Amazing Grace

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Amazing Grace Page 7

by Michele Bardsley

  Now, it was time to pledge their lives, and their love, to each other.

  Tabor lay on his side and Grace lay on her back. Trembling with unquenchable desire, she stared at him. He studied her with slow deliberation, touching her with his gaze before even laying a finger on her. As his brown eyes wandered down the curve of her neck to her aching breasts, her nipples hardened and sent tingles of pleasure straight to her groin. She clenched her hands into fists as he continued his perusal down to the vee of her thighs, then her legs. Even her feet didn’t escape the heat of his gaze.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered. “My mate.”

  She had no words—couldn’t find words to describe how she felt. Without touching her, he had made white-hot passion burn through her. With his thumb, he pressed against the throbbing nub between her thighs. She gasped at the sudden touch and his uncanny accuracy. He stroked her as he leaned down. She felt his breath on her neck, knew his mouth was only inches away. The smell of fresh-cut grass and sun-warmed soil swirled around her, making her hotter than ever.

  “Touch me, Tabor.”

  “I will,” he whispered, “Believe me, I will.” He lifted her hair and brushed his lips across her neck. Then his hands glided down her arm to her abdomen. As he skimmed her flesh she gasped, reveling in sweet touches of his fingertips. She felt his arousal against her thigh and she reached down to grip his shift. A thrill of feminine power shot through her when he groaned. His hand slid over her hip and trailed up her ribcage. He stroked the undersides of her breasts.

  Tabor’s fingers worked a sensual magic on her breasts with long, tormenting touches. Finally, oh finally, he cupped one breast, his palm pushing against her distended nipples. “Grace, let me love you.”

  Her only connection to the world was Tabor. He moved on top of her and gently pinched her nipples, sending shards of exquisite pleasure to pierce her very core. “Tabor,” she moaned.

  Her breasts ached to be touched. However, Tabor didn’t touch her with his hands again, instead she felt the warm wetness of his mouth as his lips closed over one nipple. She moaned and arched, offering him as much as he could take. His tongue laved her tingling flesh until she was gasping, her hands reaching until she found his shoulders. He released her breast and turned to the other one. Once again, his mouth pleasured her until hunger coiled hot and tight in the center of her being.

  His hands replaced his mouth, cupping them firmly, fingertips caressing the taut peaks.

  “Look, Grace,” Tabor said, “Look at our passion.”

  Grace looked down. Tabor’s brown hands were stark against the white of her breasts. She fit him perfectly, her nipples responding to every touch. Fierce hunger swirled through her as she watched Tabor’s tender attentions. She reached up and touched the dark brown hair on his chest. It felt like wisps of silk under her exploring fingertips. This felt so right. So good. The need he had awakened in her made her bold. She met his half-lidded gaze.

  “What about you?” she asked, touching his erection. She trailed a finger over the ridge. She felt him jerk under her touch.

  She pressed closer, forcing his hands to drop from her breasts, and rubbed against his chest. She surprised Tabor by pushing him onto the bed and covering him with own body. Leaning forward, she nibbled his shoulder, trailing her lips up his neck. Then she sprinkled kisses across his chest, flicking her tongue against one of his flat nipples. It pebbled against her lips and she lightly nipped him.



  “Did I mention how strong the mating frenzy was?”

  She licked his nipple again and wrapped her fingers around his erection. “I remember something to that effect,” she murmured. God, he felt so good. His length filled her palm, hot and hard as she stroked it from tip to based.

  When she encircled the tip of his erection with one finger, his body shuddered.

  “Grace?” His voice sounded choked. “I don’t know how long I can keep my bear from roaring and claiming you.”

  She didn’t answer him. Instead she cupped his buttocks, loving the touch of the firm, rounded flesh, and then she got on her knees and helped him untangle the shorts from his feet. She stroked the soft, dark hair on his legs; reached up to touch his hips. Exulting in this power Tabor had given her, she looked up at him. She kept eye contact as she put her lips on his hardness and sucked him into her mouth.

  “That’s all I can take, witch,” he growled.

  He grabbed her elbows and pulled her up. As his lips crushed hers, he held her tightly.

  His tongue plundered her mouth over and over while he rubbed his hardness against the tightening nub of her core. Grace thrust her hands into his hair, reveling in his possession because she knew that in these moments, she possessed him as well.

  “Tabor,” she breathed. “Tabor.”

  She had no time to think, to protest when he rolled her over onto her back. He pressed hot kisses down her neck, into the hollow that sent a thousand shivers through her body. He worshiped her with his hands and mouth; licking her shoulder, stroking her arm, sucking her nipple. His hands skimmed her stomach and hips and then his fingers found the aching place hidden between her thighs.

  She pushed against his hand as his long fingers stoked a fire that spread flames through every inch of her flesh. His mouth closed over her nipple and she cried out from the sheer ecstasy. He kissed her, his tongue keeping rhythm with his probing finger. She reached down and grasped his member.

  “Goddess, Grace. I can’t wait another second.”

  “Then don’t.” She wrapped her legs around him. With a hoarse cry, he thrust inside her.

  “Yes,” cried Grace. “That feels so good.”

  He pulled her arms above her head and held them there with one hand. His impassioned gaze snagged hers, and she felt something within her shift. Give in. Become one. With him. Her mate.

  “More,” she demanded.

  He moaned, his hot breath fanning her ear. His scent was so earthy, so male. She breathed it in as she bucked against him, drawing him into her deeply. His flesh filled hers over and over again.

  His breath was harsh and his chest heaved against hers. “Grace. Damn it.”

  Joy surged through her as Tabor let go of his control. She tightened her legs around him and met him with her hips. A growl unleashed from him and he sank his teeth into her breast.

  The explosion of bliss caught her off guard. She felt magic as Tabor claimed her fully, his bite the same as a wedding ring. As a honeymoon. As his heart.

  A tight aching need spiraled unendingly through her. She cried out, digging her nails into Tabor’s muscled back. She pulsated against his hardness, waves of pleasure rolling over her. Tabor rose above her and thrust deeply. His groan of completion shot prickles of heat dancing among the remnants of bliss as he emptied himself inside her.

  Are you two ass knuckles done yet? I’m stuck with the twins from hell, you know. They changed my clothes again. Liz thinks it’s funny and keeps giving them suggestions. Bear boy’s mother is no help at all, mostly because she can’t see me. I need someone on my side.

  Grace rolled her eyes and sat up in bed. “Dorcas, couldn’t you have waited another five minutes? I was hoping for post-coital cuddles.”

  Dorcas was having none of it. She pointed at herself. Do you see? I’m dressed like Little Miss Muffet. See this fucking bonnet? It looks like it belongs on an infant. I hate wearing knickers. Especially lacy ones that itch. Grace, make them stop.

  Grace rolled her eyes. “We agreed that you would try to be more ... well, less you, if you wanted to stay. So you’re just gonna have to suck it up. And no, you can’t get revenge on five-year-olds.

  Fine! Take all my fun away. She paused. What about the lizard?

  “You can try. Liz will probably whoop your ass, though.”

  Dorcas’ gaze moved along Tabor’s muscled stomach. The ghost licked her lips. Wow. He’s built. She glanced at his face. What’s wrong with your boy

  “Husband,” corrected Grace. She looked at Tabor and saw that he’d turned bone-white. And he appeared to be staring right at Dorcas.

  Concerned, Grace touched his arm. “Are you okay?”

  “I can see her,” he said. “I can see Dorcas.”

  Hot damn! Dorcas flew around the room, cackling. Welcome to hell, furry butt. Glad you’re part of the family.




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