Too Many Rules

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Too Many Rules Page 10

by G. L. Snodgrass

  Her hair was up in some kind of sexy French twist thing and she wore a black ribbon choker necklace with a small ivory cameo. I swear my heart had forgotten to beat for several seconds then it let go and couldn’t stop. She was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.

  She wasn’t wearing her glasses and I wondered if she was using contacts. Her makeup was subtle but highlighted every one of her many outstanding features. The effect was entrancing. I couldn’t pull my eyes away and couldn’t think what to say.

  “Uhm, you look amazing,” I finally got out, breaking the ice.

  She blushed and looked down while saying “thank you.” Her voice sounded like angel wings brushing a cloud.

  I think I’d have stood there admiring Katie for the rest of the night but Aunt Jenny coughed, interrupting my thoughts. She stood to the side, a hand hiding a smile as she looked between Katie and me. This time I was sure I could see a tear in her eyes.

  “Are those for me?” Katie asked indicating the flowers in my hand.

  “Uhm yes, I uhm got them for you.” Of course, I had, how idiotic was I going to be tonight?

  This is ridiculous, get yourself together Scott. I took a deep breath and stepped forward and handed her the flowers. It surprised me that my feet remembered how to move.

  She took the flowers in both hands and brought them to her face and took a deep breath, pulling in the scent. She smiled back at me and I thought my heart would melt. My God, she was so beautiful.

  She’d always been pretty but this was so much more. I couldn’t wait to walk into the gym with this girl on my arm. Every guy in the place was going to kick themselves for not paying her any attention before this.

  Almost immediately that thought was followed by the realization of what every other guy in the place would be imagining once they saw her in that dress. I was going to have to work hard not to pound their bulging eyes back into their heads. Maybe she’d be willing to keep her jacket on all night. I wanted to be the only one who ever saw her like this.

  She handed the flowers to her aunt Jenny and asked her to put them in water then leaned forward and whispered something to her ear. Jenny nodded as she wiped an eye.

  Katie smiled at her aunt and asked if I was ready?

  I nodded, lost in looking at her. I finally remembered my manners and took her long wool coat from the coat rack and held it for her to put on. She slipped her arms in then turned to look up at me. Her eyes got very serious for a moment. She looked deep into my eyes as if trying to figure out the secrets of the world. I wondered what she saw and found myself starting to fall into her deep green eyes.

  “Thank you for tonight,” she said. “No matter what, thank you.”

  She reached up and straightened my tie then brushed a piece of lint from my shoulders. An electric shock sparked where she touched me. We smiled at each other and an unspoken commitment passed between us. We would go through tonight together. Face it as a team, and enjoy ourselves while doing it.

  “Before we go, this is for you,” she said pulling a small tissue paper wrapped package from her tiny black purse.

  Surprised out of my skull I slowly opened the present. A white handkerchief with a beautiful letter S embroidered in cobalt blue rested in the paper. My brow furrowed in confusion and I looked at her for an explanation.

  “It’s the one you used on my locker. I’d have got it back to you sooner if it hadn’t taken forever to get that ugly red out of it. That and the fact that it took me longer than planned to get the S just right.”

  Thunderstruck doesn’t begin to explain how I felt as I put the handkerchief into my inside suit pocket and followed her out.

  I held the truck door open and helped her in. A flash of leg exposed itself and my pulse pumped a thousand times. I had to fight to get myself back under control. I’ve got to admit that all I wanted to do was take her somewhere and make sweet love to her all night long and again all day tomorrow.



  My heart felt like it would pound out of my chest, Scott was so handsome in his suit, he’d gotten a haircut and his subtle aftershave washed over me with a slight smoky musk smell that turned my insides to mush.

  I will never forget the look on his face when he first saw me. The admiration, and let’s admit it, lust, had sent a shiver up my spine and turned me into a quivering mess. I shot a glance his ways from under my brow admiring his wide shoulders and gorgeous face. He looked nervous as he focused on the road.

