Love Under Two Doctors

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Love Under Two Doctors Page 16

by Cara Covington

  “I’m not feeling tired anymore.”

  * * * *

  Jillian thought she could have added that she was feeling more than a little aroused, too. She looked from Robert to David, and wondered just what the two of them were thinking. For the most part, David had remained silent as Robert had answered her questions.

  She really didn’t mind that he deferred to his brother. In fact, it made her feel more comfortable with the arrangement between the three of them.

  Jillian was quickly coming to the conclusion that what she needed more than anything was to have someone in charge. The more she thought about it, the less guilty she felt. Maybe there really was nothing wrong with turning the reins over to a man, once in a while.

  It was an opinion that she wanted to reverse with Robert’s next words.

  “Sweetie, there’s nothing that David and I would like more than to bury ourselves balls deep inside of your arousing little body. Except for one thing.”

  “You can’t see those tiny shadows under your eyes, love,” David said. “We can.”

  “Nap, then dinner, and then we’ll feast on you for dessert,” Robert said.

  Jillian felt her mouth sliding into a pout. “I’m not tired.” What happened to informed consent? She didn’t want to nap, damn it. She wanted to have sex. She wanted hot and heavy and down and dirty sex with both of these studs at the same time.

  “You might want to wait until you get out of the spa before you stamp your foot, baby. It’ll have more effect that way.”

  She swivelled her head and looked at David. “You’re laughing at me.”

  “Maybe a little bit.”

  Robert reached over and gently turned her face toward him. “When I told you earlier that you need to let us give you what you need, I wasn’t just talking about spanking and orgasms, Jillian. There will be times—like now—when we’ll judge that you need to be cared for, and in those times we will, by damn, take care of you. Jillian, you’re exhausted. Nap time.”

  “Well, hell.”

  How could she put into words the sensations flowing through her at that moment? For all of her married life, she’d had to make all the decisions, do all the dirty work, and handle all the little crises. She’d hated that. Then, if Neil did put his foot down, it was usually about something stupid and unimportant. He’d randomly make some dumbass decision, but she’d never had any trouble getting her way with him. And yet, every time he gave in she felt cheated, somehow. She used to just berate herself that she couldn’t be happy, no matter what.

  Even after the divorce she’d held on to that belief, never fully admitting to herself the truth of things.

  The flaw hadn’t really been in her at all. She couldn’t even blame Neil, not with a good conscience.

  He’d never been able to give her what she needed because he hadn’t been able to understand what she needed.


  Good Lord, they had her out of the tub and she hadn’t even noticed! She sat on Robert’s lap, wrapped in a towel. She met his gaze and saw worry there.

  “Hey.” David stood next to them, using a towel to dry her hair. The gentleness of his tone combined with Robert’s gaze to both console and undo her at the same time.

  “Sorry. You’re both right. I do need a nap.”

  Robert reached up and caught a drop of moisture from her cheek. “Can you explain why you’re crying?”

  She was crying? His question and movement were the first she realized she was.

  “It’s been an intense couple of days. I keep having revelation after revelation.” She shrugged. “I thought I was broken. Inside. All my life I was convinced there was something wrong with me.”

  “You’re not broken, my little sub. You are, however, beyond exhausted. We have just the thing for you.”

  Jillian grinned and Robert said, “Something besides that.”

  In only a couple of minutes they had her on the bed, spread out on her stomach, and were massaging lotion into her body.

  “A girl could get used to this.” They’d given her a lovely massage yesterday, too, to ease the cramping in her legs. This one felt different—totally delicious. She didn’t know how relaxed she was going to get because the sensation of their hands on her skin didn’t exactly ease all the tension in her body. They aroused her something fierce.

  “Any echoes?” David asked.

