The Beast and I: Volume 1

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The Beast and I: Volume 1 Page 8

by Praks, Alexia

Tammy chuckled. “You must have been learning other languages’ alphabets and didn’t even know it.”

  I cocked my head to one side. Perhaps this could explain why sometimes the housekeeper or maids back in the village stared at me in that strange way? Perhaps I had unthinkingly spoken in a language they didn’t understand? But Mother had taught me the words, so I assumed those were just our languages. The village languages.

  I was still thinking about Mother, languages, and the alphabets when Tammy checked my books out. As we headed back to the bedchamber, Ria asked, “Is everything all right, my lady?”

  I gave her a small smile. “Everything is fine, Ria,” I said, though it wasn’t. It seemed the moment I woke up in this world, there were just so many new things I didn’t know existed, and along with it, a few mysteries about myself. All these, needless to say, made my head spin in confusion. God, all I wanted to do now was to sit and think things over, to get a clear picture of my situation, and catch my breath.

  The moment we stepped into my bedchamber, Winter rushed over to us and barked excitedly in greeting. I came down to my knees to pat the pup.

  “Did you sleep well, Winter?” I asked.

  The dog barked even louder and started jumping around, probably to tell me that he had a good time napping.

  Once Winter finally settled down, we headed over to the sofa. There, I made myself comfortable on the seat while Ria placed the piles of books on the low table.

  “I’ll prepare your morning tea, my lady,” Ria said. “Would you like to drink tea or coffee?”

  “Huh?” I was surprised at her question. Morning tea? Didn’t I just have a hearty breakfast some four hours ago?

  “Morning tea?” I asked.

  Ria nodded. “It’s a light meal between breakfast and lunch. It’s when you relax, take time to think, and of course, drink a delicious hot drink, and eat sweet cake to rejuvenate, my lady.”

  My eyes brightened at the explanation. “Wow. That sounds great, Ria.”

  Of course, I had never had any morning tea break in my life so far, so this would be my first time, and I greatly looked forward to it.

  “So, would you like to have tea or coffee, my lady?” Ria asked.

  I thought for a moment and then said, “Coffee, please.” After all, I did want to try some since the maids back in the village had always raved about how wonderful it tasted when they had secretly tried it. Coffee on the other side of the realm was expensive, a luxurious hot drink served only to the elites.

  “Excellent choice, my lady. It’ll relieve your tiredness, too. I’ll be back soon,” Ria said. “Enjoy your reading.”

  I nodded, and once the door was closed and I was alone, I relaxed back against the sofa and closed my eyes, my mind in a jumble of a mess.

  I sighed as I flopped sideways and snuggled my face against the soft cushions. “Oh, what is happening to my life?”

  First, I was a sacrificial pawn for the magical beast, Aslan the king of the Forbidden Forest, and I had thought I was going to die by his claws. Instead, I was now his cuddling thing, treated like a princess, and living in luxury. This morning, I found out that I, strangely, had no surname, followed by the fact that I had learned about five thousand letters of an alphabet that probably didn’t belong to the village’s language. Even more, I could understand, speak, and read the Aurora Realm’s language. If that wasn’t enough, there was also this world itself, with its culture and magic that, despite my awe and excitement for them, simply shocked me to my core.

  I raised my head and turned my attention to Winter, who was watching me with interest. I said, “At least you’re something I’m familiar with.”

  The dog rushed up to me and licked my hand, as if to help ease me. I smiled and said, “Thank you, Winter,” as I ruffled his soft, fluffy fur.

  I sat up and chuckled. “There’s not much point in getting depressed over something I can’t control, right? I’m still alive and kicking,” I said. “I’m sure I’ll get used to this world soon enough.” And in my mind I added, As long as Aslan doesn’t eat me up.

  As to the mystery of why Mother had taught me all those words and alphabets? I’d figure that out soon enough, I was sure. First, I’d start by getting to know and understand more about this world.

  With that determination in mind, I picked up the first book, which had the title Our Little World, The Forbidden Forest Kingdom by Professor Adam Tylor. I noted at the very bottom in small letters it said The Forbidden Forest Kingdom University.

