Alec's Game (Shifter Fever Book 2)

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Alec's Game (Shifter Fever Book 2) Page 12

by Selena Scott

  “That doesn’t answer my question.”

  “It’s for bathing.” She quirked an eyebrow at him and squirted more soap onto the loofah thingie. She scrubbed his calves and thighs. “Something you apparently know very little about.”

  “I bathe just fine on my own, thank you.” The last two words came out much higher than the first as she roughly sudsed over some very sensitive areas.

  “You’re welcome,” she responded in a dry tone. But her gentleness was back when she got to his scraped up back and chest. She forewent the loofah for just her sudsy hands as she slowly and carefully cleaned every inch of him. He was aroused, of course, because he was a living, breathing human and Milla Keto was naked, wet, and touching him. But almost more than that, he was strangely moved to watch her work her way over his beat up body. She worked her way up his chest and pressed her cheek to his chest hair for just a second before she lifted one arm and then the next. He tensed and set his jaw against the sweet torture of her hands in his armpits. She smiled at that, but didn’t stop.

  Strangely, she used different soap for his face. And then two different kinds of soaps for his hair. They smelled like woman, sure, but really they smelled like Milla, and he couldn’t complain about that. When she guided him under the spray again, he didn’t protest. He’d grown used to the beating hot temperature of the water and he felt his skin and muscles soften in a way he’d never felt before. Maybe earthlings were onto something with showers.

  He fell quiet as she quickly washed herself and then stepped out of the shower. She tossed a fluffy white towel at him that hit him in the face, but she was there, chuckling and dragging it gently over his skin. He still had no words.

  Something strange was bubbling up in him. He barely understood what was going on. Milla led him into her bedroom and fell to her knees in front of him. She rubbed some white liquid all over him and though it didn’t have a scent, it was cool and slick and soothed every part of his body.

  “You make me feel like a child,” he said gruffly.

  “I’m just cleaning you up.” But she avoided his eyes as she stood up and finished slicking lotion over his arms.

  “That’s not all you’re doing.” He grabbed her by the shoulders and brought her to face him.

  “What am I doing?” The fact that she wasn’t looking in his face let him know that she knew exactly what she was doing.

  “I’m not entirely sure but it’s turning me into a puppy at your feet.”

  She laughed and brought her eyes to his, finally. “The last thing John Alec the Warrior could ever be is a puppy.”

  “Fine then,” he said, dragging his hands down her back and then back up again. “You’re like sun on snow. You’re melting me.”

  “A good shower will do that,” she nodded.

  “No, Milla,” he responded, dropping his mouth to hers so he could pull her bottom lip into his mouth for just a second. “You do that. To me.”

  He glanced behind her back at the monstrous throne she called a bed. If it was good enough to sleep on, he judged that it would be good enough to fuck on.

  “But I don’t understand how,” he continued as he walked her backwards, her naked curves bumping against him with every step. “Because you’re not soft. Or sweet.” He pecked a kiss on her lips. “You’re fierce and sharp. And have a terrible temper.” Another kiss. “But somehow you make me soft for you.”

  Milla let him tumble her backwards and it was a good thing, because her heart was beating so fast, she was having trouble feeling her legs. He levered himself over her and pressed her back into the bed.

  He hauled her up the bed a few more feet and nestled the hard steel of his cock between her legs. He’d meant to go slow, to swallow her down. To love on her with his hands and mouth. But the head of his cock met the slick silk of her pussy and he was helpless against the need to join with her. His lips found hers, his eyes asked, and her legs slipped around his waist.

  He pushed forward, this time never retreating. He just pressed and pressed, circling his hips little by little to work his way inside of her. Those brown eyes of his were all that she could see as he consumed her.

  He was so big and she hadn’t had sex in six months so it wasn’t a fast process, but neither of them would have changed a second of it as he worked his way into her slick heat. Their tongues licked at each other at first and then, when the intensity of the pressure, of the heat, became too much, their mouths just pressed against one another’s, not even moving, just pressing and tasting and absorbing.