  She knew he was referring to the bad cramps she’d had the day before. Jillian smiled as her head seemed to sink into her pillow. She wouldn’t have been surprised to have her legs cramp up on her that morning—the last time she’d over done things to the point of cramping it had taken a full week for her muscles to loosen again. But apparently having two talented pairs of hands working on her abused legs yesterday had taken care of the problem. “No. You both did a good job on those spasms yesterday.”

  “Good. Relax, sweetie. Close your eyes and just feel what we’re doing to you.”

  Robert used that tone that seemed to be connected directly to her will. Her eyes drifted shut and she settled even deeper into the big, soft bed. It had been a couple of very emotionally intense days, no question about it. Though she had zoned out a little when they’d lifted her from the tub, and she’d verbally agreed with them, deep down Jillian didn’t really believe she was as tired as they thought she was.

  She’d prove it to them, too. She’d just let them continue to massage her for a few minutes more—but only because it felt so darn good—and then she’d turn over and see if she could get them to change their minds. Her eyes drifted closed and she felt her female bits twinge as she thought about the night to come.

  Jillian opened her eyes to nearly pitch black. A soft glow drew her gaze, and she realized they’d left a night-light burning in the master bath.

  Wow, I really did conk out.

  Heat on either side of her told her she wasn’t alone in the bed. She wondered what time it was, but didn’t want to sit up and look at the clock in case she woke her lovers.

  “You okay, sweetie?”

  “Mmm.” Jillian turned her head to the left, toward Robert. He moved just slightly, and eased her closer to him.

  He pulled her into his arms and she snuggled deeply into him. Then she felt movement on the other side of her.

  David spooned her, working his way close until his cock nestled between the cheeks of her ass.

  The suggestive position made her shiver.

  “Are you all right?”

  She’d forgotten to answer him. Robert’s second question sounded deeper, more intimate, as it came to her ear through his chest.

  “I’m okay, just a little surprised that I really fell asleep. What time is it?”

  “Just after eleven. Are you hungry, baby?” David turned the bedside lamp on. A soft light bathed the room, not bright enough to make her blink, but enough light she could see the men’s expressions.

  “Mmm…let me see…”

  David laughed. “I should have added, for food.”

  She was about to deny one hunger in favor of another, but at that exact moment her stomach growled.

  “Yeah, I guess I am, a little.”

  Robert smiled down at her. Approval lit his eyes. “We’ll go downstairs and have a light meal. Tomorrow, we’ll aim for a more normal schedule.”

  Jillian opened her mouth to protest the man’s arrogant assumption, and then smacked her lips closed. She puffed out a breath, flouncing her bangs. She didn’t know why her mouth was trying to get her ass in trouble so often.

  Robert practically bounded from the bed. He grabbed his boxers and slipped them on, and left the room. Jillian wondered at his speed, but he was back less than a minute later, a white garment in his hands.

  “Here, sweetie. Though I hope the day will come when we have you naked most of the time while we’re at home.”

  She reached for the T-shirt, but he deftly evaded her hands, instead slipping it onto her. When
she got to her feet, she wasn’t surprised to find the shirt went nearly to her knees. She turned to David. “Didn’t you bring me things from home? I could just put on my nightgown.”

  David chuckled. “I only brought you a change of clothes from your apartment, for tomorrow. Sorry, baby. I guess it totally slipped my mind to pack you a nightgown.”

  Jillian scowled at him. When he only laughed back at her, she shook her head. She followed Robert down to the kitchen, and when she would have pitched in to throw together a light meal, he directed her to a seat at the table instead.

  “I need coffee,” she said.

  “Decaf for you, my lovely little sub. Or else you’ll be awake all night.”

  Robert had a point, but knowing that didn’t stop her from bristling. She thought about that, about the way she seemed eager for Robert or even David to give her orders that would see her naked, or spreading herself for their mutual pleasure without a thought, and grumbling to herself when they exerted authority in other areas of her life.

  She sat back and appreciated the familiarity with which both men moved about the kitchen. David scrambled some eggs while Robert put the coffee on and then popped some bread into the toaster.

