The Backstage Series Box Set

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The Backstage Series Box Set Page 35

by Dani René

  My body bows against his, and he drives deeper sending me soaring. “Yessss…” I hiss out the word and dig my nails into his shoulders as his body locks and I feel him shoot jet after jet of release inside me.

  Soft murmurs rouse me and when I roll over, I find Ryan on the phone. His back is facing me and I over hear him talking and I realize it must be Liam. “Yes, she’s sleeping. We’ll be home when we can, there are things we need to sort out. She’s mine, I’m never leaving her.” The words fill my heart and my eyes tear up with emotion. With love and devotion to a man who knows the real me and still wants me.

  He hangs up a moment later and I shut my eyes quickly before he discovers me eavesdropping. “I know you’re awake, baby,” he chuckles and I crack one eye, peeking up at him. Dark eyes regard me with amusement. “How much of that did you hear?” He questions, climbing back under the covers, circling my waist, he tugs me against him and I bask in his warmth.

  “Only the part about you telling Liam I’m the love of your life and you’re not leaving me,” I murmur on a shy smile. My voice groggy from all the moaning and screaming I did last night. There’s a delicious ache between my thighs and I can’t help smiling at the memory of how many times we made love last night.

  “Good, that’s the most important part.” He plants a soft kiss on my forehead and my eyes flutter and my belly tingles with the flutter of butterflies. Ryan has a way of consuming me, my every thought, and my body. There’s no explanation for what he does to me besides turning me to mush.

  Last night, he both devoured me and claimed me, in every way possible. We got to know each other in ways that would make me blush every time I’d recall them. As if he were playing an instrument, he used my body to elicit sounds from me I didn’t know I could make.

  When I took him in my mouth, I savored his taste. Sweet, salty, just Ryan. I wanted to please him as much as he’d pleased me, and from the look on his face, I accomplished my mission. The faint hint of sunlight bathes us as we lie in each other’s arms and I wonder if this is finally my happy ending.

  Later today I’ll see the doctor, get the results back from my blood tests. I’ve been religious about my health since I found out about the gene that’s in my body, the one that could change my life forever, and already has. It’s difficult as a woman to know your life is threatened by something so small, yet so volatile. I watched my mom suffer. I saw her deteriorate before my very eyes. A strong-willed, beautiful woman, weakened by a mutation in her body. When they found the cancer it was too far gone to treat. We didn’t have a choice but to allow her to fade.

  Months I spent by her side, but it wasn’t only her, I watched my father disappear further into despair as he watched the woman he loved die. For years after she died, he retreated from himself, from me. Even though he did his best, it was something that I saw pained him. His heart was broken, fragmented with memories of her. Of their life together.

  That’s the reason I pushed Ryan away for so long. I didn’t want him to go through that. I love him too much to know he’ll be in such agony if he ever lost me. Or had to watch me go through that. “Ki?” His voice drags me from the millions of questions and thoughts running rampant through my mind.

  Lifting my gaze, I meet his concerned stare.

  “Are you okay, baby?” Nodding, I shift so I’m practically lying on his chest. Our faces inches apart and my mouth hungry to feel his lips on mine.

  “I’m thinking, wondering how I got this lucky,” I murmur.

  “It’s me that’s the lucky one, Kierra. I don’t want you worrying about anything. I’m here, I’m not leaving, and once your father gives me permission, I’m marrying you.” His words, his confession stills my heart. Our eyes lock in a stand-off and as much as I want to deny him, to tell him to find someone who isn’t threatened with an uncertain future, I don’t. Instead, I smile. A real, genuine grin.

  “I haven’t agreed, and who knows, I may find some rich, sexy rock star who isn’t as stubborn as you,” I giggle when he tugs me closer.

  “Don’t even think about it,” he mumbles into my hair. “Get some rest, and I’ll go to the doctor with you later,” he promises and as a yawn falls from my lips, I do fall under allowing myself to dream.


  When I open my eyes all I see is her beautiful face. Angelic. Dark hair fans across the pillows and her full lips part as she breathes quietly. “Are you being a creeper?” Steel blue eyes open and peer at me.

