Romance: My Stepbrother's Plaything

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Romance: My Stepbrother's Plaything Page 84

by Valentine, Annie

  Blair had never been the kind of girl who sits and mulls over about a boy - but right now, she was the exact antithesis of all she had stood for before. She desperately wanted to somehow shake it off her but the constant nagging feeling would not budge.

  Telling Melissa about her anguish did not help. Listening to music did not help. Confiding in a journal did not help. Nothing worked and Blair was now past the point of redemption – so much so, that she felt like she should pull her hair out just to provide her with some momentary of her misery.

  Blair’s eyes darted over to her cellphone and her hand reached over to grab it. Toying with the small metal square in her hands, her mind began to deliberate. It possibly wouldn’t be such a bad idea if she were to check up on him, just casually see what he is up to.

  She decided against sending another text message, in fear of it going un-replied again and her fingers darted straight to the call option.




  “God, pick up you sweet bastard,” she cursed under her breath but was surprised when a voice from the other end answered those words.

  “Well, that’s one way to say hello,” he was chuckling yet again. Blair felt her cheeks turn red.

  “Oh shit – sorry I didn’t mean to-,” her explanation was cut off halfway abruptly.

  “What do you want, Blair?” he inquired her, curtly.

  Blair sighed, “I don’t really know,” she said honestly before adding, “What are you doing?”


  “Do you want to maybe, hang out tonight?” she said in a tone where if she was in the 90’s right now, she would be twirling the end of the telephone line between her fingers.

  There was a pause. “Oh Blair. I’m busy tonight,” he said, sounding apologetic.

  “Got another date?” Blair did not mean to sound so bitter about it but she had the feeling she definitely came across that way.

  “Yes,” he was laughing again, “and no. I actually have a charity fundraiser event to attend at the old cavalry ground this evening.”

  “Right,” she said, slowly, “are you sure you can’t skip-“ but her sentence was interrupted because he decided to speak again.

  “No, Blair. Listen, I need to go now. Take care, Blair.” And then the line cut off.

  Blair removed the phone from her ears in half a state of disbelief. Take care?

  In the grand list of things they would make about the things Blair was proud of in her life, this would definitely not make the cut. But yet, here she was dressed up in her nicest evening dress outside the Cavalry around.

  “What are we doing here again?” It was James, who was similarly donned in a black suit and tie, but was looking increasingly confudled as he took in the expanse of his surroundings.

  Blair suppressed a groan and turned over to look at him, “We’re here for a party,” she said sweetly while batting her eyelashes, hoping that the action would disarm him enough to stop probing.

  James sniffed, “But it’s full of old people,” he said with an expression of displeasure.

  “Come onnnn, James,” Blair droned in a singsong voice, “You’re my date so act like it, okay?”

  Of all the phrases Blair thought she would say in her entire existence, referring to James as her date was not one of them. Yes, it was a purely pathetic last ditch effort and a serious 90’s teen romantic comedy type cliché but Blair did not care; she only wanted to see Daniel again and if this was the way, then so be it.

  Blair was dressed extra fancy and she made a point to smear on some of that lipstick Daniel mentioned that he liked. It was going to go well.

  “Put your arms around my waist,” she nudged sharply but her elbow and he complied in a second.

  If Blair did not know James well enough, she would almost feel bad for employing him as essentially a tool in her contrived scheme to get Daniel’s attention but the fact was that she did. She knew his type exactly and also knew that he went around and used women left and right – so it was only fair that he was having it done to him for once, a twisted form of karmic intervention almost.

  They walked into the venue with their arms interlaced. Blair’s eyes scoped out the horizon but she did not she who she was looking for. A few drinks and several complaints by James about how boring this party was he finally showed.

  Blair had half a mind to tell him off for being so late but that went flying out the window when she saw him. He was donned in a navy blue tuxedo and had his hair combed back, gelled into place; Blair nearly wanted to drink him up on sight.

  Indeed, he was with another woman but Blair noticed it was not the same person from the restaurant yesterday. Then, as if he had noticed her staring at him from the distance, Daniel’s head whirred towards her and then he was walking over right towards them.

  Blair fidgeted and quickly turned to put both her arms around James. Leaning in close to his ear she said, “Quickly, hold me and pretend like you’re saying something romantic to me,” she instructed him in hushed urgency.

  “Why would I do that-“ but his protest was quickly silenced as Blair jammed the front of her heel on his shoe – he steadily complied.

  “Oh god, James, stop ittttt!” she giggled comically loud and playfully slapped him across the chest whilst still in his arms.

  James gave back a small nervous laughter, “Huh, well.”

  “Blair?” Daniel voice called out to her as he approached her, “What are you doing here?”

  Blair briefly broke away from the embrace of James, “Daniel! Hey,” she greeted him cheerfully, “have you met James?” she said, pointing over to her companion.

  Daniel raised his eyebrows, “James, is it?” he said, extending out ahead for him to shake.

  “Yeah man,” he replied, “So when does this party start anyway? It’s a real snooze fest and frankly, I’m just thinking of taking my baby and ditching it all together,” he said, turning his face to Blair to flash her a gigantic grin.

