Make Him Purr: A Paranormal BBW Werepanther Shape Shifter Mail-Order Navy SEAL Romance

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Make Him Purr: A Paranormal BBW Werepanther Shape Shifter Mail-Order Navy SEAL Romance Page 7

by Anya Nowlan

  “Still got that temper, even when you know you’re going to get a solid lesson in a few moments. That’s always what I liked about you, Sonya. You’re a real ride or die bitch. So I guess, since you won’t ride, you’re gonna have to die, huh? Shame. I’m going to miss that ass. And that pussy.”

  Blade licked across his lips with his wide, thick tongue. It made Sonya shudder to think that she’d ever let him anywhere near her. Let alone that she’d given herself to him for years. Ugh.

  “Well, I guess. I’m a bitch, that much I’ll agree on with you. So since you’re going to axe me anyway, you wanna tell me what that damn thing is all about?” she asked, pointing at the small bag in his hand.

  Blade quirked a brow and looked at the little pouch and then over to Sonya, tucking it in his back pocket.

  “Easy. My mother always told me not to trust anyone. So I didn’t. And when she betrayed me, sprouting nonsense about how I was a danger to society when I cut some punk’s throat for busting in on my corner back in my hood days, I cut her throat too. This was hers. I thought she was different, but I should have known better. I keep this around to remind me that I can’t trust any bitch. And once again, you’ve proven me right.”

  Sonya didn’t know what to say to that. Blade was fucking insane, that much was clear. Even Tate and Deke were sharing confused, dumbstruck looks amongst one another. Though her mind barely registered it, her body recognized her chance. She leapt into action, bursting into a sprint and passing Deke easily.

  Sonya reached the window, but it was jammed, and by the time she got it open, Blade’s iron grip locked around her waist and flung her back, sending her tumbling over the couch and collapsing on the floor along with it.

  “Don’t you FUCKING DARE, BITCH!” Blade roared, the tiger so close to the surface that she could almost see it in his expression.

  He came at her with quick strides and Sonya only had time to scramble away from him on her hands and feet, until her back was against the wall. He’d just raised his hand to strike her across the face when the front door burst open and Diesel came slamming into him like a train into a stalled car.

  Sonya screamed as the two men crashed past her, Diesel bringing Blade down with him. He was already punching the tiger in the face and gut even before they touched the floor. Diesel looked like a man possessed. His face was contorted in rage, and she saw all those fine, delicious muscles she’d licked, loved and admired just the night before turning into a terrifying killing machine. She stared dumbstruck until Tate rushed to Blade’s aid, the big crony still a bit woozy from getting thrown against the wall when Diesel plowed into the cabin and sent Tate flying out of his way.

  Sonya heard a growl and caught the tail end of Deke’s shift. Thinking fast, Sonya gave control over to her own animal. The morph took her swiftly, sending that turmoil of emotions into the background and bringing the animal instincts up to the surface.

  Tate had just pulled Diesel off of Blade and was helping Blade get up when Sonya jumped up on his back, her long claws digging into his meaty back and her jaws ripping at his flesh. The man screamed and grabbed her by the scruff of her neck. With amazing strength, he flipped her over his back and threw her at the wall, where she slumped in a pile on the ground.

  Her head spun, but she’d given Diesel just enough time to shift. If he was terrifying in his human form, that was nothing compared to his panther form. Had she not known the man inside, Sonya would have been scrambling to get out of his path.

  Diesel jumped in front of her, blocking her from Deke’s advance.

  I’ve got you, she heard in her head as she got up on wobbly feet, head spinning from the impact with the wall.

  For once, she was sure that he meant what he said. This was a man with conviction – but was a man with conviction enough against two jackals and a tiger?



  The cottage shook with roars and growls. Diesel watched as Blade threw himself into his shift. The man was almost as big as Diesel, but when he turned, it was obvious that his tiger was much bigger. The dark red coat of the Caspian tiger was healthy and thick, and his paws were a third larger than Diesel’s. But where the tiger had fluff, Diesel only had muscle. Where Blade showed his impressive fangs, Diesel knew that his were honed to kill, to rip, to shred. He doubted the other man could say the same.

