Shape of My Life

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Shape of My Life Page 5

by DC Renee

  “Jesus … what does she have? A magic vagina?” Trevor asked.

  “Don’t fucking talk about her like that!” I roared.

  “Oh, shit,” Gavin mused. “I think he really likes her.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I do. You’ve seen her; she’s gorgeous, but damn …” I didn’t even have the words to describe her. “She’s smart, she’s witty, and she makes me feel normal; she’s … the real deal.”

  “You haven’t talked about a girl like this since Jourdan,” Cody said.

  “I never really knew Jourdan,” I told them, “but I always imagined she’d have been like Brooklyn, except Brooklyn is real.” Looking back, I knew it was sad I had been so hung up on a girl I never knew and based many of my life decisions on my fantasy with her. But if it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t be where I was, so I had no regrets. It just felt odd to compare Brooklyn to Jourdan because as I said, Brooklyn was real. Jourdan had been a fantasy.

  “Well, then I hope you get her,” Gavin told me as he put an arm around my shoulders.

  “Don’t worry, Gav,” I told him. “I will.”

  But my day had ended before it even started. My thoughts were no longer mixed with other things; they were focused on Brook. They drifted to her brown hair, her dusty pink lips, the way only one side of her mouth kicked up when she fought a smile, and fuck me, her green eyes, and the way they penetrated right through me when I was buried deep inside her.

  Thinking of her actually had a positive effect on my music.

  “Maybe I need to find me a girl,” Trevor mused. “If the way you played today is thanks to her.”

  It had been. When I played my guitar, or when I sang, I felt like she was the only one who could hear me, even if she couldn’t. I finally picked up my phone to call her after a few hours, but that wasn’t enough.

  “Sorry guys, I have to go,” I told them.

  “About a girl?” Cody mockingly asked but with a lilting smile.

  “Nope, about my girl.”


  I was sure I was a fool for not being more scared about my relationship with Grennan taking a dive when he went back to New York. The truth was that as wonderful as the time was with him, as much as I hoped he wanted to date me, and as much as I believed he wouldn’t cheat—although that was easier to trust when he was with me than when he went back home—I didn’t actually have faith we would continue to date once he went back to New York.

  I didn’t think we’d break up or anything. I just figured he wouldn’t call me or just never show up. It hurt, but I had set myself up for that. I just took it at face value—a wonderful week with a rock star who tried to be “normal.” It would be an awesome tale for my future grandkids.

  “Your grandma was pretty cool once,” I’d tell them. “I dated a rock star.” Then they’d ask me to tell them all about my time with him, and I’d do it with a smile on my face.

  “You’re moping,” Cassidy told me when we went out to dinner the day Grennan left.

  “There is nothing to mope about,” I retorted.

  “The guy’s been gone less than a day. How the hell has he affected you like this already?”

  “I … I really don’t know,” I answered, not bothering to hide how much I already missed him.

  “He’ll call, Brook, even if I don’t want him to steal you away into the limelight,” she muttered. “He’ll call,” she repeated.

  “Yeah …” I agreed half-heartedly. I didn’t think he would.

  “Why do you sound like someone just told you that you should go to the dentist and you’re just agreeing to drop the subject?”

  “It’s just that I already miss him, so technically, he should miss me too. That means he would have called or texted by now. His flight landed hours ago.”

  “So why don’t you call or text him?” she asked with a duh look.

  “Because I’m not the one with the big life; he is. I’m trying not to be the desperate girl trying to hold onto something unreal.”

  “Your life is big, Brook. If only you knew just what you are.”

  “You have to say that; you’re my best friend.”

  “I’m telling you the truth. But that’s beside the point. The guy had business to take care of. He’ll call when he’s done.” She looked at me with a pointed stare; as if she deemed it so, it would happen. I swear sometimes that Cassidy thought she could move planets. I had just smiled when her expression became unreadable, and she whispered, “Or not.”


