The Originator Wars: Universe in Danger: A Lost Fleet Novel

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The Originator Wars: Universe in Danger: A Lost Fleet Novel Page 1

by Raymond L. Weil

  The Originator Wars: Universe in Danger

  A Lost Fleet Novel

  (The Originator Wars, Book 1)


  Raymond L. Weil

  USA Today Best Selling Author

  Books in The Originator Wars Series

  The Originator Wars: Universe in Danger (Book 1)


  Copyright © March 2017 by Raymond L. Weil

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover Design by

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the author.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty


  The Originator Wars:

  Universe in Danger

  A Lost Fleet Novel

  Chapter One

  The Ralift fleet was massive and leading it were two hundred giant AI fifteen-hundred-meter battle spheres. Nearly six thousand ships were in the fleet, ranging from small armed escorts to the giant fourteen-hundred-meter battleships of the empire. The fleet had improved weapons, sensors, better hyperdrives, and more powerful energy shields, all provided by the AIs. The Ralift were extremely confident they would achieve the goal of their mission.

  After the destruction of the Great Project at the galaxy’s center, the remaining AIs fled to Ralift space to regroup and rethink their strategy for conquering the galaxy and then later expanding their empire across the known universe. The Ralift were the fourth of the proxy races the AIs were using to further their goal of galactic conquest. XB-247-RST was the highest ranking surviving AI and was responsible for the AI fleet. XB had been in charge of the Astral System. After hearing of the destruction of the Great Project by the Human Federation of Worlds and their allies the AI gathered all surviving AI ships and immediately departed.

  “We will be entering Shari space shortly,” reported CR-135-DDV, the AI in charge of the ship’s sensors.

  “Will the Shari resist us?” asked VR-634-ORL. VR was responsible for the ship’s tactical systems.

  “Unknown,” replied XB-247-RST, now known as the Command AI. “There has been no communication with the Shari since the destruction of the Great Project. The Ralift report Federation warships have been active in Shari space around the Rylus Star Cluster.”

  “The location of the Dyson Sphere,” commented AG-337-MMB, the science AI. “Reports indicated the Shari fleet in the system was wiped out by an unknown weapon. There has been no reported successful entry into the megastructure. Currently, there are Federation and Shari ships patrolling the cluster with no vessel coming closer than one light year to the system that contains the Dyson Sphere. I believe they are at a loss as to what to do next. It is obvious the science behind the structure is too advanced for them to comprehend.”

  They seem to be working together,” stated the Command AI as it hovered six inches above the metal deck. “The Shari have forgotten their place in the grand scheme of things. They are one of our proxy races and subject to our rule, something we will remind them of very shortly. Once we travel deeper into Shari Space, we will demand they pull all of their forces out of the Rylus Star Cluster as we will be making it our new center of operations for this region of space.”

  “That will still leave the Humans,” pointed out the science AI. “They will resist.”

  The Command AI extended one of its six tentacles. “Then they will die.”


  High Lord Droll sat upon his command chair in his flagship, the eleven-hundred-meter battleship Dark Victory. His fleet was on routine patrol of the border the Shari shared with the Ralift. Very seldom was a Ralift vessel encountered as the Avian species disdained contact with other species.

  “High Lord, we have reports from the Jalab System of a large Ralift fleet entering our space,” said Lower Lord Malben with grave concern in his voice. “They have not responded to communication requests and are in direct violation of the treaty we have with them defining the border between our two empires.”

  High Lord Droll’s eyes widened in surprise. “Have we confirmed the reports?” Sometimes the Lower Lords in charge of the areas of space close to the Ralift Empire tended to exaggerate threats. Droll was certain it was to ensure Shari fleet units were always in close proximity.

  “Yes, a number of cargo ships and a few patrol ships have reported coming into scanning range of the fleet. There are also several unconfirmed reports that AI ships are accompanying the Ralift.”

  “AIs?” responded Droll, feeling stunned. “There have been no sightings of AI battle spheres in years, not since the Humans and their allies destroyed their Great Project the machines were building at the galactic center. I was under the impression all of the AIs had been destroyed. The Altons have even taken back their ancestral home in the Astral System.” Droll knew Astral had been the AIs’ primary base.

  “Well, it seems they’ve returned. What are your orders?”

  High Lord Droll hesitated as he thought about the ramifications of the return of the AIs. Many things had changed since the AIs pulled out of Shari space. Even the subject worlds were being treated differently. The Shari Grand Council of High Lords was even preparing to sign a nonaggression treaty with the Humans. The Grand Council would not be pleased to hear of the return of the AIs.

  “Send a message to the Grand Council asking for guidance. While our ships may be a match for the Ralift, we cannot so easily defeat the AIs. We must confirm the reports of the AI ships as they will represent a major threat.”

