Mustang Hollywood: A standalone, small town, enemies-to-lovers romance (Mustang Ranch Book 3)

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Mustang Hollywood: A standalone, small town, enemies-to-lovers romance (Mustang Ranch Book 3) Page 16

by Eva Haining

  The town square is busier than the annual spring fair. Everyone is coming together tonight for a huge wrap party. There’s not a soul in Kingsbury Falls who won’t be there. Laughter, excitement, and anticipation crackle in the sweet morning air.

  By the time I step onto our final set, melancholy settles over me. Watching Jasper chatting through the day’s schedule with Hazel, I’m acutely aware this is the last time he and I will be working together. If I’m lucky enough to book other movies after this, it will be with a different cast and crew. The thought of sharing even a fake intimacy with any other actor sits uneasy in my gut. And if we beat the odds and our relationship survives public scrutiny, how will I feel seeing his mouth worshiping another woman’s lips in the name of art?

  My chest tightens, my mind racing ahead to the problems of tomorrow. I can barely draw a breath.

  I must have zoned out because Jasper is at my side in the blink of an eye.

  “Are you okay, baby? You look a little pale.” Shaking my head, I pull myself back to the present.

  “I’m fine.” Pulling me into his arms, he takes my mouth in a panty-melting kiss for everyone to see.

  “Better?” Looking up into his bright ocean-blue eyes, I lose myself.


  “Then why do you look sad?” His arms tighten around my waist, pulling me against his chest.

  “It’s just hitting me that today is the last day. Everything’s going to be different from here on out.” I fight back tears as he runs his warm hand over my back, tracing lazy circles with his fingers.

  “It’s going to be a great adventure, and you’ll have me by your side. I’ll be with you every step of the way for as long as you want me.”

  “You promise?” I hate that I’m asking, knowing he can no more predict the future than I can. It’s a leap of faith, one I thought I was ready for, but as I take in the familiar fields that surround us, I’m not sure I can leave Kingsbury Falls behind.

  “To J.J. and Maisie.” Jack lifts his glass as the crowd quietens. “I can’t believe how far we’ve come in the past few months. J.J., you’re a hard-ass, a jackass, and a badass. I feel truly humbled to have gotten the chance to work with you, and I’m in awe of your dedication to the craft.

  “And Maisie, to say you’ve excelled seems like the understatement of the century. I have no doubt you’re about to take Hollywood by storm. It’s truly been a privilege to get to know you and watch your talent blossom. I can’t wait to watch your career grow and flourish. I can only hope I’m lucky enough to work with you again in the future.

  “To the rest of the cast and crew and the people of Kingsbury Falls… I will forever be grateful for your warmth, support, and hard work. I’ll deeply miss every one of you. Now, join me in raising a glass because that’s a wrap!”

  The crowd erupts, everyone cheering and hugging each other. It’s like something out of a movie, and the irony isn’t lost on me.

  With live, good old-fashioned country music spreading through the humid night air, I breathe it in, reveling in the collective merriment. I love this town and everything that it represents.

  “Hi, Maisie.” A familiar voice cuts through the melodic tones of the female singer. As I turn to face him, I can barely hold his gaze.

  “Thomas.” His name feels foreign on my lips. “I haven’t seen you in a while. I thought we’d see each other on set.”

  “I didn’t feel much like being an extra in the movie or your life.”


  “Gosh. I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. It’s just been too hard to think about seeing you. I heard you and the city boy are a thing now. Word spreads fast around here.”

  “I never meant to hurt you, Thomas. I hope you know that.”

  “I do, and that’s why I forced myself to come tonight. I didn’t want you to leave town without getting the chance to say goodbye.” The sincerity in his stare is like a bullet to my chest. I hate the hurt I’ve caused him.

  “I’m not leaving forever. I’ll be back,” I say, trying to convince myself more than him.

  “The director was right, you have an amazing career ahead of you, Maisie. I’m just glad I got to be a part of it if only for a little while. You know I want the best of everything for you.”