  A quick check confirmed my handy wipes in my jacket pocket. I’d placed them there earlier but swore to myself that I wouldn’t use them. They were there so I wouldn’t focus on their absence. Instead, I focused on my hands in my lap and wondered if this was all real.

  The tension between us continued to build as neither of us broke the silence. It was different than normal. I don’t know why but it felt like something had changed the moment he saw me in this dress.

  Scott cleared his throat and smiled at me. “You’re not wearing your glasses?” he said.

  “Contacts,” I said. “I don’t normally like them, can’t stand putting them in or taking them out but I didn’t think glasses went with this dress,” I said.

  Scott nodded and smiled. I was sure he was thinking back to what I looked like. I remembered the tingly feeling when his eyes had traveled up and down my body and was shocked that I hadn’t been hurt or embarrassed, or even disgusted. I had enjoyed it immensely.

  “Yeah, Danny used to be the same way until his vanity over-ruled his survival instinct,” Scott said. It took me a moment to realize we were talking about contacts and glasses.

  As we left his truck and started towards the front door I wobbled a little on my high heels. How women wore these every day I will never know, but I had to admit I liked the way they made me look.

  Scott reached over to place my hand through his arm and made sure to match my pace as I picked my way across the uneven ground.

  He patted my hand with his other hand and smiled down at me with that heart-stopping little boy grin. “We are going to piss them off and totally ruin their perfect night. Whatever happens, don’t let them get you down. Shake it off and enjoy yourself.

  I smiled back but couldn’t answer. I don’t know when I’d ever been more nervous. Afraid yes, but not nervous like this.

  Scott handed our tickets to Mrs. Layther who was manning the door. We stepped in and he helped me off with my coat. My face grew flushed when I immediately felt the stares and whispered comments.

  “Why are they here?”

  “Look at that dress” a junior girl sneered.

  “Yeah, look,” her date said and several of the boys in the vicinity chuckled.

  Scott handed my coat to a freshman girl manning the coat check station telling her to make sure nothing happened to it. He gave her a look that would have scared a German shepherd, let alone an un-cool freshman girl. She nodded and carefully placed it aside and handed him a printed number.

  We turned and entered the gym together. He took my hand in his. A cool calm strength passed into me and I knew that I could do anything with this man next to me.

  The gym was decorated with balloons and crepe paper banners. It was sort of cheesy but what were you going to do in Nebraska in the winter? A silver disco ball hung from the ceiling. Lit by spotlights it threw sparkly colors throughout the room. I thought everything was perfect and exactly like I’d imagined it. The band was tuning up and getting ready.

  “We’d normally have to take our shoes off before going in, but they’re going to refinish the floor this summer so we lucked out,” Scott said.

  I tried to swallow.

  Scott saw my nervousness and leaned down to whisper in my ear. His breath tickled and sent warm shivers up and down my back.

  “You are the sexiest most beautiful woman here. All the guys will want you and all the women will wish they were you. But remember you came with me so don’t get any ideas about dumping me for one of these ot
her jerks.”

  I couldn’t help myself and laughed. He always knew the perfect thing to say.

  We walked across the gym floor hand in hand. The sea of bodies parted to let us through. I ignored the stares and comments and focused on how wonderful my hand felt in his.

  We made it to the other side then turned to watch the crowd. The cool kids were too stunned to mutter to each other. Gina stared daggers and John’s mouth seemed to have forgotten how to close. Nichole elbowed him in the ribs to bring him back to reality.

  I made sure they all saw me staring at them then smiled and turned my back.

  The band started off with a song by Green Day. Soon everyone had forgotten about us and started pairing up and dancing. Most of the boys were in suits, a few simply in dress shirts and ties. The girls in dresses and heels.

  Scott hadn’t let go of my hand as he looked out over everyone. He glanced at me and cocked an eyebrow. “Do you want to dance?” he asked.