  “They have a university here?” I said. “But what is a university?” I thought that I must ask Ria about that.

  As I flicked the page open, Winter came to make himself comfortable on my lap. It looked like he was enjoying himself, too, as I started reading aloud.

  It was an hour later when Ria returned with a silver tray in her hands. She placed it on the low table and lifted the lid to reveal a cup of dark hot drink and some baked goods. My mouth watered the moment I saw the food, and as Ria handed me the beautiful tea cup with steam delicately dancing, I smiled with glee. When I took a sip, I blinked in surprise.

  “How is it, my lady?” Ria asked, watching me closely.

  “It’s a little bitter, but I like it,” I said, smiling.

  Thus, I thoroughly enjoyed my coffee break, and after devouring the carrot cake that accompanied the hot drink, I returned to my reading.

  An Evening with the Beast

  Over one week had passed since I had awoken to find myself in a soft goose-feather bed in a large, luxurious bedchamber. In all that time, I had not seen Aslan. I had been told by Ria that Aslan had left the kingdom for an emergency “national conference” that first day I had woken up, the same day he had promised to “see me that night.” Of course, I was fine with that since this gave me time to get used to my new surroundings, and allowed me to relax from his unwelcome cuddling.

  As a newly developed routine, my morning now was spent reading books I had checked out from the library. Then in the afternoon, I’d visit the kitchen to watch Norma and her army of chefs and kitchen helpers cook up a storm for the powerful and the elite, whom I had yet to meet and greet, residing within the castle’s walls.

  Because I was curious, I asked Ria where all the staff had their meals. In answer, both Ria and Norma took me to the cafeteria, which was farther back in the southern wing of the castle. Indeed, the place was enormous, with hundreds of staff members, all in their different uniforms, coming in and having their meals while laughing and chatting. It was certainly loud and cheerful, unlike back at the manor in the village, where it was always morbid.

  Norma said there was an even bigger kitchen here where another army of chefs and kitchen hands cooked the staff’s meals, which caught my interest and I requested a peek at the place. Unsurprisingly, Ria gave in and I had a grand time touring that afternoon.

  Now it was the ninth day that I had been here, and I had yet to receive any news of Aslan’s return. I hoped he was all right. I mean, in that he wasn’t hurt or anything.

  God, I didn’t want to think about it. If he was hurt, wouldn’t his kingdom be in trouble? Because I couldn’t help myself, I asked, “Ria? When is Aslan coming home?”

  Ria looked at me for a moment and then started chuckling, which made me blush. She said, “Are you worried, my lady?”

  I nodded my head. “Of course, I am. We haven’t heard from him in over a week now, and… What if he’s hurt? I mean, I understand that he’s a beast and is powerful and probably can’t be hurt, but…”

  Ria said, “Do not worry, my lady. Lord Aslan is just at an emergency conference. It’s political stuff. It happens all the time. We all know he’s fine.”

  “I see,” I said. Of course, Aslan was the king of his own kingdom, after all, and political stuff was bound to come up, especially with other nations, as I had learned from reading books from the library.

  After the delicious lunch of chicken filo and fresh green salad, along with a cup of coffee, I spent
most of my afternoon strolling about the castle’s exotic garden, which stretched wide across the perimeter of the estate. Ria had told me that it’d take me at least two to three days if I wanted to explore every corner of the carefully maintained site, and I had to agree that she’d be right. I had been walking for two hours now, and I still hadn’t gotten far. Besides, Winter, who had chosen to come along with me, now looked exhausted. I thought dogs in general loved the outdoors and were pretty active, but Winter looked more inclined to be the indoor type. He did take quite a bit of time napping this morning, too.

  I stopped under a lovely big tree and went down to my knees to check up on the pup, who had decided to collapse right there by my feet and roll around the shaded area of the grass. I chuckled in amusement.

  “Winter, are you all right? The walk not too much for you?”

  Winter barked, perhaps to tell me that he was fine.

