Hope (The Descendant Trilogy Book 2)

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Hope (The Descendant Trilogy Book 2) Page 2

by Theresa M. Jones

  He took a deep breath, held it, then released it very slowly. “I came to talk to you about some things.” He looked down, a look of shame. I couldn’t fathom what would make him feel any shame. He was one of the best men I knew, an honestly good man. I didn’t question him, just waited for him to continue.

  He continued to speak, without lifting his head or looking at me. “I have been told not to speak to you about this, as it could change your mind and alter the events that are about to occur.” I only nodded. To speak now would either make him decide to not speak, and despite his apparent concern at telling me, I still wanted to know, if he could choose to tell me. Or it could give him the motivation to speak, and thus I would feel guilty for coaxing him to tell me something he had already been told not to. There are very few people that can really tell Rick what to do or not do. And I too am bound by their rules. The Council is in charge of all the Order, and we all follow their edicts. But Rick is a part of the Council, so if it is their edict, he had to choose to make it edict also. He was obviously conflicted about this.

  I just waited patiently, the seconds and minutes ticked by, as Rick was deciding whether to speak his thoughts or not. It was then that I decided it had nothing to do with seeing Ann, it was something else entirely.

  Finally he took another breath and looked at me. “Many things are happening right now.” It was a vague statement, but it was an important one to him. So I nodded again. “Marrying Allison will begin a series of events that will change the world, David.” Well it would obviously change my world, but I wasn’t sure how my marriage could change the world, so I waited again, choosing not to speak and ruin the mood.

  I could tell by looking in his eyes, there was so much more he wanted to say. So much more he was thinking. His thoughts started pounding at my head. I had to actually work to keep them out. Was he purposefully projecting? Did he want me to know his thoughts? I was tempted to listen; he was looking at me like he wanted to me to. As I was about to listen, he closed his eyes and dropped his head, and I felt his Power subside as he controlled it.

  I knew at that moment, he had wanted me to listen. He couldn’t voice his thoughts aloud, but if he allowed me to see his thoughts, then neither of us would have broken any rules. Sneaky fool…I thought. But now the time was past, I missed my shot to know. I could ask him now, and he would probably allow me to listen in again, but instead he looked up at me.

  “I’ve just been concerned about seeing Ann.” He said it as though that is what has been bothering him, though I knew better. I would never know what he had been thinking, not until he was at liberty to speak it. “I think that people should be allowed to marry whomever they choose, without interference.” Again I had the feeling that there was something more important behind his words.

  He saw the confusion and skepticism cross my face and said, “Of course, I know you love Allison, and she loves you…I just…” He sighed and shook his head. “Never mind, David. I am glad you are happy. And I cannot wait to see the two of you get married!” That was something I truly believed to be true.

  I said, “I know, Rick! And I’m honored to have you with us!”

  He nodded, stood from his chair, and then walked out, turning only briefly to say, “I’ll see you soon.”

  I walked back to the coach and sat down, thinking over what had just happened. If Rick had been at liberty to tell me, then he would have, and he desperately wanted to tell me, but he couldn’t. He even tried to get me to listen to his thoughts, though we both knew that had he spoken with his thoughts to me, it would have been the same as him speaking it aloud. So he was only willing to allow me to listen in, which I didn’t…a decision I began to regret.

  I sighed and leaned back, no longer sitting up right. I didn’t have the time or energy to think about this now. If it had been something of danger, Rick would have told me anyway, despite being told not to. So it couldn’t have been anything dangerous, just something he felt I had the right to know. I’ll figure it out sooner or later. For now, I needed to finish packing for the honeymoon.

  Obviously we wouldn’t be allowed to stay gone long, not that Allison would be able to stay away from Samantha for long anyway. Even though she would be in the safest place in the world, Allison would worry about her only daughter.