  “Are you hungry enough for two pieces?”

  Jillian told her inner smart-ass to shut up and said, “Yes, please.” Then she looked at David and asked, “What are my chances of getting cheese in those eggs?”

  “Good, I think.” He looked over his shoulder and smiled at her. “I decided against frying up some ham because of the lateness of the hour. You’ll get indigestion eating anything too heavy or greasy this late at night.” He detoured to the fridge and pulled out a block of cheddar.

  It wasn’t that much longer before they came to the table, food—and coffee—in hand. Jillian ate slowly, making little happy-tummy sounds as she sampled the eggs, the cheese, and the toast. She could taste butter in the eggs, and although she watched her cholesterol consumption, the addition made the dish richer. Simple fare, but the combination seemed to hit the spot.

  Robert poured some coffee into her cup, and she added a bit of cream. She could have told him drinking caffeine late at night had never kept her awake—but then she’d already had three cups of the stuff today, and she was trying to watch that intake, too.

  “So, do you want to tell us where you’ve been the last few minutes?”

  Jillian looked up, her fork hovering over her plate and tilted her head slightly as she looked at Robert.

  When he met her gaze and didn’t say anything else, she shrugged. “I was just trying to figure out how it can be, that if I’m really a natural sub, I bristle when you…” She let her voice trail off because she didn’t know how to really word what it was she meant. She’d been going to say, “give me orders,” except that wasn’t quite right. If Robert got that tone going, and ordered her to bend over the table and present her ass to him, or even to “get into her position,” she’d be responding and complying before she’d even mentally processed the command.

  “What you really want to know is this. Why is it that you spread your legs when we command you to without a single concern, and yet want to tell me to go fuck myself when I decide that you’ll have decaf coffee, and not regular.”

  Put like that it sounded stupid, but he’d actually stated her concerns better than she had. Even though she felt color decorating her cheeks, she said, “Yes, exactly! If I’m a sub, wouldn’t I just cave without a rebellious thought in my head?”

  She kept her eyes trained on Robert, expecting he’d be the one who answered her. But it was David who spoke up.

  “No, baby. Because while your ex-husband may have left you unfulfilled sexually, that isn’t the biggest sin he committed.”

  “His biggest sin was that he never manned up.”

  Jillian felt like a spectator at a tennis match. David had captured her attention, and then Robert snared it. Clearly they knew what they were talking about, but she still wasn’t sure. Or maybe she was, but she needed to have it put into words. She needed one of them to put it into words for her.

  Robert nodded, and David smiled, reached over, and stroked her back gently. “In other words, he handed you the sword, pointed to the dragons, and said, ‘Good luck, Jillian.’”

  Jillian’s eyes widened. “Yes! Yes, that’s it exactly. Well, almost.” She wanted to be completely honest with these men. “Except, I don’t think he ever said ‘good luck.’”

  Chapter 14

  “Are you just about done, there, sweetie?”

  What was it about that tone of Robert’s that made her nipples hard and her pussy wet? All the moisture has seeped from the rest of my body to my cunt. Jillian looked down at her dinner plate. There was a bit of egg left, but she really didn’t want any more. Feeling as if her throat was far too dry to allow her to talk, she nodded.

  He pinned her in place with his gaze. She noticed his eyes flick down at the shirt she wore, and the evidence of her arousal. She barely noticed David making quick work of clearing the table.

  Robert grinned. “I’ve changed my mind. I want my shirt back, please.” He held out his hand.

  Jillian crossed her arms in front of her and grabbed the hem of the shirt. She had to lift her bottom to strip it off because she’d been sitting on the cotton. Without that buffer her naked flesh met the leather of the kitchen chair.

  She didn’t think she’d be sitting long enough for it to become an issue. Jillian handed him the shirt.

  He grabbed it from her. “Thank you.”

  She licked her dry lips. “You’re welcome.”

