Love Under Two Doctors

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Love Under Two Doctors Page 24

by Cara Covington

  She wondered if David noticed it, too.

  David gestured for them to precede him into the house. When he closed the door behind him, he met Jillian’s gaze for just a moment, and then turned to Daisy.

  “Would you like some sweet tea?”

  “Thank you, Sir. I could go get it if you just tell me where it is?”

  “Please relax, Miss Daisy. We don’t live the lifestyle twenty-four seven here. But if you feel you need to be of service, perhaps you could give Jillian a crash course on what life, as a submissive, is like.” Then he turned to Jillian, and kissed her sweetly. “You can go out on the back patio, baby. I’ll bring the tea out in a while.”

  Jillian still had a dozen questions. Here was a golden opportunity to have some of them answered.

  “Wonderful idea. We need lots of ice, please, David. It’s hot out this afternoon, even in the shade.

  “Of course it is,” David said. “This is Texas, after all.”

  Chapter 20

  The front door closed behind them, and the sound of the lock being shot echoed in the quiet house.

  “Alone at last.”

  Jillian smiled at Robert, completely agreeing with his sentiment and the bit of frustration behind it. There he stood by the door he’d just locked looking more mouthwateringly handsome than any man had a right to look—and seriously in need of a hug.

  “Don’t you know that delayed gratification is good for the soul?” David asked. He wasn’t doing a very good job of suppressing his amusement.

  Jillian hoped these two men never lost their wonderful senses of humor, or the habit of ribbing each other.

  “Normally I agree with that,” Robert said. “But I needed so much for us to be just the three of us together, and I needed it right after little Ellie made her debut.”

  Jillian followed her instincts and walked over to him. He opened his arms, enclosing her within them. She laid her head on his chest.

  “It’s been an incredible day, start to finish.” She took a moment to listen to his heart beat. Strong and steady, she knew it was a sound she would take the opportunity to listen to, just like this, every chance she got for the rest of her life.

  He rubbed his hands up and down her back, and when she looked up at him, he loosened his hold of her.

  “Something happened today, didn’t it? I mean aside from the fact that you delivered Penelope’s baby, and met and counseled Daisy and then flew her out and got her settled in that so-called cabin, and then endured a hundred backslaps when we stopped in to the party at the restaurant. Above all of that, something else happened today, didn’t it?”

  Robert raised one eyebrow and gave her that look he had, the one she’d secretly dubbed his Dom look, and said, “I had a bit of a personal epiphany—and I don’t think I was the only one, was I?”

  Jillian shook her head in the negative. He wasn’t the only one to have had his eyes opened today.

  “I thought so,” David said. “I caught both moments. That’s why I was grinning like a fool when Matt was standing in the doorway.”

  Jillian didn’t want Robert to pull the standard, “ladies first” line on her, and she knew one surefire way to make him talk first. “You first, Sir. Please.”

  A special kind of pleasure lit his eyes whenever she called Robert “Sir.” She made a note for future reference.

  “All right. I think I need to tell you the entire story, however. And I’d like to do it someplace more comfortable than the front entrance hallway.”

  Jillian stretched up and kissed his lips lightly. She reached out her right hand, and David took it. When he stepped closer, she kissed him, too. Then she grinned. “I know just the place.”

  Less than ten minutes later, Jillian sighed as she settled back in the hot tub. She closed her eyes for a moment and simply focused on letting all her muscles relax.

  “I think we’ve created a water nymph.”

  She smiled at Robert’s words, and her smile widened as David chuckled. She let her hands and legs float on the water and was delighted when her lovers each took one of her hands.

  “I make no apologies. This feels wonderful, especially after such a busy, busy day.” She sighed and then said, “Okay, spill it. Sir.”

  Robert kissed her hand. Then he said, “I’ve always had the sense that, being the oldest, I was somehow responsible, beginning when I was a kid, for my siblings, and my cousins. As I got older, I extended that. No one made me feel that way, it was just…me. I wanted to be in charge, and often was in charge, not for the power trip, but to ensure that everyone had what they needed. That everyone was following the right path, and was okay, and taken care of, and safe.”

  Jillian looked over at him. “From everything I’ve learned very recently, I would say that you are a natural-born Dom.”

  Robert nodded his agreement. “I didn’t find that out until much later in life…just a few years ago, in fact. I guess you could say that everything for me came to a head once we landed in Chicago.”

  She listened as he told her about his shock at the difference in lifestyles between a northern inner city and his Texas roots.

  “One kid in particular just got to me. His name was Bobby Barnes. His dad had deserted him, his mom, and younger brother when he’d been about ten. Mom worked two jobs to make ends meet. Bobby had a part-time job, and he gave all his money to his mother. Still, they were poor, no question. He was smart as a whip, but he’d fallen in with a bad crowd—because he was poor and there were temptations out on the street. I met him when he was brought into the ER one night, shot in the chest during gang-related violence.”

  Jillian knew in her heart, before he said the words, how Bobby’s story ended up. She just knew, and so she sat quietly and held Robert’s hand while he told her the story.

  When he got to the part about the kid opening fire in the emergency room full of wounded hospital staff and cops, she gasped, and looked over at David.

