A Million Kisses or More

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A Million Kisses or More Page 33

by A C Warneke

  What was taking Abby so long?

  “Are you going to make it to Arizona in time for the wedding?” her aunt asked, once again pulling Ana out of her own thoughts.

  “Of course,” she said, still torn over the whole thing. She was happy for her mother, of course she was, but she really was in a rush to get back home. The wedding was going to add at least another week to her trip. Abby had convinced her that it would be okay, that maybe by the time she got back, Harrison’s memories would have miraculously returned and she wouldn’t have to re-introduce herself to him. Abby also offered use of the plane, saying she could hire someone to drive Ana’s car back. As tempting as that sounded, Ana still preferred driving. Now that Harrison was out of the woods….

  Right, her mother’s wedding. Pasting another smile on her face, for some reason they kept falling off, she said, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’ll finally get to meet my father.”

  Her aunt made a face but didn’t say anything else.


  “Are you coming in?” his mother asked as she pulled into his driveway and turned the car off.

  “Give me a moment,” Harrison said, resting his head against the back of the seat, his eyes closed as he fought for any of his memories from the past six months. The doctor had told him that they should have come back by now, at least a few of them should have. But then she ruined it by saying the brain was a funny thing and the memories might never return, even though there had been no permanent damage.

  He hadn’t even hit his head very hard.

  “I’m going to start packing a few of your things,” his mom told him again, as if he didn’t know why they were there.

  “Not too much,” he said. As much as it pained him to have to move back into his parents’ home, he knew that with a broken leg and arm it would be easier to have the help. Jolie already had half of her things at his parents’ house anyway from all of the time she spent with them. Twisting his head to the side so he could see her, he said, “I don’t plan on staying for long.”

  “I know,” she answered with a soft smile, her eyes moving over his face in concern. “Just until you’re back on your feet.”

  He smiled at that even though it hurt to smile. “Thanks, mom.”

  Opening the car door, she got out and headed in, leaving Harrison alone with his thoughts. Despite the time he had spent recuperating, this was the first time he had actually been alone. One of his family members had remained by his side the entire time he had been at the hospital, their concern and love a bit overwhelming at times. They were all so very careful not to mention Ana and when he tried to ask about her, they quickly cut him off, telling him that he didn’t need to worry about her. They didn’t understand that he would always worry about her, no matter what had happened between them.

  If he could just concentrate for a few minutes, he swore he’d be able to remember. It was all there, just behind a damn wall that refused to budge. Unfortunately, trying so hard to remember only gave him a headache and he finally got his sorry ass out of the car. Why hadn’t she shown up? He wondered if she even knew he had been in an accident, if she even cared.

  Situating his crutches so he could hobble to the house, he ignored the tender ache in his chest at the loss. Maybe he would use the plane ticket she had given him and fly out west to discover for himself what the hell happened. If they were truly over, then there would be no need for him to fly out in December to drive back with her after her internship was over.

  If he had his phone, he’d be able to see the last time that he talked to her, maybe jog his memory that way. But the damn thing had been broken when that bastard ran him over. About the only good thing Harrison could take from all of this was the fact that Olive Danvers had left her abusive asshole of a husband, taking her little boy with her. Harrison would gladly take the blame for giving her the opportunity to make her escape. Swallowing, he couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride in the woman who packed up her kid and left everything she knew for the chance at a better life.

  It made his problems seem so insignificant in comparison. At least he was still alive to make amends.

  Pushing open the front door, he was hit in the face with the overwhelming scent of Ana. It was enough to almost make him turn tail and run but the crutches stopped him. Why did his house smell like her? Had he bought her perfume and sprayed it everywhere after they broke up? If that was the case, it was no wonder why she left him; he was too much of a nut job to be worthy of her.