  Her heart tripped when he immediately held the white cotton to his face and inhaled deeply, while keeping his gaze locked on hers.

  “Mmm, yes. You have a scent that makes my cock throb.” He set the shirt down and held his hand out to her.

  Jillian wasn’t a foolish woman. She didn’t hesitate, and gave him her hand. He pulled her to her feet. She squealed and then laughed when he then used her upward momentum to lift her over his shoulder into a fireman’s carry.

  She struggled slightly, the position unfamiliar and unsettling. Robert responded by smacking her naked ass hard with his bare hand.

  Jillian yelped.

  Robert smoothed his hand on her bottom, effectively spreading the heat everywhere, which seemed to make her pussy leak even more.

  “Don’t struggle, sweetie, I don’t want to drop you.” He inhaled deeply. “That got you even wetter, didn’t it?”

  She could see no sense in being either coy or lying. “Yes. Hurry, please. I need you to fuck me.”

  Robert managed the stairs and didn’t even seem winded. All Jillian could see was the upside-down flooring, and David’s feet as he followed behind them.

  Robert eased her off his shoulder until she was standing within the circle of his arms, next to the very large and very rumpled bed.

  “So, you want us to fuck you?”

  She caught something in his expression then, something that was there and then gone so quickly. Not sure what it was that she’d seen, she bit her bottom lip and nodded her head.

  She wanted more than just having their cocks inside her, one after the other. Jillian didn’t understand all the myriad emotions that had been roiling through her since the day before. Oh, my God, we’ve only been lovers for two days!

  The realization should have shocked her, except it didn’t feel like they’d been together for only two days. Right from that first moment when they’d startled her at the clinic, she’d felt as if she’d always known these men.

  No, it was more than that. Jillian swallowed with the realization that she’d been waiting for the brothers Jessop.

  She’d been waiting for them all of her life.

  “What else do you want, my little sub? I can see your emotions, and I know you want more. You can ask us for anything.”

  Jillian didn’t hesitate. “I want you both inside me at the same

  She could see by the look in his eyes, he hadn’t been expecting that. “I don’t know if you’re really ready for double penetration, Jillian.” Robert cupped her face and kissed her lips, a light, chaste touch that soothed as much as it aroused.

  “I need you both inside of me at the same time. I need to feel…” Why did the right words always elude her when she wanted them the most?

  David eased in behind her, his body flush with her back, his heat warming her. “Connected to the both of us at once?”

  She shook her head even as she knew that connected was a part, but not all of it. Then she had it. “Complete.” Yes, that was the word, precisely. “I need to feel complete. Whole. Oh, please.”

  Roiling emotions and turbulent thoughts had a stronger grip on her than she knew when Robert’s expression turned tender, and he used his thumbs to caress her cheeks. His touch, so gentle, nearly reverent, made her shiver.

  “Hush, sweetheart.” He flicked a glance at his brother, and then met her gaze again. “We don’t want to hurt you. Your cute little anus has to be sore from this afternoon. I wasn’t as gentle with you as I should have been.”

  “I’m only a little tender. And besides, you know that saying—no pain, no gain.”

  Robert’s surprised laugh sounded more like a bark. He shook his head and kissed her, a short, almost fiercely passionate mating of his lips to hers.

  He pulled back and his expression turned very somber. “Do you have any idea what it will do to me if I hurt you?”

  Because she sensed that Robert had just given her a glimpse into the deepest recesses of his soul, she focused on his question. Did she know what hurting her would do to him? Jillian hadn’t realized how busy her mind had been, with thoughts and ideas simmering away on the back burner. Yes, she thought that she did. It pleased her in a very intrinsic way to know that while she hadn’t known him long, she was beginning to understand him.

  Jillian reached up with her right hand and caressed his face. Beard stubble met her touch and she liked it. “I promise you that if it feels like too much, I’ll ask you to stop. I promise you. I won’t take what I need at your expense.”


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