Romance: My Stepbrother's Plaything

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Romance: My Stepbrother's Plaything Page 12

by Valentine, Annie

  “No one knows for sure,” Nolan replied. He took his hat off of the top of his head and began to fan himself with it as they walked together. The sun was behind them and steadily setting, but it didn’t do anything to cut the heat that had permeated through the air all day long. “He’s just the way that he is. Maybe God made him to be an awful person.”

  Lucrecia had no arguments. She could believe that he had just been made horrible, even if God was meant to never make anyone horrible. A silence fell between the two of them, but it wasn’t like the silence that she had been forced into with Fausto. With Nolan, it was comfortable and she knew that at any moment, she could say whatever it was that she wanted to say. She had no doubts that Nolan would love to engage in a conversation of stocks and the economy with her, whereas Fausto would have called her a stupid woman.

  “Where is it that you live exactly?” she asked after thirty minutes of walking with Nolan. The scenery had yet to change, since they were heading away from town. There were no buildings in sight, and the lights from the buildings behind them were growing dimmer by the minutes.

  “We live a few miles out this way,” Nolan said. “I should have thought about it sooner before making a lady walk all this way. It wasn’t very polite of me.”

  Lucrecia laughed and shook her head at Nolan, offering him a broad grin. “I appreciate the exercise,” she said. “You don’t have to treat me like a porcelain doll. Just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean that I can’t handle walking a few miles. Actually, I think it’s really pretty out here and I like it a lot.”

  “I hope that Fausto doesn’t scare you away from liking it so much,” Nolan mused. He set his hat on top of his head once more, using the brim of it to shield Lucrecia from his wandering eyes.

  She had said that she didn’t want to be treated like a doll, but Nolan couldn’t help but think of her as the most beautiful treasure that he had ever seen in his life. He wanted nothing more than to hold her close and to keep her safe for the rest of time.

  Chapter Eight

  “Fausto?” Nolan called, opening the door and stepping into the house. It was more properly a mansion, but he had lived in it for so long that it had become his one and only home. He tried to ignore the way that Lucrecia seemed to have become completely star struck by the place. “Fausto, are you home?” he nearly yelled.

  Lucrecia didn’t care if the man was home or not. What she cared about was getting a formal tour of the place. She had dreamed of the day that she would get to live in a place like this since she had been a child. After meeting Morgan, she had decided that that idea was more than a little ridiculous. There was no way that someone like her would ever get the chance to live in a place like this.

  As she stepped past Nolan and traipsed in gentle circles in the front room, she allowed the idea to truly sink into her head. What had once been a fantasy, something that was so far away and unrealistic, was finally becoming true. She was going to be married to one of the wealthiest men in America, and she was going to live in his mansion. She would never want for anything. Fausto would always be there for her, in his strange sort of way that left her feeling empty and unimportant.

  “I guess he’s not here,” Nolan finally said, a little frown on his face. He furrowed his eyebrows and glanced around, looking for any sign of his brother. “I’m not surprised.”

  “He said that he would be here to give me a tour,” Lucrecia mumbled, a little pout creeping onto her features. “Would you do me the honors?” she asked, turning towards Nolan and offering him a smile.

  Nolan couldn’t have agreed faster. He was tripping over his tongue, and Lucrecia was laughing at him, and it was making him blush even more than usual. It wasn’t his fault that he wasn’t the best with words. After growing up with somebody like Fausto, he had learned to keep his mouth shut from day one. It wasn’t as though Fausto really noticed. He appreciated having a brother that was totally and completely silent. It made his life easier.

  “I would love to give you a tour,” Nolan agreed.

  He held out his hand, and Lucrecia took it in her own delicate fingers. Together, hand in hand, they toured the house. Nolan showed her the upstairs first, and all of the rooms that it had to offer. Next he took her downstairs, and in the kitchen, where several maids and butlers were hard at work making dinner, they discovered the answer to their questions.

