Club de Fleurs 6: Tasha (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Club de Fleurs 6: Tasha (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 9

by Rose Nickol

  She sat a few more minutes. It was quiet, so she turned on the radio to listen. She needed a distraction, and where was Tim? She’d wait fifteen more minutes. Then she’d go looking for him. The hell with the desk.

  Time seemed to drag. She filed her nails, cleaned out her purse, looked over the book she had brought. She tried reading but couldn’t concentrate on the words. All this took five whole minutes. What was she going to do for ten more minutes? She started cleaning. Even though she kept things spotless, it gave her something to do.

  She had done everything she could think of, and had just decided to go to the club, when the door flew open again. This time it was Kurt, Kevin, and Tina. They had come to watch one of the demonstrations going on. The women talked for a few minutes, and Kevin went in to see what was keeping Tim, promising that one of them would stay with her if he couldn’t return.

  It seemed to take a long time but was only a few minutes before both men came back.

  “Sorry it took so long, baby. Jarrod, the new bartender, is swamped, and I was trying to help him. We really need to hire a second guy or gal for nights like this.”

  Jarrod had started at the club right before Tasha. Even though he had experience, there was only so much one man could do. Kyle was looking for more help. The club was really growing.

  Tasha liked Jarrod. He had sat with her a couple times when Tim was needed elsewhere. His story was sad. While he had been serving in Afghanistan, his wife and mother-in-law had been killed in a car accident. That had been several years ago, but he had never moved on. He was good-looking, with pitch-black hair and the bluest eyes she had ever seen. She had noticed several of the single subs looking at him, but Tim had told her he never dated anyone. He played at the club sometimes but never with the same sub twice.

  Tasha thought he was afraid to commit again. She had told him one night, “Jarrod, one day you will find someone else. It won’t be her, but there is someone out there for you.” She hoped it was true.

  When he came back from his service to his country, he had gone to work for Kyle. He had told Tasha it was the best thing he could do. He still had trouble with PTSD and was seeing Tina, Kevin and Kurt’s wife, for it. Tina was a registered psychologist and had seen Sadie and Rachel for similar problems.

  Tim asked Tasha if she would be okay for a few minutes longer, just until the crowd a the bar thinned out. There was a demo scheduled to start in a few minutes, and things would quiet down then. Kurt volunteered to help, and Tina sat with Tasha for a few minutes.

  The girls talked for a while, and the evening was starting to quiet down. The demos were starting soon, and most of the crowd had already arrived. Kyle had told her while the demos were going to set the buzzer on the desk, and she could go watch. The bar would be quiet also, and if anyone wanted in, Jarrod could let them.

  About five minutes before the demo was due to start, Tasha got up and put the notice on the reception desk to use the buzzer, and she and Tina went into the club.

  The men met them at the demo. It was Dean and Connie, a couple from another club in California. Sadie and Jenna were really good friends with Connie.

  Tasha sat on Tim’s lap, remembering the night he had tied her to a cross and flogged her. He was obviously remembering it also, because he leaned down and spoke softly in her hear, “Your turn will come soon, baby.”

  She was wearing one of the new dresses Tim had bought her for work, and he was running his hand up her thigh. Tasha started to get embarrassed, but when she surreptitiously looked around, she noticed several other couples also playing and relaxed.

  Tim continued working his hand up her leg while appearing to be thoroughly immersed in watching what was going on. Slipping his hand further under her dress, he found the edge of her thong. Damn, she wasn’t supposed to wear underwear. She was in for it now.

  Tim continued his exploration until he managed to get two fingers in her channel and pinched her clit, hard.

  Tasha bit her tongue to keep from letting out a squeal, and a tear streamed down her face. She knew better than to ask what that was for. It was for wearing a thong. Tim didn’t seem to care that she hated being without underwear, but he had told her he wanted to be able to touch her anytime he wanted to. She did enjoy the benefits when they were home. There wasn’t a room in his house he hadn’t taken her in.