  Two jackals were at the tiger’s sides, one smaller and the other bigger. The bigger one was the one Sonya attacked – it was obvious from the way he kept his head cocked to the side and how blood already matted his sable fur. The five shifters were almost too big for the house even without a fight. Whatever was going to happen, Diesel knew it wasn’t going to be pretty.

  I’ll take the little guy.

  Diesel glanced over his shoulder at Sonya, as if asking whether she was sure. She nodded, fire burning in her yellow eyes. Any other time, he would have stopped to admire the way her black coat gleamed and shimmered, and how her eyes were brimming with such intelligence even when shifted, but now was not the time. He was just going to have to trust that she knew what she was doing.

  If something happens to you, I won’t be able to live with myself, Diesel told her, giving in to the painful throb that went through his heart when he thought of losing her.

  It was now or never, after all.

  So let’s make sure nothing happens.

  The next thing he knew, Sonya had leapt up and bounced off of his back, flying into Deke like a missile. They were a pile of fur and claws and teeth on the floor, but it was enough distraction to give Diesel a chance at the other jackal.

  With one bound, Diesel covered the distance between them, and when his jaws clamped around Tate’s neck, he felt the familiar, warm glow of bloodlust. The rage took over and he shook the jackal mercilessly, flinging him into the wall, despite his big size. He heard a pained yelp and then quiet – one down.

  Blade swiped at Diesel with one big, deathly paw, and Diesel managed to keep it from ripping into his face, but the tiger still caught him in the shoulder. Diesel growled lowly, leaning back with every muscle ready to rip into the tiger. The expressive face of the tiger was contorted in anger, his eyes in slits and his fangs gleaming. Diesel knew that diving right between those jaws would be suicide.

  Diesel glanced to the side, making Blade look in that direction as well. Using the moment, Diesel jumped, bouncing off the wall and coming down on Blade from above. His claws locked into Blade’s side and shoulder, and he hung on for dear life as his jaws tore into the tiger. Blade yowled with pain, his bigger but slower body convulsing. He tried to shake Diesel off with any means possible, but the panther wouldn’t be tossed. It only made him sink his teeth in harder, until the familiar sounds of life leaving a body filled his senses.

  Diesel couldn’t hear anything. The rage of battle consumed him entirely. Only when he felt Sonya’s warm hands on his neck did he release his grip slightly. Blade had slumped under him, and he was standing above him, still choking him.

  “Diesel, stop! Don’t kill him!” Sonya begged.

  That sobered him immediately. Diesel let go of the tiger, and he collapsed on the floor. Looking up, Diesel saw that Tate was still in a pile where he’d thrown him and Deke, though still breathing, was whimpering in a corner. Sonya was covered in cuts and wounds, but she was alive.

  “You were right, soldier. You made sure I was safe,” Sonya whispered, her hands thrust into his soft coat.

  Diesel stood like the floor was about to open up and swallow him – rigid, unsure. He’d worked so hard to put the rage and the anger behind him. And now he’d almost killed someone. But she’d been there to stop him, the voice of reason that he thought he’d lost. Diesel hung his head, nuzzling into Sonya’s shoulder. He was in deep.


  “We’re fine, I swear,” Diesel said, waving to Deacon and Rake as they drove off in their respective trucks.

  It was almost dawn now, and Diesel and Sonya had just got back to th
e cottage. Kacey had patched up Deke and Tate to the best of her abilities, and the two jackals were hanging out in the sheriff’s office. Warren had volunteered to keep an eye on them, and when he offered for Diesel to take the night off and go talk things through with Sonya, he couldn’t exactly turn him down.

  Blade was in a worse state. An emergency vehicle from the nearest major city had made it to Shifter Grove (thank the spirits that it wasn’t wintertime) and he’d been shipped off, along with a thorough report on who he was and what he’d tried to do in Shifter Grove – not to mention what Sonya had already known about him.

  Now, it was just Diesel and Sonya, and he wasn’t entirely sure where to start.