  “I was upstairs, had just come out of the delivery room. Usually I would have been home already, but one of my staff called in sick and I decided, what the hell…” He looked over at his brother. “Hospital gossip can be notoriously inaccurate and spread faster than a prairie fire. We got the word that there’d been several shooters, and that a couple of doctors had been killed.”

  Jillian didn’t have to ask to know that David was sharing what he never had before.

  He swallowed hard and continued on. “As God is my witness, I don’t remember running down all those flights of stairs. Apparently I passed a few friends who said later I ran like the wind. I don’t remember that, I only remember that I didn’t breathe until I got there and saw Robbie working on one of the cops who’d been shot.”

  “The volunteer I covered turned out to be a woman named Chastity Fitzpatrick, the wife of Jordan Fitzpatrick and Marcus Jones-Fitzpatrick.”

  What were the odds, she wondered, that a man from Lusty would hook up with another ménage family so far from home? Then the light dawned. “That was the Jordan I met on the phone the other day.”

  “Yes. He owns a very private BDSM club called Reckless Abandon. We kind of became friends that night. Jordan recognized the Dom in me, and over the next couple of weeks he also recognized the problem I was having, and understood the root of it. He invited us to his club, and I mentored with him. It helped. He gave me the ‘head knowledge’ I needed to put everything in perspective.”

  Jillian tilted her head as she considered him. “But that head knowledge didn’t become heart knowledge until today, did it?”

  She flicked a glance at David and saw him smiling at his brother.

  “It is really a good thing, to have two people who know me so well, that they can get a moment like that.” He sighed. “I was telling Penelope that what had happened wasn’t her fault, that life for the most part defies our control, and we can only handle what comes, and I thought, well, hell, there it is.”

  Jillian le
t go of David’s hand, and crawled up onto Robert’s lap. David slid closer, and encouraged her to stretch out with her legs on him, so she did.

  She kissed Robert and said, “Good. I know that means you’re still a Dom, and still in charge, and I’m very happy about those two facts. But it also means that maybe I don’t have to worry about you developing an ulcer anytime soon, or being on the road to a heart attack.”

  “And do you? Worry about me?”

  Jillian grinned because Robert had sounded so darned surprised by that revelation. “Of course I do. Yeah, yeah, you’re the big bad Dom and master of all you survey and blah, blah, blah. You’re still one of the men that I love with all my heart and will until my dying day, so get used to it.”

  “What happened to the woman who was going into this relationship with a just-for-now attitude? Aha, that surprises you, to learn that we figured that out. It shouldn’t, my little sub.” He ran his hands down her back, then came around and tweaked her nipple.

  He was right. She was surprised that they’d been able to read her so well.

  “I think it’s time for our sub to tell us about her own personal ‘aha’ moment today.

  They might have been Doms, but they proved themselves ordinary men when they reacted to her tears. She shook her head and took a moment to gently brush their mouths with her fingertips.

  “I couldn’t believe that it really worked. All the years of hearing Shirley talk about the families here, and I couldn’t get how it could possibly really work. I’d hear about two or even three husbands, and would automatically multiply my own experience and shudder.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that, baby. You only know what you know.”

  She thought David was being kinder than she deserved. “The thing is, today I discovered the secret, and I feel as if I should have known it all along. The secret is love. That’s how it all works. There is so much love here, in this town, in these families—”

  “Even in this very hot tub,” Robert said.

  “Yes, even right here and right now.” She couldn’t see Robert’s face, because she snuggled into his chest. But she saw David’s and knew the two men were doing their silent twin-communication thing again.

  “So maybe you’re ready for what comes next?”

  Jillian eased herself up so she was sitting, and also so she could meet Robert’s gaze. “What comes next?”

  “I love you, Jillian,” Robert’s voice shook with emotion. “I loved you the moment I laid eyes on you—Jessops are like that, you see. We fall in love completely, and fast, and only once. Please, marry me.”

  “I love you, Jillian,” David said. “I knew the moment I met you that you were the one for us. Please, marry me.”

  He and David both ran their hands over her, and she felt them both trembling.

  How wonderful it was that such strong, virile men could show their emotions so completely. How did she ever get so lucky to have them fall in love with her? How could she ever say no?

  “Yes, please. I want to marry you. I want to marry you both.”

  “One more thing…will you wear our collar? David mentioned that you and Daisy talked tonight, so I’m guessing you know what that means.”

  She had indeed spoken to Daisy, and at length. Jillian had started the conversation, because she’d wondered about the lifestyle from a sub’s point of view. Although Daisy’s circumstances were different, as her two masters were also lovers together, not brothers, she’d still filled in a lot of the blanks she’d had in her understanding.

  “Yes. Yes, I’d be very honored to wear your collar.”

  Robert placed a chaste kiss on her lips that did nothing to feed the raw, hungry passion that lay in embers deep within her.

  David repeated the gesture. Then Robert said, “You chose this venue for our words. I have another in mind for our lovemaking. Let’s move this party to the bed.”

  “Yes, Sir. Let’s.”

