Love's Grip

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Love's Grip Page 12

by Nika Michelle

  Staring into her eyes, I couldn’t tell if she was sincere or not. It wasn’t like she had a good track record lately. There was absolutely nothing that made me feel that I could trust her. Although she had had no clue that I was getting my hair done today, what if she called Rae and told him that I was there? Would he come and act a fool in front of all those people? Hmm. Knowing him, probably so.

  “I accept your apology, Kevia, but I still don’t trust you. What if you’re really helpin’ that asshole?”

  She shook her head. “Well, I’m not.” Tears filled her eyes. “You know, my brother got killed the other day. Both of my brothers are gone now.”

  My heart sank for her. “I’m so sorry, Kevia.” Although I knew that Pistol had done it, I couldn’t give away what I knew.

  “I need you more than ever, Daisha.”

  She sobbed, and I ended up hugging her. It wasn’t what I’d expected, but damn, what was I supposed to do?

  Once she had pulled herself together, she wiped her eyes and shook her head. “His funeral is day after tomorrow, if you wanna come.”

  I nodded and swallowed hard. “You know I want to be there to support you, but I can’t.”

  “Damn, yeah, I get it. Rae’s gonna be there.” She sighed and shook her head. “It’s fucked up, though, ’cause Capri got killed last night.”

  “What?” I was shocked. Did Pistol know?

  “Damn, bitch. Where you been? Under a rock? Everybody been talkin’ ’bout that shit. Some nigga wit’ a black Chevy was stalkin’ her and shit. She had called Rae to tell him that somebody was outside, and she thought it was related to G’s murder. Of course, you know he told her to stay put, but she went outside and started shooting. Bullets were everywhere, and she had a shot to the head. It was obvious what went down. RJ was in the house when it happened. Good thing he slept through it, though, which is unbelievable. Rae found her.” Kevia shook her head. “I didn’t like that bitch, but that shit’s still fucked up.”

  “She was the one who left her house to go shoot at somebody. Maybe she should’ve listened to Rae.”

  Kevia shook her head at me. “You really hated that ho, didn’t you?”

  “It’s not that. Forget it.”

  “Look, I’m ’bout to go. I just came in to talk to Tonia ’bout doin’ me and Mom’s hair for the funeral. I would’ve just called, but I was at the Kroger across the street. To be honest, I’m glad it worked out this way, so we could talk. Maybe we can … get together soon. You good? You got somewhere to stay?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I’m good. I’ll call you.”

  She stood up. “Okay.” The she turned and walked toward the door.

  My nerves were bad, because I didn’t know if she had really been genuine or not. What if she’d lied about Rae to get me back in her good graces? I wouldn’t be surprised at anything Kevia did. Honestly, I think she’d been cordial only because we were in a crowded hair salon. That bitch hadn’t wanted to cause a scene and have Tonia on her bad side. Especially since she needed Tonia to get her and her mom right for her brother’s funeral.


  My tresses were bouncy and shiny by the time I left the hair salon. I’d also gotten my fingernails and toenails done. It was good to know that Kevia hadn’t sold me out that time. The short talk I’d had with her had been on my mind, but then I’d decided to brush it off for the time being. I would just have to get to the bottom of her agenda later. My phone had died while I was at the salon, and I was anxious to get in my car and plug it in so that I could call Pistol. I knew that he was probably worried about me.

  A few minutes later I was situated in my car, so I dialed Pistol, and he answered before the first ring could finish.

  “Hey, you good, Ma?”

  That greeting surprised the hell out of me. “Yeah. My phone died. Sorry.”

  He let out an audible sigh of relief.

  Wow, I thought. Was he that worried? I felt bad and good at the same time. Damn. Somebody really gave a fuck about me.

  “I’m just glad that you’re okay. There’s so much goin’ on,” he said.

  “I know, right? Did you know that it was Capri who—”

  He cut me off. “Mike told me. That shit is crazy, ’cause that’s not what the fuck I expected. I thought it was that nigga.”

  “That bitch got what she deserved.”

  “We’ll talk when you get here. Just be safe. Okay?”

