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Propositions Page 4

by Tania Joyce

  Her stomach muscles and thighs strained and begged for release as he drove into her. Her fingers dug into Nate’s skin as sweat started to lick their bodies.

  With his entire length deeply embedded within her, he rubbed against her, over and over again.

  Her toes curled into the bedding. Her muscles quaked. Her jaw clenched.

  She pulsed her hips rhythmically against his.

  “Yes!” Jessica gasped as she orgasmed beneath his expert maneuvers and felt his body convulse and climax with her.

  Panting breaths filled the air as Jessica tried to lower her racing heartbeat. With eyes blazing with satisfaction, Nate slumped next to her on the pillows. Feeling sated, she lay beside him and stared at the ceiling.

  For a brief moment Jessica felt delirious. That was fantastic! Then she froze in horror. She remembered Alex’s face as he’d ask her to take the Somers account. We can’t afford to fuck this up! he’d said. Like a guided missile hitting its target and leaving a quake of destruction in its path—guilt, shame and self-loathing hit her all at once. Oh God, what have I done? Jumping out of bed, she stumbled around trying to find her underwear.

  Panic hit. How could I be so stupid? You fool.

  Jessica slipped on her panties and fastened her bra.

  “Jess, what are you doing? Please don’t go.”

  “I have to. I have work tomorrow.” She followed the scattering of clothes, picking hers up along the way as she fled out into the living room.

  Nate followed her. He’d pulled on a pair of loose sweatpants that hung low upon his hips. His naked stomach was a blazing reminder that she’d just been sitting astride him in his bed. She turned away to avoid looking at such temptation as she struggled into her pants.

  “Why are you leaving?”

  “We shouldn’t have done this.” She pulled the zip up, and then slid her arms into the sleeves of her blouse. “Nate, I can’t stay.”


  “You’re my client, for Christ’s sake. I’ll see you Tuesday. At the meeting.” Scanning around the room she spotted her bag, crossed the room and grabbed it. Her hands shook as she stuffed her papers and laptop into it and headed for the door. She couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

  “I have to go. Goodnight.” She slipped out the door, cursing herself and feeling ashamed of her lack of professional conduct. Temporary insanity had been amazing, but now she had to deal with the consequences.

  Chapter 4

  Outside Jessica’s bedroom window the wind was moaning softly. The trees in the garden swayed, casting shadows on the ceiling. Jessica lay staring up at them, hoping to be distracted. One second her body hummed all over, blissed at the mind-blowing sex she’d had with Nate. It was hot! Crazy! But, in the next instant she curled into a ball, shuddering at what she’d done. Like indulging in too much chocolate cake, then feeling guilty, she was riddled with shame. If anyone found out that she’d slept with Nate, especially Alex, they’d be furious. She knew the golden rule not to mix business with pleasure. It always caused problems. How could she work with Nate now?

  Watching the hours tick by, Jessica wrestled the night away until the alarm buzzed at six o’clock. A run on the treadmill, a shower, breakfast and a cup of tea did little to settle her mind. The lack of sleep and her inability to stop thinking about the great, thigh-numbing sex she’d had with Nate had her riding a roller-coaster of emotions as she headed into her office after a client meeting.

  Zoe grinned from ear to ear and her emerald green eyes shone vividly as Jessica walked up to her desk. “Morning, Jess.”

  “Morning.” Jessica was puzzled by Zoe’s overzealous behavior. Did Zoe know her mannerisms so well that she could tell something was different this morning? Was she walking funny? Jessica felt like she had ‘I’ve just had sex’ written in bold black pen on her forehead. “Can you grab me my tea please, Zo? And make it extra strong.”

  “Sure can. Here’s your mail, and Nate Somers has called twice this morning,” Zoe said as she sprang off her chair.

  “Do you know what he wants? Is it about changes to artwork?” Jessica tried to seem aloof and calm, but knots tightened inside her stomach at the mention of his name.

  “He wouldn’t tell me anything.”

  “Okay, I’ll call him.” Jessica shrugged and headed into her office to seek some sanctuary.