  He closed the door behind him and walked to the couch, putting it upright. They’d taken the plastic off of it a few days ago, but it was still little more than a placeholder. Sonya was standing by one of the windows, staring out into the darkness of the night. It kicked him right in the gut, seeing her so rigid and sad. She’d been like that throughout filing the report, her eyes almost glassy.

  Diesel went to her, putting his arms around her from behind. He pulled her closer, cradling her to his body. Just thinking about the fact that he’d almost conceded to letting her go just some time ago was like a bucket of cold water dumped on his head.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered, his chin resting on her shoulder.

  She chuckled, a mirthless sound that came straight from her gut. He could feel her shudder a little.

  “What are you sorry about? You didn’t bring a crazed drug dealer and his posse to Shifter Grove and had him almost kill you. I think I’m the one who needs to apologize here. Everything I do just causes more shit.”

  Diesel frowned. Gently but firmly, he spun her around and looked her square in the eyes. Her gorgeous hazel pools were just as easy to get lost in as the first time he’d looked into them.

  “It wasn’t your fault. He would have come after you no matter what. Like you said, the man has some serious issues, not least of which is the fact that he thinks you’re his property. The only person you belong to is yourself. And if he had to follow you anywhere, I’m happy it was here – it meant that I got to meet you. And he did a lot less damage here than he would have in a human town. I don’t even want to think about what he would have done to you if I hadn’t got here in time.”

  Anger pierced his words. He almost regretted not killing the weretiger. Diesel pulled Sonya closer to him, kissing the top of her head. His heart pounded a million beats a minute. He wanted, so badly, to explain to her how he felt about her, but he didn’t want to just force all of it on her at once. It hadn’t been an easy night for either of them.

  “He’s done that to you before, hasn’t he? Hurt you?” Diesel asked, raising Sonya’s chin to look at him.

  Tears were rolling down her cheeks in earnest now, and it damn near broke his heart. As if his embrace could make the pain go away, he scooped her up in his arms and walked her to the couch. Sitting down with his dark-skinned princess of a cat burglar in his arms, he cradled her close, showering her cheek and lips with light kisses when she would let him.

  “Sonya, I’m sorry for how I acted before. It’s a long story, but I lost my squad before I left the Navy. It is something that eats away at me every day. It has made me more distant than I’d like. It has made me more dangerous, I think, but only in the name of protecting what is dear to me.”

  Diesel paused, looking at her and taking her in. Even when she cried, even when she was cut and bruised, she took his breath away.

  “I know we don’t know each other that well, but I think there’s something here. You make me feel like I could be a better man. Like there’s more to life than just… my past. And even if you don’t feel the same way, I’d like it if you would stay with me for a while. Until you figure out what to do with your life. I’d prefer to have more, but if I can’t have it, I’ll settle for just knowing you’re safe and happy until you know what you want to do. But I don’t want to pressure you into anything. We can just go to sleep and try to figure things out tomorrow.”

  He nuzzled her shoulder again, inhaling her scent. Her hands slid around his neck and she kissed his forehead. The touch made a jolt go through him – a bolt of desire, a sense of hope. He looked up at her, and a sad smile curved her kissable lips.

  “Okay,” she said.

  “Okay what?”

  “Okay, let’s go to sleep and figure things out tomorrow. I don’t think I could say anything that makes sense tonight.”

  Diesel nodded and shifted her carefully in his lap so he could lie down on the couch. It was just big enough for them to lie on it, as long as Sonya was mostly on him – that was exactly how he preferred it.

  The light of the dawn was flooding into the cabin, but it didn’t matter. Diesel had no doubt that the moment he felt Sonya falling asleep, he would be out like a light too. Sonya rested her head on his chest, and her hand trailed up and down his side, each touch making him smile. Funny how things could go so far to hell and come right back again over the course of one night.

  “I think there’s something here too,” Sonya admitted in a low murmur.

  Diesel kissed the top of her head and coiled his fingers in her hair, keeping her close. He was going to be damned if he was going to let anything else bad happen to this amazing creature in his arms.