  “Oh, Thomas. I don’t deserve your kindness, but it means the world to me.” He reaches out, pulling me into his arms, catching me off-guard.

  “If he hurts you, you call me. If ever you need a friend or just someone from home to talk to, you call me,” he says, squeezing me a little tighter. “I’m really going to miss you, Maisie Bryant.”

  “Hey, baby, the crew is looking for you. They want to get a few group shots before everyone goes their separate ways.” Jasper’s eyes are locked on me where Thomas’ hands rest on my back. He doesn’t wait for a response or an explanation, instead tucking his hands deep in his pockets and stalking off into the anonymity of the crowd.

  “I better go.”

  “I understand.” Planting a kiss on his cheek, I slip from his grasp and head off after Jasper. Weaving in and out of lifelong friends and newfound colleagues, I manage to grab hold of his wrist, pulling him round to face me.

  “Are you okay? Back there, with Thomas…”

  “You don’t owe me an explanation.”

  “Then why do you look like I just punched your baby?”

  “Because he had his hands on you, and it made my blood boil. But, I’m the asshole who kissed you when you were his girl.”

  “What?” Thomas’ voice trickles down my back like ice water.

  “Thomas… wait!” I’m about to run after him, desperate to offer a pathetic attempt at justifying my behavior, but Jasper’s hand wraps around my waist, spinning me back to face him before reaching his other hand into my hair, holding me tight as his gaze burns into me.

  “You’re mine, Maisie. I might be the asshole in his story, but I want to be the hero in yours. You’re all I care about.” His lips crash down on mine, possessing me with a primal ferocity that consumes me. His tongue licks at the seam of my lips before darting into my mouth in a frenzied caress—deep, soul-destroying, and an assault on my senses. I lose myself in his kiss, the rest of the world fading into the background leaving only us and the fire that burns between us, threatening to engulf us in a blazing inferno.

  The rest of the night goes by in a blur of drinks, dancing, and stolen moments in quiet corners. All I can think about is taking Jasper home to my bed, an ache building at my core with every passing minute.

  When it’s time to say goodbye, I scan the crowd, committing this night to memory—the good and the bad. As Jasper wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to his side, I catch a glimpse of Thomas, his eyes tracking me as he chats with the singer from tonight. She’s beautiful, her face matching the incredible voice that provided the backdrop for a night I’ll never forget.

  Mouthing the words ‘I’m sorry’ in his direction, I have no idea if he understands, his blank stare unmoving.

  Turning my attention back to the man at my side, I still can’t believe he wants me. Towering over me, his warmth radiates against my skin, sending sparks through every fiber of my being. We walk the familiar streets of the town bathed in moonlight, the promise of what’s to come crackling in the air between us.

  When we finally reach my home, I stop for a moment to enjoy the cozy exterior. Jasper and I have spent so many nights holed up in here, lost in the throes of passion. It’s been our slice of privacy, which I have a strong feeling is going to be scarce once we touch down in LA.

  Tangling his hands in my hair, Jasper’s head dips down, his lips finding mine in a soft kiss.

  “Jasper...” I’m drunk from the taste of him, a haze of desire blooming at my core.

  “Yes, baby,” he says, nibbling on my bottom lip.

  “Take me to bed and make love to me.” Without another word, he pulls me inside, our bodies speaking their own language as we lose ourselves
to a pleasure so profound, I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of his man.

  “Welcome to Hollywood, baby.”

  The elation in Jasper’s voice is palpable as we step off the plane at LAX. The sun shines bright in the clear blue sky above. Flashing me a genuine, panty-melting smile, I can see he’s home. Kingsbury Falls was too small to harness the overwhelming presence of someone like Jasper. The rise and fall of his chest is freer somehow.

  Sliding his Ray-Bans on, he looks every bit the movie god. Wrapping his arm around my shoulder, he holds me close as we navigate through the terminal and out to a black Escalade waiting out front. With tinted windows and a driver who looks like he could be a body double for The Rock holding the door open for us, I’m acutely aware just how small-town I am.

  Before we make it to the safety of the back seat, the sound of camera shutters surrounds us, and tabloid reporters’ questions fly through the air.