  He heard his mom upstairs and decided to sit down on the couch since that was about as far as he was able to make it. He was going to have to get used to walking around with crutches. Rubbing his armpits, he grimaced at the dull ache. He’d have to get used to that, too. But the physical pain kept his mind from dwelling too much on Ana and what happened, at least it helped in theory.

  Closing his eyes, he could see her face, the way she smiled at him, the way her eyes lit up when she laughed. Her scent was wrapping itself around his brain, haunting him, taunting him. Memories of their time together kept replaying in his head and he didn’t understand how it could have ended. All he knew for certain was that he still loved her and he would do whatever it took to get her back, even if he had to fight all of the actors in Hollywood to do so. He had an advantage having a broken leg. His opponents might take pity on him and he’d be able to use his crutch to sideswipe the other guys’ legs.

  A dark smile curved his lips as he inhaled deeply and caught another whiff of Ana. God, she was everywhere! He needed some air to clear his head before he actually flew off to California and tore through the state looking for her. Pushing himself back onto his feet and grabbing his crutches, he called out, “Mom? I’ll be right back. I’m just going to get some air.”

  He didn’t wait for an answer as he hobbled over to the door and pulled it open. The first thing he saw was the limousine sitting in his neighbor’s driveway, one of those elegant models that weren’t too ostentatious. The front door of the house opened and Ana stood there, her back towards him as she continued to talk to whomever was still inside the house. He froze as a rush of memories came flooding back, all of his memories from the last six months. But what he knew with what he remembered didn’t make sense. She loved him but she was pregnant with another man’s child? No, something was definitely missing.

  God, it was a thing of beauty to see her standing there with the summer sun shining in her strawberry hair. He wished she would turn around so he could see her face. It never even occurred to him to wonder what she was doing there. With his memories back where they belonged, he realized she must have just arrived, that she was finally there. It must have taken her a few days to take care of things at work so she could come to him. Had she traded her car in for the luxury car he had assumed was a limo?

  “Ana,” he breathed, her name coming automatically to his lips. As if hearing his whispered word, her head shot up and she spun around. A million watt smile lit her face as she saw him standing there like a fool. Without hesitation, she ran down the steps, ran past the sleek, black car, ran across the road, and threw herself against his body, careful of his broken bones. Standing on her tiptoes, she wrapped herself around him as tears fell down her face.

  “Harrison. I didn’t think I’d get to see you before I left,” she breathed, pelting his face with kisses as he awkwardly hugged her back with his broken arm and his good arm. Suddenly, she stiffened and started to pull back but he couldn’t let her go, reveling in her scent, her touch. Relaxing only a small amount, she laughed self-consciously as she looked up at him and wiped the tears from her eyes. “You must be so confused right now, having a strange woman throw herself at you….”

  “I know who you are,” he said softly, brushing his thumb over her damp cheeks.

  Slowly, her lips curved into a smile that became more and more luminous. “You remember me? Your memories are back? Thank god!”

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she was back on her toes
as she hugged him for all that she was worth. Despite the conflicting emotions warring in his head, his chest, he choked out, “Ana. You’re pregnant? I don’t remember you telling me.”

  Her head snapped back and she looked at him, her teeth worrying her lower lip as she nodded slowly. “I hadn’t meant to keep it from you but everything happened and then you didn’t remember me and I wasn’t sure what to do.”

  “I never forgot you,” he rasped, his heart trying to punch through his chest. “Only the last couple of months.”

  “That’s not what….” her brow furrowed a moment before she shook her head and smiled blindingly. “It doesn’t matter. Anyway, as I was saying, I didn’t know… I didn’t even realize because I kept getting my periods but the doctor says that happens sometimes, which sucks, by the way. Oh! You probably don’t remember your trip to California….”

  “I remember. Seeing you brought it all back,” he interrupted. He wasn’t going to be stupid enough to ask if the baby was his, especially since he could feel it in his bones that it was, that Ana had never cheated on him. His memories started to make sense and the dark cloud that had been hanging over his head for the last few days suddenly vanished.