  She cried out when he finally sank to the hilt and Alec pressed his forehead to hers. He opened his mouth, as if to say something, but instead, he pulled his hips back and pressed inside of her again.

  Pleasure blanked Milla’s eyes and there was nothing left to do but remind her who was inside of her. Alec linked fingers with hers and planted his knees on the soft mattress. His strokes weren’t sharp, they were an even push and pull as if he were working away at a wall built between them. He was going to get to the other side of that wall if it was the last thing he did.

  The softness of it was almost too much for her. Milla was used to sharp, fierce lovemaking from Alec and she had no defenses against this overwhelming cloud of sensation he was bringing down around her. Every stroke was telling her something and Milla was torn in two. Half of her wanted to hear it, and the other half knew that hearing it would break her heart. It was too much. He was leaving tomorrow. It was too much.

  Suddenly Milla was wild and all elbows and knees as she pulled away from him, slid herself away from him. She crab walked across the bed, her back against the headboard and those green eyes boring into him.

  He was on all fours, his eyes burning with lust and questions, his cock bobbed, wet with her pleasure.

  Her chest heaved. “You’re leaving tomorrow. Alright? I’ll take you to Penn station and put you on a train and you’ll go back to Green Mills and back through to Herta.”

  Her chest heaved one more time, but the manic glint in her eyes dulled just a bit after she’d said what she had to say. There. That was better. She had to put them on the same page. And now that they were, they could get back to fucking. With that, she lunged forward and met her mouth with his. Their tongues warred for a second and Milla reached between them, gave his cock one long, lusty tug with her hand.

  But Alec reared back and came over top of her again, folding her onto the bed and finding her clit with his fingers. He stroked her there, just tight little circles around her bud before he sank two fingers inside of her.

  “No,” he told her, his mouth against hers. “I’m not.”

  “What?” she asked, blurry with the rising pleasure he was petting out of her pussy.

  “I’m not leaving tomorrow.” His tongue sank into her mouth as he hitched her leg over his hip and pressed his cock to her entrance. He sank inside of her and they both groaned in pleasure.

  His words hit her at the same moment as his cock bottomed out inside of her. But this time, she didn’t have it in her to pull away from him. Instead, she jammed her heels into his ass and pulled him even closer.

  “Yes, you are,” she insisted, arching her hips up and clamping her mouth at his neck, biting down.

  “I’m not leaving,” he told her, thrusting hard and rolling them so that she was on top. He planted his hands on her hips and fucked himself with her body. “I’m staying here.”

  She was off-kilter and spinning. The pleasure was too acute and so were his words. She fell forward onto his chest and he clamped her down, his mouth at her ear.

  “I’m not leaving,” he repeated.

  But this time his words ignited a frantic panic in her chest. She didn’t understand. She didn’t get it.

  Again, she pulled herself up off of him. Milla was off the bed and standing across the room before he could blink.

  Alec sat up, took one look at the expression on her face and then fell onto his back, groaning, his cock standing tall and glistening in t
he dim light. “Jesus, woman. Fine. Say what you need to say. But at least let me tongue your pussy while you say it.”

  She was tempted. Very tempted. But she couldn’t risk any more confusion. Her heart was at stake.

  “Fine. I will say what I need to say.”

  He sat up.

  She cleared her throat and tried to ignore the buzzing, electric hum that was demanding she get back on that bed and back on his body. “I wasn’t okay.” She forced herself to go on. “I’m a strong person. I always have been. Nothing gets in my way. But I wasn’t okay after you left me.”

  A storm cloud pulled over his face and he scooted to the edge of the bed, his feet flat on the ground. She could tell he was about to speak so she beat him to it.