  Blair just giggled playfully and gave him a small push, “Be patient!”

  Something changed in Daniel’s expression and then he was chuckling, much to Blair’s confusion.

  “What’s funny?” she asked him bluntly, knitting her eyebrows together.

  “Nothing,” he said between laughter, “I’ll see you around, Blair. Take care of her James,” he said laughing again and then turned to walk away.

  But Blair was not having any of it - she did not work this hard and come all the way over her, and most of all, tolerate James! – so he could just stand her up again. She hastily broke free from James’ grip on her hand and walked on after him.

  Grabbing him roughly by the edge of his shoulder, she turned him to face her and he stopped walking.

  “What do you want, Blair?” he asked her, folding out his arms in front of him impatiently.

  Blair let of a huff of air she had been holding in, “Why do you keep walking away from me?” she asked.

  “I thought our conversation was already over?”

  “No,” Blair groaned, “you don’t let us have a decent conversation long enough to it to be even considered over!”

  “Blair – why are you being this way? I thought we made things perfectly clear,” he said, looking over to her, “then why are you chasing me around?”

  Blair felt like she was hit by a ton of bricks all at once, “I – where’s your date?” she asked, avoiding his question.

  “She’s around.”

  “Why are you so curt whenever I ask you about these things,” Blair replied, running a frustrated hand through her hair, “I mean, a few proper answers won’t kill you, you know.”

  “They won’t,” Daniel replied, he was looking amused again, “you’re right. Come with me and I’ll tell you everything you need to know.”

  He held out his hand for her and Blair took it oh-so eagerly. Together, they walked on over to the edge of the lawn where there were not a lot of people around.

p; “Now,” Daniel said, letting go of her hand and facing her directly, “what do you want to know, beautiful?”

  “Okay, that. You can’t call me that if you’re going to go all stoic cold on me for days after,” Blair said frustrated, “And I don’t know - how come you’re here with a different girl than the one from yesterday?” she asked.

  “I only say it because it’s true,” he chuckled and then continued, “Because I asked two different ladies to two different events,” he shrugged nonchalantly.

  “Right,” Blair said, “so that woman from yesterday wasn’t your girlfriend?”


  “Is the woman from today your girlfriend, then?”

  Another shake of the head to indicate a no. Blair shot him a look that told him she was growing frustrated by the shortness of his replies.

  “I thought you said you will tell me everything I need to know!” she exclaimed, her tone seeping with annoyance at his vagueness.

  “I did,” he sighed, “I don’t really date seriously, so there’s your answer.”

  Of course, Blair thought to herself, of course she had to cross paths with the noncommittal casual type.

  Blair was quiet for a moment. “Why not?” she blurted out.

  “You’re asking me more questions than my therapist ever has,” he replied, chuckling, “it’s a free world. Now, can you tell me why exactly did you showcase this little theatrical performance with that poor boy James and followed me all the way over here?” He asked her.

  “It’s okay. He’s an asshole, so it doesn’t really matter,” Blair casually shook off his accusations, “and I don’t know - I just – it’s annoying you just kissed me and then disappeared forever,” she admitted finally.

  “Ah, right,” Daniel replied, “as far as my memory serves me right, you were the one who did that.”

  Blair rolled her eyes, “Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it,” and it was met by a chuckle from Daniel.

  “You’re extra fiery today,” he told her.

  “It’s because of you though,” she said quietly, “you’re driving me nuts here.”

  “I’m probably not really the man of your dreams type hero, you know,” Daniel told her in a low voice, “you should probably stay away from me.”

  Blair stood there for a moment, staring back at him and drank in his words. “You’re right. Maybe I will.”

  But where Daniel expected her to walk away from him, instead she leaned on over and planted a firm kiss on her lips, not having a care in the world of who might see the two of them. Daniel’s resolve broke immediately and his hands snaked to her waist but just as he was about to deepen the kiss, Blair broke it off.

  “I think I’m going to look for James now. We’ll be leaving,” she told him before walking off.

  Daniel stood watching her retreating figure, “See you for your next appointment,” but it was of no use because she had already walked away.

  Chapter 9

  Four days passed and Thursday rolled on, which was the day of their next scheduled appointment. Blair took pride in the fact that she had managed to wash him out of his system with great success.

  Ever since their last encounter, Blair had made no further attempts to contact him or text him incessantly; she had resisted every urge and it made her feel very powerful. She felt confident that even though she was going to go see him today, it did not matter because he would not have that effect on her again – Blair was adamant that Daniel was no longer going to be involved in her life in such a way and would instead just be a distant blur in the past.

  Because, truly, even though being with him was exciting and thrilling, they had no future. Even if she was to overlook the massive differences they had, it would not have ever worked as he had made it perfectly clear that he was not interested in pursuing any sort of a relationship with her.

  Blair was back to being her old self pretty much as she parked her car and walked on over to the doors of the clinic. Once inside, the receptionist politely told her to wait her turn and she found herself inside the walls of the same room where she had met him for the first time, though this time she did not have to wear her dressing gown.