  “I told you no underwear. You’re lucky I’m in a good mood, or I’d make you stand right here and now and take them off in front of everyone. You’ll be going across my knee when we get home,” he told her with a growl and bit her earlobe. “For punishment, you aren’t allowed to come.”

  Then he started playing with her clit, featherlight touches at first, just barely moving his finger up and down the little bud, teasing it from its hiding place and causing copious amounts of fluid to leak from her pussy. Working his way farther into her, he slipped one, then two fingers into her tight channel and started to work her clit with his thumb and move his fingers in and out of her.

  Tasha knew she would be in trouble if she disrupted the scene and bit her lip trying to be quiet. Tim wasn’t making it easy, though.

  “Don’t come,” he growled in her ear while he was torturing her.

  Looking at him, she pleaded, “Oh God, I’ll do anything. Please let me come, please.”

  “No, you know you’re not supposed to wear underwear. I know you can do it,” Tim told her, then started licking the shell of her ear. He knew between what he was doing to her and what she was watching, there was no way she was going to be able to resist, but he wanted to torture her a little. She was going to come, and then when he got her home, he had a surprise for her.

  He had been outfitting a room in the basement to use as a playroom, and it was ready to use. He was taking her there tonight. When he could tell she wasn’t going to last much longer, he covered her mouth with his, absorbing her scream. When she stopped trembling, he lifted his mouth from hers and held her tight until he felt her totally relax.

  Leaning down, he whispered in her ear, “You are in so much trouble.”

  Tasha shivered as he stood her up and, holding tightly to her hand, walked her back to the reception desk. Sometime while he had been playing with her, the demo had ended, and she needed to get back to her duties. When they got to the desk, Tina was sitting there with her men. When had that happened? Tasha was embarrassed, but other than a knowing look between the men, nothing was said.

  The men went with Tim. They were going to help at the bar, and Tina was going to sit with Tasha. They expected more people to come in for the next demo.

  It was busy, and the girls didn’t have much time to talk. The bar slowed down before reception did. Tina went to be with her men, and Tasha stayed at the desk to handle any late stragglers. Tim stayed at the bar and was going to come and get Tasha at the last minute.

  When Tim got to the reception area, it was empty. He had told Tasha to wait there for him. He was going to add to her punishment.

  He went back into the club and to the demo area. It was very crowded and hard to get through. Finding Tina and her men, he motioned for them to step to the side with him.

  “Tina, did Tasha come with you?” He was pretty sure she hadn’t, but had to ask.

  She answered no and suggested Tim check the bathrooms and went with him to look. Kurt and Kevin started looking in the crowd. There were over one hundred people in the club, and it was one of the busiest nights on record.

  Tim and Tina checked the ladies’ room and the locker rooms, wondering where she could be. Then, leaving Tina with Kevin, Tim and Kurt went outside to look. They checked Tim’s truck and all around the building.

  Kurt called Tim over to where he was standing in the parking lot. “Hey, man, come look at this. Is this hers?”

  Tim ran over, and it was one of Tasha’s shoes. “Man, this is bad, really bad.” Tim started pacing.

  “Have you tried her cell?” Kurt asked.

  “Fuck, no. Why the hell didn’t I think
of that? She always keeps it in a pocket in case something happens with her mom,” Tim said, grabbing his phone and making the call.

  The phone rang several times before Tim heard, “I’m sorry. Tasha’s tied up right now and can’t come to the phone. Please leave a message at the beep,” and then evil laughter as the call was disconnected.

  Kurt was standing close enough that he heard, and grabbed Tim as his knees buckled. “Hold on, man. Let’s get inside. I’m calling Evan. He can track her phone and hopefully find out where she is.” If the dumbass doesn’t pitch the phone. He thought this last part to himself. Tim didn’t need to hear anything negative.