  “You wanted to know why I was wearing that fancy underwear? Because I’ve been trying to remind myself who I am, John. I’m Milla fucking Keto. I kick ass at work. I get what I want out of the world. I fight hard. I shift. I date the shit out of anyone I want to. I get Brazilians when I want and wear expensive lingerie. I make men forget their own names, John.” Her eyes were like the sun. “Milla. Fucking. Keto.” She stomped her heel on the ground between each word. “But that hasn’t been me these last six months. I’ve been–God–sad!” She said that last word like it was shameful, a product of laziness on her part. “And I’m fucking sick of it. So, just do what I say, okay? Just fuck me tonight and then go in the morning and let me get the hell over this.”

  He sat perfectly still on the edge of the bed, glaring up at her. A long beating of seconds passed before he spoke. “I didn’t leave you. You left me.”

  “No,” she denied.

  “Milla, you literally turned your back and walked into a different world.”

  “You didn’t ask me to stay!”

  He scoffed, rising to his feet. “Stay? In a world where you’re constantly in pain? Constantly under threat of being enslaved? Of course I didn’t ask you to stay! I’m not a monster!” He strode away from her and caught sight of himself in the mirror that hung on her wall. Another thing about earth that he wasn’t used to. He was surprised by what he saw there. A worn man, beaten up and weathered. He looked exactly like his father. But more than anything, he looked like a man in love. Torn up and happy at the same time. It was that that had him turning back to her and telling her the truth. “You didn’t ask me to come with you.”

  Now it was Milla’s turn to scoff. “Back to earth? John, are you kidding me? Back to the land of infomercials and Dancing with the Stars? Please. Your sister is in Herta. You’re a warrior. Your entire life, your entire purpose is in Herta!”

  “You willful, stubborn woman! My entire life is NOT in Herta.” He breathed at her, almost as if his breath were made of flames. Milla thought of a dragon, of a lion, of a warrior. He strode past her, out of the bedroom and back into the bathroom. Seconds later he was back with his grubby jacket in one hand. He dug through the pockets and pulled out the necklace he’d taken off before the shower. He tossed it at her and she snatched it from the air. It was a leather string that had a glinting, rough-hewn stone hanging on the end. Milla held it up in confusion.

  “I don’t understand. Is this for me?”

  “No. It’s mine.”

  She stared at it, still confused. “Okay.”

  He scraped an agitated hand through his hair. “What color is the stone, Milla?”

  She held it up to the light. “Green.”

  “No,” he shook his head and took a step toward her. “Exactly what shade of green?”

  She studied it again and felt all the blood in her body sink to her feet. She felt both as if she could fly and like she really needed to puke. Her voice was steady, but very quiet. “The color of my eyes.”

  “Yes,” he said, close enough to her to snatch the necklace back and pull it over his head. She watched the stone roll and settle on his chest. Directly over his heart.

  “My entire life is not in Herta,” he repeated. He took her by the shoulders. “It took me a few months to figure that out. And then a few more to find my sister and tell her I was leaving. But I’m here now and you’re making it very difficult.”

  She stood stiffly, almost dumbly, as he drew her into his chest. He felt her mouth open against his chest and he groaned. “No. No more talking. I’ll answer your questions right now, woman. My little queen. Just let me answer your questions this way.”

  His hands gripped her under her ass and he lifted her right into the air. And then she was actually airborne as he tossed her onto the bed. Milla laughed in a knee-jerk reaction but couldn’t stop feeling strangely scrambled as he crawled over top of her.

  His mouth was soft and inexorable then as he kissed at her pussy. Milla’s body, however, was done being pliant and soft. She went stiff and tight and arching as vicious pleasure raked through her body. Alec didn’t let her fight the pleasure away, though. He pinned her to the bed and to his mouth, rolling them so that she hovered over him. He’d never forget the way his woman looked then, staring up over the golden, curving expanse of her stomach and breasts. He’d never forget the look on her face, even as her eyes slammed closed. She was surrendering to him and fighting all at the same time. He wouldn’t have it any other way. It was so like her.

