Romance: My Stepbrother's Plaything

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Romance: My Stepbrother's Plaything Page 86

by Valentine, Annie

  She stood there for a long moment, just watching them from a distance. It was as though she was disappeared completely and was equivalent to a fly on the wall. This was all that she had wanted to see – she wanted to see if he would pursue another woman right in the presence of her and now she had found her answer.

  Blair found her world suddenly spinning and she knew she needed to get out of the room as quickly as she could. She grabbed her t-shirt off the floor, pulling it on haphazardly before she spun towards the door. The last thing she saw was his head bending down to trace his tongue down her cleavage, leaving a trail of kisses on Kate’s breasts before she darted out the door, her breathing coming out ragged.

  Heartbreak was the name and Blair just had her first taste of it.

  Chapter 11

  Currently sprawled on the bedroom floor of the same person she had slammed the door on no less than forty-eight hours ago, Blair was the antithesis of the word composed as she blew her nose loudly into yet another Kleenex.

  “Oh I’m such an idiot,” she bawled to her best friend as she ran a reassuring hand through Blair’s hair, “why did I ever think I could be anything to him other than a toy to use and throw away?”

  “It’s really not your fault, B,” Janet said in an effort to sound sympathetic, “how bad was it though?” she asked hesitantly.

  Truth was, Janet did not even know much of the bulk of the story. All she knew was that Blair had shown up to her house randomly unannounced and then proceeded to sit on her floor and cry her eyes out, mumbling out incoherent strings of sentences every now and then.

  “It was bad,” she said through the veil of tears that were freely flowing down her face, “he was all over her – all I needed to say was the word. Oh god, I’m a moron,” Blair exclaimed, yet again bursting into a fresh set of tears.

  “Come on, B,” Janet said again. “Though, do you think they did the deed after you left?” Janet asked, being genuinely curious.

  “Probably,” Blair sniffled, “oh he’s such a pig. All these men – you think they’re different and then-,” another fresh batch of salty water sprinkling down like waterworks before she even had a chance to complete her sentence.

  Janet did not say a word and instead just pat Blair’s back lightly in an effort to calm her down.

  “And to think I totally went off on you because of him,” Blair said in horror, “I don’t know why I even did that. I’m sorry, Janet,” she said, sniffling yet again.

  “Stop B, you know you don’t need to do any of that with me,” Janet scolded her lightly.

  "Anyway, have you decided what you're going to do with him now?" Janet asked. "I mean, he's probably tried to contact you."

  Blair did not say a word but she knew before she even had to look that her cellphone, that was now switched off after fit of rage, had the number (9 missed calls) flashing on its screen. She had not bothered to pick up even a single one.

  When Janet shot her another look, Blair gulped and decided to reply.

  "I don't have a clue," she said slowly, "am I just supposed to not talk to him anymore? I mean, that is the smart thing to do."

  "Do what your heart wants," Janet told her.

  Blair sighed loudly, "I can't. My hearts the one that put me into this situation in the first place."

  "Oh no honey," Janet suddenly said abruptly in that same playful tone of hers. Anything to lighten up the mood. "That wasn't your heart; those were just the hormones talking."

  Blair shook her head in dread, "I can't believe it," she said, "the signs were always too blatant and staring me right in the face. I just didn't want to see them."

  "It's not your fault," Janet said those words for what seemed like the hundredth time that evening.

  Blair pursed her lips together. For one thing, at least her sobs had died down. She shook her head. "What do I do now?" She asked.

  Janet shrugged, "It's honestly just up to you at this point."

  "Can we go out tonight?" Blair said, biting down her lip as she awaited her best friend’s response.

  "Seriously? Do you ever even have to ask with me? Sure we can whatever you want. “Janet replied at once.

  “Good,” Blair replied relieved, “I don’t really think I can bear staying and be alone with my compulsive thoughts right now.”

  “You want me to invite James out?” Janet suggested in one of her slow cautious tones as she was unsure what the brunette’s response would be to such a suggestion. But to her surprise, Blair seemed to be actually entertaining the idea as she took it and turned it over in her head.

  “Hey you know what? That wouldn’t be so bad,” Blair replied, chewing the inner side of her cheek furiously. “Yeah, do that.”

  Janet looked at her relieved, “Oh good! I’ll text him up to meet us tonight.”

  That night seemed like any other night out except Blair could not help but to not feel that constant shitty nagging emotion at the pit of her stomach. Still, she had managed to drag herself out of bed and get dressed, refusing to remain in her perpetual sad state forever.

  The thought of meeting James again evoked in her an omnipresent feeling of dread but she knew even that would be better than being alone.

  Chapter 12

  Blair found herself under the dim fluorescent lights of the tiled bathroom ceiling. Let out a sharp intake of breath, she steadied herself before going out again. In theory, it had seemed like a good idea to invite James out with them but it was going as a complete disaster.

