All This Time

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All This Time Page 38

by Marie Wathen

  “What?” I screech while shaking my head wildly. “You’ve got to be fucking joking. This is destiny’s way of torturing me.” Decks here can’t be good. I have a feeling that he will make our lives a living hell–especially if he finds out that I’m with Blues.

  Encasing me in his powerful arms, he presses his lips to my hair and whispers, “Ssh, I’m sorry, Doll. Knowing that we’re doing this together makes me feel like destiny is on our side instead of fucking with us.”

  “We are doing it together, aren’t we?”

  “I can’t face destiny without you, Doll.”

  “And I don’t ever want to know what a future without you is like either, Blues.”

  My man is right. Destiny is what brought us together. How can I be so pissed off at the only thing that could give me the love of my life? Yes, I lost a lot on my pathway toward finding true love, but I can’t dwell on the negatives or I would stay in a constant state of pain. Instead, I remember the good times and focus on the love I’ve experience through this crazy journey. I had a plan once, a solid future without anyone or anything so essentially important to travel with before him.

  A tiny fortune cookie slip, I found tucked away in the ratty old backpack I used while undercover, reminded me that there is something greater controlling things, and He certainly doesn’t need Samantha Walker’s instructions on how to do his job. And apparently with rebels like me always stirring things up, He never gets a day off from saving my ass. Divine intervention reprieves for no one when restoration is essential, Gran’s recent words of wisdom drift through my mind, settling within my soul–feeling like a warm ray of sun on a frigid winter day.

  Talking for the remainder of the night, Blues and I find that not only do we reveal things about ourselves easily with each other, but we literally can’t keep our hands to ourselves. The sex is spectacular, but our tender caresses mean so much more. His acceptance of all my darkness, where the ugly demons thrive, makes me love him even more. He has even agreed to never calling me perfect again.

  Speaking of fucked up, my new commander, Rhys Bentley…yeah, he’s Blues. You guessed it. He is the not-so-lucky federal agent who got stuck with Decks, I mean Tyle Bentley, Rhys’ kid brother. They’re in witness protection for Decks, but Rhys was chosen to lead our small drug task force team in the hopes that we can end the debauchery of this new super-drug staking its claim on society.

  Unfortunately for me and Rhys, with our roles in the DTF and their strict nepotism policy, we aren’t allowed to work together if we’re in a relationship. Being a couple around Kole and Marcus is forbidden. But what they don’t know won’t hurt them. I hate lying to my brother, but Marcus needs to think that Rhys and I used to have a relationship, explaining away the attraction so vivid between us.

  Working together as a team with the backing we’re getting deep within the government, we’re all but assured a successful end to Dr. A and his poison. Hopefully, it will come one day very soon. Our first challenge is devising a plan to locate the crafty bastard before too many innocents fall victim to his destruction. I pray fate is on our side during this epic battle.

  One week later…

  “Sam?” Rhys calls from the bedroom.

  “Yes, my love?” I reply while shoving my laptop into the leather case.

  He strolls out of the bedroom wearing a charcoal pinstripe suit with a silver button down and white tie. My mouth waters at the intoxicating sight of my man and I quirk up my eyebrow completely puzzled.

  “Babe,” I pant lustfully and then pull myself together before asking, “Did you forget to tell me something?”

  “What?” he asks nervously, his eyes growing wide like he’s scared.

  I laugh and say, “Either I’m a little under dressed for some secret rendezvous you have planned or you’re way overdressed for someone who is supposed to be going to get the title for my new motorcycle, which I love by the way. Thank you babe.”

  He swallows audibly, but then chuckles while slipping into his coat. “I love seeing you wrapped around that little kitten. And I made reservations for dinner afterward.” He smirks while waggling his eyebrows. “Put on that sexy little number that gets me hot.” His smirk shifts to a wicked smile before drawing me in for a scorching kiss.

  “Hmm,” I moan against his mouth. “Or we could just stay here…and stay naked.”

  “Yeah,” he groans happily stroking his tongue with mine. His eyes pop open, he covers his mouth to cough and clear his throat, and then rushes to correct himself, “No, no, we have to go. Now.”

  I sigh. “Okay, I’ll go, but I need at least ten minutes.”

  “I’m feeling generous today,” he bites down on his bottom lip and smacks my ass playfully before I walk into the bedroom, “You can have twenty.”

  Arriving at the municipal building in downtown Willow thirty minutes later, Rhys parks under a shade tree and as he turns off the ignition I notice a slight tremble in his hand. A siren wails in my head while a warning punches my gut. Anxiety brushes lightly against my instincts and I know adding everything together something is off.

