The Screwup: A Billionaire Fake Fiancée Romance (The Holbrook Cousins Saga Book 2)

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The Screwup: A Billionaire Fake Fiancée Romance (The Holbrook Cousins Saga Book 2) Page 10

by Alina Jacobs

  "The gym is on these two floors," Monique said, leading them to a glass wall that looked out over a sea of exercise machines. "There’s state-of-the-art equipment, nice locker rooms, and a pool. We like our employees to be fit and healthy. Please make use of the facility."

  Allie followed along as Monique led them through several of the office floors.

  "The company owns the entire building but leases some floor space to companies they're contracted with heavily so that they can have more interaction. We’re big on cross-disciplinary work and collaboration here."

  Allie wasn't sure she wanted to work in an open floor plan. She thought they might be too noisy and distracting.

  "Remember," Monique said as she left them with their teams where they would be working, "you all will be doing special projects together in teams of three to four, so start thinking about your topics."

  Then Monique left, and it was just her, Liz, and Carter standing next to Hector, the director of the risk management division.

  "Great to see you folks here," said Hector. "We are hardly ever assigned interns. They all want to be in the more exciting roles like sales or product development. But risk management can be interesting too."

  They followed Hector around the quiet floor as he gave them the tour. "The break room is here. There's a kitchenette with a microwave and fridge. We also have water and snacks, so help yourselves."

  Carter picked out an apple and crunched it noisily while they followed Hector around the empty floor.

  "Accounting used to be down here," Hector explained, "but they moved upstairs, so we have this floor all to ourselves."

  Allie was glad it was going to be quiet, at least.

  "Here are your desks," Hector said. "I’ll leave you to set up. It's almost the end of the day, so maybe just play around and familiarize yourselves with the setups."

  They were in a bay of desks by themselves. Allie could hear Hector puttering around in the next bay over. Carter leaned back in his office chair and spun around.

  "So. This is the famous Holbrook Enterprises. It’s a bit drab, if you ask me," Carter declared.

  "We weren't," said Allie as she logged into her computer.



  Carter hung around on the risk management floor then decided he was bored. After telling Liz and Allie that he had something to take care of, he took the elevator up to one of the upper floors. It was more partitioned into offices, with large, expansive glass walls. He nodded to the secretary on duty, and she waved him through.

  "Mr. Holbrook will see you, Mr. Holbrook," she said with a friendly wink.

  "How was your first day?" Walter said when Carter stepped into his office.

  "Fine, I guess," Carter said, taking a seat. "I'm stuck on a floor with nothing to do."

  "You’re free to go to a different division, if you want. Did you have one in mind?" Walter asked.

  "Not really. I guess I'll stay where I am." He didn't really want to move. He was thrilled to be near Allie, though she was being very standoffish.

  "What’s wrong, Carter?"

  "I don’t think I can do this," Carter admitted, resting his head in his hands. Walter came around his desk and sat down next to Carter.

  "You’re just going through a bit of a culture shock," he said. "Grant had the same thing happen to him. That is one reason why we’re not just throwing you into the deep end. Grant was very overwhelmed and started making risky and dangerous decisions. We want you to be successful and not feel like you're in over your head."

  Carter sighed.

  "I have to run," Walter said, patting him on the shoulder. "I need to fly to California."

  "Have a good trip," Carter said.

  After his uncle left, he roamed around the headquarters tower. People gave him odd looks, but everyone seemed to know who he was and probably assumed he was supposed to be walking around.

  "Carter!" said Vance. "You coming out with us tonight?"

  "Maybe," Carter replied. "I'll have to check my schedule."

  "I'll text you."

  "Thanks," he said and escaped back to the risk management floor.

  Allie was already deep in work on something.

  "What are you doing?" he asked, looking over her shoulder.

