Saving Margaret

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Saving Margaret Page 7

by Krystal Shannan

  “I promise.”

  The fact that over a dozen family and pack members stood around watching this little exchange was the furthest thing from her mind until she heard her aunt cough.

  “Chase’s room is empty. Y’all look like you need some privacy.”

  “Breena Marie Taylor!” Margaret’s mother snapped.

  Margaret gave her aunt a wink and snatched a towel from the back of a patio chair. Scott backed up a step and swung his gaze toward her aunt.

  “You. Are. Terrible,” he said slowly.

  “I know.” Breena grinned. “Keeps everyone on their toes.”

  Margaret shook her head. Scott had no idea. She wrapped the towel around her bare torso, thankful it covered most of her ass. Giving her father a nod, she hurried through the patio door and back upstairs. Maggie and the two O’Brian wolves followed her up the stairs and back into Maggie’s bedroom. They shifted the second the door closed.

  “I thought a run would be nice,” Maggie whined, but the smirk on her face told Margaret she was just being a pain.

  The two O’Brian girls giggled and pulled on the dresses they had shed only a few minutes before.

  “It was until Margaret’s bear got all possessive-y,” Maeve O’Brian tossed out.

  “Just hush,” Margaret answered.

  “Margaret, your wolf was eating it up. You wanted to rub all up over him on the patio,” Maggie chimed in. “Those alpha waves had you nearly begging him to touch you, right there in front of everyone.”

  Margaret could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. Her friend was not far off the mark. The power it had taken to force her to change was huge. Only a very strong alpha would even try it. She’d never seen her father even attempt, even if he was angry. It had also been a huge turn-on for her and her wolf.

  “Hell yes, it was.”


  “Just agreeing with you,” her wolf cackled.

  “I got goose bumps just watching you two,” Maeve spoke out again. “If only Kyle could make me feel that way now. Gods, I hope he is a mate match when I come of age.”

  Twenty-year-old Maeve was terribly in love with Margaret’s cousin, Kyle, but rarely spoke to him. He probably didn’t even know she was sweet on him.

  “You could talk to him once in a while, you know,” Margaret offered, pulling on a pair of Maggie’s yoga pants and a t-shirt. No way was she getting back into her work clothes. She snagged a small bag from the corner of the room, carefully folded her nice dress clothes, and slipped them inside. “Enjoy being young while you can, Maeve. Twenty-five will come faster than you think.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Whatever,” her sister Bethany scoffed. “At least you are twenty. Allan and I have to wait seven years before I come of age to see if we are good matches. And he will turn twenty-five when you do. So I might lose him to someone else before I even have a chance.”

  “Everything will work out the way it’s supposed to,” Margaret assured them and swiped a pair of Maggie’s flip-flops from the closet. She closed the closet door and padded quietly to the bedroom door. Maggie and the O’Brian girls followed behind her.

  His piney scent filled reached her the moment she stepped into the hallway. Her breath caught a little at the top of the stairs. He stood leaning against the wall, all seven feet of heavenly muscled man. His arms were crossed over his chest, stretching his baby blue dress shirt tight across his chest. He’d rolled up the sleeves partially, revealing his corded forearms. A winding tribal tattoo peeked from beneath the rolled cuff on the left.

  I need him.

  She smiled. Her wolf was prancing with glee and agreement.

  A few quick steps brought her face-to-face and she leaned forward, offering her lips. He smiled back and met her halfway. She was standing on the third-to-last stair, making her right at eye-level with her sexy grizzly bear.

  His lips pressed softly against hers and ran his tongue across the seam of hers slowly. She opened to him and reveled in his taste. His tongue danced with hers and she moaned into the kiss. He sucked gently on her bottom lip before pulling away. Her sex ached. She wanted nothing more than to take him home and strip him naked.

  It’s only fair. He’s already seen me.

  Her wolf laughed. “You won’t get any arguments from me.”