  It took no more than two steps through her door for the fragrance to hit her. She looked up from sifting through her letters. There on her desk was a huge bouquet of bright yellow and pink gerberas.

  Oh crap!

  She apprehensively walked over to the desk, and grabbed the card from among the stems.

  ‘Thanks for a memorable night. N.S.’

  Memorable night! Jessica wished she didn’t remember. But as images of Nate’s naked body filled her head, she couldn’t keep the smile at bay.

  But last night shouldn’t have happened.

  Jessica placed her hand on her hip and tapped her fingers against her side. How was she going to rectify the situation? Maybe Nate was a real playboy and it was simply a one-night stand already forgotten. He probably had his personal assistant send the flowers. She grabbed her phone and texted Nate.

  ‘Thanks for flowers. Nice. See you Tuesday.’

  She turned with a gasp as Zoe breezed into her office, tea in hand. “So, tell me. Who are they from?”

  “Um. Nate.”

  “Guys don’t send flowers for no reason. What happened?”

  Zoe’s eagerness for gossip made Jessica’s nausea return as she sat down at her desk. She didn’t want to be the source of the latest office scandal. She was the boss, for God’s sake, and needed to be a figure for her staff to look up to and respect.

  “Nothing. He just likes the work we’re doing.”

  Zoe’s interrogation was thankfully interrupted as Alex knocked on the office door. “You got a sec, Jess?”

  “Yeah, sure,” Jessica said.

  Zoe huffed and crossed her arms, clearly not satisfied with Jessica’s explanation. She spun on her red stiletto heels and strode out the door, her long dark hair swishing behind her.

  “Nice flowers. Since when do you have an admirer?” Alex raised his eyebrows and strutted over to her desk.

  “I don’t. They’re from Somers thanking us for kicking off the launch campaign.” The lie made her skin crawl with guilt.

  He looked up in surprise. “I wish Nathan Somers was sending me flowers.” He purred as he smelled the arrangement. “Before I forget why I came in here, I urgently have to go to Melbourne for a few days to see a client, and then to Canberra for that Business Management conference. I know we’re super busy, but are you all right to hold down the fort?”

  “Most definitely.” Jessica covered a yawn with her hand.

  “You look tired, sweetie. You’re not ill, are you?” She saw concern flicker in his eyes.

  No, just tired from being up all night having wild sex.

  “Matt told me you guys had a late night working. It’s Friday. Why don’t you take off for the weekend and go out to that winery retreat you like to visit?”

  Maybe a weekend away was what she needed. Some fresh, country air might help her clear her head and sort out how to deal with Nate Somers next week and beyond. She wasn’t one to run away from her mistakes. Never. But a little space might do her a world of good. “Gumtrees. I might just do that. I’ll call them and head up tomorrow morning because I’m having dinner tonight with Max.”

  * * *

  Jessica was at her usual spot at the Verve Bar, downstairs from her office, drinking bourbon and dry when Max arrived.

  “Hey, how are you?” Max kissed her on the cheek in greeting. “I can’t stay late tonight, I gotta get home to take the kids to the nine o’clock movies. I promised them ages ago.” Max sat on the bar stool next to her. For the end of the work day she looked amazing as always with her not-a-hair-out-of-place, tailored-suit appearance. She glanced at Jessica’s drink. “O-Oh! Har
d liquor. What’s up?”

  Jessica raised her hand to get the bartender’s attention. She turned to Max. “What are you drinking? I’m buying.”

  When two bourbons arrived, Max took a long sip and then proceeded to tap her flaming red fingernails against the glass. “Come on, out with it.”

  “Okay, here goes.” Jessica shuffled around on the bar stool. “You know how I’m looking after the Somers Hotel account? Well, Nate Somers is out here overseeing everything.”

  “Yeah. The British hotelier guy.”

  “Anyway, last night things went late, we were working in his apartment … we had a few drinks … I stayed on after everyone left … and—” Jessica felt the color rise in her cheeks as she struggled to get the words out.

  “Oh!” Max gasped, as she smacked the glass down hard on the bar. “What happened?” Her eyes widened as she wriggled to the edge of her seat.

  “Well … it happened. I broke the cardinal rule.”

