Dee's Hard Limits

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Dee's Hard Limits Page 2

by Trinity Blacio

  “Wow, when did you get this done?” Abby slid her finger down her shoulder blade to the middle of her back where her dragon tattoo had been done in ink.

  “Last year. I don’t know why but one night when I was bored, I sat down and started to draw. This is what I drew. I thought it was different, so I had it made into a tattoo.” She laughed. “Talk about pain, and I hate needles, but it was worth it in the end.”

  Spinning around, Lacey smiled and pointed to the middle of her back. “I love tattoos, but so far I’ve only been brave enough to get this one done. I’m like you, needles scare the crap out of me.” Lacey shivered as the twins nodded their heads in agreement.

  “Let’s go, Ladies, if you want your one drink,” Master Quinn said from the doorway. Dee had played with him a few times, but he had a tendency to go overboard on the pain. Only a few times had she needed the extra pain and taken him as her master for the night.

  Her friends went through the door first, leaving her to deal with him. When he stepped in front of her, blocking her way, Dee trembled. Master Quinn was also a vampire enforcer for one of the California clans. He didn’t say much, but when he did, everyone bowed down to him. The way he held himself almost reminded her of Talhrn.

  “I understand you volunteered for the demonstration tonight.” He reached up pinching her nipple hard. She whimpered and tried to step back, but he held her in his embrace with his other arm.

  “Please!” she cried out when he pinched the other nipple.

  “If you wanted the whip so badly, you should have come to me,” he almost snarled, and at once Dee’s gaze flew to his.

  “Master Quinn, I never promised myself to you. Let me go,” Dee’s guard was up, but she still respected him as he released her.

  “We’ll speak later, cat.” Quinn stepped aside, releasing her and now she knew why. Headmaster Gray stood behind him. He held out his hand to her, all the while his gaze never left Quinn’s.

  “Master Quinn, I suggest you get control of yourself before you come into the room. I won’t have this behavior again.” The magical power Gray threw off had her cat rubbing her insides.

  She allowed Master Gray to escort her into the main room where her friends were waiting. “Your friends were worried about you when you didn’t follow them into the room. You need to stay away from Master Quinn, Dee. You are not ready for that kind of pain and I doubt you ever will be.” He frowned at her as they reached her friends.

  “But I didn’t...” He shook his head, stopping her words.

  “I don’t want to hear it. You’ve been with him before, that’s a fact, but tonight Quinn’s angry about something and until that is settled, you will not go near him. Get your drinks and show your friends around the club. Make sure they understand the rules. Your demonstration starts in one hour. Master Montreal will be waiting for you by Staging Area Two, and don’t make him wait.” He swatted her ass and turned to leave.

  “Is it just me or is everyone a little uptight tonight?” Lacey asked, stepping up to the bar.

  “We had to evict one of the Doms tonight. It will settle down again. What can I get for you and your friends, Kitty Cat?” Master Dean asked.

  “I’ll have a Bud tonight, Sir.” Dee turned around and looked out at the room. It was packed. She had never seen it so busy. “Has Master Montreal really drawn in this many people?” She asked Sir and he shook his head as he handed her the beer.

  “Part of it, yes, but with the recent killings, I think everyone just wants a night to forget,” Sir said, handing Lacey her drink.

  “The last killing was over two months ago.” She frowned when Sir Dean shook his head.

  “Then you didn’t hear? Another family was murdered last night down south of here.” Two more drinks were placed up on the bar in front of the twins. No, she hadn’t heard anything and that pissed her off. It seemed Akaos wasn’t only keeping them prisoners, but he was also keeping news from her.

  She snarled before taking a drink of her beer. “I think it’s time I move home,” Dee said into her beer.

  “What did you say? You are home?” Lacey asked, staring at her as they walked away from the bar. It was time to go to her place. Her mother would just have to accept it. Dee couldn’t take any more of this crap.

  Chapter Three

  Talhrn stood to the side when all he wanted to do was tear the man in front of him apart, but the Fellchanter, Akaos, was doing a good enough job by himself. Their meru was much smarter than he’d given her credit for. He would personally make sure that they never let their guard down with her again.