  “We are heading back to your house. It’s late.” His gravely voice vibrated through her. “Chris and Allan are coming, too,” he added with a frown.

  The disappointment knocked her libido out cold. Damn. The same thought was reflected in his dark brown eyes. She sighed and nodded.

  After politely bidding everyone good evening, she followed Scott out of the Michaels’s house. The chilled night air sent a shiver across her skin.

  “You okay?”

  “Yes, fine. Just a little cool.”

  He nodded and open the passenger door of his truck for her.

  She climbed in, glaring at Chris and Allan as they walked to the truck parked next to Scott’s. What she would do for some time alone with her mate.

  “I think they’re enjoying the fact that they’re frustrating us.”

  Margaret snorted. “I’m sure they are. Bastards.”

  A chuckle rumbled from Scott’s chest as he pulled out of the Michaels’s driveway, sending delicious vibrations of excitement through her body.

  “Glad to hear it’s not just me.”

  Heat rose in her cheeks and she swallowed. It wasn’t just him at all.

  “Your father believes the Council is stalking you as well. He thinks the wolf outside your window is another Council agent.”

  “My father is loyal to the Demakis family and the pack is loyal to my father. He’s been with Demakis since the Vegas Pack was formed.”

  “He’s concerned they’ll come after you to blackmail him.”

  “He’s going to get Peter away from them isn’t he?”

  He nodded and she sighed.



  “I’m going to work tomorrow.”

  Another growl rumbled through the cab of the truck, but he didn’t speak. She crossed her arms over her chest, preparing for an argument. Neither the Council, nor her father, or her soon-to-be-mate would keep her from fulfilling her responsibilities at work. The Council wouldn’t try anything out in public. She was probably safer at work than at home.


  Another restless and unfulfilled night resulted in a very cranky wolf. And, as sexually frustrated as she’d been when she arrived this morning, when Andrew Savorcha walked through the lobby doors with his two bear-shifter bodyguards, she knew her day was really shot to hell. Andrew wasn’t a shifter himself, more of a human-supernatural Council consort for the Russian government. Mostly he was just a jackass and his bodyguards were even more so. He always came to the Mirage and he always harassed her.

  “Margaret!” Andrew smiled and held out his hand. She approached, pasting on a face smile. Scott was across the room watching from the wall. Their bond flared with energy the second he scented the two Kodiaks, Ivan and Alex.

  “Mr. Savorcha, it’s so good to have you back at the Mirage. How long will you be with us?”

  “Ah, my lovely, we will be here only four days. A quick trip for business, but you know I cannot come all the way to Vegas without making time for my favorite young lady.”

  She stifled a shudder and cringed at the language her wolf wanted to hurl in his direction. Instead, she smiled broadly again and gestured for him to follow her.

  “Let me show you to the private lounge we’ve prepared for you.” A few brave steps later, she was leading the trio through the main casino floor. “You have several guests already waiting, Mr. Savorcha.”

  “Ah, good. Have you made them comfortable?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The escorts had been made quite comfortable and were snacking on the highest quality fruit and cheeses money could buy. The champagne he’d ordered for the evening was a
lso top of the line.

  She stopped at the entrance to the lounge and swung open the ornate double French doors. Four ladies, barely dressed, reclined on sofas inside and a house dealer stood next to a blackjack table, ready to provide hours of entertainment.

  “Please enjoy your evening and call if you require anything.”

  Mr. Savorcha nodded with a grin and hurried past her into the lounge. She’d done an excellent job of picking the girls for him tonight.

  They all looked like her.

  Ivan and Alex encroached into her space, causing her to back away until her back hit one of the open doors. They were huge men. Not quite as tall as Scott, but just as thick. Their scent was overpowering and she remembered why she feared bears so much.

  Alex’s hip brushed against hers and he leaned down. His counterpart stood directly in front of her, blocking her view of the main gaming floor. Also blocking anyone else’s view of her.