  "Holbrook just acquired a weaponized drone manufacturing company that had a fatal accident a few months ago. It was all over the business news." Allie pulled up one of the articles and showed Carter and Liz. "People were wondering if Holbrook was going to pull out of the deal. I’ve been skimming the servers but don’t see anything here about any new safety procedures. Halcion Drone does a lot of government contracts with regard to drones and robotics, which is the direction in which the military is trying to go. I talked to several officers about it when I was a bartender. Holbrook can’t afford to lose out on government contracts due to safety violations. The feds don’t play around with worker deaths. We need a project, right? So I think this is right up our alley," Allie said.

  "Wow," said Liz. "That makes a lot of sense."

  Carter was very impressed. "I guess I picked the right partner."

  "We’re going to win the competition!" Liz said.

  "Where is this drone company?" Carter asked.

  "Alabama. It was started by some ex NASA and Air Force employees."

  His computer beeped, and he read the incoming email.

  "So we’re supposed to go to this reception thing in a little bit," he reminded them.

  Allie and Liz grabbed their bags.

  "I hope they have good food," Carter said as they waited for the elevator.

  They rode it to the top floor, where there was an event space with a low stage. The whole room overlooked the New York City skyline.

  "Pretty different from Les DesChamps," Carter said to Allie.

  "Sure is."

  Allie looked out over the skyline, but Carter was watching her instead. He liked being around her, he liked that she didn't fawn over him, and he really liked how it felt to be buried inside of her.

  Down, he told himself and loaded a plate with food to distract himself from his desire for the tattooed bartender.

  Vance and Digby passed by him and gave him fist bumps. He didn't want to have some sort of entourage, but it appeared that he had collected one inadvertently.

  They stood around and listened politely while various higher-ups in the company gave speeches and welcomed the new interns.

  "And now," Monique said, "for our final speaker, Grant Holbrook is going to talk to you about Holbrook Enterprises."



  Allie almost choked on her food when Grant's name was announced. She had hoped she was going to avoid him. She watched Carter's cousin as he stepped onto the stage and pulled the microphone up.

  "Good evening, everyone…" As he began his speech, he surveyed the room. Grant's eyes narrowed when he saw her, but he pressed on with his presentation.

  Allie could barely concentrate on what he was saying. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She remembered how angry Carter's family was when Jack had returned to the estate with her after the accident. Would Grant make a scene? Would she be kicked out of the internship program? How would she graduate? Allie stomped those worries down. She decided that if she was going to be kicked out, she was going out with a bang. She didn't want any of the Holbrook men to bully her.

  "Any questions?" Grant asked, concluding his talk.

  Allie raised her hand. Grand nodded in her direction.

  "The floor I’m on seems fairly empty," she said. "Usually, that is an indication that there’s something wrong at a company. Do you want to comment on that?"

  She saw Grant's eyes widen. Carter clapped his hand over his mouth as he silently laughed next to her.

  "Thank you for your question, Allie," Grant said after a moment's pause. "Yes, normally, that would be a bad sign in a company. However, we have other floors that are stuffed to the gills. It varies on a project-by-project b
asis. Don’t worry. Holbrook Enterprises is doing very well. We recently won another large defense contract, and I know some of you are working on that project. I hope to see great things from you all."

  "That was ballsy," Liz said as Grant stepped off the dais and was immediately surrounded by the more ambitious, mostly male interns.

  "Stupid MBAs," Carter muttered.

  Liz raised an eyebrow.

  "No offense to present company," Carter said to Liz with a slight bow.

  "None taken," Liz sniffed.

  They watched Grant shake off the fawners and head in their direction. He pursed his mouth when he saw them.

  "Hi Grant," Liz said. He kissed her on the cheek.

  "Great to see you, Liz. Carter. Allie."

  "Sorry for putting you on the spot like that," she said.

  "No, you aren’t. What are you doing here? How did you receive an internship offer?"

  "Through my university."

  "That’s right. We have that agreement in place. Well, don’t distract Carter or land him in any more trouble," Grant warned.

