Dee's Hard Limits

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Dee's Hard Limits Page 8

by Trinity Blacio

  Nodding, Dee followed Todd inside and was greeted by Boo and Missy. Boo, her 100 pound, male Rottweiler jumped up on her almost knocking her down, while Missy the female, and a slightly smaller dog, sat at her legs waiting for her turn to make sure she was okay.

  She laughed and hugged the big lug. “I’m fine, Boo, now get down and be good.” As soon as Boo was down, Missy took his spot licking her face. “Down, girl.” She kissed the top of her head and she jumped down.

  “Dogs? You have dogs?” Her mother asked coming in behind the warriors who carried in the injured.

  “Place Dan on that couch. It’s bigger. You can put Eden in the guest room till she can shift. It’s down the hall, the first door on the right, and yes I have dogs. They’re my babies.” She brushed Boo’s head and moved to sit near, Talhrn while he fed from Todd.

  “I wish I could help. I feel useless sitting here,” she watched as another warrior went over to Dan and opened up his wrist. The blood dropped down into the cut at his neck, slowly the skin started to close before her eyes.

  She jumped when Talhrn reached out and took her hand into his squeezing it. His gaze was centered on her as he feed from Todd’s wrist.

  “What were those things?” she asked, and looked up at Todd, but Talhrn chose that minute to seal the holes to answer her.

  “We call them Murkleafs. They are from the Spirits Fief realm and are a very aggressive race of beings. They have no technology and they don’t want any. As you saw, their bodies are part tree and something like human, but not yet. I’ve only run into them a few times and each time they’ve been hostile. Their world is very dangerous to anyone that ventures there.”

  Talhrn tugged on her arm, before scooping her up onto his lap. He held her face in his hands, staring into her eyes. “And you help just being here with me.”

  She gripped his shirt, as he lowered his lips to hers. His lips were firm and full when Talhrn slipped his tongue into her mouth. He slid his hand behind her head and grabbed a handful of her hair, holding her in place as he devoured her.

  The dominant act had her whimpering and almost forgetting there were people around them. Before he pulled away, he nipped her lower lip. “We’ll leave here soon.”

  Still holding her gaze, he said. “Akaos, did we get a read as to where the gate opened this time?” Talhrn kissed her forehead and rested his chin on the top of her head, still holding her tight.

  Lacey and the rest of the women came in with Opal. The only one missing was Abby, and Dee could understand her reluctance. “Your warriors have cleaned the area and there is no trace of anyone close by,” Lacey said, plopping down on the floor next to Dan and Maya.

  “Oh, and, Dee...” Lacey looked at her. “Abby does not hate you. Agatha had been out running this morning when she’d been taken. We all underestimated him.”

  Akaos snarled. “He’s close, but no, we didn’t get a location. I don’t know how he’s hiding it either. Opening a door to a different realm should leave massive amounts of energy to track right back to him, but there is nothing.” Akaos’s frustrated growl had her mom going to him and wrapping her arms around him.

  “We’ll find him eventually. He has to make a mistake sooner or later,” Maya reassured him.

  Laying her head back against Talhrn’s chest, Dee frowned. “Maybe you’re looking for the wrong kind of energy? Since we all know that every living thing has its own personal source of energy, maybe Koti is using a method you don’t recognize. I mean if Talhrn can draw on the energy around us, why can’t he?”

  “The source would have to be constant for at least five minutes for a door to be opened. Then it would also depend on how far away the realm was that needed to be opened.” Akaos sat down on the other chair and pulled her mom into his lap.

  “Dee, why are these creatures staring at me?” Maya growled, but her pets didn’t move.

  She laughed. “Mom, they’re dogs. Most likely, your scent reminds them of me. Come here, Boo and Missy.” She patted the side of the love-seat and both dogs trotted over plopping down next to her.

  “Well, I don’t like them. Never did like dogs. Wolves I can handle, but dogs just seem to be a waste.” Her mother scanned the room and smiled when she noticed the picture up on the wall.

  “That’s beautiful. How old was Hope?” Maya asked.

