you’ve got here. The entire right semimembranosus is hard as a rock.”

  David likewise ran his hand up and down her left leg. The pain was too huge a presence for her to even appreciate their touch.

  “This one isn’t pulled as badly,” David said, “but you’ve got at least one knot that I can feel along your left semitendinosus.”


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