  Sonya woke up to the distinct smell of pancakes and maple syrup. Through bleary eyes, she hauled herself up on the couch, looking around confused. Pancakes? At Diesel’s place? Did a fairy godmother suddenly show up to make sure that Sonya had all her wishes fulfilled? She stretched, the aches and pains of her body still clearly there, though somewhat relieved by a good night’s rest.

  She got up just as there was a knock at the door. She walked to the door, tossing a questioning look towards the kitchen, where she could hear the faint sounds of something frying on the pan and… whistling? Was Diesel whistling? The world was clearly about to end!

  Opening the door, she was greeted by the grinning faces of the Warfang brothers.

  “Special delivery!” Tyler hollered good-naturedly, pushing past Sonya with Trey in tow, a large mattress held between them.

  “What the hell?” Sonya asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

  She’d met the Warfangs before and knew they were the resident builders, but her sleep-weary mind was not exactly keeping up with all that was going on.

  “Hey, Diesel! Where do you want it?” Tyler hollered.

  Diesel popped his head around the corner, giving Sonya a wink and then motioning at any old corner in the living room. It was pretty empty, after all.

  “Anywhere is fine. I’ll lug it up myself later.”

  “Don’t have to tell me twice,” Trey said, letting his end drop and scooting out as Tyler set the other end down as well and allowed it to slide onto the floor at the spot where Diesel usually rolled out his sleeping bag.

  Trey was back in a moment, carrying large pieces that looked to be the makings of a bed. Between him and Tyler, they carried in a few more piles of stuff, including the rest of the bed, what looked to be a coffee table and a dining room table and some chairs.

  Diesel came out to help them with the last few loads, kissing the utterly confused Sonya on his way out.

  “I, um… Okay,” she concluded, sitting back down on the couch.

  “So we can talk shop later, alright? Slate took over the watch and Deacon said he’ll take tonight. You two just take a day off. We can figure this all out tomorrow,” Tyler said, shaking hands with Diesel.

  “I appreciate it,” the big panther replied.

  “Don’t I know it,” Trey confirmed, shaking hands with Diesel as well.

  Both of the wolves tipped their hats at Sonya, and the look Tyler gave her told her that the wolves could imagine what was going on in the Wake household a little bit too well. She couldn’t help but grin.


  Though, this time, the thought carried nothing but positive emotions.

  “So, do you wanna tell me what all this is about?” Sonya asked, pulling her legs up to her knees.

  “How about I show you?” Diesel asked, laughter in his voice.

  He carried the dining table to a large open area in the wide living room and set it up so that it looked out to the view from one of the windows. After moving two chairs to it as well, he almost skipped into the kitchen. Diesel re-emerged with a big stack of fluffy pancakes with all the trappings and a pot of coffee. The next trip brought with it cutlery and plates.

  “So, breakfast?” he asked, his eyes twinkling with glee.

  Sonya giggled. Who the hell was this man and what had he done with her grouchy as hell panther?

  “Don’t mind if I do,” she said, but before she could get up, he had rushed over to her and picked her up.

  Diesel deposited her lightly on one of the chairs, demanding a kiss that she was more than happy to give him, before putting her down. He settled in across from her and poured her coffee.

  “So is this what happens? You impart some justice and your mood gets lifted?” Sonya teased, taking a big bite out of the pancakes.

  They were heavenly. H-E-A-V-E-N-L-Y! Her panther could cook. And yes, she did think of him as hers already. Wasn’t even going to blush about it or try and deny it.

  “Well, maybe. But I think I’m just glad you’re still here. I was worried you’d disappear over the night, and I’m happy to see that wasn’t the case. So when I got up, I thought about what happened last night and I understood something.”

  Diesel put his fork down and took her hand from across the table. Touching him still sent a spark of desire through her, even though he was just holding her palm in his. But wasn’t that how it was supposed to be? She certainly thought so.

  “If I want to make you see that I’m willing to work at this, I have to show it to you. I know this isn’t much,” he said, sweeping a hand over the pile of furniture the Warfangs had conjured up, “But I thought it would be a start. I’m all in, Sonya.”


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