  Droll stared thoughtfully at the large tactical screen in front of him. He had nearly three hundred ships in his fleet which was the largest Shari force currently operating in this quadrant of the empire. “Call in all of our patrol fleets. There is a possibility the council may order us to stop this incursion by the Ralift.” Smaller patrol fleets were spread throughout the quadrant. By calling them in, Droll could double the size of his fleet.

  “The AIs?” asked Lower Lord Malben nervously. “What of them?”

  “We are one of their former proxy races; perhaps they will not attack us.” Droll was not certain of that. He greatly feared there was a reason for the return of the AIs at the head of a large Ralift fleet. High Lord Droll had no desire for the empire to turn back to the days of AI rule.

  “We have not been following their guidelines on the treatment of conquered worlds for a number of years,” Malben said, his eyes filling with worry. “They will not be pleased by our actions.”

  “That is why we will gather the largest fleet we can. While it is true we have not been following their commands; we have also improved our weapons and energy shields. They may find us more difficult to defeat than they anticipate if they are coming for war.” High Lord Dr
oll was trying to sound positive though he knew any battle with the AIs would not end well for his fleet.

  “You would fight the AIs?” asked Malben nervously.

  “If it comes to that.”


  Lower Lord Malben nodded. He trusted the High Lord, but these were AIs, and only the Humans had been able to stand up to the machine people. Since the AIs had disappeared, the Shari Empire had been at peace except for an occasional problem with the Humans and more recently the Simulins at the newly discovered Dyson Sphere. Thinking about the Dyson Sphere, Lower Lord Malben realized that must be why the AIs had chosen this time to make a reappearance. If he was correct, this did not bode well for the empire. He was not certain the empire was ready to stand up to the AIs.


  Nest Lord Alnod Creesth gazed at the nearest viewscreen. On it one of the fifteen-hundred-meter AI battle spheres was visible. Creesth was of avian descent with short feathers covering him almost like a second skin. He was slightly taller than the average Human with small ears and piercing eyes. On his back were a pair of vestal wings. In the past the wings had been larger and could be used to fly. However, as time passed and the Ralift no longer used them for flight, they had grown smaller and smaller. There was discussion that in a few more generations the wings would be gone completely. Cresseth’s arms were short, with three fingers and a thumb.

  “The Command AI has sent orders for us to proceed to the Jalab System,” said Creesth, tilting his head. “An example is to be made to remind the Shari of who they owe their allegiance to.”

  “I will pass on the orders to the fleet,” Second Nest Lord Alboin replied. “Is the system to be annihilated or subdued and brought into the empire as a slave world?”

  “Annihilated,” replied Nest Lord Creesth coldly. “The entire system is to be scorched clean of all life and signs of civilization.”

  “It is the will of the AIs, and we must obey,” replied Alboin, bowing his head slightly. “Is our empire to be expanded to include all of Shari space?”

  “Possibly,” replied Creesth. “If the Shari are no longer willing to do the will of the AIs then it falls to us to take over their empire and enforce the master’s rule.”

  “What of the Borzon?”

  Creesth hesitated and then responded. “The Command AI believes the Humans will try to prevent us from taking the Dyson Sphere. Even as we speak Borzon fleets commanded by additional AI battle spheres are preparing to enter Federation space. The Humans and their allies will be forced to divide their forces. Against the Borzon, the AIs, and us they will fail.”

  “Galactic war,” said Alboin, his eyes widening. “This will be much greater than the conflict the Humans had with the Hocklyns.”

  “It will be war. When it is over the Dyson Sphere will be under the control of the AIs, and the former Hocklyn Slave Empire will be divided between the Borzon and us. The Shari Empire will be ours.”


  Several hours passed and Lower Lord Malben turned with worried eyes toward High Lord Droll. “High Lord, we have reports the Ralift fleet has changed course and is now heading for the Jalab System. One of our battlecruisers managed to scan the fleet and has confirmed the presence of AI battle spheres.”

  High Lord Droll called up a star map of the surrounding area of the galaxy. “The Jalab System has the largest Shari population within four hundred and twenty light years. There are over thirty-eight million of our people living on Jalab Four.” This greatly concerned the High Lord.

  “It was only settled a few hundred years ago,” Lower Lord Malben said as he called up some information on a console. “It acts as the governing world for eighty-seven conquered star systems.”

  “Systems which have been given increased autonomy since the AIs vanished years ago,” added Droll as he thought of the consequences of the return of the AIs. Their reappearance would have grave repercussions for the empire.

  “What are your orders?”

  High Lord Droll leaned back in his command chair, his face showing deep concern. There were no good choices. “Order all patrol fleets to meet us at the Jalab System. Perhaps we can speak to the AIs.”

  “Only members of the Grand Council have ever seen or spoken to one of the machines,” countered Lower Lord Malben.

