Claim Me Hard (Bridgewater County Book 2)

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Claim Me Hard (Bridgewater County Book 2) Page 11

by Vanessa Vale

  Things happened quickly after that. Declan came over and gave me a hug and a kiss before going into full-blown cop mode. After reading Brad his rights, he hauled him out to a police SUV that pulled up out front with flashing blue and red lights. He assured me before they left that I’d never have to see Brad’s face again and I believed him. I wasn’t sure what the justice system was going to do, but I knew there was plenty of open land to bury a body if he wasn’t sent to jail to Declan’s satisfaction.

  The guns were put away and Jessie placed the frying pan down on the high counter. Everyone settled back to their meals, but news of this incident would be spread across town faster than a wildfire. I was giving the town plenty to gossip about. Jessie got me a mug of tea while Cole tended to my minor scrapes and bruises. He grinned and looked at me with those pale eyes as he said, “I get to play doctor now, although I can think of better ways I’d like to do that.”

  Yes, I was sure he could think of much better ways.

  “We’re not letting you out of our sight, darlin’,” he said.

  I liked the sound of that. After everything that happened with Brad, it would be a while before I was comfortable being alone, even knowing Brad was in jail. “Good.”

  With my one word reply, he took me upstairs and helped me gather some clothes and toiletries so I could take them back to his place. He didn’t leave my side the entire time.

  While I knew Brad couldn’t get me, my hands still shook as I zipped up my overnight bag.

  Cole took the bag from me. “Hey.” Tilting my chin up he forced me to meet his gaze. “It’s over.”

  The words were a cool, sweet balm. Almost too good to be true. After living in a nightmare for so long, it was hard to believe Brad was finally out of my life. I didn’t have to hide anymore. With one arm about my waist, Cole led me out of the apartment, past my neighbors and friends who’d had my back, and helped me into his truck.

  This felt right. Being with him, with Declan. And now I didn’t have to hide any longer. I didn’t have to be afraid. I had two men protecting me. Possessing me. Pleasing me—at least I hoped they would very soon.

  I turned to him with the best smile I could manage. “Take me home.”



  Hannah was quiet for most of the drive back to my ranch, but I grabbed her hand, held it on my thigh. I would damn well rather drive one handed then let her go.

  I stayed quiet, giving her some space to wrap her head around what had just happened. Truth be told, I needed some time myself. It wasn’t every day I watched the love of my life face danger and I was still shaken.

  Brad. He was a big guy. Thick with muscle and full of anger. Full of anger toward Hannah.

  If we hadn’t gotten there when we had…

  If anything had happened to her…

  But it was pointless to go down that road. All those ifs. The biggest one was if he hadn’t fucked with her, she wouldn’t have come to Bridgewater.

  The only consolation was that while he’d hurt her in the past, he wouldn’t ever again and we’d be around to make damn sure we kept that promise. I gave her hand a squeeze as I drove us home.

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  She’d been staring out her side window, but at my soft words, she turned to look at me.

  “Sorry? You saved me.”

  “We weren’t there.”

  She sighed, squeezed my fingers. “You’re not always going to be there. I’m not a child that needs a babysitter.”

  She was right. We couldn’t be with her all the time. We weren’t like that. Smothering. Controlling. She had to live her life, and I hoped at the end of the day, she’d come home to us.

  Dec arrived at the ranch a few minutes after we did. He came into the kitchen where Hannah was sipping her tea and I was watching over her like a fucking mother hen. I’d let her out of my sight. Eventually. Who could blame me?

  He sank into a chair as he filled us in on how he’d handed Brad over to his fellow officers to book and process. He scratched his head, his red hair sticking up every which way and looked down at the table. “I couldn’t trust myself to deal with that asshole any longer than necessary. If they’d left me alone in a room with that bastard…” He trailed off with a shake of his head. Reaching a hand across the table, he caught Hannah’s in his. “Besides, I wanted to get back here and make sure you were doing okay.”

  She gave him a wobbly smile. “I’m doing great.”