  “He’s already gone to New York?” Lucrecia asked, taking the note from Nolan and looking it over.

  Fausto had a delicate scripted handwriting, and it allowed for beautiful, sweeping lines. He had clearly stated that after the little spat with Nolan, he had hopped on the soonest train back to New York. He felt horribly dismayed that he had to leave Lucrecia behind, but he had left the servants with specific instructions to take care of each and every one of her needs. If her would-be husband weren’t already on his way to New York, having abandoned her in Montana with his only kin, she might have appreciated the sentiment for just a moment longer.

  “Too bad,” Nolan mused, although he did not mind at all. He took the note back from Lucrecia, and crumpled it in his hand. There was no time for any sort of lollygagging. His opportunity had arisen, and he was going to take it. “Shall we continue on our tour?” he asked.

  Lucrecia nodded, and followed Nolan out into the main parlor. Down a hallway that they had yet to explore, he pointed out several different rooms to her. Most were unimpressive, but still lavishly furnished and well taken care of. Lucrecia could see that the hired help was very proficient at their jobs. She would have to remind herself to thank them for all of the hard work that they put into what they did.

  Nolan seemed to hesitate with the last door, but it didn’t stop him for long. He pushed it open, hardly touching the pure golden handle. The door gave way to a huge room, as large as the ones that had been in the upstairs floor. There were paintings of horses and their racers on the walls, and the huge, wide windows gave a perfect view of the landscape outside, facing towards the racing track. Nolan had made sure that Lucrecia was familiar with the place and knew its ins and outs before taking her through the house more. She would see the racing track tomorrow.

  “Which room is this?” Lucrecia asked as she stepped inside of the door. The first place that she stopped was a large dresser and vanity. A few things were there, mostly pictures and men’s shaving tools. She had already seen Fausto’s room, but not a single idea crossed her mind as to what room that she had been taken into this time.

  Nolan swallowed thickly around the guilt that was beginning to form in his throat. He knew that he was tricking Lucrecia. He would never take advantage of her, but he would use all of his cunning and his wits to aid him in his endeavors. He watched Lucrecia as she picked up a photo of their family when he and Fausto had been children. He longed for those days to come back to him, no matter how horrible Fausto had been, even way back when.

  “We’re in my room,” he said, staring straight ahead of himself.

  Chapter Nine

  “What do you mean that we’re in your room?” Lucrecia asked, turning wide eyes onto Nolan. “Don’t you think that this is inappropriate?” she murmured, her voice dropping lower and a light pink blush staining her cheeks.

  “Not if I’m right about how you actually feel about me,” Nolan said, stepping forward and closing in on Lucrecia. He knew that he was right about her, otherwise she would have turned tail and run by then. However, she stayed still, and let him get close enough to put a hand on her cheek. “And I know that I’m right.”

  Lucrecia glanced away from Nolan, but didn’t dare to smack his hand away. She thought of how Fausto would have treated this situation. Certainly, he wouldn’t have been leaning in, and pressing his lips against hers until she couldn’t see and couldn’t think.

  Lucrecia fell against Nolan all at once, but he was prepared to keep her steady and stabilized. After she had regained her feet, Nolan’s tongue was at her mouth, begging her for entrance. She allowed him access easily
, and the feeling of his tongue licking into her mouth was paired with his hands, strong and warm, cupping her breasts perfectly. They were small and round in his hands, the perfect size for greedy men.

  Lucrecia pulled back from the kiss as Nolan continued to grab at her, her eyes glazing over with each second that passed. She already looked wrecked, and Nolan loved the idea that he was going to take that innocence from a woman such as herself. It made him beam with pride, and his grin turned somewhat feral.

  A spurt of confidence going through him, Nolan undid the buttons on the front of Lucrecia’s blouse, and pushed it away from her shoulders. Her skirt was a separate piece, and she was left in that, and an old, tattered corset.

  “Are you certain that we should be doing this, Nolan?” she asked, her eyes flickering back and forth between Nolan’s. She was unable to focus on just one of them, although she could not place exactly why. “What about Fausto?”