  “J.J., is it true that you have a new girlfriend?”

  “What does she think about your very public breakup with Cecelia Bain?”

  “Can you tell us about your new movie?”

  Jasper holds me tight, guiding me into the car before turning to the sea of reporters at his back.

  “All in good time, folks. Rest assured… the king is back!” As the door closes behind him, he pulls me to his side as the car jerks out into traffic, leaving the paparazzi scurrying alongside until they run out of pavement.

  “Wow, is this what it’s like all the time?”

  “Yep. You better get used to it. The second they see your name on that billboard, they’ll be screaming your name.”

  “I… I’m not sure if I’m cut out for this, Jasp.” Everything is so unfamiliar—the sights, the sounds, even this version of Jasper. Here, in this town, he’s the mighty J.J. Savage. As if sensing my discomfort, his fingers caress my cheek, tugging my chin to meet his gaze.

  “I know this is overwhelming, but I’m here. I got you, Mais. It’s just you and me… okay?”

  “Okay.” As his soft lips press firmly to mine, the tension leaves my body, my limbs languid in his arms. This feels familiar. He feels like home.

  Weaving our way through the crazy LA traffic, my eyes greedily take it all in. It’s a far cry from what I’m used to. There’s not a horse or tractor in sight. There’s nothing small-town about this city.

  I’m wholly unprepared when tears well in my eyes.

  “Baby, are you okay?” I’m speechless, my hand covering my mouth to hold in the sobs that threaten to break free.

  “It’s breathtaking.”

  My soul comes alive at the sight of the iconic Hollywood sign nestled in the hills, so close I could almost reach out and touch it.

  “I’m glad you like it… you’ll be able to see it whenever you want from the bedroom.” Tearing my gaze from the Hollywood hills, I search his expression for any hint of a joke.

  “No! This is the view from your bedroom?”

  “Sure is. If I’d known it would make you this happy, I’d have led with this little tidbit when I was convincing you to come and stay with me.”

  “Yeah, you should have. I’d have been on it like white on rice.” I shove his shoulder playfully.

  “And here I thought my massive cock and smart mouth were the real draw.”

  As the car slows, I’m astonished by the homes we pass. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life, and suddenly, I’m nervous to see where Jasper lives. Each façade more impressive than the last, I shouldn’t be surprised when the car pulls up at a bonafide mansion.

  “Home sweet home.” I can tell Jasper is eager to get inside, but as he jumps out, bounding round to my side of the car to open the door for me, I’m overwhelmed with trepidation. My stomach drops as I realize we’ve been staying in my shoebox home when this is what Jasper is used to. I’m mortified.

  “Wow,” is all I manage as I step out, holding Jasper’s hand so tight I must be cutting off his circulation. “This is where you live?”

  “Yep.” His brow furrows. “What’s wrong? You don’t like it?” Pulling me into his arms, he holds my gaze, anticipation of my reaction clear in the firm set of his lips.

  “It’s… big. Like Texas big. Holy hell, Jasp. I bet you could fit my entire house in one room.”

  “I love your place.” It’s hard not to feel placated when I can see his dream house in the background. I can only imagine how my inadequacy is going to escalate once we get inside.

  Keeping me tight at his side, we leave the driver unloading the bags and head inside. The heavy thud of the lock twisting echoes in my ears as the door swings open, and I’m met with the most beautiful foyer I’ve ever seen.

  “Holy crap on a cracker.” I’ve never felt more like a country bumpkin in all my life like I just fell off the back of a tater truck. I’m awestruck. “I can’t believe this is your house.”

  Warm arms wrap around my waist from behind, his breath hot on my skin as he nuzzles at my neck. “I want you to make yourself at home.”

  Home? This place is so far removed from home, I have no idea how to process. Even a quick survey of the open-plan living space tells me you could have the entire population of Kingsbury Falls over for a party, and it wouldn’t feel crowded in here.

  “I just can’t get over the size of it.” My eyes scan the double-height ceilings and tasteful décor.