  “You’re beautiful when you’re asleep. I can’t help but be creepy and watch you.” I reach for her, pulling her into my arms. Her smooth skin is warm to the touch and her breasts are squashed against my bare chest.

  “I guess since it’s you, I’ll be able to handle it,” she quips in response and I roll us over, my body caging her in and I settle between her slender thighs. Our bodies align perfectly and my erection nudges her glistening pussy. The heat and slickness that meets the crown of my cock has me groaning with need and desire. Even though we spent most of last night making love, into the early hours of the morning, I want her again.

  “Oh really?” I reach down and tickle her sides, which in turn has her giggling uncontrollably. She tries and fails to swat me away, I’m too strong for her and I’ve got her pinned to the bed.

  “Please, please, stop. Okay, okay! I’m joking. Ryan!” Her giggles are like fuel to my blood, heating it with want. My body aches to be inside her. To feel her tight heat around me. Her wide eyes peer up at me and she murmurs. “Make love to me?”

  “Sweetheart, you don’t have to ask me twice,” I growl. She’s already drenched and I roll my hips, not sliding into her, just teasing her with the steel that is my cock. She’s got me so hard, ready to make her scream my name over and over again.

  I reach between us, stroking her pussy, then aligning my cock perfectly, I inch in slowly. Her body accepts me, like she’s been made just for me. “You feel incredible, Kiki. You fit me like a glove.” Her legs wrap around me and we move together in a beautifully erotic dance. Our hearts beat in time with the other. A rhythmic, calming melody that has my senses heightened, every nerve in my body is alight, sparking through me like a current of electricity.

  This is our song. Between the want I have for her, and the fear she holds in her heart, I know we’ll make this work. I’ve given up denying myself this woman. I’ll have her, and it won’t be for one night, or two, it will be forever. Until my dying breath. She just needs to let go, to finally relent and allow me to show her I’m man enough for her.

  And with that thought running through my mind, we make love again. Uniting not only our bodies, but our hearts and souls. We’re one. Always will be.

  After breakfast, we both took a long, hot shower and Ki told me her doctor’s appointment was at midday. Once we got dressed, I grabbed my keys, phone, and wallet and we made our way out to the reception to collect her car keys.

  The road to her parent’s house is quiet and my mind is whirling with thoughts of what her father’s going to say. I wanted to ask for his blessing, but I didn’t realize how nervous I’d be. I’ve never had a close relationship with my parents, but I know Kierra loves her father and his opinion counts. I’ve never been one to change who I am for others, if you don’t like me, that’s up to you, so this is out of my league completely.

  I know if I had a daughter and a man like me walked up to the door asking for her hand in marriage, I’d lose my mind. I’d probably lock her up in a room and never allow her out. All I can do is hope he sees how much I love her. How much she means to me and that I’d never hurt her.

  When we pull up to the house, I turn to her. She’s tense and I wonder if it’s because I’m with her, or because she knows what I’m about to do. “You’re quiet,” I comment, watching her reaction.

  “I’m nervous, to be honest. My father liked you when you first met him, that won’t change now that we’re officially together. It’s just… well, today is going to be emotional in more ways than one and
I really want him to see how I feel about you,” her confession has my heart soaring. Hope blooms in my chest because she feels the same.

  “I know, Ki, but even if he tests me, I’m not giving up. I love you. Do you understand that? I’m never walking away. If it takes me another ten years to prove to him how deep my feelings are, I’ll do it gladly. If it will mean a forever with you, I’ll move mountains, baby,” leaning in, I plant a chaste kiss on her lips and sit back. The soft rosy hue on her cheeks makes me grin like a fool.

  “I love you too, Ryan.” She says so quietly, but I hear it. I’ve always heard her. Even when she wasn’t saying anything at all.

  “Let’s go,” I push the door open and exit the car. Rounding it, I open her door and offer my hand, as soon as hers slips into mine, I feel the confidence I need to get through this.

  Before we reach the house, the door opens and I’m face to face with Mr. Thorne, Ki’s father, and the man I need to convince to allow me to marry his daughter.

