Hope (The Descendant Trilogy Book 2)

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Hope (The Descendant Trilogy Book 2) Page 19

by Theresa M. Jones

  “What is it?”

  When he stood, his eyes did not have the excitement I would imagine mine had. He was not filled with lust, but fear. His eyes shone like two black diamonds, glistening with distrust and uncertainty. He stood taller, trying to appear brave.

  “I have tracked her lineage. We must kill her now. Before the child can have any chance at survival.”

  He didn’t have to explain who he was talking about. There is only one bitch in this world that could actually make someone as strong as Nigel fear, other than me of course.

  “I was expecting news of the virus today, Nigel. Today is my day.”

  He looked taken aback. Apparently that wasn’t the reaction he wanted. I would not fear this woman, or the alien life form inside her. I would bring my tribulation to the world, so that I could take control. Than the roach-like spawn inside her wouldn’t have a chance of winning. I would have the Demons on my side.

  “Yes, my Leader. The Russians have already begun the sequence to start the release. Everything is on schedule. They should be releasing the virus before 5 tonight our time.”

  I nodded. This was good news and I would accept this. I didn’t have the time or effort to accept the bullshit he spewed out earlier.

  “Take your clothes off.” I demanded.

  His eyebrows scrunched down, in question and confusion. “The woman must be dealt with.”

  I stood, it took less than a millisecond, as I had to use my Power to assist me. It went a little overboard as I rose off the ground a good two feet, hovering above the couch. I created a stir in the air around us, my tangled, blond locks flew around my head in wild disarray.

  He dropped to his knees, and I didn’t even have to force him.

  “You will do as I say. Take your damn clothes off.”

  He started to, without even bothering to stand. His jacket came off first, but my patience had already reached its limit. So I covered him in my black, gooey deliciousness. Looking down on him, he looked almost like a shivering shadow.

  When I pulled it back within me, locking the Power back down, he was lying naked on his back, but was also missing several chucks of skin too. Oh well…a little blood just makes the sex that much tastier.

  I started to take my own clothes off, but before I could even take my pants off I heard Frank come up to my door.

  Before he even had the chance to knock, I appeared outside my chambers, right in front of him. It was a nifty little thing we could do, just disappear and reappear basically wherever we wanted. Only those descended of the Powerful Three, Lucifer, Amon and Mammon, ever get that ability. I mastered the skill before I even turned eleven when I killed a litter of kittens and was almost discovered as the perpetrator.

  He stepped back in surprise, before he gathered his wits and bowed.

  “My Leader, I came as requested by Nigel. He told me we three were to have a meeting here.”

  “Well fuck. Why did he tell you that?”

  Again he looked surprised. I didn’t care though. I was already too aggravated at the situation. I had been preparing to quench my lust only moments ago, and really didn’t give a damn about having a meeting.

  “He didn’t tell me he had invited you to our little party, but I always enjoy a good ménage à trois.” I said, the sarcasm and irritation dripped like syrup off my tongue.

  I walked back into my room, expecting him to follow me. When I walked back to my couch, I sat down, as graceful as I could with the bulbous growth protruding from my stomach. When Frank noticed Nigel, he stopped walking and looked at me.

  “Does he need a healer?”

  I let my Power flow to his brain. He was not conscious, but still breathing just fine. I sent a bolt of electricity-type Power to his brain, efficiently waking him.

  His eyes popped open. The white almost completely covered in red lines. He looked pretty close to a demon with his anger so apparent. He sat himself up. Neither Frank nor I helped him. Once he was sitting, Frank pulled a chair over and sat as well. Facing each other we would discuss this idiotic female threat.

  “So, why did we need to meet?” Frank asked. Though he spoke to me, we all knew his question was directed at Nigel.

  I answered anyway, since I was the Leader, and that made me the most awesome out of the three of us.

  “Nigel has decided that the bitch, Allison, is really going to have the prophesied descendant.” The way I said it would make you believe I didn’t believe in the Prophesy. The skepticism and disbelief flowed freely with each word spoken. But of course I did. I had too. If my Damien had believed, and his Leader before him, and the Leader before that, well it was obviously fact. But I didn’t care.

  Many people believe the end of the world will come when God says, and yet look at me now. I was doing it. I was making it happen. I could fucking change the fates.

  They both looked at me incredulously. They too believed in the stupid Prophecy. And we all knew that Nigel would not say this, unless he had proof it was true.

  Finally Frank looked to Nigel. “Are you certain?”

  He nodded.

  “So we go kill her.” Frank said as if it would be so easy.

  “If we knew where she was, we would have killed her already.” Nigel spoke, the anger still was boiling over. His voice was nearly a growl, and he sounded even more demonic. I errantly wondered if my use of Power on his so frequently was truly making him more evil.

  “Well, then I’ll find her. I have been so focused on training the army, but if you are not up to the task, then I’ll do it myself.” And this was the reason I so favored Frank. He was determined and ruthless.

