Hope (The Descendant Trilogy Book 2)

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Hope (The Descendant Trilogy Book 2) Page 16

by Theresa M. Jones

Our child was The Descendant.

  I ignored the questions and concerns of the Council, and looked at David, “We need to talk.”

  He nodded and asked to be excused, after promising we would return shortly, and then led me outside. We walked into Rick’s office just a few doors down and he offered me the chair.

  “Are you okay?” His concern was pouring out of his eyes, out of every pore in his body.

  “I don’t know.” I answered honestly. “I just realized something. Maybe you already know…maybe they all know. But I didn’t know. I didn’t even think about it. I was all concerned with Sam and then the world, and the wars. But not this. I didn’t even think of it.”

  “What do you mean? What’s wrong?”

  “The baby…” I placed my hand on my stomach, it was a subconscious move, but once I did it, it felt right. “It’s the one. You and I, together, we make up all nine.”

  I know what I said didn’t really make sense. But it made sense in my head.

  He sat back as he understood what I meant. But it was not shock that showed on his face, it was understanding. He wasn’t surprised.

  “You knew…didn’t you?” I accused.

  “Yes, I knew that if we had a child, it would be the one. I realized it right before we got married. It was after a conversation I had with Rick. He acted like there was something he needed to tell me, but wouldn’t. And it kept bothering me, trying to figure out what he wanted to say, but wasn’t allowed to. I realized later that it was this. That if we got married and conceived a child, the baby would be the one, the descendent they all thought had been you.” He explained.

  “And you never thought to mention it to me?”

  “Well, I wasn’t really sure at first, and I didn’t want to give you any more reason to worry about any more things than what we already have to worry about. I wasn’t completely sure until our wedding night. It was the dreams that convinced me.”

  I remembered the dreams, the horrible dreams about the end of the world and what would happen if we didn’t stop it. And the dreams of Michael, the archangel telling us, “It is time.”

  “Holy crap, David!”

  I tried to wrap my head around everything. For so long I had been worried about Sam, thinking it was her that was in danger. Whether from her own Power, or from the freakin’ apocalypse, it didn’t matter. And now I realized that my baby that hasn’t even been born yet, may be the one to save everyone. What kind of life was that to live? To have the weight of the world on your shoulders? To know that if you were to fail, the world would end in chaos and destruction?

  “Listen, it doesn’t change anything. We will love this baby, and raise it to know what is right and wrong. It will be surrounded constantly by people who love her. Things will be okay. I promise.” He looked so sincere. His eyes shone the deep emerald they do when he was passionate about something.

  “You can’t promise that, because you don’t know.”

  “Of course I do. It is written. It doesn’t say that there will be multiple babies born. It says there will be one. And she will save the world. We have fate on our sides. Not to mention the Heavens.”

  I looked down at my hands, which were hidden beneath his hands. His skin was so much darker than mine, so tanned, despite us staying hidden in a mountain most of the time. It made me wonder if he used to work outside, if his skin was permanently dyed that color from extensive sun exposure when he was younger.

  I knew he meant what he said. And sure, that’s just great for everyone else. The world would finally be saved…at least sometime in the next few decades. I mean, it doesn’t say how or when she saves the world, just that she will.

  But what does that mean for this child, this new life growing inside me. What kind of life would she have?

  I looked back up to him, into those jade eyes that always could see deep into my soul. His hair was still a mess, like usual. I know he had tried to comb it before this meeting, but it never really stayed in place. He looked so serious right now. And it made sense, this was a serious situation.

  I took a deep breath and placed both hands on his face. “Promise me we will not raise this baby to be a super hero. We will let her be a child. We will let her be normal, for at least as long as possible.”

  He tried to look away, but I didn’t let him. I held his face firmly, and my eyes never left his.

  Why? He didn’t even speak it out loud, as his thoughts were running wild in his head. He let me see everything he was thinking. Everything that could happen and what the outcomes could be. Would it not be better to raise her to know her duty? Would it not be better for her to be prepared?

  “No. It would not be better. Every child deserves to be a child. No one should have to shoulder that weight alone and forever.” I explained. And then commanded again, “Promise me, David. I won’t raise a child here, surrounded by everyone who would want to use her, unless I know you stand beside me on this.”

  He looked at me, right to my eyes, searching, I wasn’t sure for what exactly. This was not something I would waver on. I knew what it felt like for only a short time for only some people to think I was the one, and I wasn’t going to have my baby grow up feeling that way. Knowing everything depended on her. Knowing she could not fail.

  He nodded. “I’m with you always. I promise.”

  And then his hand wrapped around my neck and pulled me closer. I forgot for a minute the world when his lips captured mine. It was intense. Not only because of the stress of the moment and the fear we both had, but because of the passion that surrounded everything.

  He kissed me deeper and pulled me onto his lap. My legs opened and straddled his. His hand, so warm and strong, grabbed my back and pulled me closer still, after lifting up my shirt and pulling it over my head.

  He left my lips, for only a moment to swear, “I am with you always.” His voice had turned huskier than normal, so deep and strong, that it sent shivers of pleasure and anticipation down my spine.