  Tilting her head to the side as an adorable little frown marred her forehead once more, she asked, “You’re brain isn’t damaged at all, is it?”

  Glancing behind her at the limousine, he swallowed thickly against the painful lump in his throat. Avoiding her eyes, he asked, “Is that why you’re leaving? Because you thought I was mentally damaged?”

  “Of course,” she said, the words making him squeeze his eyes shut in pain. But then she continued, “You couldn’t very well fall in love with me again if I was in California. But you memories aren’t lost forever so we don’t have to start over, thank god.”

  His heart was in his throat as he looked down and saw the absolute love and devotion burning in her eyes. How could he have ever doubted her? “Then why are you leaving?”

  “Well, I flew home as soon as I learned you were in the hospital….” she started to explain.

  When she opened her mouth to continue, he blurted, “But you hate to fly.”

  “You were in the hospital,” she explained slowly, as if there was something wrong with his brain. “I dropped everything so I could be by your side.”

  “You were there that night,” he said softly, almost to himself. At her nod, the last piece of the puzzle fell into place and warmth filled his soul, making him feel as if he could fly. It had all gotten jumbled up because he woke up with her in his arms but he knew she was in California. Doctor Thompson was right when she said that brains were funny things.

  “Anyway,” Ana continued, unaware of the intense joy rushing through his veins. “I was going to fly out to California and get my car and then I was going to drive to Arizona because my parents are getting married… re-married, and then I was going to drive back home.”

  Cocking his head to the side, still afraid to hope despite the wealth of evidence, he asked, “Home? Here?”

  “Yes,” she laughed, her eyes sparkling with happy tears.

  Grinning, he hugged her tight, wishing he could spin her around despite the crutches and broken bones. “I love you, Anavrin.”

  “I love you, too,” she said without correcting him for calling her Anavrin.

  He entwined his fingers with hers and felt the unmistakable hardness of a ring. Taking her hand, he held it up and saw the engagement ring he had given her six months before. Seeing his ring on her finger erased whatever lingering doubts he had and he couldn’t help but kiss her again. Tasting her, having her so close, he never wanted to be apart from her again.

  Breaking off the kiss, she looked up at him through her lashes. After a moment, she licked her lower lip before she caught it between her teeth and said, “Come with me, both you and Jolie. It’s summer so school shouldn’t be a problem, I’m assuming you have some time off since your arm and leg are in a cast, and I want you to be there.”

  Without thinking, still flying high on the euphoria of the past couple of minutes, he nodded his head, “Yes.”

  She squealed as she dragged him back into his house, talking as they walked. “You start packing and I’ll go ask the driver to wait a few more minutes and we can get going.”

  “Ana,” he tried to protest. “I don’t have a plane ticket.”

  She waved her hand through the air, “My sister sent the company plane to take us back. Oh! This is perfect! You’ll get to meet Abby, too!”

  Now that he had had a moment to think about what he was doing, he was starting to have second thoughts. As far as he knew, his family was furious at Ana because of something she wasn’t guilty of doing, Jolie was still uncertain about how she felt towards Ana, and despite the fact that he loved the idea of flying off with Ana, he had responsibilities….

  “Don’t think about it too much, my love,” Ana said, her laughing voice interrupting his worries. “If all goes according to plan, you’ll be able to write full time wherever we live.”

  “What are you talking about?” he asked.

  “I have so much to tell you,” she gushed, wiping the joyful tears from her cheeks, smiling up at him with her whole heart. “First, I read your latest book and it was amazing, Harrison, absolutely amazing. The depth you have given to Justice… it took my breath away. Oh! And I have the best news ever!”

  He stared at her in awe, grateful that his memories had returned, grateful that she was his. Cupping her cheeks in his hands, he grinned down at her, “What could possibly be better than you having my baby?”