  I closed my eyes and envisioned the honeymoon. We were going to a safe house on an island off the coast of Africa. I had only been there a few times before, but this time it wouldn’t be for a meeting, it would be to spend some alone time with my new bride. I would finally be able to kiss her without restraint, be able to hold her without guilt, and truly look at her, all of her. I would finally be able to have her all to myself. The thought was both thrilling and terrifying. After several decades of living alone, the thought of finally being able to be with a woman, and take her to my bed, sent my heart beating and made my body heat with anticipation. I fell asleep like that, dreaming of my honeymoon with the most glorious woman of all time.


  “I can’t believe she is almost here!” Samantha was thrilled and energized, running around and hopping all over the place. It had been months since we were able to see my mother, and I could barely contain my own excitement, so I couldn’t really blame her.

  “I know, me neither!” I said, choosing to go along with her excitement, rather than chastise her for being so rambunctious. I didn’t care today. She could run around as much as she wanted! She could jump from wall to wall and I would be okay with it.

  We were already at the hotel in Winnemucca, which was really a fairly small and ordinary hotel. But it would forever more be something extraordinary to me. When I leave the hotel tomorrow, I will be a married woman. Tonight would be my last night as Allison Stevens. Tomorrow I would be Allison Donnelly. Just thinking about it brought butterflies to my stomach and warmed my blood. At the same time, it provided me with an ultimate sense of rightness. Like this is exactly how my life was supposed to unfold. Like destiny.

  “You think she is close now?” Samantha asked again, for probably the 30th time. I laughed out loud. I almost felt giddy. I ran up to her and grabbed her to swing her around until I was dizzy. We landed on the bed and sunk deep within the plush blanket laughing and cuddling.

  “I surely hope so!” I whispered, and we rested back on the bed to catch our breath. I looked up to the ceiling, the deep wooden beams that stretched across from one wall to the other were like my own life lines stretching to meet with David’s.

  Sharon walked in with her eyes big and bright and a giant grin spread from cheek to cheek. Sharon was always lovely. She had dark brown hair that had tons of natural red highlights woven throughout, despite her lack of time in the sun, and deep brown eyes that always managed to light up a room. Her skin was flawless, the perfect olive shade. And her smile was always deep red. She swore by her cherry lipstick.

  “I’m about 99% sure I just saw your mom pull up out front!” She sounded almost as excited as Samantha and I were. After hearing that, Sam didn’t even wait for me to get up, she ran up and out, past Sharon to the elevator.

  I didn’t make it in time to ride down with them, so I waited for the next one. I wish I could say I waited patiently, but patience had never been a gift of mine. It felt like hours had passed by the time the elevator door opened again to take me to the lobby.

  When the bell chimed and the door opened, I saw Sam already wrapped in my mother’s arms. I threw out all propriety and ran straight for them, stopping only to make sure I didn’t make all three of us fall to the ground. I threw my arms around them both and let the tears fall. I heard Sam mumbling about how much she missed her. And I heard my mother mumbling about how much she missed both of us. I couldn’t even make myself mumble anything…it took all my self-control to not start blubbering like an idiot.

  We finally calmed enough to make our way back up to the rooms. We would all three be sharing a room tonight.

  “I can’t believe it’s finally happening!” My
mom said, “You were engaged for so long I wasn’t sure this day would ever actually come.” When she looked at me, the smile faltered. I guessed she was worried I might have gotten upset at her words. I had been engaged to Samantha’s father for a couple of years, only to watch him die at the hands of my enemy. Thankfully, I had no longer been in love with him. He was more of my daughter’s father, than my fiancé. And though the ache was still there, it was mostly overshadowed by happiness these days.

  What concerned me was Samantha, and how she would perceive my mother’s words. Would she be offended? Would she be upset? Thankfully, Sam was resilient to the max. She had handled her father’s death better than you could ever hope a child to. We still talked about him sometimes at night. She would bring him up and ask questions about him, but I knew she would be okay. He had rarely been around anyway.

  And luckily she loved David. Just as any mother would fear how her child would take to a new love interest, I feared how Sam would feel about David. But my fears were unnecessary. She already loved him and easily welcomed him to our lives. It gave me faith that I had made the right choice.