  I reach over capturing his hand into mine. “Goddammit, I can’t take it another minute. Something has you rattled. Tell me whatever the fuck it is, now!”

  Gradually, he turns facing me and his trademark I-am-sexy-as-fuck smirk flashes across his dark delicious lips before he says, “Get your sweet ass out of this car.”

  My mouth hangs open. “Really?” He actually expects me, Samantha Walker, to accept no answer as an answer. “Huh, I don’t think so, Rhys.”

  “Doll, we’re going to be late if you don’t stop sulking because I’m going to bite that pouty lip and then do bad things to you in this parking lot.” He chuckles when I blush and then for good measure he adds, “We may even go to jail.” He waggles his eyebrows playfully.

  I laugh at his silliness and ask, “Is everything okay then?”

  “Get out,” he repeats stepping out of the vehicle and walking around to my door. I glare up at him and then reluctantly accept his hand. Approaching the front steps of the courthouse, Rhys stops abruptly. “Wait,” he says in a shaky voice that sets my nerves on edge, his eyes taking on a far off look like he’s not here with me anymore. I glance back toward the parking lot searching for anything appearing out of place or suspicious.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask wrapping my arms around my waist protectively.

  “Your love called to me,” He faces me and his eyes latch onto mine. He pauses and I tilt my head, curious about why he is telling me this now. “I felt it like a solid beat on a base drum.” He pats his hand rhythmically over his heart while his lashes flutter and halt, spreading into a crescent against his tan cheeks. “I closed my eyes and something like a whisper in the air made me look up, where I saw only you.” Blazing sapphire pierces into my eyes, and I become breathless when he replaces my hand with his, continuing our steady rhythm against his chest. “This is what you do. You keep me alive with your melodic soul, Sam. It soothes me and makes every next breath sweeter.” Lifting a hand to my face, his thumb strokes tenderly over my bottom lip and he sighs. “You, my love, are my time signature.” Ironically, at this very moment my heart skips a beat. “A magnificent symphony of need, want and love reverberates us, Sam, for eternity.” He steps close, drops his lips to brush against mine and whispers, “No one re-echoes me except for you.” His words are beautiful, perfect even, but something about this whole scene still has my nerves going berserk.

  “Rhys, what’s going on?” I lick my lips nervously, staring at his sexy mouth before glancing back up to his eyes that are locked fiercely onto mine.

  “All this time, it has been you.”

  “All this time,” I repeat softly and a little disbelievingly. Nodding, he presses his tender lips against mine pulling a passionate kiss that makes my legs grow weak and I wobble into him.

  Softly building from somewhere in the distance All Blues by Miles Davis hums on the breeze. Reluctantly, I pull on
ly my lips away from this amazing man, who somehow managed to steal away my heart, turning my head in the direction where the music is coming from. On the top steps of the courthouse a couple stands, waiting.

  Inhaling sharply, I ask almost inaudibly, “Rhys, why are my grandparents here?”

  He pulls me tightly against his chest once again, his hand lifting and wrapping around the back of my neck while his thumb strokes erotically against my now erratic pulse. His heady scent slams into me moments before he presses another enthralling kiss to my lips. Touching his forehead to mine, Rhys’ eyes glisten with utter devotion and then he sighs so sweetly.

  “We need witnesses, Doll.”

  The End

  OMG! I love Sam’s story, and all the crazy emotions that I suffered while writing this book came across in this tragic romance. I hope you leave this story satisfied, but wanting more from Willow Island. If you enjoyed reading this book, I hope you will consider leaving a review (links to follow) or recommending it so others can enjoy it as well. If you do post a review on Amazon or Goodreads please contact me via email at [email protected]


  Be All (Book #1, All series/Breesan)

  All Is Lost (Book #2, All series/Breesan)

  All This Time (Sam) Order paperback copies

  Signed copies can be ordered just by sending an email to [email protected] I accept Paypal

  Coming soon:

  Worth It All (Book #3, All series/Breesan) Summer 2014

  Risking All (Book #4, All series/Breesan) Fall 2014

  All Our Love (Novel Grounds Anthology/No Details) March 2014 as a short.

  No Details Spring 2015 as a novel

  About the Author

  New Adult Author of the All Series, Marie Wathen is a wife, mother of two and a Lola (her version of grandmother). When she isn’t writing, her other career is on the nightshift. Marie is a fourteen year veteran dispatcher at her local Sheriff’s Office. The SO is where she met her husband Barry, patrolman. Born and currently living in Central Alabama, she enjoys a serene life in the country, but lives for the excitement of traveling to large cities.