  “That’s what you said about my cock last night, but if memory serves me correctly, you adjusted just fine.” Grabbing my hand, he pulls me further inside. “Come on, let me show you around. First stop, the bedroom.”

  “Why am I not surprised?”

  “Because you know I’m a gentleman, and I thought you might want to soak in the tub to wash off the travel before I splay you out naked on my bed and have my way with you.” My body comes to life, his words sending ripples of anticipation straight to my core. The mischief dancing in the deep blue depths of his eyes alight with the promise of untold pleasure.

  “Lead the way… Savage.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Maisie’s eyes are wide as saucers as she takes in our surroundings. I’m impressed. It looks nothing like I remember it—the decorator did exactly as I asked. There isn’t an inch of this house that remains the same. The garish color palette is gone, along with the uncomfortable furniture. Thank God, I won’t need to move forty fucking throw pillows to sit on my own damn couch. Everything was style over comfort with Cece. The place was always staged for a cocktail party or photoshoot. God forbid I wanted a couch to kick back on and actually relax. Her obtuse taste in artwork has been replaced with stunning pieces to draw the eye while creating an inviting living area. The layout is the only thing that remains unchanged.

  I try to keep my reactions in check as we wind our way to the master bedroom. I have a feeling that telling Maisie I don’t recognize a single thing in my own home wouldn’t go over well right now. I can see she’s struggling to take in all in. It’s a change of pace from what she’s used to, and if I fess up to dropping a couple of hundred grand to have the place redecorated in my absence, I’m concerned she’s going to get spooked.

  As we step through the door into my bedroom, bile rises in the back of my throat—inundated with flashbacks of the day I walked in on Cece. Everything is different than the last time I was here. As requested, the bed is gone, there are new sheets, new floors, subtle colors on the walls, and again, the artwork is new. I need to remember and send a healthy bonus to my interior decorator as she’s outdone herself this time.

  “Jasp… hello, earth to Jasper.” Maisie is waving her hand in front of my face. “Are you okay? One minute you’re all caveman, dragging me to your room, and now you’re staring into the void.” I literally shake myself out of the memory.

  “Oh, yes… caveman.” Grabbing her waist, I launch her over my shoulder into a fireman’s lift. “You naked in the tub. I’m on it.” The sound of her laughter fills the air, permeating the space around
us, transforming it into something beautiful like her.

  The new bathroom is perfect for a soak in the clawfoot tub. Maisie’s curls cascade over the roll-top edge as she sits across from me, bubbles hiding her naked body. I’ve never felt more relaxed, watching her fingers lazily caress the layers of bubbles.

  The steam causes her cheeks to flush as she lays her head back, letting my hand stroke her legs beneath the water.

  “So, city boy, are you going to tell me where your head went earlier?”

  “Do I have to?” I slide my fingers up the inside of her thigh, reaching for Mecca. Her legs snap shut, sending water flowing over the edge and all over the floor.

  “Shit! I’m sorry!” She moves to get out and wipe it up, but I grab her, pulling her down on top of me, water sloshing to the floor. Holy shit, her wet, naked body feels amazing as she slides against my chest.

  “Leave it. There’s going to be a whole lot more mess by the time I’m done with you.” My lips crash down on hers, my hands gliding down her back, cupping her ass, pulling her tight against my throbbing erection. Her whispered groan is all the encouragement I need.

  Even as the heat of the water surrounds us, my breath catches as I push inside her in one glorious thrust. When I sink to the hilt, I’m rewarded with her gasping for air as I swallow her moans with my kiss. Our tongues move with the same languid rhythm as our hips. I’m hungry for her, raking my lips down her throat as she arches back, offering her tightly-budded nipples to my greedy mouth.

  My skin is on fire with every movement, her pleasure fueling the flames with every hard thrust. I let her set the pace, watching in awe as she finds her release, ripping it from my body as she throws her head back, screaming my name, riding me harder and harder until I can’t hold back. The need to come is so intense I get lost in her, spiraling out of control, chasing my release as she crashes over the edge again and again, my name a litany on her lips.


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