Dee's Hard Limits

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Dee's Hard Limits Page 13

by Trinity Blacio

  “Let go! You’re the one who wanted to touch her... No, stop.” She placed her hand on her breast. “Not going to last long.” The room started to spin, the pain was so strong. No matter what change her body went through earlier. The cat was still a part of her and if it wanted to. she could tear her apart.

  “Todd bed... Please.” She looked to him and reached for him, but Talhrn smacked her hand down, picking her up.

  Without words, he scooped her up and made it half way to the bed when the cat smelled the other female on him. Talhrn stopped, his eyes got big, as she screamed. Running to the bed, he placed her down, before leaning over her and holding her face between his hands.

  “Here me, cat, the woman meant nothing. She is my niece, Marquis’ sister’s child.”

  Taking a deep breath, the cat stopped clawing at her insides, sensing the truth of his words. Dee just wanted to sleep. She was so damn tired of fighting for everything she wanted.

  “Little Kitten, look at me.” She turned her head and tried to focus on Talhrn. “Has your cat ever done anything like this before?”

  She shook her head, but winced when it hurt to move. Then everything went black.


  “She’s passed out,” Maya said, turning to glare at them. “I agreed to stay out of your bonding. I promised Akaos, but if you keep hurting my daughter, I don’t care if you’re king or not, I’ll rip you a new ass.” She held up her hand at Akaos.

  “Don’t. In the last two days I’ve seen my daughter die and now this. I will leave you and take my daughter away if I have too, but I won’t see her hurt again. The cat needs to be claimed. If you can’t do that, then get the fuck away from my Dee! And you!” She turned on Marquis. “Stop the torment! Now, get out of here so I can get her to shift. I don’t know what she’ll do to you two, but I won’t have you whipping her again.”

  He nodded and each man left the room as his mother-in-law ordered. She was right. In the last two days, they’ve treated their meru horribly. It wasn’t only Todd that needed the whip, but all of them.

  Upon entering the living room, Marquis’ sister and mom stood next to Sena. “Did your meru threaten my daughter?”

  “We’re not fully bonded yet, sister of my weru. She believed Sena was...well...” He nodded to her and all three of them gasped.

  “You didn’t tell her that Sena was family?” Helena’s voice raised and she glared at Marquis and then at him. “I would see my daughter now. You three should be ashamed of your selves.”

  “I’m afraid you can’t see her now. Her mother is trying to heal her,” Marquis looked away from his mother ashamed as he was.

  “We didn’t know her cat was separate from her and that it was tearing her apart inside her wanting out.” He looked at Akaos who leaned against the wall with Tesuss. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

  “How was I supposed to know you would bring another female in front of her? But Maya is right. As soon as she is healed you’ll need to finish this bond. It’s the only way to totally control the animal.” Akaos held his gaze. “I’ve never gone against anything you’ve said and stood beside you, but if Dee is hurt again under your care, I’ll personally take her with me and leave. All this ceremony should have been put on hold until you claimed her. She should have been introduced to your family and not treated like an outcast. You need to open yourself, all of you do. Dee told Maya she tried to reach you twice, but you blocked her.”

  If he hadn’t been a friend, he would have torn Akaos apart, but every word he said was right and that was what hurt the most. “Marquis, get hold of the council and inform them that we will do a quiet ceremony here now. We’ll hold the celebration after our meru is fully ours.”

  Helena stepped forward. “May I make a suggestion?”

  He nodded. “Please, any help would be appreciated.”

  “Maybe combine the two, make it a party for everyone.” Talhrn smiled and leaned down, kissing her cheek.

  There was a snarl behind him, and he spun around to see Maya barely holding on. “Maya, may I introduce Marquis’ mother and mine.” He pulled Helena forward.

  She held out her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m so sorry about the misunderstanding earlier. My granddaughter just wanted to help. It can get real lonely here when the men have to leave.”

  “Thank you. I’m sorry if I came off rude. My daughter has been hurt so much and I’m afraid I was part of the problem. I just want her to be happy.” Maya took her hand and smiled at the woman. She looked over Helena’s shoulder. “Sena, I want to apologize to you too, sweetie. If I would have known who you were none of this would have happened.” Maya turned her gaze on Talhrn and he nodded.