  “Yeah, so maybe he won’t call after all,” she added, a slow smile spreading on her lips, but before I could ask her what she meant, a shadow fell over the table. I looked up and gasped at the looming figure towering over us.

  “Grennan?” I asked. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in New York?”

  “Yeah, about that … I got there and had just started getting some work done, but all I could think about was you. I was about to call you just to hear your voice, but that just didn’t seem good enough. So I hopped on the next flight here, talked to your parents for a bit, found out you were here, and now, I’m joining you both for dinner.” He was rambling; it was cute. I was beaming a goofy grin, which was not so cute.

  “You what?” I asked, even though I had processed what he said. It just didn’t make sense.

  “I missed you, Brooklyn. If I have the means and the opportunity to be here, I’m taking it. My manager won’t be too thrilled but fuck him. You’re Cassidy,” he turned to her as if he hadn’t just dropped a bomb on me. “I’m Grennan. This is even better,” he said more to himself. “I get to know the people closest to Brooklyn all in one week.”

  “Nice to see you again,” she said as she shook his hand.

  “This is … I mean … wow.” I was stuttering, but could you blame me? The guy kept surprising me. If he kept this up, I would fall for him … fast and hard.

  Grennan sat down next to me in the booth, forcing me to scoot over. He put his arm around me and then peppered Cassidy with questions about me. He asked her about her work, and I could literally see the moment he’d won her over. Her eyes got the same look she got when she talked about “killer shoes.”

  It didn’t stop her from giving him the best friend interrogation before we said our goodbyes.

  “You’re really serious about Brook?”

  “Do I strike you as if I’m not?” he retorted.

  “Good point. And how does this whole long distance thing work?”

  “It’s only temporary.”

  “Oh?” Cassidy asked just as I thought it.

  “Brooklyn doesn’t know this yet,” he said as if I wasn’t literally right next to him, “but she’s moving in with me once she realizes I’m not playing games.”

  “What?” I asked. Jesus, this was all moving way too fast. I didn’t want to hear any more or know anymore, but at the same time, I did. It was like not believing fortunetellers were real and still going to one just to see what she’d say about your potential future.

  “I couldn’t even be away from you for one day,” he admitted, turning to me. “I sure as hell hope you feel the same way. I love this town, I really do,” he said, “but I just can’t realistically move here with my line of work. So when you’re comfortable, I’m sorry to say, you’ll have to move to New York for us to be together.” My mouth dropped open. He turned back to Cassidy. “Shit, I’d pack up all her things and drag her back to New York now if I knew she’d let me,” he told her.

  I had no words. None. Zip. Nada. My mind was in shock. Just minutes before, I was moping about Grennan forgetting me. And suddenly, he was talking about moving in together.

  “Well, this has been fun. We should go.” I cut off the question and answer session before Cassidy could ask anything else and Grennan could drop any more bombs. I needed time to process what I’d just learned.

  “Fine, fine,” Cassidy acquiesced. “I like you, Grennan, but if you hurt my girl here, you’re toast.”
  “Wouldn’t dream of it.” He hugged her, and I had to stifle a giggle at her reaction.

  Okay, he’s all right, she mouthed over his shoulder. And then later she told me she approved if he kept me safe and away from his crazy life. I didn’t understand why my parents and my best friend kept nagging me about his rock star life. It changed people; I got that. I wouldn’t have privacy; I got that too. I’d be vulnerable to the paparazzi and the general public; I even got that. Okay, wait; I saw why they were nervous. But they’d just have to learn to deal with it.

  When we went back to Grennan’s hotel, I assumed we’d get right down to business, so when he poured me a drink and asked me to sit, I got nervous.

  “We need to talk.” Maybe nervous didn’t cover it.


  “Us.” Nervous? What the heck was nervous? All I knew was anxiety attack, and I didn’t even suffer from anxiety.

  “Us?” I squeaked.