  I sat on the grass beside him and made myself comfortable. Instantly, the pup moved over and rested on my lap. I stroked his furry head as I gazed across the horizon, marveling at the sight before me. Indeed, it was beautiful and I never would have thought that I’d get to enjoy such scenery. Across the horizon was perfectly manicured green lawn, tall lush trees, and beds of bright, colorful flowers, along with ponds, streams, and water features. On those ponds were many freshwater marine creatures as well as ducks and swans, gliding across the glassy water so gracefully. Of course, above was the bright blue sky and sun, with hints of the magical aurora light that only showed its true form fully during the darkness of the night.

  It was just so peaceful here that I felt bliss.

  It was a little later when I noticed the sun was starting to set and the aurora light was becoming brighter. Hence, I decided to head back toward the castle, with Winter trotting along behind me.

  The moment I walked in through the entrance door, Ria was there, ushering me back to my bedchamber, fussing over me like my late mother, which made me smile. To be honest, I felt rather spoiled with her around.

  She said, “Unfortunately, I have not heard of any news about Lord Aslan’s return, my lady.”

  “I see,” I said. Oddly enough, I felt a little down at hearing her words, and I wondered why.

  “Would you like to have dinner in your room?” Ria asked.

  I nodded my head. “Yes, I’ll have dinner in my room.” Not that I’d feel comfortable having it anywhere else, of course, and especially not at that great dining hall she had shown me during our tour of the castle.

  Dinner was heavenly and the evening passed pleasantly. Back in the village, I’d either still be working until well after dark or lying there starving. Now, it was just so different. I didn’t have to worry about food, nor clothing, or bathing. In fact, I didn’t have to worry about a lot of things. Then again, I wondered if it was all right for me to be here, living like a princess. Surely there was a catch? Because life just didn’t work that way.

  Why did Aslan want human sacrifices from the other side of the realm? Why me?

  God, I just didn’t know, and as I sat there enjoying the hot spring water as Ria washed my long hair, my mind wandered off, thinking about Aslan.

  “Ria?” I called out, my voice soft.

  “Yes, my lady?” Ria replied as she massaged my head.

  “Is it all right for me to be like this?” I asked.

  “What do you mean, my lady?”

  I sighed. “I mean this is so surreal for me. My life before wasn’t like this… I mean…” I turned to look at her. “Why is Aslan… I mean… Aslan is letting me live here like a princess and…”

  Ria smiled. “Are you, perhaps, confused?”

  I nodded my head. “I’m not anyone important, Ria. I’m just Lilly and…”

  God, I just didn’t know how to explain how I felt. I knew it had only been a little more than a week since I had arrived here, but…

  “Perhaps it’s best if you ask Lord Aslan himself when he returns,” Ria said.

  “Hmm…” I nodded my head. “You’re right. Perhaps it’s better if I ask him.”

  Yes, perhaps it was best I asked the beast directly as to what he wanted with me. After all, I simply wanted to know where I stood. What was I to him? Was I supposed to pretend to be his beloved child that he had never had or something else? And the cuddling? Or was he just fattening me up with delicious food and a luxurious lifestyle before he devoured me? Of course, that last thought didn’t sit well with me.

  When I was done with bathing and had finished applying body and facial “cream” on myself as taught by Ria, I put on another pair of panties, this time pastel pink in color, followed by a “nightgown” that was made of silk. It was short, with the hem coming down to my midthighs while the sleeves were delicate and thin on my shoulders. Back in the village, this type of garment was only meant for the ladies of the manor. I must admit that I felt blessed to be able to wear something this luxurious for bed.

  After Ria had wrapped a silky robe around me, she asked, “Is there anything you would like before bed, my lady?”

  I shook my head. “I’m good, Ria,” I said.

  “Good night then, my lady,” Ria said, and a moment later, she left with the door gently shutting behind her.

  Alone, I made myself comfortable by the fire, a cushion under me, Winter on my lap, and a book in my hands. I was engrossed reading The Forbidden Forest Kingdom, the Aurora Realm, and Magic, the book I had started reading this morning, for about an hour or so, when I decided that I’d had enough, and raised my eyes to look up at the glass ceiling.