  But when I looked at Sam, she was unfazed by her comment. Whether she didn’t make the connection, or it just didn’t bother her, I wasn’t sure.

  I smiled back at my mother to reassure her I hadn’t been hurt by her words and added, “You didn’t think this day would come? I was fairly certain I would never marry the man of my dreams!” And we all knew that David was that man.

  She laughed at my comment, which made me laugh, and then Sam. And before we knew it we were all laughing like hyenas. Because life was finally good and we were together.

  After talking for a few hours, and Sharon making sure again, that everything was in order, we went down for dinner and then came back up to bed. As I expected, Samantha crawled into bed with my mom, and I was left to sleep alone. Since this would conceivably be my last night alone, I decided not to crawl into bed with the two of them and just sleep alone.

  I fell asleep and did not have any nightmares or eerie feelings of impending doom. I did not dream of the Rising or the Apocalypse. I didn’t dream about the war or bombings or possible biological weapons that would induce mass hysteria and death. I didn’t dream of the Four Horsemen or what they could do. And I didn’t dream of the Seven Seals and what they meant to us if they were all opened.

  I dreamt only of David and my honeymoon.

  Chapter 2

  Big Day

  “Mom!” I woke to Samantha jumping up and down on my bed. It was so early the sun hadn’t fully risen and the lack of sunlight made me want to stay in bed, warm under my covers. I had been having the most amazing dream about the beach and didn’t want it to go away.

  “Mom! Today is the big day!” She shouted even louder. And then I remembered. Today is my wedding day!

  “Sam, get off your mom, she will get up in a minute.” My mother then looked at me and said, “Do you want some coffee or breakfast?” I knew she wouldn’t be able to fully function until she had at least one cup of coffee, preferably three. But I didn’t answer right away. Did I want coffee? Would it make me jittery today? Would it make me sweat more? Would it make my breath stink? But then, if I didn’t get something, would I be too tired or queasy to go through with everything? Ugh, so many things to think and worry about.

  “If there is some orange juice down there, I would love some of that.” I told her after I had finally come to a decision.

  She nodded and said, “Be right back.” Before going through the door and shutting it behind her. I lay back down and closed my eyes. This wouldn’t be like many weddings are these days. It wouldn’t be a huge affair, with decorations everywhere and hundreds of people. I didn’t have six bridesmaids and David didn’t have many groomsmen. We didn’t order tons of invitations or a giant cake.

  No, my wedding would be small. We would have 40 of our closest friends from the compound and my mother and daughter, the only family we had left. We would have a small white cake and no groom’s cake. We would marry in the small chapel here in Winnemucca, and have a small reception just down the street at the only reception hall available in town. I would have Sharon as my maid of honor, and Rick would be David’s best man. Rick would also stand in place for my father, who has been dead since I was four years old.

  All of a sudden, I was filled with an overwhelming sense of urgency. The wedding was at One this afternoon and I was just lying around in bed. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, shouting behind me, “Sam, I’m taking a shower.” I didn’t even wait for her reply.

  I jumped in the shower and scrubbed myself raw, scrubbing my head and shaving my legs. I got out and Sharon was waiting for me. She and Lizzy, another artist, began to pluck my eyebrows and primp me in ways I had never been primped before. Sharon blew out my hair and curled it and sprayed it as I coughed around the cloud of fumes. She placed a lot of delicate flowers in my hair and held everything together with a million and two bobby pins. Lizzy painted my face, again and again, layer upon layer until my face felt heavier than ever.

  “Okay, look at her.” Lizzy said to Sharon. Sharon came around me to look at my face, and Sam came in also, to see how things were going.

  Sharon gasped, breathless. “Wow!” she said to Lizzy, and then to me she said, “Allison, you look stunning. Just wait until your dress is on and you can see it all together. You will take everyone’s breath away!”