  “No, you will go together. I will go to the Russians and make sure the virus is released while you take care of her. Somehow, someway, I want her dead before the end of the day.” Though they were simple words, they held the weight of a promise. If she wasn’t dead, I would dispose of both of these maggots and replace them.

  They looked at each other, before both looking at me and nodding. “Yes, my Leader.” They said in unison.

  “Now go. Prepare me a place to stay in Russia, I plan on arriving within the hour. I want you both back in the States by the time I arrive in Russia.”

  They nodded again before they stood, bowed and left.

  Today was my day. I would win. And she would die.


  As we sat once again in the Councils Chambers discussing the fate of the world, it dawned on me how surreal the whole thing was. That truly the fate of the entire human population rested with me and this small group of old people…

  Nicholas walked in, though he was an hour late, he hadn’t missed much of anything. Unfortunately there wasn’t much planning to be done, when we still didn’t know what to do.it was a horrible feeling, knowing that if you didn’t figure something out soon, the world would end and it would be all your fault.

  He walked in quickly, his eyes were large and he was breathless. This was important because we don’t get breathless easily. He didn’t even sit, or excuse himself for being late. This again was noteworthy. Nicholas was always very punctual and polite.

  “They have decided. I just found out, when Boleslav called me just now.” He had the attention of every person in the room. Though I didn’t know who Boleslav was, I knew he was Russian…and the Russians were up to no good right now, being heavily influenced by the Rising.

  “What did they decide, Nicholas?” Rick asked.

  “It will happen tonight. They have already begun the sequencing to release Virus 542.”

  The room grew silent as his words were slowly digested by each of us.

  “We must do something!”

  “We must go now.”

  “Let us go there now.”

  They each spoke over each other. I only sat still, trying to fully understand what was happening. They couldn’t actually release the virus. They must know the Americans would retaliate. They must understand the consequences of an action like that. The millions o
f deaths they would cause. The epic destruction of the world as we know it right now.

  This could be the Great Tribulation. This is what they have been planning all along. This would lead to the end of the world as we know it.

  They talked quickly, each among themselves. Some spoke out loud, while other spoke to all within our heads. It was hard to differentiate one conversation from the next, one voice from another.

  I couldn’t handle it and whispered to all, Stop. I didn’t speak it out loud. I didn’t have to. My voice was stronger than all of theirs combined. Even David’s right now, while I was pregnant.

  They all looked to me. We needed a clear voice, one mind. I linked us all together. The minds of the oldest, smartest and most Powerful men in the world, all linked together with one mind. No longer did any one have to speak their thoughts individually. We all spoke and thought as one.

  It was empowering finally being able to use some of this pent up Power, surging around under my skin.

  The thoughts were coherent. We all believed we must go now, today. Even if we had to kill every one of the Russian leaders, we would do it. We would save the world, and we would stop this Tribulation from happening. We could not allow the release of the virus. We would not let the Fifth Seal open.

  We would take many with us. Almost all of the council. Two would stay back here to keep the Compound safe, with half of the guard. We would take the rest of the guard with us. David and I would go together, despite a few qualms about my going, the majority thought my strength and Power would be too valuable to leave behind. We would go together as one unit. We would think in sync and act as one. The excitement and confidence rolled through us. We would act. We would win.

  I reeled my Power back in, only fifteen minutes after I had released it, since everything had been decided. Nicholas left to schedule our departure to Russia. And unfortunately I didn’t even get to feel even a little giddy about getting to finally leave the country for the first time. Instead I was devastated and nervous about what it would be like out there. Nervous I may see another pile of burning flesh. Nervous about smelling that horrid scent again.

  Christopher was off to gather the guard. Rick was going back to his office to document our actions for future generations in case any or all of us didn’t return.

  Henry was to gather the rest of the Order to the Hall for an announcement, to educate the rest of our members.

  Jonathan would stay behind with Henry, he was going to get the Artists, to make them aware they would be dancing the rest of the night. It may sound dumb, but the strength they provided to us in battle was incomparable and most necessary.

  And Francis would be gathering the healers. We would be taking five of the ten best healers with us. Leaving the other five behind to maintain the Compound in case the rest of us didn’t return.

  David and I left to meet with Sharon and Samantha. We had to say our goodbyes. Just in case. The thought was earth shattering and demoralizing.

  What if we didn’t return? What if all of this is for nothing? Was I being selfish, not wanting David to go alone? Was I being self-centered in thinking it was in any way okay to leave Samantha behind and risk the life of my unborn child? What if I left my baby behind with no one left to love and care for her? She would have Sharon, but that’s it. She couldn’t even go to my mother. Was any of this okay? But what if I didn’t go and left them without the aid of my Power?

  Thinking of my mother brought up another wave of panic. She was completely unprotected. My legs started moving faster than they should have been able to. I left David far behind me as I ran to her. I couldn’t save my mother, but I would save my daughter. I would keep her safe, along with my daughter still yet unborn.

  We would not lose. I would win.