  “I know you think this is crazy, but I really like you, Brooklyn. I don’t want to lose you, and I’m afraid that will happen when I go back to New York. I know you have a life here, and I can’t ask you to up and leave it for me when you’ve known me for just over a week. But I wasn’t kidding when I said I missed you earlier today. I had seen you just hours before, but I already missed you, and knowing I wouldn’t see you later that day didn’t help.”

  “So what are you saying?”

  “Can you take a few days off? Come stay with me? I have to go on tour soon, so it’s about to get really crazy, but for right now, can you give me more time?”

  “I … uh … what?”

  “I was serious when I said I wanted us to be together permanently … none of this long distance stuff, but I know it’s too soon for you to come live with me. So for now, I’m just asking for some more time with you, and unfortunately, I can’t stay here. I have to get back to work. I already asked your parents, and they were on board if you were,” he added. He asked my parents for permission for a sleepover? In a different state? When I was an adult? Hello embarrassment, meet how freaking sweet. “Please say you’ll stay with me for the next few days,” he pleaded.

  “What am I going to do in New York while you’re working?” I asked, genuinely wondering. I did want to come with him, but if I wasn’t even going to see him while he worked, what would be the point?

  “You can come with me or wander around. It’s a big place. You’ll love it, I promise. I just need to know that when I come home after a long day, I get to see you.”

  “We barely know each other,” I told him.

  “But it feels like we’ve known each other for years,” he responded. “I know you feel it too.” I did, but I also knew that people didn’t fall head over heels instantly like they did in the movies. What I was feeling was most likely lust or infatuation, and I was sure he was too. He just probably didn’t know the difference.

  It didn’t stop my stupid heart from rebelling against my brain, and before I knew what I was saying, my mouth was moving against my body’s volition. “Okay.”

  “Okay?” he questioned, surprise coloring his cheeks and hope glowing prominently in his eyes. Well, now, my damn brain was on board too because it didn’t want to hurt Grennan.

  “Yeah, I’ll take some time off and take in the sights. Spending time with you is a bonus,” I teased.

  “Good because we leave tomorrow morning.”

  “We?” I asked.

  “I knew you’d say yes. Don’t bother asking what would happen if you didn’t because I’d get you to.”

  What was becoming the norm with us, I guess he did. Then he claimed my mouth before he claimed my body. And just before I drifted off to sleep, I could have sworn I heard him say, “Don’t worry, Brooklyn, I’ll get you to love New York.”


  I wish I could say that Grennan had kept up his streak at convincing me of everything he told me not to worry about. I was I could say he’d been right about my loving New York. I wish I could say New York was a blast, and in all honesty, the time I spent with Grennan did make it worth it. However, touring a city by yourself isn’t as much fun as all those independent people make it seem. I guess I’m not cut out to travel the world by myself, making friends on the way. Grennan offered for me to go with him to his meetings and studio sessions and whatever else he did, but I wasn’t ready to meet those people yet.

  I signed up for some tours and did some sightseeing on my own, but I wasn’t one of those people content to wander alone. I could sit at home with just a movie or book to comfort me, and I’d be fine, but going to the movies by myself? Yeah, not happening.

  So my days were spent mostly bored, not that Grennan’s apartment was without luxuries. He had an insane TV, a gaming system that even a rookie like me would enjoy, all the music you’d ever want to hear, and let’s not forget about the tub. Yeah, I soaked in that thing for way too long way too many times in the four days I was in New York.

  Grennan took me out several times, and I was actually shocked at the lack of screaming fans. It wasn’t at all how I had pictured it. I imagined flocks of girls running at him and tearing his clothes off. I might have voiced that out loud even.

  “Is this what you think happens or what you hope happens?” Grennan had laughed.

  “Are you implying I need to run at you and tear your clothes off to get you naked?” I smirked.

  “No, Brooklyn, all you have to do is ask, and I’ll strip for you anytime, anywhere.”

  “Hmm, good to know. I might have to take you up on that.” Of course, I took him up on that. We spent most of our time at his place naked. I was getting my fill of Grennan while I had the chance. Pun intended.