  He was strong. So Powerful. The strongest man in the world. He was mine, all mine. But everything was still so new to him. Yes we have had sex before. But every time was still so special to him, and to me too. But it was different for him. He had to wait for so many years, and now it was like all his passion that was held in for so long had been unleashed when we said, “I do.” It was almost like he could barely control it now.

  Every kiss was so strong. Every touch, so raw.

  Everything was so… frenzied and fresh and real.

  Thirty minutes later, I felt guilty for desecrating Rick’s office like we did. But hopefully he would never know. I was just glad the meeting hadn’t finished and he hadn’t walked in on us.

  David stood, closing the buttons up and hiding his perfect chest from me again.

  “We should tell them.”

  He nodded. “Do you want to tell Rick alone first or just all of them together?”

  “Yeah. We should tell Rick first.” I agreed.

  We walked back into the Councils Chambers, after knocking and being allowed entrance. We finished the meeting, nothing new happened. I sat in silence as they discussed my daughter, and what it would mean for all Order Members now. I listened as they talked of the Rising, and how we still knew nothing more about their plans.

  Finally we left, and followed Rick back to his office.

  I had to hide a blush as we walked in, remembering what David and I had done in his office. Really it was wrong and disrespectful. And I felt guilty for it, but couldn’t manage to apologize. I didn’t want him to know.

  “Darling, are you really okay? You really had me worried in there.”

  I sat down on the chair in front of his desk, and David sat in the chair next to me.

  “Yes, I am. But I have something to tell you.”

  I watched his face as I spoke to see if I could find any signs that he already knew. What I saw was understanding, knowledge. And then I saw concern, and empathy. He must have known. He wasn’t even the least bit

  It was weird sitting there in front of him. Since I had been at the Compound, for almost a year, he was there being like a parent to me. Like a father. Sure he listened when I needed to talk, but he really heard what I had to say. He patted my back when I was worried and offered comfort.

  He walked me down the aisle and gave me away to the man of my dreams. And he danced the night away with my mother, as if she were the only other person in the world. Many times I wished he really was my father.

  And then I had to sit in front of him and tell him my news. But it felt off, because he wasn’t only my pseudo-father. He wasn’t just my friend. He was in the Council, The leaders of the entire Order. Who even knew how old he really was. He had too much importance to be just…anything.

  “I’m pregnant.” When I had said it to my mom, I had been more excited. I still was excited, I was thrilled. But it was shrouded now in the knowledge of who my child would be, in what she would have to do.

  His smile was genuine, as he stood up and walked to me. He was taller than me, but not as tall as David, so when he hugged me, my head rested perfectly on his shoulder. He didn’t say anything at first, and I felt him reach around and shake David’s hand in congratulations, while never releasing me from his embrace.

  He pulled back from me, and kissed my forehead. It was sweet, so soft and kind. It really felt like how a father would kiss his daughter. It made me wish I had that before, and made me glad that my children would have that. Even more appreciative of David, that Sam wouldn’t miss out on it like I had when my own father died.

  “I’m very happy for you.” He said, and I could hear the sincerity in his tone.

  Instead of going back around his desk to his chair, he just leaned on the back of it and faced us. I sat back down and took a deep breath. I tried to calm my nerves before I said any more.

  “That’s not at all.” I said, and looked back up to him to see his expression. He deep blue eyes looked down at me. He was so old, I mean, he didn’t look that old. Maybe in his 50’s, but he was old. I couldn’t imagine how many things his eyes had seen. How many people he had helped in his life.

  He nodded, for me to continue.

  “Do you know what it means? That David and I conceived?” I didn’t really want to say it out loud. It would be easier if he just guessed.

  He looked down to collect his thoughts, and I looked over to David. David just looked up at his mentor. He waited patiently for his response.

  “Yes, I do. I knew what it would mean as soon as David showed any interest in you. I thought of mentioning it to the two of you many times, but it never seemed right. I didn’t want to change the way you felt about each other, just because of this. It is destiny, you know? It was written. It is not something you can change or alter. It just is.”

  He spoke to me, but at times, he turned and looked at David. I remembered David saying that Rick had tried to tell him before. How weird would that have been? Hey, if you marry her, y’all might conceive a super human baby that will save the world. Just FYI.

  “Yeah. And I get that it has to happen. I get what it means. I understand. But David and I have already spoken and have decided how we want to move forward.” I explained.

  Then shock finally did cross his face, as his eyebrows creased and his head tilted just slightly to the side. “What do you mean?”

  So I explained to Rick, what I had already explained to David. I would raise this child as a child. Yes, an Order Member, as I have raised Sam. Yes, she will know about Power and the prophecy and everything else. But she will not be raised to know her destiny. At least not at first.

  Rick had the same reaction as David at first. That it would be better for her if she knew her whole life, she could be better prepared. But I didn’t think so.

  “She will be as prepared as ever. And when the time comes, we can tell her everything about who she is and her destiny. But not at first. When she is a child, that is all she will be. And I need the Councils word that they will not tell her anything different. When she finds out, it will be from David and I when we believe the time is right.”