  “Not only did you let four women get by you, but you allowed one of them to tie you up!!” Akaos picked the man up by the neck and threw him to the ground.

  “I don’t care if the woman is naked and stripping you out of your clothes to ride you, YOU DON”T LET YOUR GUARD DOWN!” Akaos exploded. It had been a while since anyone had seen Akaos this furious, but the man was lucky he wasn’t in charge or he’d be dead.

  He sniffed the air. Her scent was still fresh, so he knew it hadn’t been too long since they’d left this area. With his age, Talhrn’s patience was at an all-time low. He was seriously considering taking Dee to their home, but he’d promised her mother and Akaos they’d remain on Earth.

  Stepping in front of Akaos, he held him back. “Calm down, Akaos. Right now we need to find them. Later you can retrain this one.”

  Akaos turned his attention to his meru. “Don’t move, Maya.” He circled around Maya. Akaos, Tesuss, and Warden touched her-no words were needed.

  “Stop it!” Maya shoved their hands away. “I don’t know why you’re all upset. My daughter followed your instructions. She’s not alone. Lacey is one of my best hunters and the sisters can sense danger a mile away. Not that Dee needs the added protection. I trained her myself.” The little woman raised her chin in a challenging manner and growled. “It’s obvious she needed time alone, so leave her be.”

  “Where is she Maya? Her men have a right to protect her,” Warden stated and swatted her ass. “If it was you, we would be demanding to know where you were.”

  “They aren’t her men, yet. She has a right to do what she wants,” the woman hissed and crossed her arms, refusing to say anything more.

  “One,” Akaos said as he stepped in front of her and crossed his arms.

  “Damn it, Akaos this is important to her or she wouldn’t have done this.” She looked down at the ground. “I can’t. I’m sorry, but I won’t betray my daughter.” Maya looked up at him, then at Akaos, her body already shifting. “You shouldn’t be asking me to either.”

  The tears in her eyes tore at his gut, but his concern made him step forward. “Please, Maya. We need her,” he said, now staring at the saber-tooth tiger.

  “I’ve got a lead,” Anthony Martyr, Magnum Clan Leader of Detroit, announced. “I’ve had one of my men following Lacey since we got here. All four of them got into a cab and headed for some club called Masters Dungeon.” Anthony looked up from the so-called cell phone.

  The man named Franko laughed and shook his head. “Should’ve known Dee would head there, especially with Montreal arriving for tonight’s show. I think about a quarter of my men are there tonight. Come on, I’ll take you there. You’ll need me to get in since it’s a private club.”

  “Go home and wait for us, Maya. We’ll discuss your reluctance to talk when I return. Tesuss go with her and make sure she stays put. Warden, you’re with me. We’ll ride with you. Franko, Talhrn, you and your men ride with Anthony. That way, if you decide to stay, you’ll have a vehicle.”

  He nodded, letting Akaos take charge, but once they’d claimed their runaway women, she would be under his charge. “What kind of club is this?” he asked this Franko, noticing Warden tensed up next to him as they made their way to the cars.

  “BDSM, sex club, but very private, our cousin Gray runs it. What the...” The man didn’t get another word out. Marquis reached over and lifted the man by his neck.

  “What? Our woman went to some stranger for sex?”

  He placed his hand on Marquis’s arm and squeezed it.

  “Marquis, put the man down. He did not take our woman there. It’s not his fault. We will deal with Dee when we arrive there,” Talhrn ordered. It was time to stake their claim and they would do just that tonight. Talhrn took a deep breath, as he thought of someone else touching her. He clenched his fists at his side.

  “She does not know you are her weru.” Akaos squeezed his shoulder, reassuring him before getting into the other vehicle.

  Todd reached up and squeezed his shoulder. “You were right. I shouldn’t have doubted you, but the thought of someone touching her...”

  “The bonding will start tonight.” He squeezed Todd’s hand. “It’s time we made our claim. It seems our Little Kitten needs to be collared.” Talhrn wanted to give her time, but it seemed their Kitten had let out her claws and he was just the person to trim them.