  Max’s eyes widened. “You mean …?” she whispered.

  Jessica winced. “What have I done? I’m a mess.” She threw her face into her hands. “My life was so perfectly normal and in control until we took on this account.”

  “You slept with Nate Somers?” Max squealed excitedly.

  “Shh … keep your voice down.” Jessica looked around anxiously, horrified that someone might overhear. “Yes, but I shouldn’t have.”

  “Why not? You’re single. He’s single. Isn’t he?”

  “Yes. But he’s my client.”

  “Yeah.” Max frowned, taking in the seriousness of it all. “Okay, that’s a problem. But was he good?” Her eyes glowed and she couldn’t sit still, just itching to know more details.

  Jessica nodded her head. Her cheeks felt like they were on fire. Oh yes, Nate was good. But then she sighed heavily. “What am I going to do? I have to face this guy every week for the next few months.”

  “Have you talked to him?”

  “I texted him. Is that wrong?”

  “Ouch!” Max smiled cheekily. “Why don’t you have a fling with him for the next couple of months while he’s here? Have some fun. Some great sex. Then he leaves.”

  “No, Max. It’s bad enough I did it once. I’ve never had a fling in my life.”

  “Hell, I would. Keep it purely as sex. No intimacy and no emotions so no one gets hurt at the end.”

  “Max, stop. It’s not going to happen.” Jessica giggled at Max’s crazy proposal. “Can you come with me out to the winery this weekend? I wanna get out of here for a while, drink a couple of bottles of good wine and clear my head.” Jessica was hoping to put all this mess behind her. Then she’d apologize to Nate and focus on her business as always.

  “I can’t.” Max pouted her lips and genuinely looked disappointed. “Billy has his soccer game on tomorrow. Maybe next time.”

  * * *

  The drive northwest out to Gumtrees Winery and Ranch Retreat in Pokolbin took Jessica just over two hours from the city. Nestled at the foothills of the mountains, the cozy Hunter Valley getaway backed onto a flowing creek lined with towering silver-gray eucalypts and sweet scented wattles. The sandstone homestead, stables, boutique restaurant, cellar door and several timber cabins sat on the crest of a small hill. Vineyards covered the rolling hills in all other directions. Winter had turned everything to shades of earthy brown. Crisp, dry grass blanketed the ground and leafless vines hung precariously on their trestles. Even in the harsh, cold conditions, it was picture perfect, and felt like a million miles away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

  Jessica loved coming out to Gumtrees once a month or so to relax, do some work in the peace and quiet, and ride horses. She’d grown up in the nearby town of Cessnock and had been coming here on and off for over ten years. It made her appreciate all she had achieved at such a young age. She’d been very lucky her hard work and sacrifices had paid off.

  After driving up the long gravel driveway, past rows and rows of grapevines that seemed to long for the return of the warm summer sun, she parked outside her usual cabin next to the homestead. Stepping outside, she sucked the fresh country air deep into her lungs and instantly felt better.

  As she unlocked the back of her car to unload her gear, she caught sight of Nick Hill, the owner, coming out of the reception office. Rugged up in an oversized brown parka and blue woolen beanie, he strolled down the pathway to greet her.

  “Good to see you as always. Here’s your key,” Nick offered politely. “Are you okay? You were only out here three weeks ago.”

  Jessica slipped her sunglasses back on in an effort to hide the dark, tired circles under her eyes. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just need a break.”

  “Don’t we all,” Nick said as he gathered her luggage and food basket out of the back of her car. He led her up the steps and placed her belongings at the door.

  Jessica slid the key into the lock. “I think I’ll go for a ride and get some fresh air into my system. I’ll take Stirling out, if that’s okay? I’ll ride up along the top ridge paddock and back down the vineyard trail.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll be in the office. Let me know if you need anything.”

  After changing into her riding gear, Jessica made her way to the horse yards. Stirling, her favourite chestnut quarterhorse, hung his head over the rail and whinnied softly at seeing her.

  “Hey boy, how are you? Miss me?” she said as she rubbed the white star on his forehead. As she entered the yard through the gate, he stuck his nose out and nuzzled into her as she put his halter on. “You ready for a ride? Come on, let’s go and get you saddled up.”