  I knew that was an exaggeration, but let it go.

  “Thank you.” She turned to me. “Thank you both. If you hadn’t come when you did—”

  I shook my head, remembered how it felt when I saw the guy pinning her to the steps. It was only the start of his plans for her. He’d come all the way from California, no fucking way would he just intimidate. No, he’d planned to hurt her. “No point in going there, darlin’.”

  Yeah, I didn’t want to punch a hole in my wall.

  She nodded her agreement, swallowed. “So what happens to him now?”

  Dec turned on the cop voice I knew so well as he explained what procedures would come next. At the end, he said, “While he’s military, what he’s done is out of their jurisdiction. It’ll be complicated with them getting involved, but long story short, you’ll never have to worry about that guy ever again.”

  He looked up at me and I could easily read his mind. If the law didn’t put him away, we’d take care of him. I had no doubt others in town would help, probably even bring the shovels.

  Her gorgeous green eyes were filled with amusement. “That’s great to hear. But what I meant was, what happens now…with us?”

  Dec and I shared a quick look, this time of surprise, before turning back to her. “What would you like to happen next?” he asked. He sounded a little wary, and I couldn’t blame him. She’d just been through hell and back. Much as we wanted to take things to the next level, it was very likely she’d ask for some space. Some time. We’d give her whatever she needed, but it would be hell while we waited.

  She licked her lips and fiddled with the handle of her mug. “I talked to Dr. Murphy this morning.”

  I saw Dec sit up straight, a new energy making him look like he might shoot out of his seat at any moment. “In all the fucking insanity, I forgot about that. And?”

  And? I had no idea what they were talking about. Why did she need to see the doctor?

  Her lips curved up in a grin. “And I could be the town’s next resident physician if I want the job. I wouldn’t have hospital privileges like he does, but I could get them.”

  I’d heard that Dr. Murphy wanted to retire, but hadn’t thought much about it. Until now. My mouth fell open as the full meaning of that hit me. She wanted to stay here…with us. While we only had a small clinic in Bridgewater, she’d need to be able to admit patients who needed more serious care to nearby hospitals in Bozeman or Helena. I wasn’t up on the legalities behind a doctor moving to a different state to work, but I had a feeling it wasn’t impossible.

  She turned to me and filled me in on what she’d apparently told Dec earlier. By the end he and I were both ready to jump out of our seats with excitement. “So you’re staying?” I asked. I had to hear her say the one word.

  For a second she looked shy, her gaze flicking from the table to Dec and then to me. “Only if you two are sure that this—”

  “We’re sure,” Dec said, not letting her finish. He grinned.

  I got up out of my chair and came around to where she was sitting. Leaning over, I wrapped my arms around her from behind, my lips finding the sensitive spot on her neck that I knew made her shiver. Breathed in her scent. “Darlin’, there’s nothing that would make us happier. You’re ours—now and forever.”

  She turned her head up to smile at me. She didn’t panic this time when I staked my claim. Our claim. “Then I guess I’d better tell Dr. Murphy I’m ready to start right away.”

  Dec got out of his seat and came around to
the other side of Hannah. “Not so fast. I think the good doctor would understand if you need a few days—”

  “A few weeks,” I clarified.

  He grinned over at me. “A few weeks to recover.”

  She turned from him to me. “Recover?”

  “Mmm,” I murmured my agreement as I leaned down to nuzzle her neck, my hands skimming over her waist and hip making her wiggle in her seat. “I’m sure the doctor and Jessie will understand that your men will need some time to take care of you. After everything that happened, you deserve some TLC. Dr. Cole’s orders.”

  Dec was already tugging on her hand, helping her out of the chair. “That TLC starts now, sweetheart.” He gave her ass a light slap that sent her in the direction of the stairs. “Now get on upstairs and into our bed.”