  He clamped his hands onto her ass and slammed her pussy down on his face. His fingers clutched her, moving her exactly the way he wanted her to and she arched into him, giving herself over. When she climaxed, he burned it into his brain. Every flex of her muscles, her heart that slammed so hard he could see it beat at her chest. Her huffing gasps. Her moans when she came down. And then, his all-time favorite, the honey of her come-down. When she was pliant as melted wax and in his arms.

  He didn’t let her luxuriate for long. He was starving for her, almost desperate, when he rolled her on her back and pushed inside.

  Her mouth opened and her eyes slammed shut as she spread her legs as far as she could. And that was all he needed. He buried his face in her shoulder and fucked her across the bed. The edge fell away from them and he took them on a tumble over the side. He laughed reflexively as they now lay on their sides on the floor, but he didn’t stop fucking her. He worked and worked himself against her, into her, as her moans filled the room.

  And then that wasn’t enough. Alec pulled out of her and dragged her to her feet. He swept all the earthly crap off her dresser and sat her on top of it before he slammed back inside.

  Milla cried out and he groaned at how good it was. The dresser shook, knocking against the wall as he fucked her silly.

  “You’re my queen,” he growled. “You won’t turn from me and I won’t turn from you.” He banded one hand around her waist and with the other he took her by the chin, made her look in his eyes. It was that that had her pussy clamping down around his, her eyes dilating. John Alec gritted his teeth against the feel of her coming on his cock, but he had more to say. He clamped his teeth at her lip to bring her back to the here and now and when she focused on him again, his hips kicked into overdrive. He thrust into her so fast and so hard her breasts bounced. He planted a hand on the wall behind them as he felt her start to clamp down again. “You’re my…” he tried. And then had to gather his thoughts again as his balls drew up and lightning zinged up his legs. “You’re my most important… most important,” but that was as far as he got before he detonated inside of her, his hips pistoning and his teeth baring as he screamed his release into her skin. He was dimly aware of Milla climaxing again as well, her body tight against his and her breath hot against his neck.

  He didn’t pull out of her. He held her to him as he stumbled back and to the floor, only reaching up for her comforter to drag around them.

  “John, the bed,” she tried weakly.

  “I’m not sleeping on a giant mushroom,” he grumbled.

  She laughed and it made her contract around his cock. He grunted against the sensation as he pulled the comforter over their heads completely. She felt him thicken inside of her and her eyes wi


  “I told you I’d answer all your questions, woman,” he frowned against her lips, clasping her to him and holding her tight.


  It was three days before John Alec left. The best three days of Milla’s life. She bought him jeans, which he complained about, and a few soft T-shirts, which he did not complain about. Though he griped about a lot of things on earth, he started to like running to the bodega on the corner, getting them cheap coffee and cheaper donuts. He started to enjoy the constant flow of people on the sidewalk, the parade of dogs. He grew very fond of showers in those three days. And even more fond of lingerie.

  They had Indian food delivered six separate times because he insisted it was the best thing he’d ever tasted.

  But on the morning of the fourth day, he left. Back for Green Mills. And Milla went with him. In fact, she drove him.

  It was charming how impressed Alec was that she could drive.

  “It’s not hard. I’ll teach you when we’re back in the Catskills. You’ll pick it up quickly.” She paused and bit her lip. “John, I’m scared that you’re not going back.”

  He knew what she meant. She was scared that he’d regret not going back. “Milla, the best thing I can do is stay on earth and train Griff. Herta is a mess. There’s no way that there are enough sympathetic Hertians to actually stop the shifter trade. The only thing we can hope for at this point is a shifter revolt.”

  “And you really think that Griff is the only one who can lead that?”

  Alec was quiet for a time. “All I know is that I’ve never seen shifters respond to anything the way they did to the stories of his defiance. He’s a symbol. I don’t know. Nothing gets through the haze, but that seems like it did. I think shifters would follow him.”

  Milla nodded. “But what about your sister?”

  Sadness came over Alec’s features. “She won’t leave. She’s Hertian through and through. But I told her exactly how to get to me in Green Mills. She’ll come for me if she needs me. And I’ll go back. I’m sure.”


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