  “Okay. I’m on my way. I’ll be there in a li’l while.” I kind of wanted to stop at Massage Envy to get a massage, but I had decided against it.

  With the volatile shit that was going on, I didn’t want to chance running into anybody else I knew, especially Rae. I’d blocked his number, but he’d sent me several nasty text messages. Over the past few days he’d sent me plenty of threatening messages on Facebook. I hadn’t mentioned any of it to Pistol, because I knew that he was already pissed off enough.

  I pulled up at the house and parked beside what I assumed was Pistol’s new whip. It looked a lot like the previous one, but it was blue instead of black. The classic look of the old-school ride told me a lot about him. He was an old soul, and I thought I liked that about him. That shit was kind of intriguing. I also liked the fact that he had no filter. He said what was on his mind, and I loved his honesty.

  Then I thought about it. Why hadn’t he got a different car? This one looked too much like his old one, and Rae would be looking for a dark-colored Chevy like his. Pistol had to be extra careful when he went after Rae the next time.

  Pistol had given me the house key that Niya had made, so I used it to get in. At first I had thought about knocking, but what was the point? He knew that he’d given me a key and that I was on my way there. Besides, what if he was taking a shit or something?

  Pistol was sitting on the sofa, smoking a blunt, when I entered the living room. The smell had greeted me at the door, so I knew what was up. When he looked up at me, his eyes widened.

  “Wow,” he mouthed, but no sound came out. “I mean, I love the curls, but damn, you look like a different woman.” This time his words were loud and clear. He grinned and flashed those white teeth. That nigga was too damn sexy for his own good. It was like that shit was criminal.

  “In a good way?” I asked as I patted my head and sat down beside him.

  He passed me the blunt and ran his fingers through my hair before smelling it. “Yes, baby, in a good way. It’s so damn soft and smells so good.”

  I smiled. “That’s the shampoo you like. I made sure she used it.”

  “Do you have some of that shampoo?” he asked, looking over at me.

  After taking a hit and blowing smoke out of my nose, I said, “Yup. I bought some. It’s called Moroccanoil.”

  “Good, ’cause I wanna smell that before I go to sleep and when I wake up in the mornin’.”

  I read a lot into those words, and my heartbeat increased. Was he saying that he wanted to be with me on a permanent basis? That shit was so heavy that I didn’t bother to ask for clarification. Maybe I was reading more into his words than what he really meant.

  “Well,” I said as I passed him the blunt, “I have a serious question for you.”

  “What’s that?” His stare was so intense that it sent chills all over me.

  “If you wanna be careful about goin’ after Rae, why would you get a car so much like the one you had? I talked to Kevia today. I saw her at the hair salon. She mentioned that Capri had called Rae to tell him that a black Chevy was outside her house. If he knows that G and Mike were beefin’ and he suspects something, he may put two and two together if he sees your car. Just promise me that you’ll be careful when you go after him. I’m sure that since G and Capri were murdered, he’s gonna want blood.”

  “Shit, I want blood too, but it’s like I just can’t get to that nigga. I can’t get Mike and Dank involved. I’m just gonna have to go to Bankhead and blast that nigga on his own territory.”

  “What? By yourself?” I wa
s terrified at the notion. “You can’t do that.”

  The Bankhead Mob was deep, and Pistol didn’t have even a small crew. Why the hell was he being so damn reckless?

  “I can and I will,” he stated stubbornly.

  At that point, I was angry. “You underestimate shit, and I don’t like that. Are you that damn arrogant, Pistol? Do you think you’re fuckin’ immortal because you survived three gunshot wounds? What the fuck is your problem? Do you have a death wish?”

  He shook his head and took a pull from the blunt before saying calmly, “No, I don’t think I’m immortal. Yeah, I’m arrogant. I’m also grateful that I’m still here after three gunshot wounds. I don’t have a problem, and I don’t have a death wish. All I want is for you to be safe. That’s all this is about. I don’t want you to think I feel like I’m doin’ you a favor. Shit, I’m doin’ this for us. It’s the least I can do until I can change my situation, so let me do it. Okay?” He was stern when he said this, and so it shut me up.

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Okay. Do you, then, Superman.”