  “How’s our favorite bitch tonight? Are you going to play with us or will we have to get your boss to send you in as a personal favor again?”

  She gulped. “I have other clients. I won’t be able to stay. But I made sure there would be more than enough ladies to keep you entertained.”

  Ivan huffed.

  When Scott made that sound it was adorable, but coming from Ivan, it was terrifying.

  “You smell divine. I can’t wait to get a taste of you later,” Alex whispered into her ear. The warmth of his breath on her neck was making her sick. “Except for the overwhelming stench of grizzly. Someone is trying to steal you from us.”

  “Please, move aside,” she straightened to her full five-foot eight-inch height, which only put her about eye-level with his chest. “I will press harassment charges if you two don’t leave me alone.”

  “Oooh, the bitch wants to bite back today, Ivan.”

  Magick flared around her through the mate bond and Scott appeared next to Alex. “I suggest leaving my mate alone or you won’t ever have the pleasure of meeting yours.” A low decibel growl rumbled from him and he took full advantage of being several inches taller than the Russian Kodiaks.

  Margaret breathed a slight sigh of relief, slipped around Alex, and stood behind Scott, her hip brushing against his upper thigh. She would have fled the scene all together, but felt safer staying nearer to him.

  Ivan and Alex took a step back. Scott’s presence had startled them only momentarily. They recovered in seconds. Ivan narrowed his gaze and glared down at her.

  “Your mate is a bear,” he asked, disbelief plastered on his face. The shock quickly melted into an evil grin. He turned to Scott. “Your bitch is our plaything when we come to town.”

  She shrank away. They were making it sound like she was a common whore. She’d endured their pawing to keep the client happy, but she’d never let them touch more than her hair or caress her arm. A tear rolled down her check. She didn’t want to lose Scott. Not because of these two bastards. They were the reason she’d been so afraid of Scott to start with.

  “You are lying,” she whispered beneath her breath.

  “Leave, Margaret. I will deal with these clowns.”

  His voice was cold. Did he believe them? He called them clowns…

  “Stop worrying. He knows lie from truth.”

  I can’t lose him.

  “Go! To your office. I will be there momentarily.”

  The power behind the command made her jump. The powerful waves of magick rolling from him even made Ivan and Alex fidget a little.

  She glanced inside the lounge as she scurried away. Andrew was reclining on a couch, observing the whole encounter. He smiled —a dark sinister smile that reminded her of a reptile.

  Isn’t it bad enough I have creepy Council agents stalking me? Now, there are slimy Russians bent on making my life miserable as well.

  “Scott was here. You are safe. Just go up to your office and wait. Everything will be okay.”

  She punched in her employee code and slipped through a staff only door to the back hallway. A few moments later the staff elevator rang and the doors opened. The scent of an unfamiliar wolf on the elevator was faint, but distinctly there. The hair on the back of her neck tingled as she rode it up. She sniffed cautiously as the doors opened again, this time stepping out into the third floor office suite.

  The scent was stronger here, but she didn’t hear anyone moving. Where was everyone? Where was Carrie? Her desk was empty.

  “Not good!” Her wolf screamed inside her head.

  She whirled to dash back to the elevator but came face-to-face with the intruder. A yelp of surprise escaped before she could stifle it.

  “Who are you?” she asked, trying to at least pretend she wasn’t scared shitless. What had he done with all her coworkers?

  He snarled, allowing magick to twist his voice into a menacing canine growl. “It is of no concern to you.” He took a step closer and she took a step back. “I want to know where your traitor of a father has stashed Peter Demakis and his daughters.”

  Damn it to hell.

  “He’s Council.”

  No shit, Sherlock!

  “I don’t know,” she finally answered aloud and backed up another step, angling her body toward her open office door.

  “Yes you do.”

  He took another step forward, but she mirrored his movements and took another step toward her office. His tongue clicked inside his mouth the same way a mother would scold her child.