  It was a few moments till he finally walked in.

  “Oh, Blair!” he said happily as he noticed her sitting there, “nice to see you again this afternoon.”

  She nodded, “So are my reports ready, doctor?” She knew that calling her that would mildly annoy him and she the satisfaction of watching the side of his jaw tighten as she heard her utter those words.

  “Yes indeed they are,” he replied back, “Everything came back normal, I’m pleased to say. However, I’m going to prescribe you some dietary supplements that you should continue to take for a few months.”

  “Great,” she said, popping the ‘T’ noise, “I take this is our last meeting?” she asked him, with a casual shrug of the shoulders.

  Daniel watched her from a distance, “If you want,” he said but then almost immediately added, “so, do you want to?”

  Blair stole a quick glance towards his direction to see he was looking over to her intently, his gaze fixed onto her face as he waited for her reply. It only lasted a moment though as she quickly turned to look ahead once again.

  “I mean,” she started off coyly, “I do not really see a reason why to continue to keep seeing you. You are my doctor.”

  “You know I told you not call me that,” he admonished curtly but she just shot him back an expression of innocent puzzlement.

  “But surely, that is what you are, are you not?” she asked through hooded eyelashes.

  Daniel was started to look more annoyed by the second as he got up from his seat and started pacing around the room, “Why does it seem to me that you are holding a grudge against me for something that I don’t even know I did?” he asked her.

  Blair gave a coy smile, “Doctor, please. There is no place for grudges in a professional relationship such as ours,” she said.

  “Right,” replied Daniel, shooting her a long look, “strictly professional, you say?” he was walking over to her now ad she felt herself leaning in automatically towards his direction.

  “Yup,” she said, sounding out the ‘p’.

  He took one finger and traced it down the length of her arm, all the while maintaining eye contact. “You seemed to not remember that the last few times we met?” he was hovering dangerously close to her face now and her breathing was coming more rough and ragged than before.

  “Silly me,” she said dismissively in between breaths, “I probably forgot.” She stared back at him just as intensely, none of them wanting to be the first one to break.

  He slid one thumb up to his face, extending it over to the base of her lower lip to separate it. “I’ve been thinking about you all this time,” he said, his voice low and sultry.

  Blair felt her insides pool into her as he sounded out those words and she felt a nagging ache in her that longed for her to drop all her pretenses and let him devour her right there. But she was going to be smarter than that and hold her ground. Uncomfortably, she clenched both her legs closer together.

  “Why is that?” she breathed out slowly.

  “Hm,” he told her, his thumb now sliding downwards to the curve of her neck, “how did you put it? You’re driving me nuts.”

  And then the dam broke loose – his hands went up the side of her face and he crashed his lips to her. After a moment of just kissing, she eagerly responded back but she realized she would not have been able to pull back even if she wanted to with the iron grip that he had on her. His hands were everywhere, groping and touching every part of her he could get in his reach.

  Blair’s mind had now gone hazy and she could barely string out one coherent word, let alone string out a sentence long enough to tell him to stop. So she did not process when he roughly pulled her down from the edge of her seat and then instructed her to go on over to the table and lie there –she only nodded happily and agreed.

  She felt like she was in bliss as his hands worked at the front of her shirt and unbuttoned it. He then leaned over and pressed his entire form up against her and she could feel just how much he was enjoying this as well.

  “Daniel,” she breathed out heavily, “what are we-,” she quickly stopped her words as she felt him tugging on the base of her jeans.

  “We need to get rid of these,” he looked to her grinning as he slid down her jeans one leg at a time. “They’re getting in the way.”

  Blair closed her eyes. She felt like she was in pure bliss as his hands worked their magic down at the base of her core; letting out delighted sounds of pure happiness. “

  “I can’t wait any longer,” he emerged from underneath, “I need you.”

  Blair could only respond in a series of groans but she found herself nodding furiously. And then in the flash of a moment, he was undressed and back onto her. There was a sharp intake of breath from her as she felt him break into her but his reassuring gestures made sure to make her feel good.

  And then once the pain subsided, Blair felt her eyes roll back into head. She was in ecstasy.

  Chapter 10

  It had been a week since that eventful day at the doctor’s office and Blair couldn’t lie; it had been a few more time they had met up after, all reaching the same results. Blair was ecstatic – she felt like she had taken a hit of a drug and the high was too good to ever quit. Where she had always been disappointed by teenage boys and their manly bravados to please only themselves, Daniel made sure to fill out all those loopholes. He was strong and he took care of her so well afterwards – she could help but be hooked to him.

  And it seemed that he was in a similar situation – he had called her up several time since and once even showed up in the middle of the night outside her house. Blair was terrified her mother would wake up and find out but he had definitely made it worth her while.

  Right now, Blair in situated in Janet’s living room; the two of them had not gotten the chance to hang out a lot but had taken the time out today to especially meet up. In lieu of how busy the both of them had been, she had not filled her best friend in on the events that had transpired in the days before.


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