  Jessica rode all afternoon, and hit the same trails on Stirling the following morning. The scent of eucalyptus in the air cleansed her soul. The cascading sound of the rocky creek calmed her mind. After much reflection, cursing herself and analyzing everything, Jessica put the incidents from the past few days to rest. She would just apologize to Nate and then they could go on as if nothing had happened. But why did Max’s comment, ‘Just have a fling’, keep humming in her mind?

  She couldn’t, could she? No, that’s ridiculous! She flicked the thought away. Somers was a big account for her agency. She couldn’t afford to screw this up.

  After her ride, Jessica was about to pick up her saddle and bridle off the ground when a shadow passed across her face.

  “Well, well. Fancy seeing you grace these pastures, Jessica Mason. What’s it been? Twenty years?” Without looking up, somewhere in the back of her mind she knew that voice. She struggled to sift through her memories. That voice. Where did she know it from? It was a little deeper. Mature. Yet somehow so familiar.

  Jessica glanced up. The bright midday sun silhouetted the figure before her eyes adjusted. The air shot out of her lungs. Her heart lurched. Her body trembled all over with shock. She dropped her riding gear and took a step backward. Was she seeing a ghost? What cruel trick was her mind playing?

  Not overly tall, with a stocky frame, his skin was leathered by the sun. But the Akubra hat couldn’t hide those eyes. Those stunning sapphire eyes were as blue as a cloudless summer’s day. No one in the world had eyes like this. No one else but her son. Not even Nate’s could compare. These had haunted her every day of her life.

  “Troy?” The whispered name managed to slip past her lips, her throat too dry to make more of an audible sound. “Troy Smith?”

  “Yes. It’s me.” He smiled. “What on earth are you doing here?”

  “I come out here all the time for some R and R. But what are you doing here?” Jessica took another step back from him. Her heartbeat pounded and her head rattled like a roller-coaster.

  “I started working here a few weeks ago.”

  “What?” Jessica gasped. She tried to move but her body was not responding. Troy, of all people, stood before her. Why him? Why?

  “I’ve gotta go.” Jessica dug down deep inside, pulling on all her inner strength to move. She grabbed her gear, pushed past him and headed to the barn.
  “Wait. Do you want to catch up for a beer? For old time’s sake?”

  “Old times. Old times. You’ve got to be kidding, right?” Jessica tried to breathe normally. In. Out. In. Out. But her head was wheeling out of control.


  She could feel him watching her storm off. It made her quicken her pace.

  The wind was picking up and storm clouds were starting to build in the west. She raced back to her cabin, packed her bags, threw them in her car and sped off, leaving a trail of dust behind her.

  Halfway home, Jessica’s hands shook as she searched on her phone for Max’s number and hit the call button. “Max, code red, code red. Please don’t ask any questions right now. Just please meet me at my house in an hour. I need to talk to you now more than ever. Shit. Shit. Shit,” Jessica hollered down the Bluetooth phone connection. She raced toward the city, trying to beat the storm that looked like it was about to unleash its force upon the earth. Her body was still trembling. Her brain still trying to process who she’d just seen.

  “Jess? What’s happened? Is it Nate?”

  “Worse than Nate. Please come over?”

  “Jessica?” Max’s voice was full of worry. “You’re freaking me out. I’m on my way. See you soon.”

  * * *

  At her house, Jessica’s shaky hands managed to pour a full-bodied red wine into an oversized glass. With her fingers wrapped firmly around the glass, she nestled down onto the couch and watched the unsettled harbor waters in the distance. Wind rattled the windows and tossed trees viciously about as the late afternoon turned dark and gloomy. Rain began to splash down. She stared out the window at the drops as they picked up intensity and covered the ground.

  So many questions bombarded her mind. Why? How? Troy was working at Gumtrees. What the …?

  How could a few days unravel her perfect world? First Nate. Now Troy. Jessica never cried—not in years. Not even when her loveless marriage to Graeme ended. She excelled in her professional life because she kept her feelings under control. She was always so organized and meticulous in detail, but right now she felt like everything was falling apart.


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