  One of the wonders of these men was their flexibility. She had no doubt that most of the time, this would be the place where they would command and she would submit. But first, they gave in to her spoken desire.

  How could she describe the joy she received, falling to her knees and taking their cocks into her mouth in turn? Love filled her, heart and mind, body and soul, and she wanted, needed, to give, to love, to worship. Finally, she’d found men who not only respected her, but cherished what she had to give them. Finally, she felt complete.

  To be on her knees between her two lovers, her two fiancés—her two masters, and to feel their hands in her hair, sped her heart and slicked her sex.

  She sucked Robert’s cock in, taking him to the back of her throat while she ran her tongue along his thick shaft. Then she slid her mouth up and off, lapping at the tiny drop of pre-cum, her tongue rimming the tiny eye before she turned her head and treated David’s cock to the exact same loving.

  They tasted slightly different, one from the other. The combined flavor satisfied her deepest craving, thrilling her beyond reason.

  Her pussy seeped, and she clenched her inner muscles. That action made her arousal grow, and she shivered in pleasure.

  “Enough. I don’t want to come in your mouth. Not this time.” Robert drew her up to her feet, wrapped one arm around her, and combed the fingers of his other hand through her hair. He tilted her face up, and she met his gaze.

  His mouth settled on hers. This wasn’t a kiss as much as it was a strong, controlled taking, and oh God, she loved it, loved the dominance he displayed. Head back, mouth open, she gave and she took and she reveled in his flavor, in his heat, and in being his.

  A hand stroked her, nape to ass. Robert ended their kiss, gently rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip, and then turned her, giving her to his brother.

  David took her in and took her even higher. Sometimes, he’d been a gentler lover, maybe even a bit passive. Not tonight. Tonight, he devoured her, his hands everywhere at once, arousing her, searing her, and, she knew, branding her.

  “We want to take you, the two of us, together.” Robert’s heated words bathed the shell of her ear. “Will you let us, Jillian? Will you let us just take you?”

  “Yes, please. I need that. I need that so much.” He didn’t say they’d be careful, and she thanked God for that. What he said, what both of her men intended, was to claim her.

  She sensed a frantic, almost desperate mood in them, and she thanked God for it. She knew that mood well. Tonight, that sense felt more feral than before. Never had she known such a strong craving to be filled with their cocks, to be the recipient of their passion.

  Robert pulled her against him, his arms surrounding her from behind while David yanked the covers off the bed.

  “You know we’ve been tested. We know you have, too.”

  Robert’s words tingled up and down her spine. She had been tested, on a regular basis, as that had been a requirement for her benefit insurance at her previous job.

  Robert continued. “We want to be naked inside you. We want to come inside you and give you our seed.”

  “I’m not on the pill.” There had been no need to be. She’d believed she would live alone, without sex, without love, for the rest of her life.

  “We know that, too, Jillian. Will you let us get you pregnant?”

  She nearly came right then and there. This was a step that should be planned, discussed, and analyzed. She was thirty-eight years old, not too old, really, to have another child.

  Jillian didn’t want to plan, discuss, or analyze.

  “Oh, God. Yes. Yes. Please. I need…”

  “We know what you need, woman.” David’s eyes shone with such intensity, Jillian felt herself go a little weak. “We’re about to give it to you.”

  Hands and fingers, lips and tongues, caressed and pinched, kissed and lapped and treasured. They kissed her, one, then the other, in a rapid back-and-forth sharing that made her dizzy with desire and desperate for rel

  But they’d only just begun to love her.

  She kissed and stroked, she touched and grasped and squeezed, and she opened herself completely to the two men who loved her, the two men who claimed her.

  Her flesh heated, her breath quickened, and she felt her dampness grow. They touched her between her legs, growling when they felt the dew of her desire coating her cunt. Feral, ancestral, the sound thrilled her, making her hotter and hornier.

  They laid her flat and took turns, using their tongues and their mouths to lap and dip, to kiss and sip. Jillian cried out as rapture, unexpected, meteoric, and spectacular, burst over her, drenching her inside and out with sublime satisfaction.

  Masculine grunts signaled pleasure, and the need for more. Four hands turned her onto her stomach and she lay, submissive but never subservient, as they lavished their love upon her. She mewed and whimpered as the apex raced toward her again, a pleasure so intense, and so completely out of her control.

  “Take it,” David said.

  “Go over.” Robert’s tone commanded and her body complied. She screamed as she came, and she heard the joy in that sound, and the freedom.

  They turned her again, onto her side, and Robert cupped her face and kissed her. Wild and wanton, wet and wonderful, they drank from each other.

  David kissed a line down her back, and then eased her left leg over his brother’s hips.

  “I love you.” Robert shifted and his cock slid into her cunt, going deep. She felt the twinge as he nudged her cervix, and rejoiced in the tiny bite of pain.

  “God have mercy, I’ve never been naked inside a woman before. Only you.” Robert kissed her again, this time his lips softer, nearly reverent. “Only you,” he said again.

  Jillian trembled with the combination of the emotional and the physical. She felt full of one master’s cock even as she pined for the second’s.

  Robert stayed still inside her, and she understood he was waiting, waiting for his brother. Waiting for them to become one flesh.


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