  “Yes, it was my fault and it won’t happen. How is Dee?”

  “She’s healed, but it took everything out of her. I’m afraid she won’t make your party...”

  “I’m here,” Dee said holding onto the wall. Dark circles were under her eyes and she kept shivering.

  Reaching her before Marquis or Todd, he lifted her up in his arms and moved back towards the bedroom. “You’re going to curl up in that bed and rest. We’ll have the ceremony at another time when you are well.” He made his way back to the bedroom and placed her into the bed, pulling the covers up over her.

  “I understand, you don’t want them to see me.” She sounded so lost as his Little Kitten turned away from him. Missy, Boo and even Sand looked up over the bed, whining.

  “Todd let everyone know I’ll be out in a little bit. I need to hold my meru.”

  His clothes disappeared and he climbed into the bed and gently spooned her body. “That wasn’t the reason why I canceled the ceremony. How can I celebrate anything when I’ve hurt the one person who holds my hearts? In the past two days, you’ve been hurt by my people and by me. I’m not being a very good orak, but that is about to change.” He nuzzled her neck and kissed her shoulder. “I’ll say the words later tonight, but the celebration will be held as we celebrate our joining. Marquis’ mother was right, we should have the two parties together so everyone can see what a special woman we have. I’m afraid many of the elders already have a crush on you. I’m afraid you didn’t totally hide yesterday and many of them caught a glimpse of that perfect ass of yours.”

  She stiffened and turned to look at them. “I didn’t mean to do that. Oh my God, it was my fault Janek came in the bathroom, wasn’t it?”

  “Stop! No, it wasn’t your fault. His mind is fragmented right now. We are monitoring him and giving him a special formula to help ease the effects of not being bonded. Hopefully it will help until his orak can find their mate.” He kissed her lips softly. “And don’t you even worry about the council honey. You gave them hope that our kind will find their meru.”

  With a sigh, his Little Kitten laid her head on his arm and snuggled up to him. “Hold me, Talhrn. Just hold me till you have to leave.”

  “Shh, my pet, I’ve got you. Sleep.” Her breasts pushed against his chest as she cuddled closer to him. Dee’s skin was soft. The spanking and the strokes of the whip were already bruising her skin. She now carried his marks, but Talhrn had to admit he hated giving her those few strokes.

  Their Little Kitten had taken her punishment well, but it still didn’t sit right using the whip on her. They’d have to find a more creative way to get their point across. Her breathing evened out and Talhrn knew his pet was asleep. The claw marks on her body were already starting to fade as she rested.

  One thing about their species, rest always healed them unless the injury was severe. By tomorrow morning, their woman would be completely healed and it would be time to seal their bond.

  He must have closed his eyes for a few minutes when Marquis was beside them. “The council is here and they are ready for you.”

  Careful not to wake Dee, he slipped out of the bed. “Stay with her. I want one of us with her as much as possible until this fear of hers is gone. She needs to know we will never leave her.” He watched Marquis stiffen, b
ut nodded.

  “Why are you so hesitant around our meru? She was right. You do have a tendency to pick on her.” Talhrn dressed himself as Marquis stripped and took his place cuddled next to her.

  “She requires reassurance all the time. You know how I hate to repeat myself. I don’t have the patience you two have and I’m afraid...I’ll hurt her.” He glanced up at him.

  “You know I’m rough, what if I hurt her? She’s been through so much. It would be safer to keep her at a distance,” Marquis said in a whisper, but his actions did not match his words.

  His hold on Dee was gentle and he placed tiny kisses on the top of her head as she relaxed against him.

  “We all have that fear, but we have each other to recognize if we are too extreme on her. You’ve been around children and women with your family all your life. Whereas I have not. You will do fine. Hold her as she if she were your Mother, but love her as she your wife. I believe the humans say.” He turned leaving Marquis thinking on what he’d said. His weru was a smart one and Talhrn trusted him to work it out.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Taking a deep breath, Dee knew Talhrn held her once more. Marquis and Todd were on each side of her and they were all waiting for her to wake. She was almost afraid to open her eyes. Dee had heard the tail end of their conversation last night and could understand Marquis’ reluctance to get close as she had the same problem with him.