  “She was four. I wanted a mother/daughter picture and I had a close friend who was an artist. He painted it for me.” Dee looked up just as Dan screamed.

  She turned just in time to see his body jerk so hard he would have fallen off the couch. Marquis held onto Dan while he tried to feed him, encouraging him.

  “Let me up, Little Kitten. It’s time I brought your friend over.” Talhrn helped her to stand as he got up. Her gaze drifted up his body and sighed. The man was built like a tank and big. He grunted slapping her butt, before turning his gaze on her mother.

  “Your friend will have to learn many things. We’ll take him back with us. He’ll have to leave your planet for a while. There is no way I can bring him totally over until he understands what this entails. Edward will be required to hunt those that cross over into other realms, not just here.” Talhrn moved to Dan’s side and stared down at the man. “You’ve heard what I’ve said. Do you agree?”

  Maya got up and went to him. “I’m so sorry you came here Dan. You should have stayed in Detroit.”

  Dan reached up and brushed a tear away from her Mom’s face. Such strength from a human was rare indeed. Even from across the room, Dee read his lips. “Do it.” Talhrn knelt and opened his wrist to Dan.

  “Come to our world, Dan.” He placed his wrist over his mouth, saying a few words she didn’t understand.

  A noise to her right drew Dee’s attention. Eden stood there, staring at Dan. “Will he make it?” She looked down at her and Dee stood, hugging her.

  “I’m glad you are alright. The thought of another person dying...” She held on tight for a minute before stepping back.

  “Yes, Dan is going to be fine now, but he’ll be one of us now. There was no way to save him otherwise.” She glanced over her shoulder. “If you’ll excuse me. I should pack a bag.”

  “There is no need for you to pack. We will provide you with what you need.” Marquis reached out and grabbed her hand.

  Looking up into his face, Dee knew they hadn’t solved anything yet between them. “Why were you mad at me earlier?” She tilted her head to the side, waiting.

  “This is not the time or place to discuss this, but...” He yanked her off balance and into his arms. “Even though I may be angry at you, I’ll always love you. Nothing will change that.” He leaned down and nipped her nose.

  “Good, then you won’t hate me when I go visit Abby.” She disappeared from his arms.

  Standing outside her mother’s house, Dee slowly made her way up the stairs. Akaos’ men all nodded to her, but she knew they were informing Talhrn she was here, even thugh she’d already done that. Dee needed to see Abby by herself.

  Every kill Koti made was like a personal attack on her. Dee knew it was wrong to think like this, but after years and years of his physical and psychological abuse, it was a habit. The door opened and Marquis stood there with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Don’t. I need to do this by myself. I didn’t go anywhere other than a place that was already protected.” She stated and pushed past Marquis. “Go ahead and add it the other thing you are mad at me about. I’m sure you’ll punish me soon enough.”

  Neither of them said anything as she stopped in front of Abby’s door. Inside she could hear Abby crying and it tore her apart inside, but she wouldn’t be detoured. Her arm felt like it weighed a hundred pounds as she lifted it to knock on her door.

  “Abby, it’s me, Dee. Can I come in?” She took a deep breath and pushed open the door when she said yes. Looking back, Marquis nodded and closed the door behind her. He would give her the time she needed.

  Her friend was curled up on her bed, hugging a p
illow. Abby’s eyes were swollen and red. “She’s all the family I had left. I feel as if there is a hole inside of me. How did you make it through Hope’s death?”

  Crawling up on the bed next to her, Dee ran her hand through her hair blond hair. “I never really did. I think when someone we love dies, a part of us dies with them, but in time that pain will lessen to a dull ache. You’ll come to realize that you carry a part of her inside you and no one can take that away.” Dee leaned her head back and smiled.

  “Do you remember last week when Agatha ran smack into that wall? I thought for sure she busted her nose, but when she fell back laughing, I thought I was going to piss myself. Your sister... no matter what the problem she always wanted to make you laugh. She enjoyed life so much and she’d hate to see you like this.”