  “Nice to see you again, Ryan,” he rumbles in a deep baritone.

  “Thank you, Sir. It’s good to see you too. You’re looking well,” I reach out with a proffered hand and he accepts, allowing me to breathe.

  “Come in, I’ve just made brunch,” he turns and leaves us staring at each other. Giggling, Ki steps inside first and I follow, closing the door behind me. Their home is beautiful, filled with comfortable furniture with a lived-in feel. It’s not a house, it’s a home.

  The living room opens onto a large dining table which overlooks a garden and swimming pool. There’s a spread of food set out and even though we’d eaten a mere hour ago, I feel another bout of hunger kick in. It might just be nerves, but I settle in one of the chairs, with Kierra between her father and myself.

  “So, Ryan,” he starts and I drag my gaze to meet his. “You’ve come all this way to see my daughter? That’s quite a trip.” He doesn’t sound angry, but there’s definitely a wariness that filters through his words and hangs in the air.

  “Yes, I…” Sighing, I take a sip of juice and regard him again. Better get this over with. “You see, Mr. Thorne, Kierra is special to me. I mean, I’ve known her for ten years. We’ve worked together, travelled the world together, and I’ve loved her for all that time. When I first saw her, my world stopped, it was as if she’d been put before me and I couldn’t see anything else, or anyone else for that matter. I love her. I really do. And that’s why I’ve come all this way,” casting a quick glance at Ki, she offers a smile and I find the words, “I’d like your permission, your approval, your blessing to take her as my wife. I’d like to marry her, give her the support she needs in a partner, and I swear I’d never hurt her. I’ll always be there for her, no matter what happens.”

  He’s silent for a long while, too long and my nerves get the better of me. He glances around, looks at his daughter and meets her gaze. Something passes between them, like an unsaid understanding and he pushes his chair out, rising to full height.

  If I wasn’t trying to swallow past the fear and anxiety lumped in my throat, I’d say more, but I can’t. My voice has found a hiding place and I can’t find it.

  “Dad,” Ki starts, but he glances at her, silencing her immediately. Then his gaze locks on me and Kierra’s hand finds mine under the table.

  “Ryan, thank you for coming here and being honest with me. For telling me about your feelings for my daughter, and also for caring for her when she’s in L.A. Nothing would make me happier than her finding real love and a man who can offer her that. There’s only one thing I need to know before I give you my blessing, and I will, but,” he stops, so does my heart. He reaches for a magazine behind him and places it in front of both Kierra and me. When my gaze hits the headline, my heart lurches. My world crashes around me, dragging me down, deep into the darkness that I thought I’d escaped. The one thing from my past that I regret stares at me. Being a rock star has its perks, but it’s also a curse. One that can ruin your life, your love, and your future.

  “Ryan?” Kierra’s voice breaks through the haze of fury and anger.

  “Care to explain this accusation?” Her father’s voice finally pulls my head up and I regard him. Honesty is the best policy, so I inhale a deep resounding breath and I know there’s no other way out, but to give him the whole story.


  “I’ve made many mistakes over the years when it comes to certain choices I made. I have been with groupies, fans, whatever you want to call them, but I just don’t remember this girl at all. Most of the time I was acting out of pure jealousy when I would see Kierra with her boyfriend at the time. I knew I wasn’t man enough to admit my feelings, yet, the thought of not being with her set me off course. I did something stupid. Jealousy had wrung me out. I didn’t know it at the time, but my love for her was already deep rooted.”

  He stops, glancing at me momentarily, then meeting my father’s glare. I know what he’s talking about because I recall that night with clarity. The band had finished playing and I’d been seeing Cody for a short while. We’d not slept together, but he was getting antsy with me. We were backstage when Ryan and the boys got off stage. That was when I did something I knew I shouldn’t have. I pulled Cody in for a kiss that if it had been Ryan, would’ve made my toes curl and my belly flop, but I didn’t feel a thing. I wanted to make Ryan jealous.