  Color stained her cheeks, her throat, as she lowered her lashes and gave him a soft smile. A moment later she looked and him with shining eyes and an even wider smile as she told him, “Abby is working on getting Justice Kane to the big screen! Couldn’t you just die? Winter Mitchell, the Winter Mitchell, has even expressed an interest in playing Justice!”

  He blinked, trying to absorb everything she was saying, but it was too much. Brushing his thumb over her lips, he shook his head, “Ana, I don’t want that anymore.”

  “But it’s your dream,” she said, the confusion apparent in her face.

  “Ana, Ana, Ana,” he sighed, his lips curling up into a smile as he rested his forehead against hers. His heart swelled with love for this amazing woman. “I only want you.”

  She sighed as she melted against him and he knew that if he kissed her, it wouldn’t be just a kiss. But the damn car honked its horn and she pulled back, giving him a longing smile. “I should take care of that. Don’t go anywhere, Harrison, I’ll be right back.”

  With those words, she flew back out the door, leaving him standing in the middle of his living room.

  “Was that Ana just now?” his mother asked from the kitchen, her lips pressed together in a furious line. Jesus, how had he forgotten his mother was there?

  “It was,” he answered, scrubbing his fingers through his hair. Holding his head, his crutches managing to stay beneath his armpits, he looked at his mom and said, “Jolie and I are heading out to California with her.”

  His mom crossed her arms beneath her breasts and glared at him. Tapping her foot, she bit out, “Seriously, Harrison? She comes bouncing in here, bats her eyes at you, and you fly after her like a lost puppy? She’s carrying another….”

  “It’s my baby,” he said, the words filling him with awe as he realized the wonder of it, the wonder of Ana. When his mother snorted in disbelief, he glared at her, “There is no doubt in my mind, mother, not a single one.”

  His mom’s jaw dropped as she studied him. Trying to save some face, she huffed, “I hope you don’t think you have to marry her….”

  “We’re already engaged,” he interrupted, unable to stop the smile from curving his lips. Grinning like a loon, he repeated the words, “We’re already engaged.”

  “How do you know this?” she asked, shaking her head in bemusement. Planting her hands on her hips, still tapping her foot, sh
e gave him a look of disbelief. “She could be telling you what you want to hear.”

  “Seeing her brought it all back,” he said, his cheeks hurting from smiling so hard.

  His mom pressed her lips together as her foot finally stopped tapping. “But the article….”

  “It was a misunderstanding,” Ana said from behind him. “I kept trying to tell you guys that but….”

  “We didn’t listen,” his mom finished, a look of horror twisting her face as she looked from him to Ana and then back. “Oh, god, all of this time… if we only knew… but we thought….”

  As his mom muddled through her memories of the past week, Ana quietly slid her hand into his and leaned her head against his shoulder. Despite the ache in his bones, his pits, there was nowhere else he’d rather be. Softly, Ana asked, “Are you almost ready to go?”

  “Yes,” he murmured, kissing the top of her head.

  The color drained from his mother’s face as she gasped, “You are planning on coming back, aren’t you?”

  “Of course,” Ana assured her. Wrapping her other hand around his arm, giving him a slight hug, she said, “I just want him and Jolie all to myself for a little while.”

  Harrison watched as his mom swallowed and physically had to bite her tongue, both of them knowing that Ana had won without having to lift a single finger. He couldn’t blame his family, of course, since they were just doing what they thought was best. It wasn’t their fault that they didn’t know that Ana was what was best.

  “You’ll have to stop by our house to pick Jolie up,” his mom said, her color still ashen. Squaring her shoulders, she asked, “I suppose you’ll want to pack more stuff?”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Miller,” Ana said softly, gracious in her victory.

  “Yes, well,” his mom sniffed. “Just don’t run off and get married. We’ll plan the wedding after you get back.”

  “Fair enough,” Ana said and he could hear the smile in her voice. “As long as you don’t mind me looking like a whale when I walk down the aisle.”


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