  Above me, countless dots of stars shone brilliantly against the dark sky, along with streaks of colorful aurora light. I sighed in awe. It was beautiful, and the view never ceased to fascinate me. It always took my breath away, ever since the first time I had seen it when I arrived.

  I rested the book on the floor and then arranged more cushions around me. Once that was done, I lay on my back, with Winter on my tummy, as I gazed up at the night sky.

  Mother used to tell me about the stars in her stories, of how beautiful they were, especially at certain times of the year when the weather was nice and the sky was clear. She had always said that the world was bigger than most people think and that one could do anything one could dream of. When I told her that my dream was to escape the village, take her with me, and then travel the big world, she simply chuckled in her singsong voice. She had said that would happen for me one day, but not for her. I had always wondered what she had meant by that, but I supposed she had already been struck with her sickness, and perhaps knew that it wouldn’t be long before death came for her.

  She had been such a wise woman, with so much knowledge, Mother. Once again, I wanted to know why she was made to work as a servant at the manor. Why was I locked up in the basement with her, forbidden to go outside and interact with other people? God, there were just so many questions I wanted answered regarding my life back in the village. Then, of course, I also had so many more questions regarding my life here in the Forbidden Forest Kingdom, especially where the relationship between Aslan and me was concerned.

  “Aslan.” I said the man-beast’s name softly under my breath, wondering what he was doing right now. Ria had said that he was busy at the national conference, dealing with political stuff. Well, it couldn’t be helped. He was a king, after all, and there was undoubtedly a lot of work for him to deal with, political or not.

  I sighed and whispered his name under my breath softly, again, “Aslan…Aslan McTavish.”

  He had quite a nice name, I must admit.

  “Lilly McTavish,” I said. That didn’t sound too bad either, I thought with a smile.

  “Lilly McTavish.” A deeply timbred voice echoed all around me.

  Instantly, I gasped and sat up, my gaze darting about the dimly lit room, searching for the presence of Aslan.

  “I like the ring of it.”

  I narrowed my eyes and asked, “Aslan?”

  “Yes, sweetheart?�
� came the reply.

  “I thought you’re busy?”

  A merry chuckle followed my question. He said, “I am busy, darling. How are your days in the Forbidden Forest Castle? Did you enjoy the tour of the castle? The food? Are the staff treating you well?”

  I nodded my head. “The tour was nice and everyone in the castle is very nice to me, Aslan. The food is very delicious. I love the burger, by the way.”

  “Then I’m glad,” he said.

  I frowned and asked, “So, how does this work? I can hear your voice but you aren’t really here in my room, are you?”

  He chuckled, in amusement, I noted.

  “No, I’m not, but would you like me to be there?”

  I thought about his big, warm, muscular body and instantly felt my tummy flutter deliciously. Oddly enough, I must admit that I wanted him to be here with me simply because I wanted to feel his warmth.

  I shook my head and said, “No, that’s okay, since you’re busy with your national conference.”

  “Oh? I’m rather sad that you don’t sound like you miss me.”

  I smiled. Since I wanted to tease him, I said, “I didn’t miss you one tiny bit, beast.”

  “Ouch!” He made the sound. “My poor heart. Please, don’t be so mean, Lilly darling.”

  I giggled. I couldn’t help myself. Once I managed to stop, I asked, “Aslan? You haven’t answered my question. How does this work? You’re not doing some sort of mind reading, are you? Is this your magic? Us talking like this?”

  “Not mind reading, love. I call it online chatting.”

  I cocked my head to one side. “Excuse me? Online chatting? What’s an online?”

  He said, “It’s hard to explain but the short of it is the Aurora Realm has a magical energy wavelength called WiFi. With this, beings with high enough internal magic power, or magic qi, can communicate using the WiFi network.”

  I cocked my head to one side as I stared up at the stars within the night sky. “So, the Aurora Realm has this WiFi network and you can use it to communicate with me?”

  He chuckled. I assumed he was amused at my question. He said, “That’s right, darling.”


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