  Chapter 18


  *** Lilith***

  I arrived in Russia seconds after I left Headquarters. I was in the middle of an elite hotel suite. The carpets were deep red, the draperies and decorations were all gold. Deep red and gold everywhere. No other colors. Despite the drab look, a look that may seem impressive to some but only appalled me, it was still better than the nasty tan that I had been so desperate to escape.

  I walked to the bathroom to bathe, dress, and make myself at least somewhat presentable despite my bulging midsection. My plan was simple. Go to a meeting with the Russian leaders, The President and Prime Minister, and make sure the plans would continue. I would go with them to watch them release the five bombs that would aim at five major cities in the United States. And veto the plan to shoot at my beloved New York.

  Then I would go back home and revel in my victory.

  I applied my cherry lipstick, applied my smoky eye look, and slipped into a tight red dress that really shouldn’t be worn by an eight-month pregnant woman. But my boobs were bigger than they had ever been, and my hips were graciously curved. I was drop dead gorgeous. So gorgeous that everyone better think so or you would literally drop dead. I didn’t allow anyone to live if they didn’t think I was the most beautiful woman alive.

  I smiled at myself in the mirror and closed my eyes.

  When I opened them I was standing in a hall, very different than my hotel suite. I was in the reception area in the Senate Building in Moscow Kremlin, a historic fortified complex in Moscow, near the Moskva River. I could smell the water from where I stood, fresh and fishy.

  The building was an architectural masterpiece. I could see myself taking over this place and ruling from here once I ruled the world. It was large, beautiful and perfect, like me.

  I could hear the men speaking behind the doors I stood in front of. It was only the two men I planned on meeting. They were arguing about the decision they were about to enforce and the repercussions. This was the perfect time for my entrance.

  I opened the doors easily, despite them being heavily enforced with who knows what kind of technology. They opened upon my command. I walked in, almost floating as my Power began to escape my grasp, wanting so much to be free.

  They stood toe to toe, glaring at each other, obviously not in agreement. It didn’t matter. I was there to fix that issue.

  “Gentlemen…” My voice sounded angelic. It was pretty hilarious when you thought about it. I probably looked like a freakin’ pregnant goddess to them. “There is no time for disagreements or second guessing.”

  As I spoke, I allowed my Power to infiltrate their minds. I instantly had full access to their most secret desires and fears, every thought and action they had ever had. I had it all. They were mine. I forced them to my will. To love me and cherish me. To worship the very ground I stood on.

  The Prime Minister was the one who no longer wished to proceed. He feared the retaliation it would cause. While the President was still fully under the influence of Nigel. They both reeked of his awful stench. He did do a pretty good job on those two. He definitely had been the right man for the job. My lust spiked and I regretted not being able to fully consume him earlier that day.

  “Mr. Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation,” I spoke the formal name of the Prime Minister. He looked at me like he was finally seeing the sun after years of being buried beneath the dirt. I smiled wider. He was mine. “You have nothing to fear. This is my will, and my will is what matters. You will release this weapon so that I can finally bring my plan into action.”

  He nodded at me like a dumbstruck, lovesick puppy. The President nodded as well.

  Right before we left I heard my minion calling to me. My Leader?

  Nigel spoke to my mind, fully asking for my attention. This was definitely the furthest away we had been able to communicate this way.

  What is it, Nigel?

  There is a problem…


  All 21 of us had gathered together on a small private plan that arrived in Russia towards the end of the night. Normally it would take about twelve hours, but with our speedy little jet it took less than eight hours. Despite that, we were still cutti
ng it close. They were planning on releasing the virus less than two hours after our arrival.

  Together we had four council members, ten guard members, five healers, David and myself. Walking toward the Moscow Kremlin, I was struck with the enormity of it. It was a monumental building, one I might wish to explore and truly enjoy one day, if I lived that long. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

  But I couldn’t stop to smell the roses or really enjoy anything about the place. Boleslav met us at the front gate, and escorted us, rather quickly, to the Senate Building where the President and Prime Minister were. I wasn’t sure what we would come up against. How many Rising members would be there, what types of things we would encounter. My mind was spinning with all the different ways that day could play out. All the things that could possible go wrong and all the ways we might lose. For some unknown reason the only thing I could focus on was our demise.

  It seemed they always had the upper hand. They knew where to go, what to do and what to say to make things happen. We were never acting first, only reacting to the things they did.

  Could this be a trap? Would we walk in and get blown sky high? What was even more terrifying was to think about what if the real threat was still in the United States and we were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  So many what ifs, so many possibilities…

  We ran to the Senate Building, on a mission as one to find the bad guys and finish this whole messed up situation, and still I could only focus on the idea that something bad was happening. Something worse than this. Something I was missing.

  Immediately I stopped running as my mind felt as if it would explode with all the questions and thoughts surging through it. I bent over, attempting to stop myself from puking all over the place. My vision began to get blurry and I swayed in place, as I tried to catch my balance. David stopped running and came back to me.

  “What is it?” He asked. But he sounded so very far away. My hearing was muffled like I had earplugs in my ears covered with ear muffs too. I tried to look up at him, to reassure him in some way. Or maybe to ask him what the hell was happening to me.


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