  Besides writing, some of Marie’s other passions include reading, traveling, and family time that includes southern home-cooking and Italian feasts. Although Marie has been a storyteller her entire life, Be All is her first publication. Marie’s genre includes, but is not limited to, Romantic Suspense. She is currently collaborating on a Romantic Paranormal Thriller that will release in 2014. The journey on Willow Island will continue next in Worth it All (All series, Book 3) expected release date is mid spring. Also, look for No Details, releasing as a short story in the Novel Grounds Anthology, All Our Love in March 2014, and then rereleasing as a full length novel in spring 2015.

  Marie loves connecting with readers who enjoy her books.

  Facebook: Marie Wathen Author

  Page For fans of The All series only

  Twitter: @mariewathen

  Email: [email protected]



  This book wouldn’t have been possible without the support of certain individuals, and it never would have made it to publication without some special people reading it, giving me invaluable advice and great encouragement.

  My gratitude to the following:

  Readers, I am forever grateful that you gave my book a chance.

  Barry, Kayla, Kaitie, and the Kyles: I love you Forover (inside joke), more than all the words, and having your support trumps everything <3

  Auderia DeStafino, again thank you for keeping me sane when the crazy shit surfaced, for loving it, for dealing with me, for coffee time, for great ideas, for blog takeover, for traveling because of my books and for begin one amazing friend. I love you always! And to Devan Rhayne, for continuing to think that I’m the coolest. I again think you’re fabu too!

  My sistas! Barbara Gonzalez, Loretta Barks, Paula Price, Lisa Carr, Karen Martin, Debra Good, Krystle Foster, and especially thank you Huldah J. Smith (for letting me use your name for Sam’s cover job).

  My guys! D. Black, J. Forrest, M. Reebals, M. Bishop for your colorful additions to my scenes. Stay safe fellas!

  To my big, loud Italian family: Thank you DeStafinos for all the special moments and stories that will live on in my heart. Miss you Uncle Phillip <3

  MY BETAS! Heather Terranova Armstrong, Laura Barcenas, Jennifer Persianni-Coates, Merilyn Dignum, Venture Cecena, Angela Pratt, Simone Nicole, Sara Kinsella. Thank you for tolerating the horrible grammar, embarrassing spelling mistakes, the pain in the ass revisions, letting me harass you with tons of questions and giving me the guts to publish another book. Your friendship is priceless <3

  My Kick Ass Pimpsistas! Angela (I Feel the Need, the Need to Read), Breezy (Breezy BeautyandBooks), Ty (Momma’s Secret Book Obsession), Kim (Little Red’s Book Reviews), Tonya (Turnthe Page), Shawn (Dauntless Indies), Megan (Novell Grounds), Raquel (For The Love of Books), Kathy (Panty Dropping Book Blog), Jovana (Rumpled Sheets Blog) Kirsten (Ramblings of a Book Lunatic), Claudia (I love booknerds), Judith (One More Chapter), Jaclyn (NWA Gossip Girl), Jackie (BookWhisper), Philomena (2 friends, promote your books Group), Stephanie (Headtripping Books) Kristin Marie Author, Amanda (Crazy Cajun Book Addicts), Staphanie (Headtripping Books), Angie’s Reading Dungeon, Jennifer (Jen's Book Reviews), Amanda (EReading Made Free), Laura Barcenas, Becky (Pimpslapped) …Oh, I hope I didn’t forget anyone… I cannot tell you enough times how important you all are to me–it is just so much more than two little words like Thank you can cover. Without you supporting and sharing, I would still be talking to myself on a lonely Facebook page. You all have my highest respect and eternal friendship. I thank you! xo

  To my editor: Toby Joiner, thank you for doing a wonderful job and for loving the series.

  To my cover artist: Arijana Karcic, with Cover It! Designs, thank you for another stunning book cover. You’re marked as a badass in my book for eternity!

  To my teaser guru: Jacob with Design by Jacob Daniel Parish, I love the steamy graphics for Sam & Blues

  So many Indie Authors inspire me daily through the interwebs that I can’t name each of you, but if we’ve ever had a conversation you should count yourself in this form of appreciation. I do this because you did it first and because of your words, both written and encouraging. Rachel Higginson, again I thank you for inspiring my writing with the Star Crossed series–it alone launched Breesan’s story.

  To all the Facebook & Twitter friends, thank you for liking, retweeting, commenting, sharing, encouraging, buying and loving BE ALL, ALL IS LOST and then begging for more adventures on Willow Island. I am beyond blessed because of each of you and I adore you all. I read, laugh and sometimes cry reading each of your Amazon and Goodreads reviews. Bless you for taking time out to honor me.

  Thank you especially to my God for this life, these and all the other unmentioned characters and storylines, both real and fictional, that you created and brought into my life.




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