  “Unless you want to die in that office, don’t try it. I don’t like to chase anyone.”

  The elevator rang behind them and she used the split second distraction to leap for the open door of her office. She made it far enough to grab the doorframe, but his hand closed in her hair and jerked her backward and tearing a scream of pain from her throat. The hardwood floor met her head with such force that black spots floated through her vision. Pain seared through her skull. She heard a low moan before realizing the voice was her own.

  “I told you not to run, Taylor bitch,” he snarled, standing over her body.

  A deafening roar vibrated through the floor, sending tremors of relief flooding through her body. The Council agent cursed under his breath. Seconds later he flew over her head and body-slammed the wall across the room.

  Guess he wasn’t expecting Scott so quickly.

  She winced and sat up slowly. The room spun a little and she squinted, trying to focus through the swirling. Scott and the Council agent were still at it. Well…you couldn’t really call it a fight. Scott was beating the ever-loving crap out of the agent. A werewolf just couldn’t come close to the sheer size and power of a bear —even as a man, Scott was a giant.

  For a few moments the office was silent. The sound of struggling had ceased. She turned, looking for Scott. He had disappeared.

  “Scott,” she called. Her voice was barely over a whisper.

  Footsteps echoed across the room. His scent enveloped her just before he scooped her up off the floor. They were at the elevator door in two steps and inside moments later. She caught a quick glimpse of the Council agent lying on the floor near her boss’s office before the doors slid closed again.

  “Is he dead?” she whispered.

  “No, but I considered it.”

  “I think I can stand.”

  “Not a chance.”

  “Wait!” Margaret gasped. “Where was everyone?” She struggled to get loose.

  “Shhhh, I checked. They were all asleep in your boss’s office. He’d tranquilized them with something. They will be fine.”

  Her body relaxed into his and she took in a deep breath of his piney scent. Gods, she loved the way he smelled. She didn’t even associate it so much with bear anymore. He was just Scott. Her mate.


  “Hmm?” She snuggled her face against his shirt.

  “You are not coming back to work.”

  She looked up to meet his gaze. The finality of those words were a definite blow to her pride, but she
understood his position. Today had proven the Council would to go to any lengths to intimidate. Even stretching supernatural-to-human boundaries.

  She was willing to submit to her mate’s wishes, especially if it meant getting to spend some quality alone time with him, preferably in a bed.

  I can’t believe I just went there! My head is pounding and I just dreamed of stripping him naked again.

  “Good. Maybe it will finally happen.”

  It’s not like I haven’t wanted to.

  “Sure.” Her wolf snapped back sarcastically.


  Her gaze focused back on the sparkling brown eyes staring down at her with adoration. Flecks of gold shimmered in his irises and the corners of his eyes crinkled. Was he smiling? She glanced to his mouth and licked her lips. Wait. Did he ask me something?

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. My head is still ringing from slamming it against the hardwood upstairs.”

  “You were talking to your wolf. What did she say?”

  “That we needed to get laid.” She slapped a hand over her mouth. Shit. That just came out, didn’t it?

  Her wolf laughed in the back of her mind.

  A deep rumbling laugh rolled from his chest. The door to the elevator opened and he walked her down the hallway toward the private employee exit.

  “I think I like your wolf,” he said between chuckles.

  “I’m going to miss my job.”

  He paused at the exit and looked down at her again. Something mischievous twinkled in his eyes.

  “No you won’t, darl’n.”


  “Can we grab something at the diner down the street before we head back to the house? I’m sure Allan and Kyle have eaten everything in my fridge by now.” Damn teenagers.

  “Sure,” he answered, glad she wasn’t fighting him on not coming back to work. He’d been concerned. She was the only daughter of a pack alpha and very smothered. She’d gotten the position at the Mirage by herself, away from her family’s prying eyes. The last thing he wanted to do, according to his bear, was smother her the same way they did by controlling her every decision.


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