  Droll knew Malben was correct. It would be several days before he received a reply to his message about the Ralift and AI fleets from the Grand Council. However, there were thirty-eight million Shari depending on his fleet for their protection. It was his duty as a High Lord to fulfill that responsibility. Even if it meant engaging the AIs in battle.

  “Order the patrol fleets nearest the Ralift and the AIs to shadow them and keep us informed of any developments. I also need a precise time as to when they will arrive in the Jalab System.”

  Lower Lord Malben sent the messages and then returned to the High Lord. “If we go into battle against this encroaching fleet of the Ralift we will be putting our empire at war. We cannot hear from the Grand Council in time to know their wishes.”

  “It is why we have been trained to protect the empire,” Droll said evenly. “Inform all of our ships we may be going into combat shortly against the Ralift. We will not fire on the AI ships unless they fire first.” Droll had no desire to engage the AIs. He was going to try to avoid that at all costs.

  High Lord Droll’s eyes shifted to the tactical screen. A few patrol fleets had arrived since the recall order had been sent. There were now nearly four hundred ships in his fleet. He hoped it was enough.


  Nest Lord Creesth watched expectedly as the fleet exited hyperspace in the Jalab System. There were ten planets in orbit around the small yellow star with the fourth being inhabited.

  “Sensor contacts,” reported the sensor officer. “There are a number of cargo ships in the system as well as a few warships.”

  “Give me the type and weapons capability of the warships,” ordered Creesth. He knew the Shari ships were once on an even par with the Ralift. However, they had been apart from AI control for a number of years, and it was possible improvements had been made to their ships; the same type of improvement the AIs made available to the Ralift after the debacle at the Great Project.

  “Shari battlecruisers and escort cruisers detected,” the sensor officer replied. “Detecting eighteen battlecruisers and twenty-six escort cruisers. We are still too distant to determine possible weapons improvements.”

  “Nest Lord,” called out the communications officer. “I have received a message from the AIs. Their long-range sensors have detected a large Shari battle fleet inbound. It will arrive in two hours.”

  “How many ships?”

  “Four hundred and twelve,” replied the communications officer. “There are also a number of smaller fleet formations inbound as well.”

  “This will be their primary fleet defending this quadrant,” said Nest Lord Creesth as he considered what destroying this fleet would mean. “If we defeat it, this quadrant will be ours.”

  Second Nest Lord Alboin nodded his agreement. “It will be a good test of our new weapons.”

  “Then we wait here,” ordered Creesth firmly. “Form the fleet into a globular formation with the AI ships in the center. Once the Shari fleets arrive, we will decide the best method to eliminate them.” At the very beginning, the Command AI had informed Creesth the Ralift would be expected to take the lead in any combat. The AIs would only become involved if the battle were in doubt. With the size fleet Creesth had there would be no need for the AIs to become involved.


  High Lord Droll waited anxiously as the Dark Victory prepared to exit hyperspace. The long-range sensors were showing a fleet of close to six thousand Ralift warships waiting in the Jalab System.

  “We can’t defeat a fleet of that size,” groaned Lower Lord Malben as he stared in disbelief at the tactical display. “That’s a war fleet, and it is aimed at our empire.”

  “There’s a defense grid around Jalab Four,�
� Droll reminded the Lower Lord.

  “But not much of one,” responded Malben, shaking his head. “A few defensive laser satellites and six missile platforms. They won’t add much to our firepower.”

  Droll knew Malben was right. The defensive grid around Jalab Four was designed to discourage the occasional raider that preyed on these distant quadrants of the empire. “What about the patrol fleets; how soon before all of them arrive?”

  “Two to eight hours,” answered Malben. “A few are already in the system in orbit around Jalab Four.”

  High Lord Droll considered his options. None of them were good. If the Ralift were here to fight, then his fleet was doomed. There was a small chance the AIs were here to bring the Shari Empire back under their control, and this show of force was designed to accomplish it. If that were the case then they would want to talk and his fleet might survive.

  “Hyperspace dropout,” called out the navigation officer.

  Droll felt a slight wrenching sensation as the ship exited the spatial vortex into the Jalab System.

  “Contacts!” reported the sensor operator.

  High Lord Droll stared at the main tactical screen as it filled with red threat icons. There were so many the screen looked as if it held only one large contact spreading across nearly a quarter of it.

  “I’ve never seen such a gathering of ships,” said Malben as he gazed at the screen. “They must be here for the Dyson Sphere in the Rylus Cluster.”

  “Perhaps,” agreed Droll with a little doubt in his voice. “But why stop at the Jalab System? Why not just go directly to the Dyson Sphere?”

  Malben hesitated and then spoke. “The Ralift are known for their cruelty. They destroyed many inhabited planets in their quest to conquer their region of the galaxy for the AIs. They also drastically lower planetary populations with nuclear bombardments forcing the survivors to work much harder and in harsher conditions.”


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