  “What about him?” Nolan repeated.

  He didn’t care for his brother, and his brother didn’t care for Lucrecia. To him, it seemed all too obvious what had to be done. There was only one right choice for them to make, and he tried to make that clear to Lucrecia in the way that he reached behind her, and began to unravel the strings of her corset. She blushed and looked away from him, and it gave him even more confidence than before.

  “I’m supposed to be his wife,” Lucrecia whispered as her corset was finally pushed away from her body.

  “He only wants you and a child so that he can get money,” Nolan said. His hands traveled to Lucrecia’s skirts, and with her help he was able to get them off of her without too much trouble.

  “And what do you want me for?” she asked, now left in only a delicate pair of panties.

  Nolan drooled at the sight, unable to stop himself from staring at Lucrecia. Her breasts her small and had a gentle point to them, and it was clear that she took very good care of herself. Nolan lowered onto his knees, the way that a man might propose, and put his hands on Lucrecia’s hips. She seemed to get the idea, as her lower lip was pulled between her teeth as she watched Nolan.

  He pressed a kiss to the front of her panties, and even through the layer of cloth Lucrecia could feel the touch go through her body like the strongest current of electricity. She wound her fingers into Nolan’s hair and gasped, unable to look away from him on his knees in front of her. His tongue darted out of his mouth, and he laid a fat swipe of it along the front of her panties until his tongue met skin. Lucrecia squirmed in his grip, but he wouldn’t allow her to go anywhere.

  Nolan moved one hand from her hip to between her legs, already able to feel how dripping wet that she was. Nolan took pride in that. He had wrecked this beautiful lady. He had made her soaking wet and flushed and hot. All of those things were happening because of him, not because of his brother.

  “Because I want you,” Nolan finally answered, looking up at Lucrecia. She was an absolute mess, and it made him grin wider. He moved his fingers back and forth across her hidden entrance, listening to the way she practically mewled for him to do more to her. He was more than happy to oblige.

  “We should move this elsewhere,” Lucrecia murmured, carding her fingers through Nolan’s hair over and over again. She couldn’t get enough of the feeling, and neither could he.

  She was upset with the lack of contact quite suddenly, but then Nolan was there, and kissing her again with all of the heat and fire of a raging forest fire. It was like nothing she had ever experienced before, and she was worried that perhaps the feeling of it was addictive.

  When Nolan pulled away, he grabbed her hands and began leading her back towards his huge, plush bed. It was only then that Lucrecia noticed that Nolan was still fully clothed, whereas she was in nothing more than panties, garters and stockings. He seemed to appreciate the sight, but it would have been so much better were he in the same state of disarray and dress as herself.

  Nolan gently pushed Lucrecia back onto the bed, and then took a step back. All at once, her prayers were answered. He wrenched his coat away from his shoulders, and his simple vest was soon to follow. His clothes were not as intricate as Fausto’s, but he looked just as handsome and it made Lucrecia sit up with anticipation.

  Chapter Ten

  Nolan was stripped down in a matter of seconds, and Lucrecia couldn’t stop staring at the way that his cock stood at full attention, just for her. It made her heart race and her blood rush through her body with such force that she could hear it.

  “Is this something that you want to do?” Nolan asked as he clambered onto the bed on top of Lucrecia.

  Rather than giving him a verbalized answer, Lucrecia unhooked the clips that held up her stockings, and then pushed down the thin panties that she was wearing. Nolan’s eyes widened as he watched her, and soon enough, one of his hands found the warmth that was lurking between her legs. He pressed his fingers between the lips that he felt there, and Lucrecia threw her head back against the pillows. Her spine arched in the most beautiful way from the mattress, and Nolan took in every curve that was displayed to him.