  The stern sound of Declan’s voice as he ordered me upstairs was enough to make my panties wet. I was easy. I admitted it. But only with them. Maybe it was the rush of adrenaline from earlier, but I was trembling with anticipation as they followed me into the bedroom. Two big men were going to dominate and control me and I wanted it. After Brad, one would think I would avoid all men. The opposite seemed to be the case. I craved these two. Needed them.

  I climbed up on the bed readily. I’d long since lost my embarrassment at how eager I was to feel them inside me. Flopping down on my back, I gripped the bedspread in my hands as I watched them come toward the bed, their eyes dark with desire and their cocks visibly straining against their jeans.

  They were the ones for me. In this room, I felt safe. Protected. Cherished. Possessed. Perhaps they were obsessed with me, but with these two? I was fine with that. In fact, I was more than eager to see them give in to their obsession because I knew what it would bring me.


  Declan leaned over and started undoing the buttons of my uniform. I groaned.

  His fingers stilled. “What?”

  “This dress is man repellent. How can you want me in this hideous thing?”

  He grinned then. “We don’t want you in it. I’m trying to get you out of it.”

  I rolled my eyes as Cole came to my other side and lifted the hem of it so it was bunched up around my waist. “We’ll take you any way we can get you. Haven’t you figured that out by now, darlin’?”

  I saw the uncertainty in his eyes.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You know we want you. Long term. We’ve made that clear. But I think I can speak for Dec when I say we’re willing to wait, to be with you any way you want. It’s up to you. We just want scraps. Whatever you’re willing to give.”

  I looked between the two. Big and broad. Brawny. Strong. Brave. Cole was laying it all out for me. Yes, they’d said they wanted me. At first, I hadn’t really believed it, but they’d proven it over and over that they were there for me, for everything.

  I’d strung them along. Yes, I’d gotten naked with them on the first date, but I’d kept my emotions separate. I’d given my body, but I hadn’t given anything else. They wanted me. Somehow, they knew I was exactly what they wanted the very first time they saw me. Yet I kept pushing them away.

  I was afraid they’d get hurt by Brad. Afraid they’d get hurt by me. That I couldn’t get tangled up with two men. I hadn’t seemed able to trust what they were saying, that while they wanted me to be theirs, entirely, I’d never said I wanted them to be mine.

  They’d told me they wanted me. Over and over and over again. And they were still waiting.

  Tears filled my eyes.

  “Hey, what’s all this?” Declan asked, wiping away one that slipped down my cheek.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, swallowing hard to will the tears away. While my uniform was ugly as could be, an ugly cry was not something I wanted these two to see.

  Cole gave a slight nod, then started to back off the bed.

  “No,” I said, grabbing his wrist. I sat up and he stilled. I didn’t let go. I looked from one to the other, their focus squarely on me.

  I didn’t want to ever let go.

  “I mean, I’m sorry I didn’t trust you. I’m sorry I didn’t put value in the intentions you had toward me.”

  “We’ve said—”

  I cut Declan off. “I know. You’ve said I was yours all along. But I just heard it as possessiveness and not the good kind. I just thought of Brad. I never really believed it. You’re talking living together and commitment, mortgages and babies.”

  Cole perked up at that. “You want babies?”

  I wiped my eye, the last of the tears gone. I couldn’t help but smile at his eagerness. “Yes, someday.”

  “That’s good, because we want a whole bunch with you. A football team worth.”

  I slid my hand from his wrist to entwine our fingers.

  “That’s just it. You knew this all along. I just didn’t realize the depth of your interest.”

  “Maybe we didn’t make ourselves clear,” Declan said, taking my hand and holding it so we were all connected.

  “You did,” I confirmed.

  He shook his head. “Maybe we didn’t say the right words.”

  “Dec’s right. We said everything but the most important three words.” Cole lifted our joined hands, kissed my knuckles. “I love you, Hannah Lauren Winters.”

  The tears returned, but so did a smile.

  “And I love you,” Declan added. “We might tell you you’re ours, but haven’t you figured out that we’re yours?”

  I nodded, sniffed. “Yes, about three minutes ago.”

  “You can boss us around all you want.”