  You see, as much as I refused to date him, I wanted him to want me. Yes, I was a bitch. I wanted him to feel the jealousy I felt when the groupies would grab him and kiss him. I needed him to experience the ache I felt seeing him with another woman.

  “In my haze of frustration from seeing her kiss him, I did something I’d regret forever.” His confession continues through my memories as I remember the girl on the front page of the tabloid sitting on the table, taunting me. “I got drunk, very drunk. It was the only way I would have gone through with it. You see, every time I kissed another girl, it was always gray-blue eyes that pierced me. It was always Kierra’s face I saw. Anyway, in my drunken haze I must have had sex with this girl. It’s the only way to explain why I don’t remember her.” He glances at the offending pages before us.

  My heart hurts at his confession. It’s a physical ache.

  “So you’re telling me this was a one-night stand?” Hearing my father say something like that makes me cringe. You never think about your parents knowing about sex, one-night stands, or anything of the sort. It’s something no child wants to think about.

  “Yes, Sir. The first thing I’ll have to request are paternity tests. It’s been almost two years and I honestly don’t know why she’s surfacing now. The thing of it is, I don’t remember that night. At all. Every time I try to figure it out, I come up blank. It’s as if what happened has been wiped from my mind. Yes, she’s claiming it’s my child, but there’s no proof. For someone in this business, proof is something that’s called for, it’s imperative we have tests done.”

  “This could be a lie she’s fabricated to get you to pay her?” Ryan nods. His hand in mine feels warm and I give it a reassuring squeeze.

  “I think she’s lying, Dad. I know Ryan and as much as he’s done stupid things, I don’t think this is true, at all.”

  “Mr. Thorne, I know this might seem like too much for Kierra, and I agree it is. But, I love Kierra with all that I am. I don’t want to hurt her, or pull her into this. I’m standing by her side no matter what. I’ll show the world how much I love your daughter. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her.”

  My dad and Ryan are in a standoff, and as much as I love both men in this room, they’re both stubborn. Deep down, my heart hurts for what this woman is doing to the man I love, but I know I need to guard myself. The news had to have broken early this morning, or last night when we were lost in each other.

  As much as last night was perfect, doubt is a bitch and she loves to play with me. Since I was a teen, I’d worry. Things would always bother me, and this time, it’s no different.

  Yes, we’ve lov
ed each other for a long time, but what if it is his child. What if she’s right and the little girl is Ryan’s?


  “Ryan, maybe you need to go back? To figure out what this woman wants?” Ki’s sweet voice questions me, but I can’t. There’s no way I’m leaving her. Shaking my head, I rise from the table with a nod at Mr. Thorne and I step over to the terrace door.

  “I’ll leave you two to talk this out. Ryan,” I turn to Kierra’s father, “you seem like a good man, if my daughter believes in you, then I do too.” With that, he turns and leaves us in the living room.

  I turn to my girl. Taking her hands in mine, I hold them, feeling the heat of her smooth skin. “I’m not leaving you. This shit with her can wait. You’re my life Kierra, don’t push me away please?” She watches me with those stormy eyes.

  “Ryan, I’ll be okay. I have my dad. He’ll be with me and when I get back, we can talk.”

  “Talk? What do you mean? There is no talking Ki, you’re mine. This isn’t a discussion. I’m with you. Always. It’s been ten years and this time, I have you in my arms. I’m not letting you go.”

  The tension between us makes fear grip my chest. Breathing becomes difficult, and for the first time since I told her I love her, I feel as if she’s slipping away.

  “I want you to go, Ryan. This doesn’t just affect you. It’s the band. You’ve got to think about Callum and Liam as well.” She nods then. “We can go to the hospital together. But after, I want you to go to them. To sort this out before it gets worse. It’s a PR nightmare and with the tour coming up we need to put a lid on it.”

  “Always thinking about work, but if I need to make a statement, it will be here, beside you. Even with everything you’ve got going on, you’re more concerned with us than yourself,” cupping her face in my hands, I lean in and press a kiss to her mouth. The sweetness of Kierra, is something I’d never tire of. My beauty. My muse. My inspiration.


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