  Kurt was dialing Evan as they walked back into the club. He took Tim to the bar and got them each a shot. He wanted them both to have a clear head, but Tim needed something to help him think. Kevin and Tina came up to them, and he pulled them aside to explain what had happened and what he was doing.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Jason, please, let’s talk about this,” Tasha pleaded. “I’ll come back. I’ll marry you. Please.” She was pleading for her life. Jason had come into the club with a crowd, and by the time she saw him, it was too late. She had tried to hit the panic button, but he had grabbed her before she could. No one knew where she was or what had happened. All she could hope was to talk to him and keep herself alive until Tim realized she was missing and somehow found her.

  She had to keep calm and try to reason with Jason. He hadn’t been unreasonable when they first started dating. Maybe she could remind him of those times when they were happy and talk her way out of this.

  “Jason, what do you want?” She tried to be calm.

  “You to shut the fuck up and let me think,” he raged at her.

  “Please, just talk to me,” Tasha pleaded, thinking that if she got him talking, he might let her go.

  Jason backhanded her across the face, splitting her lip and causing it to bleed. “Now shut up.”

  He took her to a motel on the edge of town and was dragging her inside a room in the back. “Walk, or I’ll make you walk.”

  She had never seen him like this. Stumbling along behind him, she looked around wondering if she was strong enough to get away from him.

  “Hurry up!” he growled, dragging her across the parking lot faster. “We don’t want to be seen.” Opening the door to the cheap room, he shoved her in, causing her to fall and scrape her knees.

  He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to a chair. “Get your ass up, and sit here.” Pulling her hands behind her back, he tied them together.

  Tasha was terrified. She had a cold sweat forming on her face and was visibly shaking. She tried to keep calm but couldn’t control her body’s responses. She was afraid of what he was going to do. She didn’t know he was capable of this kind of behavior. Not even on his worst days after they broke up, would she think he could do something like this.

  Jason paced back in forth in front of her, muttering to himself. “What the fuck do I do now?” Turning to her he screamed, “You stupid cow, this is all your fault. We could have had it all. All you had to do was marry me. I wouldn’t have cared what you did, as long as you were discreet and stood by me when I needed you. Now my father has disowned me, cut off all my money. I lost my job, and your sniveling little sister won’t even talk to me. I had to beat the shit out of her to find out where you were this time. Fucking cunt!” He backhanded her again with his last words, almost knocking her and the chair over.

  Running his hands through his hair until it stood on end, Jason paced back and forth in the small room. He was alternately muttering to himself and screaming at her.

  There was nothing Tasha could do except sit and hope he would calm down. Maybe then she could reason with him. She was worried for her little sister. How badly had he hurt her? Was she okay?

  Jason stopped pacing the room, crossed his arms over his chest, and stood staring at her. Tasha shuddered at the intensity of his look. “You, you are the cause of all of this. Did you think that you can run from me? There is no way I am going to let you go, ever. Now I have to decide what to do.”

  Tasha sat there, her lip bleeding, her face swelling from where he had hit it, and she wondered if she was going to get out of this. Praying for Tim or someone to find her, she watched as Jason paced and muttered. It was as if he had forgotten she was there.

  Finally he sat on the bed and put his elbows on his knees, head in his hands. “I really loved you. We could have made it work. Why did you have to make me do this? Now I don’t know…I don’t know what to do.” He was almost crying.

  Tasha could have felt sorry for him if not for the way he had treated her and the way he was acting. Taking a deep breath, she blew it out slowly. “Jason, just let me go, and we can forget any of this ever happened. I won’t tell anybody. Please, Jason. You don’t have to do this.”

  “What do you know? When they find out about the others, it’s all over anyway. They’ll fry me. My father won’t help anymore. Do you know, he actually called me a sick bastard and said he never wanted to see me again? How am I supposed to react when he says something like that? He closed all my accounts, took away everything. He said I wasn’t his son anymore. Told me I needed help. Oh God, what am I going to do? You’re the only woman I ever loved.” He sat on the side of the bed with his head in his hands, crying.

  Now was her best chance to get away, while he was vulnerable. She had been working her hands frantically and had loosened the rope somewhat. If she could just get one hand out, then she would be good.