  “I guess people in New York are either too busy, too self-involved, or just used to seeing famous people,” he had explained.

  “What about the tourists? Or the exceptions to the rule?”

  “We’re big, Brooklyn, but we’re not that big. Sometimes, I do get recognized, but I usually only run into the screaming fans when we’re playing a gig, or we’re at an event.” I could understand that. I knew The Rising Sun, and I knew Grennan, but there were plenty of bands whose name I might know, but I couldn’t tell you the names of the band members, much less what they looked like. And many more bands who I had no clue about because I just didn’t listen to their music. The Rising Sun had a big following; I knew that. Heck, my parents knew of them, but even so, they were a niche sound.

  “That’s good for your private life,” I told him.

  “Yeah, it is. Although me having a girlfriend might make some news once people get wind of you.”

  “Girlfriend? I thought we were dating.” Had I been hoping that I was his girlfriend? Uh… duh. Did I think I was? Had you not been listening to my self-doubt all this time? I needed clarification … big time.

  Grennan sighed before replying as if he had anticipated an argument. “Dating leads to a girlfriend. Is there some kind of special timeframe before that happens? Who the hell knows or cares. I’m your guy; you’re my girl. End of story.”

  “Should we talk about this?”

  “We just did,” he replied stone-faced.

  “I’m pretty sure that was a one-sided conversation, and you just made a decision for me… again.”

  “Come on, Brooklyn, you should already know how this goes. You ask what happens if you don’t want to be my girlfriend, then I convince you that you already are, then you agree but are dubious, so then I tell you that I’ll get you to be my girlfriend. I’m saving us the back and forth.”

  “You’re so frustrating.” I threw my hands up. He was; he really was. Yet like some masochist, I loved it.

  “Don’t worry, Brooklyn. I’ll get you to appreciate it,” he teased, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “All right, fine, you win. Girlfriend it is, but I guess we’ll see how this goes.” I was nervous as hell, but I didn’t want to tell him because I had a feeling we’d have another Grennan-only conv
ersation in which he’d get his way regardless. What was the point, right? The more I was with him, the more I cared about him, and that just meant more and more of my heart was available for him to break when he was done with me.

  “Call me when you land,” Grennan told me as he kissed me and waved me off at the airport. “The minute you land,” he added.

  “And if I don’t?” I grinned.

  “You will, Brooklyn. You will.”

  “Fine, fine, I will.”

  “Dammit, I miss you already,” he said as he grabbed me and pulled me in for another kiss. “I’m going to move my schedule around so I can come see you this weekend.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” I tried to reassure him.

  “It’s happening, Brooklyn. We’re happening. I don’t understand how you don’t see it.”

  I smiled wide to hide the effect he had on me. My knees were buckling, my heart was stuttering, my mouth was drying, and my mind was turning to mush. Damn you, Grennan, I thought, you’re not supposed to make me fall for you. At least, not this quickly. How will I handle it when you go on tour? I didn’t say all that. I gave him a quick peck and said, “I know, Grennan. We’re happening. I’ll call you when I land, and I’ll see you soon.”

  Did I call Grennan when I landed? I didn’t get a chance to! I turned my phone on the minute the plane touched down, and before I even pulled up my phone app, Grennan’s smiling face, which by the way, he had put on my phone when I wasn’t aware, lit up my screen.

  “It says you landed two minutes ago.” He actually sounded disappointed in me. I couldn’t tell if it was endearing or creepy. I went with endearing.

  “My phone literally just powered on, and you caught me just as I was dialing you.”

  “I’m acting crazy, aren’t I?” he asked. Yep, definitely endearing.

  “A bit, but I like it.”

  “Good. It’s just … damn, Brooklyn, I don’t know how to do all this relationship stuff right. I haven’t wanted to be with someone the way I want to be with you since high school. And even then, it was a crush. You … you’re something else.”


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