  “A’ight, Wonder Woman.” He leaned over and kissed me passionately.

  His tongue tasted like Kush, and I sucked it and got just as high as I would have off that blunt.

  “Mmm,” he moaned into my mouth and then tried to remove my shirt.

  I grabbed his hand to stop him. “Wait …”

  He froze. “Oh damn. My bad. No more sexual stuff? I thought we had got past that.”

  With a cute little smile, I flirted with him. “We are past that. I just want to go … uh … freshen up a little.”

  “Oh.” There was a sly grin on his face. “Okay, Ma. Do you. I’ll be right here waitin’.”

  “Okay.” I got up and headed to the master suite.

  It was hot outside, and the cooch had been sweating. I had to take a quick shower and put on some of the sexy underwear that Pistol had got me from Victoria’s Secret. He’d confessed later that he’d checked my pants, shirts, and underwear to get my sizes. That shit was so fucking thoughtful. My heart fluttered as I considered this, letting me know that my feelings for Pistol were getting deeper.

  Right after I stepped into the master suite, my phone vibrated in my back pocket. I’d almost forgot that it was there. I pulled it out and looked at the screen and saw that it was Kevia calling. Something told me to answer, although I really didn’t want to. I was anxious to get back to Pistol.

  “Hello,” I said into the phone.

  “Hey, girl. Guess what the fuck just went down?”

  “What?” I asked, not playing into her guessing game. If anything, I wanted her ass to get to the point, so that I could get some dick.

  “The damn po-po done came to the hood deep as hell to pick Rae up. They had already questioned him about Capri’s murder, but they just came through again to get him. I think he’s a suspect and shit. They handcuffed him and all.”

  “Do you think he did it?” I asked, playing it off.

  “My cousin got some shit wit’ him, and I won’t really put nothin’ past him, but I know he didn’t do it. He was wit’ Rock that night. I didn’t tell Rock about him slappin’ me, so they still cool, as usual. I know my nigga would go ham on his ass, so I didn’t say shit. He just knows not to do that fuck shit again.”

  “So, y’all gon’ give him an alibi?”

  I was hoping that nigga would get locked up for life. That would keep Pistol from having to risk his life by trying to get to him. The mere idea of this was like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

  “It’s the truth. Rock said they were at Dugan’s, watchin’ the game. He got receipts and all to prove it, and they go there all the time, so the waitress can vouch for him. He my cousin, yo. I ain’t got much family left.”

  I sighed. “So after all the shit he’s done, you’re still protectin’ him?”

  “Are you serious right now, Punkin? Damn. I’m protectin’ him from something I know he didn’t do!” She sounded pissed off.

  “Look, you messin’ up my vibe for real. I really don’t wanna talk about Rae. You don’t really know if he did it or not. Just ’cause Rock said he was wit’ him don’t mean that he was. I gotta go. I’ll call you later.”

  “Yeah, whatever,” Kevia said in a frustrated voice before she hung up the phone.

  Taking a deep breath, I went into the master bath, put a shower cap on, and removed my clothes. At least Rae was out of the way … for now. The way it looked, he was going to get out of that shit. If his alibi stuck, he was going to be back on the streets in no time.

  I turned the shower on and tested the temperature of the water before stepping in. The stood under the showerhead. The water pressure was strong, and the spray felt so good as it kneaded away my stress. I wanted Rae out of the way, but I didn’t want anything to happen to Pistol in the process.

  My body overheated, despite what I’d just heard. All I wanted was for Pistol to take over my body again and make me forget everything. At that moment I decided not to tell him about what Kevia had just told me. I was going to get all sexy and entice that sexy motherfucka, who was waiting for me in the other room. It was more pressing that I relieve some pent-up tension and not worry about Rae or any of the chaos that was surrounding me. My mind and body were both in need of getting lost in seduction and the bliss of lovemaking. I’d tell Pistol all about that shit with Rae later.