  A small smile broke out on Abby’s face. “She did break her nose and you’re right. I’ll try. You’re leaving, aren’t you?”

  She sighed and nodded. “I need to get away. Talhrn was right. All my life, I’ve hunted him or hid from my father. As far back as I can remember there wasn’t one day that I didn’t worry he’d find me or hurt someone I love. Hell, Abby I feel dirty half the time thinking I have his blood in me.”

  Sitting up, Abby hugged her. “Is that why you let them beat you? Agatha said you were trying to exorcise your father from you.”

  “Yes. I believed if I was whipped hard enough to draw blood that it would keep me from turning into him. Koti use to tell me as a child. ‘You are of my blood and one day you will be just as me.’ It terrified me and it still does. What if he’s right, Abby?” She knew Marquis was listening to everything thing she said, but Dee didn’t care.

  “You listen to me.” Abby jerked her around and stared at her. “You will never be like your father. You have a heart as big as the ocean. My sister was an excellent judge of character and she wouldn’t have come with you last night or the other times we slipped into town.”

  She laughed. “We’re a pair aren’t we? Do me a favor and stay safe while I’m gone. Don’t go out of the house unless someone is with you. Koti will be able to track you now that he tasted your sister. Promise me, Abby.” Getting off the bed, Abby followed her to the door.

  “Believe me, I’m not going to give that man a chance to get me. I won’t allow him to take away what Agatha loved so much, life.” Abby hugged her tight. “Thank you for coming by. It helped and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

  The door opened and Marquis smiled at them. “I’m truly sorry about your loss. Would you like to come with us? There is plenty of room and you’d be safe there,” he asked, as he placed his arm around her.

  “No. I’m not ready to visit your world yet, but thank you. Just take care of Dee for us. Now, go and have a good time. Agatha would be the first to tell you to enjoy yourself.”

  “We promise she’ll be safe and pampered,” Marquis stated as he lead her out of the room. The door closed behind them, leaving them alone in the hallway.

  “Are you ready? Talhrn and Todd have already left for our home. They’ve taken your dogs too.”

  Next to him, Dee felt so small, but yet so protected in his arms as she wrapped her arms around him and laid her head onto his chest. “Take me to your home, Marquis. I want to forget this day. For once, I just want to wake up without having to worry about anything.”

  Chapter Eleven

  With his strong arms holding her tight against his solid body, Dee closed her eyes, snuggling against Marquis. A cold blast of air hit her, followed by nothing under her feet, but all the while, he held her tight and safe. A high-pitched whistle was the only noise Dee could hear, but soon it was over and her feet were once more on solid ground.

  “We’re here,” Marquis said, as her clothes automatically disappeared from her body.

  She snorted and shook her head, as Dee slowly turned and scoped out her surroundings. If she remembered right, the walls had been a dark green the last time she’d been on their world.

  “The color of the walls changes with the seasons. You were here last time when it was what you would say summer time. It is now cold up above all the time. No one ventures outside.” Talhrn said and released her dogs. Both came circling her feet and whining.

  “I know it’s different, but you’ll get used to it.”

  Dee knelt and rubbed both of their heads. “You did show them where they could pee and poop right?” She smiled.

  “Yes, and I even showed them where they would be eating. So what do you think?” Talhrn asked, looking around his home.

  It was larger than what she thought it would be. The walls were now a black color, but the diamonds in the walls cast enough light through the rooms. She curled her toes and moaned. The floor was covered in the softest carpet-type material she’d ever felt. Stepping down into the common room, she laughed at the wall-sized TV that hung there. “Something’s, I see, never change.” Even though it looked the same as an Earth machine, Dee knew it was very different.

  To the left, against one wall, was some kind of couch. It was a dark brown and had a strange texture to it. Mounted on the wall, above it, were many different forms of what she thought were hand-to-hand knives. And in the center of those was the sword she’d given Talhrn. She smiled and looked behind her to see him nod.

  “Of course, it’s going to be shown off. You honored me with it. Each one of those was given to us as a gift and everyone has a value, but yours, of course, is the most important because it came from you and Hope.” Stepping next to her, Talhrn captured her head in his hands and kissed her lips, softly at first.