  "Or what?" she said.

  She wasn’t intimidated by the marines in her old bar, but Grant was very tall, and he looked as if he were ready to kill someone. He stepped up, looming over her. She gulped.

  "Back off," Carter snarled, stepping between Allie and Grant. "You’re just mad because someone scratched the veneer of the perfect heir to the Holbrook fortune."

  Allie wondered for a second if they were going to have an actual real fight. She looked between the two men nervously, but Grant laughed and slapped Carter on the back.

  Before he left, he turned to Allie and said, "I hope you conduct yourself here better than you did at my family's estate."

  "Not a problem," she said.

  "I need a drink!" Liz stated as Grant led Carter away to introduce him to other higher-ups in the office.

  "My word, he’s attractive and intense," she said as Allie handed her a drink from the tray a server was passing around.

  "I'm not sure what it is," Allie said, sniffing her cup.

  "Who cares?" Liz replied, taking a big gulp. "It's alcoholic."

  Allie sipped her drink and people-watched.

  "Kate is so lucky." Liz sighed.

  Allie followed her gaze. Kate was talking to various Holbrook workers who were attending the reception to help welcome the new interns.

  "Grant certainly found the perfect woman," Allie remarked.

  "Kate is so effortless," Liz said wistfully. "I was at their wedding; it was so elegant. Not like the travesty that Brandy’s wedding is going to be."

  "Oh yes, your friend. I heard about that. I met her sister, Ginny."

  "I can’t believe I was roped into her wedding." Liz took another gulp of her drink. "She cornered me, and I couldn’t say no. You have to help me," she said and turned to Allie. "I can’t do it by myself. You don’t understand… Brandy is crazy."

  "Sure. I’ll help you. I have some experience with crazy people," Allie said, thinking about Stacy.

  "I wish I could find my prince charming," Liz said. "My brother is trying to set me up with Carter, but I don't know."

  "My old roommate is obsessed with Carter," Allie said. She didn't want to go into her own history with him. She still couldn't believe she had slept with him and broken all of her rules. She hoped it wouldn't blow up in her face. She hoped more, though, that he would fall madly in love with her and whisk her off to some elegant chateau somewhere.

  "I wish I could find someone like him," Liz said.

  Allie let her eyes drift to Carter. She wished she could find someone like him too.



  "How was your first day?" Grant asked as they sat in the car on the way back to the penthouse.

  "Fine," Carter mumbled. He thought about Allie. He still couldn't believe that she had just appeared, back in his life.

  "Eric Davenport's sister is cute," Grant said.

  "You're already married," Carter said in mock indignation. "What would your wife think?"

  Kate smirked. She was writing an email on her tablet.

  "Not for me, dummy… for you!" Grant said.

  "Liz is nice, isn’t she?" Kate said, looking up from her tablet.

  "What is this? An intervention?" Carter said with a scowl.

  "Just trying to hint that you should put yourself out there. Liz is a great young woman. She's well educated, comes from a good family. She was in Ginny’s wedding party, remember?"

  "Yes, I remember," Carter said, leaning against the glass and staring out of the car window. They were stuck in traffic, and he was feeling antsy. Maybe he should have walked.

  "You should ask her out," Grant said. Carter didn't really want to ask Liz out, but his family sure was pushing for them to be a couple.

  Carter ignored Grant and opened the dating app he had downloaded and swiped through the images. There was one girl with dark hair and a tattoo. His heart skipped. He wanted it to be Allie.

  His phone beeped with a text message from Vance.

  El Club 10 pm

  Carter hesitated a moment then replied.


  When Carter returned to the penthouse, he showered and changed.

  "Out again?" Kate asked when she saw him.

  "On a Monday, Carter? Really?" Grant said disapprovingly.

  "Don't wait up for me," Carter responded, running out the door.

  Vance and Digby were out in front of the club, waiting for Carter.