  Chapter 16


  Boy, when Daisha walked in the room, I almost lost all my good sense. Honey had put on that sexy-ass purple negligee from Victoria’s Secret. It was all lacy and tight, and it showed off all her curves. Her ass cheeks peeked out sexily from her thong underwear. Ma was thick, and although her body wasn’t all perfectly tight, it was perfectly right for me. All I wanted to do was grab her and hold on to her thick ass while I dug deep inside of her.

  “Mmm, mmm, mmm.” I just shook my head, at a loss for words.

  She motioned for me to come to her, and I did. Shit, I was happy to. When I was in front of her, I dropped to my knees. I was at her mercy. I’d do anything for the sexy goddess who stood before me. Before Daisha, I’d performed oral sex on a couple of chicks whom I was feeling a little more than others. But when I did that shit to her, it was different. It was like I was ravenous with it. Her pussy just tasted so good, and I loved how wet and gushy she felt afterward.

  My tongue traveled up her leg, and I inhaled the sweet scent of her pussy. I could also sense her arousal. It was definitely something that attracted me to her more than to the average woman. That was the chemistry of it. Sometimes when you put two people together, it was just a natural thing.

  “Pistol … ,” she whispered.

  I stood up and pulled her to me. Our lips joined, and then our tongues did a sensual dance. Hers tasted so sweet, but I wanted to taste something else. I wanted to ignite every square inch of her brown-sugar skin with my tongue until she couldn’t take any more. Then I was going to bury my nine inches so deep inside of her goodness until we both exploded into bits and pieces of ecstasy. Damn. Li’l mama had me thinking poetic, erotic thoughts and shit.

  I removed the sexy lingerie from her body ever so slowly, enjoying my own personal little peep show. The way her skin glowed beneath the lights made every nerve ending in my body stand at attention. It was good to see her natural coloring coming back. The bruises were finally going away. I’d been gentle with her at my uncle’s, but now that she was healing up, maybe we could go a little harder. Shit, the way she’d walked up on me, I was ready to get freaky.

  We didn’t have any music on or anything, and there was no talking going on between us. Only pure, unadulterated nastiness was about to go down up in that bitch.

  “Shit!” Daisha gasped once I’d laid her down on the sofa and taken her hard clit into my warm, wet mouth.

  “I been wantin’ to taste your sweetness, baby. Talkin’ ’bout no sexual stuff. Shit. This here is my pussy,” I said between slurps, sucks, and licks.

  That pussy was flowing like a river in no time.

  “Oh … fuck … Pistol!” She grabbed the back of my head and started humping my face.

  I loved that shit, and I stared her down, challenging her not to cum yet.

  Her eyes were vulnerable as hell as she looked up at me in longing. Baby girl wanted that nut, and she wanted it bad.

  “Fingers, baby … fingers,” she moaned, grabbing my hand. “Mmm … shit … It feels so good, I can’t breathe.”

  I gently pushed my pointer and middle fingers inside of her. That pussy snapped around them tightly. In no time she had her thighs around my head and her whole body was shaking.

  “Fuck! I’m cumin’! Yes … fuck … yes! Pistol … mmm … ahhh … ohhh … shit!”

  I didn’t let up, though. A nigga kept right on eating that pussy until tears started running down her cheeks and juice was all over my sofa. The wetter, the better, I thought. The thought of how tight, warm, and gushy that shit was about to be had my heart thumping against my rib cage.

  “You good, Ma?” I grabbed a condom from the pocket of my jeans and then quickly removed my clothes.

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly.

  She’d replaced my fingers with her own, and I watched attentively as she played with her pussy. The way that shit looked, sounded, and smelled had me gone. My dick was so damn hard, and I was hoping that once I was in that good shit, I wouldn’t nut all fast.

  Her soft hands were all over my back, massaging and squeezing, as I pushed my way inside.

  “Ohhh …” She bit her bottom lip.

  She felt so fucking good, I had to close my eyes. “Am I hurtin’ you?” I asked, hoping that I was not, as I leaned over to taste her succulent lips.

  That pussy was so tight and wet that I had to do something with my mouth so I wouldn’t be moaning like a li’l bitch. My eyes rolled back in pleasure. The warmth and the way that pussy sucked me in and clenched me like a vacuum seal was that shit. It was like that thang was made just for a nigga.


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