  She moaned and slid her arms up his bare chest, but before Dee could wrap her arms around him, Talhrn broke the kiss and shoved her behind him. “What do you want, Janek? You know better than to enter my home without being invited,” Talhrn demanded as Marquis and Todd advanced to her. Each one took up position beside her.

  “I thought I would be the first to welcome your meru to our world. I behaved badly when her mother was here,” The man stated from the open doorway as she peeked around Talhrn’s body.

  The man in question appeared to be a little smaller in frame than Talhrn. His dark, almost purple, hair appeared black, but when the light hit it one could see the true color. There was a tattoo of some kind of animal on his chest. It looked to be like a bear, but yet it wasn’t, and Dee could have sworn the thing moved on his chest. Almost as if it was turning to... She jumped back and bumped into Marquis’s body. “It moved,” she whispered.

  “I think it best you leave. Thank you for stopping by, but she just got here and she needs to rest.” Talhrn stated with a little less venom, but with enough of a push that Janek nodded and stepped out of their home.

  “As you wish. Again welcome, daughter of Maya,” the man said before bowing and disappearing.

  “Well, that was interesting. And what was up with that animal on his chest? It looked as if it was moving,” Dee said and looked up into Talhrn’s gaze when he turned to face her.

  “You don’t need to be looking at him, and his animal was moving. There are many of us who have other hosts that live inside of us. We provide food to them and shelter while they help us when they can. Come, you need to eat and to rest. It’s been a long day for you.” Talhrn settled his hand on her back and tried to escort her out of the main area down a wide carved tunnel, but she held her ground.

  “So you have one too?” she asked, looking at each man. Marquis and Todd shook their heads but Talhrn nodded.

  “I do, but he’s not ready to show himself to you yet. Our bond is not complete. When it is, you’ll meet him.” He tried again to get her to move, but she wouldn’t budge.

  “Not so fast, buddy. What do you mean he won’t show himself to me until we’re bonded fully? Am I also bonding with some other thing? Don’t you think I should have known about this?” She crossed her arms in front of her and glared at Talhrn.

  Bending at the waist, Talhrn brushed his nose against hers. “Don’t ta
ke that attitude with me. I’ve been easy on you because of what you gone through, but I will not tolerate a smart mouth,” he snapped and stared into her eyes till she looked down at the ground.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get mouthy, but I have a right to know if I’m going to be mating with some strange creature, Talhrn.” She rubbed her arms. “You don’t share with others here do you? I don’t think I could do that.”

  With a sigh, Talhrn straightened and hugged her tight. “No, we don’t share. You are ours and if anyone touched you, they’d die. As far as Cedarclaw, he has claimed Marquis and Todd both so I would presume he would also claim you. They each carry his mark even though you can’t see it. He’s part of me, Little Kitten, and has been for over 500 of your Earth years.”

  For a minute, Dee held onto him, and then sighed. “Fine, I trust you, but if this thing hurts me, my cat is going to tear it apart,” she snarled.

  He laughed and stepped into the tunnel. “I think your cat will like him very much.”

  Once her eyes adjusted to the lighting in the smaller space, Dee stopped and ran her hand over the chiseled wall in awe. She’d never seen anything so beautiful in her life. Even her mother’s drawings were nothing compared to this. The colors and the emotion behind each scene just drew the person to the next picture as you moved down the passageway.

  “This is freaking amazing.” She took a peek at Talhrn. “Did you do this?”

  He shook his head and nodded to Todd. “No, this beautiful work is Todd’s. When he gets restless he likes to work with his hands.”

  Her nipples hardened at the double play of words. Dee looked over at Todd and he grinned. His gaze traveled down her bare body. “Damn.” She rubbed her thighs together, before she was once again led to another room.

  She took one of Todd’s hands into hers and kissed each of his fingers. “Maybe you could make some animal shapes out of wood or stone for the orphanage back home? I try and take all the toys and clothes I can there to help out every year.”


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