  “Even in the bedroom?” I asked, a smile curving my mouth.

  “If you want to have your way with me, I’m fine with that,” Declan added.

  I looked between the two, knew they wouldn’t like that all the time. Neither would I. So I told them that. “No, I like it when you have your way with me,” I admitted. I looked down at the bed, then up at them. “I love you. Both of you.”

  The looks on their faces was something I’d never seen before. It wasn’t lust. It wasn’t anger. It was…adoration. Reverence. Love.

  “You want this with us, Hannah?” Declan asked. “Everything?”

  I took a deep breath, felt so dang happy. Brad was gone. I had no worries looming. No looking over my shoulder. Only the future.

  With them.

  “Yes. I want everything with you. But…”

  “But?” Cole asked.

  “But I don’t want babies right now. I’d like to take over for Dr. Murphy first.”

  They both nodded. “No babies now. That doesn’t mean we can’t practice.” Cole grinned and Declan winked.

  I laughed. “Yes, let’s practice.”

  With that, Declan put his hand on my sternum, gently pushed me back. My skirt had fallen back down and Cole worked it up to my hips again.

  “Pretty panties,” he said, his voice deep. My nipples hardened at the change in tone. Yes, I loved it when they took charge. “Take them off.”



  I did as I was told, shimmying out of them as they watched. I loved having their eyes on me. Knowing these men, these big cowboys were mine, made my heart swell, and my pussy get wet.

  Declan spread my uniform wide and undid the front clasp of my bra so my breasts were bare. “Spread your legs for us,” he ordered. “Show us that pretty pussy of yours.”

  “No, of ours.” Cole’s gaze slid up my body to look at me. I saw the scorching heat and nothing else. “That pussy belongs to us, doesn’t it, Hannah?”

  I bit my lip to keep from whimpering as I nodded and slowly opened my legs. When they remained quiet and Declan just arched a ginger brow, I spread them wider. I knew I was wet and by the way Cole made a little possessive sound in his throat, he saw it.

  “Play with your breasts,” Cole said as he climbed onto the bed, unfastening his jeans in the process. His eyes didn’t leave me.

  “Show us how you like it,” Declan urged. I remembered he’d said the same thing before, that first night in the truck and it had scared me. Now, I was scared they wouldn’t like what they saw, especially since I’d been wearing the drab uniform. But when I saw Cole’s big cock spring free as he pushed down his boxers, I let go of all my worries. I cupped my breasts, loving the way the men couldn’t take their eyes off me. I rolled my nipples between my thumb and finger. Cole reached my side and gently moved my hands aside. He took over, leaned down so his mouth covered one hard tip and sucked…hard. His hand cupped the other, played with it.

  I cried out and arched my back as he continued to pinch and suck. He wasn’t gentle, but I didn’t want him to be. This attention made me forget about everything but my men. They were tending to me, taking care of me. Loving me.

  My eyes fell closed as I reveled in the sweet torture, but I was dimly aware of movement at the foot of the bed. I was taken by surprise when Declan grasped my thighs and spread them apart even further until my legs were as wide as they could go. Then he buried his face between them, his mouth on my pussy, licking along the slit, then parting me with his fingers so he could circle my entrance. The scruff of his five o’clock shadow chafed my inner thighs in the most delicious way possible, adding to the sweet pain that Cole was inflicting on my nipples. Declan’s tongue lapped at my clit and a finger slipped inside me, curling over my g-spot.

  I had one hand tangled in Cole’s hair and another holding the back of Declan’s head, pressing them both to me as I writhed beneath them, thrusting my hips up for more whenever Declan’s tongue left my pussy and moaning my displeasure when Cole released one nipple for the other. Jesus, I never wanted them to stop.

  But they did. Declan lifted his head and I looked down my bare body to see him. His eyes were a stormy blue, his lips wet and glistening from my juices. “If this pussy belongs to us, then this virgin ass does, too.”

  He turned his wrist, left his fingers inside me, but brushed his thumb over that sensitive opening.


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