  She was afraid to trust her heart completely to any of them, afraid they would all disappear and never come back, leaving a giant hole in her heart.

  “I know you’re awake, Little Kitten. Are you so scared to face us that you pretend to sleep?” Talhrn rubbed the side of her breast and waited.

  His touch was magical, gentle but firm. Dee opened her eyes and was shocked at what she found. Candles were lit around the room, scented with Lily’s of The Valley and something else she couldn’t identify filled the air. “Talhrn?”

  He lifted her up off of his body and helped her stand next to the bed. The three of them turned, their gazes on her.

  “Show us the outfit you bought,” he almost purred as his cock jerked under the cover.

  She licked her lips and stepped back. Each one of them kept their attention on her and nothing else. Marquis removed the covers and started to stroke his cock.

  “We’re waiting, Little Kitten, show us.” Marquis’ voice dropped down three octaves and she melted. If Marquis could try, so could she. Taking a deep breath, she looked up at Talhrn.

  “Don’t hurt me again, please.” Dee pictured the outfit she’d bought and it covered her body. Well, what it did cover that is. Tiny bows held certain silk pieces over strategic places of her body for her mates to unwrap.

  One at a time, they rose off the bed and circled her. One would reach out to circle a bow with his fingertip driving her arousal higher.

  “You have not worn this for anyone?” Marquis snarled.

  “No. Only you, my men,” Dee answered keeping her head down as they petted her.

  Talhrn pulled the first bow at her left breast, and the silk material fell exposing her breast. “Beautiful and all ours.” He leaned down and sucked her nipple into his mouth. She reached up to run her hands through his hair, but they were captured from behind by Todd.

  “No, you can’t touch right now, Little Kitten. Another time.” A silk roped-like material was slowly being strung around each wrist by Todd and attached above her head to some invisible hook.

  The next bow was untied by Marquis, exposing her right breast. “What a treat.” He joined Talhrn at her chest sucking and nipping her nipples. The ties at her hips were gone and Todd spread her legs from behind as his tongue swiped across her pussy lips.

  Intense feelings ripped through her body, shocking and arousing her further. Her men dropped the shields to their minds and feelings. They loved her, each one of them.

  “And we always will.” Talhrn released her nipple and stared at her. “We might fight, you might be punished, but know we will always be there for you.” He covered her mouth with his, taking all that he could. Talhrn slid his tongue into her mouth. He tasted of sweetness and something wild as he stroked and dominated even her tongue.

  She moaned into his mouth, which only seemed to edge them all on. Marquis bit down on her nipple and Todd pushed in and out of her pussy with his tongue and fingers. Lifting his head, Talhrn smiled. “You’re ready for us, aren’t you, Little Kitten?”

  Her words came out as a squeak when Todd used his wet fingers to slide into her ass. “Ple..ase.” But for the next few minutes each of them proceeded to drive up her need. Todd stretched and ate her pussy like he was starving, while Marquis pinched and sucked on her nipples.

  “Open your eyes, my pet. Keep your gaze on me as I take you and make you mine.” Behind her Todd stood and lifted her legs as Marquis stepped back allowing Talhrn to slide in between her legs. “Wrap your legs around me and don’t let go,” was the only warning Dee got before he grabbed her hips and slammed into her. “MINE!”

  He was thick and long, the burn of the stretch had her screaming in pain and pleasure. “Talhrn!”

  Her nails dug into her palms as she struggled with the bindings, wanting and needing to touch him. “Let me touch you, please!” she whimpered, but they refused her.

  “Todd, get into that ass now! I can’t last long this first time.” Talhrn inched out of her to only slide back in, drawing a moan from her.

  “Hold on, Little Kitten,” Todd said behind her as her ass cheeks were separated and cool lube squirted into her before he worked his cock into her.

  Dee had had butt plugs in her ass, and she’d had someone fuck her ass, but never had two men entered her at the same time. To say the experience was awesome was an understatement. Pain and pleasure mixed. Dee didn’t know whether to cry or moan.