  “Jason, when did you last eat?” she asked, coming up with an idea.

  “Eat? Who cares about eating?” He looked at her incredulously.

  “You know you always think better on a full stomach, so go get us something to eat. I’m hungry. Didn’t I see a diner across the way?”

  “You’re hungry…I should feed you. That’s what a man who takes care of his woman would do, right?” he asked, sitting straighter on the bed.

  “Yes, Jason, I’m hungry. You need to feed me.” Tasha talked to him the same way she would a small child.

  “But you might get away,” he said petulantly.

  “Jason, you tied me to the chair. How would I get away?” She tried moving her arms a small amount to show him she was fastened securely.

  “Does it hurt?” he asked.

  Is he stupid? she thought. Let me wrench your arms around your back and slap you in the face and ask if it hurts.

  Trying not to roll her eyes with exasperation, she said, “Not too bad.”

  “You’re bleeding. Let me wipe that off.” Jason seemed more distracted now. Maybe she was getting to him.

  He went into the bathroom and came back with a wet cloth. Gently he wiped her face and lip, cleaning the dried blood. He wiped ineffectively at her shirt, saying, “I don’t think I can get this,” and muttering to himself.

  When he had cleaned her face, he threw the cloth down and sat back on the bed. “What was I going to do? There was something I needed to do,” he muttered.

  “Jason, I’m really hungry and thirsty. Can you get me something to eat and drink?” she subtly reminded him. If she could just get him out of the room, then she could get loose and hide.

  “Oh, that’s right. You wanted something to eat. I’m supposed to take care of you.” He stood up and grabbed his coat. “I’m going to get you something to eat. I’ll be right back, baby. I love you so much.” He leaned down and kissed her.

  It was all Tasha could do to keep from gagging. Ugh. Trying to paste a smile on her face, she looked up at him.

  “You stay here, and I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Jason told her as he walked out the door.

  Waiting a few minutes to make sure he was gone, Tasha freed her hands and stood up. She was a little dizzy but couldn’t give in to it. Looking at the phone in the room, she wondered if she should call Tim or just run.

  Hoping Jason would be gone long enough for her to make a call and leave, she gra
bbed the phone and dialed Tim’s number. He answered on the first ring, and she immediately said, “Help. Jason’s got me.”

  Tim’s frantic “ Where are you?” caused her to look for some clue as to where she was. Opening the nightstand drawer, she found an envelope with the motel name and address. She gave this information to Tim.

  “Baby, listen to me. Go find someplace to hide. Go to the office and tell them what has happened. They will help you. I’m on my way. I love you,” Tim told her as he hung up the phone.

  Tasha ran for the door and to the motel office. The woman there was shocked by Tasha’s appearance, and as she listened to her story, she quickly showed her to one of the rooms attached to the office. “You stay here, honey. I’m calling the police.”

  Tasha collapsed into the nearest chair, crying. She could let go.

  Tim, please hurry, she prayed.

  * * * *

  Tim was frantic. When Jason answered Tasha’s phone, he went from rage to fear and back again. He had to keep calm and was glad when Kurt poured him the shot.

  “Evan’s on his way and is tracking her phone as we speak. We’ll find her, man.” Kurt tried to reassure Tim, praying it was true.

  It wasn’t long before Evan called with an approximate location. They didn’t know what Jason had planned or what he was going to do or how far ahead of them he was. He couldn’t be that far ahead. It hadn’t been that long since Tina had last seen Tasha.

  Tim and Kurt jumped into Tim’s truck and headed for the coordinates Evan had given them. Tim got more frantic with each stoplight and turn.

  “Man, you have to calm down. We’ll find her.” Kurt tried to get Tim to relax.

  All Tim could think about was getting to Tasha. He’d never let her go again. When his phone rang, he almost jumped out of his skin. Answering it without looking, he almost dropped it when he heard Tasha’s voice. He was so relieved. When he got off the phone, he quickly gave Kurt the address Tasha had given him. They weren’t that far.


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