  Adjusting his cock, Talhrn observed their surroundings as they pulled into the parking lot of a fairly large nightclub. Cars were parked everywhere. “Is it always this busy?” he asked Franko, who shook his head.

  “No, which means we’re going to have to tread lightly here. When it gets like this, there is bound to be some kind of trouble and with all the killings tensions are high,” Franko said, parking behind a black Ford truck. “This is my cousin’s truck,” he explained. “I know he won’t leave till the place closes so we can keep the car here.”

  He turned and looked at Todd and Marquis. “Let me handle this for now. I know it’s asking a lot, but we don’t need a riot on our hands.”

  Opening the door, Talhrn took in his words. “There will be no violence. If someone is touching her, he’ll be dead.”

  The man grumbled, getting out of the car, and slamming the door. “Vampires are a pain in the ass.”

  Akaos looked at him questioning when Franko pushed away from them, heading towards the club. “Just told him we wouldn’t start a riot, and then he said he’d kill any man who touched Dee.”

  “Talhrn they’ve been here a while and you know someone has touched her already. You can’t kill them. Will it make it any easier if I go in and bring her out?” Akaos squeezed his shoulder.

  “There will be no need.” He was thankful for Akaos understanding and he would do his best to keep from killing anyone. “Todd, Marquis, you will keep it under control?” Talhrn sized his weru’s up. Marquis was always the quiet one and had to be watched whereas Todd’s body and mouth always spoke for him.

  “I’m fine,” Marquis said, moving towards the door. “But if we’re going to stay here for a while, we might want to make sure a private spot is available for us.”

  “It will be done. That I can give you my word on.” Franko reached for the door, but not before he looked each of them in the eye. “My cousin Gray will take care of it personally.”

  Music and laughter filled the quiet night when Franko opened the door and they all filed in behind them. The man at the door stepped back, taking in their appearance. “Franko, it’s good to see you. You looking for Gray?”

  Shaking hands with the guy, Franko nodded to him. “Talhrn here is looking for his woman. She took off and we believe Dee’s here.” The man at the door paled a little and turned his attention to another, who leaned against the wall staring at them all.

  “Since when has the cat been collared? We haven’t heard anything about that and I know Gray would have told the staff?” the man challenged him as he moved away from the wall, stepping forward.

  Not one to back down from a challenge, Talhrn moved away from their group and circled the man. Their Little Kitten’s scent clung to him, and what even made it more interesting was the fact that he carried part of their species inside him.

  “So you are claiming her? Are you aware of who you are issuing this claim against? Master Quinn, I would like to introduce you to Talhrn, the oldest member of our kind,” Akaos stated as he stepped to the right of him. “But, by all means, don’t let this stop you. I guess I’ll have to look elsewhere for a new recruit.”

  The man stopped and glared at Akaos. “Who are you, and what do you mean by recruit?”

  “I’m sure you’ve heard of me, Akaos Featherstone.” The general didn’t move and either did he. Akaos had taken the issuing threat away. Even though he wanted to kill the warrior, he couldn’t, but...

  In a blur, Marquis had the man up against the wall, his feet dangling at least six inches from the ground. “You dare threaten my orak? You should be drained and nailed to the ground so that the animals around here can eat your carcass.” He slammed him again against the wall.

  “Marquis, you promised. Now put the man down,” Talhrn ordered. “I think Akaos needs him for something.” He turned his attention to the double doors that lead to the main area, where the music, laughter, moans and scents of sex came from.

  “But he smells of our woman.” Marquis snarled, and dropped the man. “You’re lucky this time.”

  Akaos stepped next to Quinn as he pulled out a business card and handed it to the man. “Call this number, and if I were you, I’d leave. You are not fit to be in a room with a woman tonight. Even I could feel the anger radiating off of you when I walked in.” His eyes never left Quinn’s, as he issued the command. Only once, did his gaze flash to the soon-to-be new warrior, making sure he did what was ordered.