  He steadied his other hand by Lucrecia’s head as he lined himself up. The woman had propped up her knees, resting them at Nolan’s sides to allow him a better angle. She was self-conscious of the way her stomach folded, but if Nolan noticed, he either didn’t want to say anything or didn’t care. Lucrecia knew that it was the latter. He had eyes only for her, and he would never judge her for the slightest thing.

  “Yes, this is something that I want,” she whispered, leaning her head back against the pillows. “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.”

  “What about Fausto’s inheritance?” Nolan asked. He didn’t want to offer the option to Lucrecia, but it was a real fear that he had about what they were doing. “You’re going to miss out on so much. I’m not going to be given a cent of the money, it’ll all go to him. I’ll never be able to give you what he has to offer.”

  Lucrecia shook her head, and put a hand on Nolan’s cheek. “That’s not true,” she whispered. “You have so much more to offer than you would ever believe. You’re everything that he isn’t, and you’re nothing that he is. You’re better than him, Nolan.”

  Nolan smiled at that, and with a gentle push of his hips, he was sliding inside of Lucrecia. Her bodily accepted him readily, and the two were hit with the immediate heat of being connected with someone in the most intimate of ways. Lucrecia moaned and closed her eyes, her chest already heaving with the effort it took to keep herself calm.

  Nolan pulled his hips back, nearly leaving her body entirely aside from the swollen head of his cock. With gentle thrusts, he pushed back into her. That was the way it stayed for a long time, slow and gentle, taking the time to learn the other person’s body and to explore all of the things that they had to offer for each other.

  Wrapped up in the feeling of it all, and unable to silence the noises that were pouring from parted lips, Lucrecia hardly noticed when Nolan’s grip on her hips turned savage. She had been teetering towards orgasm the entire time, but now it was consuming her entire body as Nolan changed the pace all at once.

  What had once been tender and quiet was loud and rough. From passionate lovemaking to fucking in the best of senses. Nolan’s hips were fast and sharp, pulling Lucrecia against him with every single thrust and forcing her to take in every inch of him every single time.

  It consumed Lucrecia’s body like fire, making her feel like a boneless puddle that could hardly speak, let alone think or do anything aside from repeat Nolan’s name over and over in a babbling tone. He was grinning widely, adoring the sounds that Lucrecia couldn’t stop making. It was the best thing that he had ever heard, and he was more than happy to think about how she was saying Nolan rather than Fausto.

  The glee was shared by Lucrecia, whose breasts were bouncing almost painfully with every sharp push into her body from Fausto. She could never imagine Fausto being able to deliver the same heat throughout her body, as warm as a hearth a
nd burning her alive like lava. She praised Nolan and his actions, her hands going to his face to pull him down for a sloppy kiss.

  It was all teeth and tongue, rough and biting, seeking that release more than anything else. Urged on by the kiss, Nolan seemed to thrust into Lucrecia even faster than before. It was beginning to consume his body, and it wasn’t long before his pattern that had been so carefully established became erratic and like wildfire.

  With a scream that was certainly heard by the house staff, Lucrecia came, her orgasm lifting her spine from the bed and making her hips jut and stutter closer to Nolan as he milked out the last of his own orgasm. Nolan was bent forward over Lucrecia, his arms bracketed around her head, as if he was preventing her from even daring to think of leaving him. He was groaning deep in his throat, a sound that seemed purely animalistic, coming from the base of his chest.

  As they regained their breath, Nolan pulled out of Lucrecia. It left her feeling empty and weak, and without the same rush of emotion that she had been pumped full of during the experience. Nolan seemed to be feeling the same thing, as he held Lucrecia close, unable to get enough of the feeling of their bodies pressed together.

  He stayed quiet for a long time, wondering exactly how he could phrase his question without coming on too strongly. He chuckled at the thought. He’d already come on too strong. There was no way to avoid it now.

  “Will you marry me instead of Fausto?” he asked, his voice no more than a whisper.

  At first, Lucrecia didn’t respond and it chilled his body with fear.

  And then she nodded.

  5. Michaela and Raya,

  an MOB Romance


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