  "I told you," Vance said to the bouncer, "Carter Holbrook."

  The bouncer looked him over. Carter was immediately reminded of his NCOs in the military who would lord their authority over him. He decided if the bouncer said anything to him, he was just going to leave.

  "Right this way, Mr. Holbrook," said a well-dressed man who appeared in the doorway. "I am the club manager. Please don't feel like you have to stand outside and wait like everyone else. Follow me. I have your table ready."

  Vance and Digby fist-bumped, and Vance rubbed Carter's shoulders as they walked through the club to a VIP booth.

  "Order whatever you all want," Carter said. "It's on me."

  They were immediately set upon by beautiful women. Carter couldn't help but compare them all to Allie. He wondered what she would say. Actually, he thought he had a pretty good idea. At the Wildcat, she never had a high opinion of the women that hung around the marines there. Carter looked at the menu and started to sweat a little bit. He was not in North Carolina anymore.

  "Do you have apricot sours?" he asked the waitress. She looked slightly alarmed.

  "I don't believe so, but I can ask."

  "The man said he wanted an apricot sour," Vance snapped at the waitress. "So you better make it happen."

  The waitress's face went politely blank. Carter inwardly groaned. He did not want to be the difficult customer. He vowed to leave the woman a big fat tip.

  "Vance," he hissed. "Stop it. Ma'am, it's fine if you don't have it." He hoped he sounded apologetic.

  "No, no, if that's what you want, we can make it," she assured him.

  "Please don't go to any trouble for me, ma'am."

  She gave him a genuine smile and said, "I'll have your drinks out shortly."

  "Ma'am," Vance mocked. "You've been hanging around those hicks in the military too much."

  Carter didn't want to cause a scene, but he really wanted to punch Vance in the face and finish this conversation once and for all.

  "Those hicks are my friends, so please don't ever say anything bad about them in my presence again," he said to Vance in a low voice.

  Vance held up his hands in a placating gesture. "Sorry, sorry, just a joke, bro."

  Carter didn't have to respond because the waitress came back with their drinks.

  "To a great internship and new friends," Vance said, leading the toast.

  Carter took a sip of his drink and almost spit it out. It was nothing like what Allie h
ad made for him.

  "You don't like it?" one of the girls said, laying her head on Carter's shoulder.

  "It's just not what I expected," he said as another girl took a sip of the drink and made a face.

  "It tastes weird. I don't like it. Here," she said, pouring him a glass of champagne. "You'll like this much better."

  He sipped it, wishing Allie were there with him instead. He didn't think she would like the club, however. He also wasn't sure if she even cared for him that much. He knocked back his drink and ordered another round.

  In the next few weeks, Carter spent quite a bit of time with Allie in the office.

  The work was tedious and highly technical. Carter also didn't really know what he was doing.

  "Do you even know anything about risk management? Forensic accounting?" Allie asked him, exasperated.

  "Not really," Carter said, resting his head on his desk and closing his eyes. He had a massive hangover.

  "What are you even doing here?" she asked, frustrated. "Oh, right, your family owns the company. I can't believe they didn't just give you some bullshit job."

  "They want me to be useful."

  She emailed him a copy of a textbook. "Read this, and get up to speed. Until you do that, you're not touching these accounts because you'll just screw everything up."

  She wasn't like the girls he had grown up with, he thought as he began to read through the dry text. They were all like Kate or his mother. Pretty, nice, pleasant—they made you feel comfortable and pampered. Allie seemed dangerous. She wasn't afraid to be harsh and tell the truth if she thought it would make you a better person.

  He wanted her, but he couldn't have her. She wanted someone competent. To try to banish her from his thoughts, Carter went out several times a week.

  This particular morning wasn't the first time he had come to work hungover or, after one particular night of debauchery, still drunk.

  "You'd better be careful," Allie said disapprovingly. "You're going to develop a new-veteran body. I can already see a beer gut."


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