  My heart skipped a beat as I nodded yes then followed as he led me out onto the dance floor. The heavy beat flowed through me as the music took over and let myself go.

  For such a big man he danced well, smoothly and with a firm sense of rhythm. The people around us gave us plenty of room and I felt like we were in our own little world where nothing could ruin it. We were halfway into the second song when Scott froze in place and looked across the huge gym, his brow creased in a deep frown. I stopped and looked over my shoulder. Mattie had entered the gym with her best friend Mary Wilson.

  Scott scowled but didn’t move for a moment. He seemed to remember where he was and smiled at me and shrugged his shoulders as if to say,’ what are you going to do?’

  I let out a breath and realized I’d been dreading the thing that was going to ruin the evening, waiting for that incident that would destroy my night. It was hard for me to believe that it might not happen, that things might be okay after all.

  The song ended and Scott took my hand and started to lead me over to where Mattie and a bunch of her friends were gathered. They backed away as we approached leaving Mattie all alone to face her brother.

  Before we could get there, Kevin appeared next to her side and whispered in her ear. She laughed and turned to confront Scott. Her shoulders gathered themselves and I could tell she was preparing for battle.

  She bit her lip as Scott stopped in front of her and examined her closely. Taking in the earrings and makeup and her slinky silk blue dress that matched her sky blue eyes. She looked like a young girl taking her first steps into the adult world. Please don’t ruin it for her I prayed and squeezed his hand.

  He continued to scowl then his eyes relaxed and he smiled. “You look very nice Mattie,” he said. “Will you save me a dance for later?”

  Mattie seemed to deflate as if all the steam had been let out of a pressure cooker. She smiled and nodded her head then threw herself into her brother’s arms and gave him the biggest hug this side of Kansas.

  A tear threatened to leak from my eyes but I was able to wipe it away without messing up my makeup.

  Mattie stepped back from her brother and smiled at me. Her eyes grew huge when she saw me in my new dress and she hugged me. “You look dangerous,” she said.

  “I’ll say,” Kevin added.

  Within moments we are all talking at the same time and the group was back. What would I ever do without these people? Please don’t let anything screw it up.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I’d almost screwed things up with Mattie. The fact that I’d desperately wanted to make sure I didn’t look like a jerk in front of Katie had seriously impacted how I reacted. And it seemed to have been the right move.

  Even if it went against every bit of my soul to let these two out in public looking as good as they looked at the moment.

  The band had started and Kevin asked Mattie to dance. Her eyes lit up like fireworks as she beamed all the way onto the floor. Katie looked over at me then grabbed my hand to pull me out on the floor. I laughed and let her drag me back out there.

  We’d finished another song and I could feel the room growing warmer as the evening got into full swing. I held her hand as we waited for the band to start its next number when the female singer approached the microphone and started to belt out the Eta James classic ‘AT LAST’. The ultimate romantic slow song.

  My heart dropped as I looked at Katie. She’d probably feel really uncomfortable slow dancing with me. The top of her head didn’t reach my chin. We’d look like the Jolly Green Giant and Little Green Sprout on the dance floor. Besides there was that -whole not liking to be touched- thing. She wasn’t near as jumpy as she used to be but there was still an occasional flinch.

  What if the thought of me holding her disgusted her? I’d never do anything to make her feel that way. Okay, Scott, you’re over-thinking things, relax and play it through.

  A sly look escaped from under her brow. Her eyes were big and glittering as she waited for me to come to some kind of decision. I took a deep breath and asked, “Would you dance with me, Ms. Rivers?”

  I figured if I made it a formal request she was less likely to say, ‘no.’ Besides, if she did turn me down, I could always try and turn it into a joke.

  She smiled and came into my arms like she’d always belonged there. Resting her head on my chest she placed her hands on my shoulders and followed my lead as we slowly swayed to the music. There was a God and I’d found heaven.