  He watched me as I spoke, as David watched him. Before he said anything, he closed his eyes. It was quiet for a moment, as he thought on my words. If we had been back in Texas, I could have imagined hearing the crickets outside it was so quiet. As it was, the only thing I could hear was the clock ticking, and the computer on his desk whirring and the lights filled with electricity buzzing.

  “It is not my decision to tell her, nor is it the Councils right. You and David will tell her when the time is right, and we will be here. Though, I really want to urge you to tell her sooner rather than later.”

  “Don’t worry, Rick. I really value your opinion, and when the time comes that you think she needs to know, you tell David or me. And we can discuss it then, if we haven’t already decided to tell her.”

  “I will not always be around.” His voice had grown sad as he said it, but then shook his head slightly, as is shaking off a bad memory. He took another deep breath. “Just, do not wait too long.”

  I nodded, as did David.

  “So, Rick, despite the circumstances, this is a very joyous occasion. We are very happy, and wanted to share the news with you. We will be telling the Council, but we wanted to tell you first.” David explained, his mouth had formed a perfect semi-circle, showing his dimples.

  “And I want you to make sure they understand. I don’t want anyone telling her anything.” I added.

  He grabbed my hands and held them, then looked at me and promised. “I will make sure everyone knows your wishes.”

  I nodded, “Thank you.”

  “Be happy, like David said, this is a good thing.”

  I nodded again, “I know. And I am happy. I’m just nervous for the future.”

  “You shouldn’t be. Have faith.”

  I didn’t know if I had faith. I knew I had hope. And that’s what I would hold onto. Hope for the future. Hope that things would be okay.


  Chapter 15

  Decisions Made


  Things went by too slowly, and at the same time too quickly. In one way I was ready. I was ready for the baby to get out of me, to have my own body back, to have the Seals open and to finally rule the world. I was ready to end all of it. Everything. Time just wouldn’t catch up to me and my needs.

  But on the other hand, there were things I needed to be completed, that weren’t yet. They always say if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. But how the hell was I going to make the Russians release their virus in this body, with this form?

  How could I use my ultimate form of seduction on them, when I had an alien spawn, practically an alien anyways, inside of me?

  Nigel still hadn’t produced the results I needed. Perhaps he thought it wasn’t as important as it truly was. Perhaps he thought the Four Horsemen would remain for as long as we wanted. But that wasn’t the case. I knew they would leave soon enough, if I couldn’t create the Great Tribulation.

  And I needed them. I needed them if I wanted to rule. Things had to happen in a certain way. Damien started this early so that he would have control of what happened and when, that way as the Seals opened, he could control how they opened and control the Seals that came afterwards.

  He was gone though, and it was up to me to make sure things happened right. If anything went askew, than the natural order of the Seals would tip everything in their favor. And I couldn’t have that happening. If they had the favor, they could win. And I didn’t even want to think about that happening.

  See, it has to happen in a precise way. I have to create the Great Tribulation, so that the Fifth Seal would be opened and the Sixth Seal could follow. If I didn’t make it happen, and it happened on their time, then I wouldn’t be the one to control the Seven Angels that were released with the Seventh Seal.

  And this was imperative. The Seven Angels would have to be contro
lled by someone. They have to have a leader, a ruler. And if it wasn’t me, it would be them.

  I hate the fuckin’ Order. They constantly tried to screw up my plans.

  What to do first though? Kill the Order members? Kill the bitch with the so-called descendent? Open the Fifth Seal?

  Which would come first?

  Which was most important?

  Indecision was never a problem before. Before, I knew what had to happen, and when and where. I knew the events that had to take place. But, ever since I got pregnant, my brain seemed to be jumbled. Things were confusing. I forgot things. What happened to all the great things about pregnancy? No one ever talks about why it sucks, only that it’s amazing. “You glow,” they say. “You will be beautiful.” Whatever. It’s all lies. You are not beautiful when you are pregnant. I was beautiful before.

  I heard footsteps echoing in the hallway outside of my office. It wasn’t like a hollow hallway, not like a perfect pristine walkway in the offices back at home, in New York. We were still in the desert, surrounded by tan and dust. Tan walls, tan floors. So when I heard his footsteps, I also heard the crunch of the sand beneath his boots, and the whirring of the wind as his legs swished back and forth.

  To any lesser being, this giant of a man would be terrifying. But not to me.

  Before he even knocked, I whispered to his mind, Enter, and even opened the door for him. Not in the way you might think. I was still lying across the thick leather couch, which was also tan—ugh, at the far end of my office. He wouldn’t see me right away, since the couch was around the corner. The focal point of my office was my desk, seated right in front of the door. So I was blocked by the wall that stood out on the left of my desk.

  He walked in, wary at first. I rarely opened doors for anyone. But I liked using my Power. It seems to be boiling just beneath the surface, wanting an escape. And at this point, I was willing to use Power for just about anything just to let it out. It was suffocating.

  He stopped in front of my desk, and then I felt the slithering of his Power, as he searched the room to see who was present. I felt the tendrils of his Power tickling the edges of my mind, but he would never be able to penetrate it without permission. I could hide myself fully from him if I wanted.


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