  The words made me smile, and blush. I never was a beautiful girl. I was always average, nothing super special to look at. Not ugly by any means, but not particularly pretty either. I had normal brown eyes, plain long brown hair, and peach skin. I wasn’t tanned so perfect and I didn’t have any special characteristics. I was nothing unique. My mother was the only one who ever actually called me beautiful and David now too. I truly hoped Sharon’s words were true, and maybe for once I could really be stunning.

  My mother walked in and tried to say something, but the tears flowing from her eyes and the emotion building caused her to choke on her own words, and nothing ever came out. She walked back out of the bathroom, mumbling something about not wanting to mess up her makeup.

  “I wanna see.” I said, to both Lizzy and Sharon at the same time. I stood to walk to the mirror, but Sharon came and stood in front of me.

  “Oh no you don’t. Sit down, you don’t get to see yourself until you are all done.” She said, rather sternly. I considered mutiny, just to catch a glimpse. But usually Sharon does things for a reason. I could see the small gradual changes they made to me, or I could wait and see the complete transformation. I gave in and decided I would wait, as she had demanded.

  I was told to sit and wait, so the others could get ready. I could see Sharon fixing up Lizzy’s hair, while Lizzy did Samantha’s. Sam was beautiful already, but they were curling her hair, causing it to tumble down her back like cascading waves. The light shimmered off her golden hair and you couldn’t even count the number of different colors, yellows and whites and tans and browns. I think they even had put some makeup on her, her cheeks looked a little rosier, and her lips a little pinker and shinier.

  She must have seen me looking, because she turned and smiled wide at me. “Look, I have lipstick on!”

  While Sharon stood behind her she shook her head at me and mouthed the words, only lip-gloss. I wouldn’t have minded if they put actual lipstick on her today. Every girl deserves to feel pretty every now and then, even one as young as Sam.

  “Awesome!” I told her.

  “Do I look as beautiful as you do today, Mom?” She asked me hopefully.

  I heard the other ladies giggle, and I said, “You look far more beautiful than I could ever look, Samantha!” She was beaming then, and she turned back to face the front so that Lizzy could finish her hair. I was on cloud nine, as happy as I could be. Everything was perfect.


  “My Leader, you summoned me?” Frank walked in. Frank, what a simple useless name. Frank was one of
the few that didn’t change his name when he joined the Rising. It didn’t really bother me, it just sounded lame. But he performed well and was often of great use to me. I knew that he would be a good choice for an ally, and would accomplish my tasks well. I had worked beside him on many occasions and he was ever loyal to our fallen, Damien. Now he would prove himself loyal to me.

  “Yes.” I paused. I wished I could command the attention and respect Damien had. But I assumed this role, I didn’t fight for it. I didn’t win it in battle. Our leader had fallen and I took over the responsibility. Since Damien’s fall four months ago, I had established my authority. I had already tortured and killed a full dozen Rising members for suspicions of traitorous behavior.

  In truth, only three of those members were actually guilty of any plotting against me, and I knew for a fact that a good four of them had been innocent. Well, at least not guilty of treason. But I had to establish my dominance. I had to create fear of me. Most of the Rising members already knew me. I was often Damien’s go-to person. And I only failed once, which in fact hadn’t even been my failure. My only failure had been allowing the scum I worked with to fail, instead of killing him and completing the task myself.

  I pushed the memories away and focused on Frank. I had worked with him in the past and I knew that I could depend on him to do everything in his Power to complete any task I set before him. He would be loyal to me without me trying to influence him. He was one of my supporters when I first ascended to this position.

  Even still, I decided to rummage around in his head. I knew he wouldn’t mind, he liked the feel of my Power in him. He was pretty much as disgusting as humans came. His Power was tangible though, and as I sifted through his thoughts, I enjoyed the flavor of him. We both ended up getting entangled in each other’s Power. They say misery loves company, well I believe it’s any negativity or evil that loves company. We enjoyed the rush of the Power flowing back and forth. And as they all do, he began to fall for me again and moved forward in an attempt to claim me.


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