  Her hair smelled of jasmine and honeysuckle. A sweet scent that burnt its way to my very core and seared itself into my long-term memory. I closed my eyes and got lost in the feeling of wonderment. She felt so soft and tender in my arms. Of their own free will, my hands drifted down her back to rest just above her bottom. I had to consciously stop them from reaching lower and squeezing.

  She felt so warm, and soft, and curvy. All I could do was think about her body next to mine. I blanked out everything around me except the music and her.

  My body betrayed me and started to get aroused for the thousandth time that night. A shock of embarrassment shot through me as I wondered how she’d react. Maybe if I prayed real hard she wouldn’t notice.

  Of course, I wasn’t so lucky, there was no way she could avoid noticing as I felt myself grow hard against her stomach. As I shifted to put some room between us and give her an opportunity to escape she moaned and pulled me closer.

  Heaven had just become Nirvana.



  There is such a thing as bliss. A safe, secure place, free of stress or fear. A place where a person could feel like they were supposed to feel. Happy and full of wonderment that the world is good and just. Inside Scott’s arms while we danced was my place.

  I discovered it that night when I rested my head on his chest. A relaxing peace filled my body as I inhaled his scent. For the first time since I could remember I felt that all was right with the world. When my mind started to drift to bad times and bad memories I was able to push them aside and focus on the here and now.

  His heart marched in time with the drum beats, making me smile. He felt so big and strong. So solid and all there. A powerful ache blossomed deep inside of me. A burning need that I’d never known before and feared I’d never know.

  My heart soared with the realization that I wasn’t broken, wasn’t ruined forever. I became very aware of his body, his hands resting on my lower back, his beating heart, and his warm man smell. All of it sent small electric shocks directly to my spine and my lower tummy.

  He shifted trying to put some distance between us and I moaned at the thought of losing this sense of being surrounded by him. I felt his hardness next to my stomach and my face flushed red. That was why he moved.

  I tensed up as I waited for my body to rebel. Waited for my mind to freak out and embarrass us both. But it didn’t happen that way. Instead, my insides turned soft and a burning desire consumed me.

  My hands drifted up to clasp behind his neck. It
was as if someone had cut away the shackles that had been binding me for years. I was free to feel, to want, to need.

  The song ended and we slowly separated. I felt a physical loss and emptiness. I looked into his face and tried to catch a glimpse of what he was thinking, what he was feeling. Had it affected him like it had me? I know the physical signs were there but I desperately wanted to know what was going through his mind.

  He smiled and gave me a hug as he kissed the top of my head. “You and I are going to have to talk, but not here, not now. Let’s just enjoy the rest of the evening,” he said.

  My shoulders relaxed and I leaned into him. He did get it, it was important to him. I flashed to that time three years earlier. My stomach dropped. I was going to have to tell him I realized. Telling him about my mom had been hard enough. How could I ever face him once he knew the truth? How could I ever face him if I kept it from him?

  Kevin and Mattie joined us and the moment was broken and lost. Instead, we spent the rest of the night dancing and laughing. Scott pulled Mattie onto the floor for a Styx song and Kevin asked me to dance. The four of us ended up in our own little world in the middle of the dance floor. Everyone and everything forgotten.

  Much later we were standing off to the side talking and taking a break when a sophomore, Mark Johansson approached and shot Scott a nervous look. He smiled weakly at me and asked me to dance. You could have dropped me through a threshing mill I was so surprised.

  Scott stepped forward with a deep scowl and his fists clenched but he didn’t say anything. I looked at him and placed a hand flat on his chest and raised an eyebrow in question. I know I didn’t have to get his permission, but for some reason, I thought it was important. He reluctantly nodded and stepped back.

  I smiled at Mark and said, “Are you sure?”

  “Are you homeschooled?” Kevin asked him. Mattie elbowed him in the ribs and he looked at her with an innocent expression as if to say, “What?’’

  The young boy blushed and said, “Yes, I’m sure and no I’m not homeschooled. I know what everybody is going to say.”


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