  “Yes, General, it will be done.” The stranger said and took his leave before anything could happen.

  “Well, that is one problem settled, but I’m afraid he’s right. How come we haven’t heard about Dee being mated? She’s has been here with us for years, I’m a member of the pack who guards and watches her. Why haven’t we been informed?” A tall blond warrior asked, closing the double doors behind him. “Franko?”

  “You know of Akaos? Well, this is Talhrn and his family unit. It seems that Dee is their mate, but she hasn’t accepted it yet, or even knows about it yet.” Franko shook his cousin’s hand. “Gentlemen, my cousin Gray, The owner of this establishment. He leads his own pack to the west of us.”

  He stared at the person in front of him. In some ways he was more alpha than his cousin. Talhrn nodded to the man and smiled. “You are part of us, but yet not. It is an honor to meet you.” Talhrn held out his hand.

  “A small part, but thank you, and welcome. Why don’t you allow Franko to escort you to the bar, while I find your female for you?” He turned, but stopped when he held onto his hand, not letting go after shaking it.

  “We would also like to talk to you about our woman. Maybe there is a private room we could use also?” he asked, and Gray nodded.

  “Yes, there is much you need to know about your cat. Let me find her before someone else tries to lay a claim on her tonight. Will you be claiming her tonight?” He threw open the doors as he asked the question.

  “Yes, our Kitten will be truly claimed tonight.” He stepped into the room. The smell of sex and sweat filled the air. As if sensing a threat, the males turned to stare at them.

  “Go to the bar already,” Gray laughed, and shoved his cousin, Franko.

  Everyone watched as they made their way to the bar. Many nodded to Akaos as he passed, but most men stared at Talhrn, while pushing their females behind their back.

  “You really do need to learn to look less threatening.” Akaos said next to him and smiled when he met his gaze.

  Standing a few inches taller than his friend, he clapped him on the back. “Let’s find Dee first, and then I’ll worry about making friends,” Talhrn stated, knowing Marquis and Todd both had his back.

  Chapter Four

  “Dee, I have a bad feeling about this. Are you sure you want to go through with this?” Abby asked, as she scanned the playroom.

  She watched as people started to come into the room for the show. Dee knew it would fill up fast with the number of people in the club tonight, but something else was wrong. Inside her, the cat kept brushing agai
nst her, almost as if she were in heat. “You promised you wouldn’t interfere. I need this.” she whispered, scanning the crowd one last time before stepping up to the St. Andrew Cross.

  Taking a deep breath, Dee shut everything off and nodded to Master Montreal that she was ready. Raising her arms to be strapped in, Dee didn’t expect Gray to latch onto her arm and yank her away from the cross.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” she screeched, trying to pry his fingers off of her arm. “You promised me, Gray. I need this.” Dee didn’t care if she whined, as tears now threatened to fall.

  “Someone is waiting for you.” He snatched the small robe off the wall and wrapped it around her naked form. “Master Montreal, use Stella for your demon. I have six men here for you. We will sort this out now, before these men tear apart my place.” Gray lifted her chin and stared down into her face sighing.

  “I’m sorry, Dee, but this issue has to be resolved tonight. You will not be allowed back in here till it is.” He ran his hand through his hair, but kept hold of her hand. “I can’t and won’t allow anyone to touch you. I don’t want anyone to get hurt here.” He led her through the hall to the main room.

  Behind them, Lacey and the twins followed them. “It had to be Anthony. I swear I thought I ditched that guy he had following me,” Lacey hissed. “Wait till I see him.”

  As soon as Dee stepped into the main room, she saw them. Her cat purred and the sexual scent the cat gave off when excited was released into the air. Gray moaned and picked up his pace.

  “You will not come here again unless you are with your men and don’t even deny they are yours. Every person in this room can smell your mating scent.”

  He stopped in front of Talhrn and Akaos. “I have playroom four open for you. When you’re ready to go, Franko will show you the way.”

  Gray released her hand and placed it into Talhrn’s before he stepped back. “You will give him the respect he deserves, cat. Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me. I have to make my rounds.”


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