  Someone slapped her ass. “Eyes on me. I want to see those beautiful, gold balls of fire staring at me.” Talhrn slid partially out of her pussy to only shove back in a moment later.

  “Please... I need...” Dee didn’t know what she needed, but something had to happen. It was as if she was standing on the edge of a cliff, waiting for something, but could see nothing.

  One inch at a time, Todd worked his cock into her. It seemed as if his cock was a mile long. She’d tried to scoot back, but they held her still. Dee was positive they were trying to torture her. Where she believed it seemed like hours that they teased her, it was only minutes.

  “I’m in all the way. Hold still and let your body accept all of me,” Todd said as his balls rubbed against her ass cheeks and his hand slid up her back, rubbing her shoulders. Two sets of hands, but wait she had three men. She blinked and looked around the room till Dee saw Marquis.

  He stood against the wall stroking his cock, just watching. “He’s waiting his turn. Marquis is strung too high right now to take your mouth, we all are.” Talhrn placed his finger under her chin and guided her attention back to him. “Soon you’ll have the three of us touching you, but first we must seal our bond now.” With his last word, both men started to trust in and out of her.

  Overload was all she could think, as the touches, pinches, slaps all added to the overload of sensations. Tears of pleasure and hope rolled down her face, her body shook as they pounded into her. “Come, Little Kitten,” Talhrn ordered, slipping his fingers over her clit and pinching it.

  It was as if his words were a trigger. “Ohhh... My.... Goddd.....” She panted like that of a dog trying to catch her breath. Her hands were released and Marquis pried open her fingers, staring into her unfocused gaze.

  “You’ve hurt yourself.” His voice was a dark whisper, the promise of more to come slid down her skin as a caress. He licked the cuts her nails had left in her palm.

  Behind her Todd slipped out of her causing her to moan as she lowered her legs down and tried to stand, but it wasn’t happening. Talhrn spun around. Her hand was ripped out of Marquis’ grip as he headed back to the bed. “Marquis, bed. I
want to sink my cock in her ass.”

  A snarl behind them had Talhrn stopping and looking over his shoulder. “Marquis control yourself or I will. Now get on the bed and take our meru.”

  The way Talhrn said “take” sent a shiver down her spine as she watched Marquis climb up onto the bed and reach for her. His gaze was wild like the man she knew he could be, but who carefully lifted her off Talhrn and placed her on himself as if she was a fine piece of china. “Put me in you, my pet.” He cupped her breasts when she sat up and lifted her hips to take his thick cock into her.


  His weru, Marquis was very close to changing into his animal form. Marquis would be punished for keeping this a secret, but for now he and Todd would carefully monitor their bonding. “You will feed, Marquis,” he ordered as Talhrn moved behind Dee.

  Cupping her breast, Talhrn held it out to him. “Take all that she is into my weru. Come back to us whole.” Todd waited at the side of bed ready to strike if the need was there.

  “How bad is it?” their Little Kitten asked, dropping down all the way on his cock and moaning. “Take me into you Marquis, make me yours,” she encouraged him, scraping her nails down his chest as he sat forward. One arm hooked around her, his fangs sank into her breast, feeding.

  If he hadn’t been observing so closely, he would have missed their meru’s silent cry of pain. Marquis hadn’t prepared her for his bite, but she was amazing, ignoring the pain and keeping his attention on her. “That’s it, do you feel what you do to me? Your cock is hard and thick inside me. We are one now, Marquis. I love you and I’ll always be here for you.”

  The blood of his meru and her words of love had Marquis slowly releasing his hold around her waist. “I hurt you, please forgive, me pet. I honestly didn’t know I was that close to the change. I would have never put you in such danger,” the words were broken and Talhrn knew his weru was crying.

  With his face buried between her breasts, Dee placed both of her hands on each side of his face and lifted it up. “You did nothing wrong, Marquis. I’m here for you as you are there for me. Make love to me, Marquis.” She placed kisses all over his face and pushed him back onto the bed. “Are you going to allow me to have my way with you?” She teased and bit down on his nipple.


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