  James had been his usual obstinate self- absorbed self as usual and the first thing he was said to her was about the whole thing with the charity gala and her leaving without him; he didn't buy the whole excuse that Blair had suddenly contracted a stomach flu and so had to leave immediately.

  "Not cool what you did back then, Blair," he had said to her whilst tilting his sunglasses downwards to look at her. Yeah, sunglasses indoors when the sun was nowhere in sight. "You're lucky I even came today - totally wouldn't after you blew me off for that old dude. Like what was even that about man?? You're so lucky you're pretty," James had told her.

  And somehow, everything coming out of James' mouth sounded like a backhanded insult even if it was meant to be a compliment. The rest of the time, he had proceeded to chug down whatever liquid with the slightest level of alcohol down land proceeded to get drunk out of his mind - which of course meant he only get ten times more obstinate and obnoxious than he was sober. Blair decided she could not deal with any more of his shenanigans when he fanned his beer breath straight onto her face and asked her for a lap dance.

  The cool of the bathroom tiles hit Blair on the exposed skin of her back as she slid downwards to sit on the floor and it was a welcome sensation.

  The party was far too overcrowded and so far, Blair was feeling even more miserable than she had been before she came. And to add to her list of problems, she was feeling a woozy sensation – the rise of bile in your throat you get before you get sick but she could not get herself to throw up even when she tried.

  She had to stop her herself five times from swooping up her phone and texting Daniel but she knew she had to practice better self-discipline than that.

  Finally, she decided that coming out today was not worth it and she much rather be engulfed in the comfort of her bed - the idea of sleeping off your problems had never been more alluring to her than now.

  She typed up a quick text to Janet telling her she's would be leaving - she didn't want to make a fuss and drag Janet along, even though she offered. And a boring taxi ride and 20 dollars less later, Blair found herself standing in front of her house. Home had never looked so good before.

  But as she fumbled for the keys in her purse, she felt a shadow in her peripheral vision and nearly jumped up in terror as her defense mechanism kicked in and she thought she might be in the presence of a potential burglar.

  "Who's there?" she called out into the darkness and there was a rustle of footstep and a figure stepped out.

nbsp; "What are you doing here?" Blair spat out immediately as she realized the familiar face of the person.

  "I came to see you of course," It was Daniel's usual calm voice, "seeing as you refused to attend any of my calls, I had no other choice," he stated as though it was perfectly normal to show up uninvited to someone's house and hide in the shadows till they returned.

  Blair crossed her arms out in front of her, "You really need to leave now," she said through gritted teeth, "I don't want anything to do with you at the moment."

  But Daniel's stance remained adamant and he did not even seem to budge. "I only want to talk to you."

  "Well I don't," Blair huffed and unlocked her front door, "so you can either leave or freeze out here all night. Goodbye." And with that, she had stormed her way inside.

  Blair had changed into her pajamas and was ready to snuggle into bed - it had been a long day. The stress of the night had almost made her forget what had transpired downstairs just a few moments ago.

  But before she could properly make herself comfortable, her phone beeped once and his name flashed across the screen.

  Of course, that smart bastard. He knew she would never pick up his call and so he had texted her instead.

  Begrudgingly, Blair's fingers hovered over the open button but finally, she succumbed and the message sprang to life with a tap.

  "I don't really mean to complain....but I mean it is awfully cold outside."

  Blair rolled her eyes. Of course he would play the innocent victim blame-it-on-the-cold card.

  Too bad. Go away."

  Her phone buzzed almost immediately.

  "It's actually getting harder to type here”

  Blair groaned loudly – she knew the November chill of the night was unforgiving but there was no way she was going to let him inside – that would ruin everything and her resolve would crumble. Sighing to herself, she put her phone aside and her head hit the pillow.

  One Hour Later

  Blair couldn’t sleep; she found herself fazing in and out of consciousness. But after tossing and turning in her bed for more than an hour, Blair realized she could not take this anymore. She had to do something about him – she could not just sleep knowing he was standing right there outside.

  Picking up her phone from her side, her fingers quickly went to type the following message.

  “Please go home. I don’t want to call the cops on you.”

  Blair bit down her lip as she pressed sent. Whether or not she could ever call the cops on him was an entirely different story but it sure made for a hefty threat and she hoped he would take the bait and leave the premises.

  The phone buzzed almost immediately yet again.

  “Just give me five minutes. I only want to apologize.”

  Blair sighed deeply. He wanted to apologize? What was he going to say anyway? Still, seeing how stubborn he was being, it would probably be best to just get it over with and see what he has to say once and for all.

  Slipping on her shoes, she made her way out to the front door. Just as she turned the knob, she noticed Daniel was still standing there in the same place where she had left him. He gave her a weak smile.

  “Hey,” he greeted, again as though this was a completely normal situation to be in, “can I come inside?”

  Blair looked at him for a moment and saw the expression on his face – it was solemn and of a person who had realized they had truly messed up. She nodded and opened out the door further to let him in.

  “But be quiet, my mother’s still sleeping and I don’t want her to know you’re here.”

  “Hey, she didn’t find out the first time, it’s okay,” he whispered back and she could have sworn she saw him wink at her through the dark.

  They made their way back into Blair’s room and Blair went and sat at the edge of her bed. But when Daniel moved to try and take a seat next to her, Blair held out a steady hand.

  “I’d rather you stand,” she said curtly, still refusing to meet his gaze.

  “Blair, come on now,” he started, “I did not know you were going to be this upset. After all, you were the one who initiated the whole thing with Kate. You’re sending me some real mixed signals here.”

  “Did you screw her after I left?” she asked, raising an eyebrow and the evident hurt seeping into her tone.

  Daniel started shaking his head furiously at once, “Of course not! After I realized you were gone, I left her and came after you immediately. But you were already gone,” he explained.

  “I have no reason to believe you,” Blair said, focusing on a small dot of chipped paint on her wall rather than having to look at his face.

  “You’re right,” he sighed, “you don’t. But you know me – this is who I am. It is to secret that I have had my fair share of experiences with women and you know that too – you knew that before you started this thing with me. But the thing is, I haven’t been with anyone since meeting you and as far as I recall, the whole thing with Kate was your idea, was it not?”

  When Blair showed no signs to reply to his question, he continued, “Come on, Blair. It’s not like we made anything official. We never even had that conversation so how come you’re so mad at me now?” he said and hearing it from his perspective, it started to make a little sense.

  Blair finally looked up at him to meet him in the eye, “Okay,” she started slowly, “let’s have that conversation now.”

  Daniel did not break eye-contact, “I’m not one for serious relationships, Blair-,” but she quickly cut him off mid-sentence before he had the chance to complete his words.

  “Yes, you’ve made that abundantly clear as it is. Is that what you came to say here?”

  Daniel shook his head, “You did not let me finish.”

  Blair narrowed her eyes at him but he continued none-the-less.

  “Blair, I’ve never been one for relationship but with you – it’s different. You actually make me want to keep you for myself – you’re so young but you’re so smart for your age and you always keep me guessing – I’m in love with the feeling, Blair,” he said to her, his eyes locked onto her sincerely.

  Blair only gulped and looked back at him, at a loss of words, “And I don’t want to lose it. So, let’s have that conversation. I’m willing to be exclusive with you, if that’s what you want. The ball is in your court.”

  “Daniel,” she breathed out as she realized he had begun to walk closer to her, “of course that’s what I want.”

  And that was all the validation Daniel needed as he swooped her up in his arms to capture her lips with his – he felt her smile through the kiss.

  “I love you.”

  But before Blair had a chance to respond, suddenly she was hit by a wave of nausea, similar to the one she was feeling when she was at the party earlier but at a much higher intensity.

  “Whoa,” she breathed out, “Shit, I think I’m going to be sick.”

  And then she was off running to the bathroom. Daniel found her bent over the porcelain bowl, retching out the content of her stomach.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  Blair wiped the edge of her mouth, “Yeah – I don’t know what happened. I don’t usually get sick.”

  Daniel took one finger and removed the stray hair that had gotten stuck to her face, “when did you last get your period?” he asked.

  Blair blinked at him once and then again, “What? You don’t think its-.”

  “I’m only making sure.”

  “Wait, I think my mother has some spare tests lying around. I’ll go grab one.” Blair nearly bolted out of that room, adrenaline pumping through her veins.

  It couldn’t be, right?

  But twenty minutes and a large pink plus sign later, Blair’s and Daniel’s suspicions were confirmed.

  Blair threw her head in her hands as she looked at the positive stick for the hundredth time, “How could this happen? How the hell did I end up pregnant?”

  Daniel rubbed her back comfortingly, “I think that first
night at the clinic – that’s when.”

  Blair gulped, “What now?” she sounded scared, “We’ve only just laid the boundaries of our relationship and now this?”

  Daniel was quiet for a moment. “We can work it out, Blair. I’m willing to settle down with you.”

  Blair was taken aback by his words, “But I have college.”

  “You can still go to college. I have enough money for you to have the baby and then hire a nanny. I’m going to be with you in every step,” Daniel reassured her, firmly grasping her hand in his.

  She shook her head, “You really think we’re going to be okay?”


  “I love you.”

  And then they both leaned upwards and suddenly their lips were colliding. It was at that moment that they knew that no matter what happens now or what life throws at them, they will survive.

  23. Humiliated at the Doctor’s Office

  By: Naughty Nicole

  Humiliated at the Doctor’s Office

  © Naughty Nicole 2015 – All rights reserved

  Published by Steamy Reads4U

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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