Campbell's Reaper: Soul Reapers #2

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Campbell's Reaper: Soul Reapers #2 Page 9

by J. D. Lowrance

  My head dropped against the shower wall as I sighed, “Tank.” His growl rumbled against my sensitive nub right before he speared me with his tongue. Again and again he probed me. His thumb found my bundles of nerves as he worked me over and over. My fingers laced in his hair as he brought one of my legs over his shoulder, allowing him to go deeper into me. The tremors started at my core and vibrated outwards throughout my body as I fell over the edge. I screamed my release. His tongue never stopped lapping at my body, even after I came down from my Tank-induced high. I reached for him until he was standing eye level with me. His fingers still rubbed me in all the right places. “So good,” I sighed. My body was boneless as Tank lifted me up, kissing me. I moaned as I tasted him and my desire on my tongue.

  The kiss came to an end as Tank unwrapped my legs from his waist and sat me down. Reaching over, he grabbed the soap and lathered his hands with a thick foam before handing it to me. I repeated the same process. Ever so slowly, Tank and I washed every inch of each other.

  “Turn around,” rasped Tank as he washed my back. When he was done I turned back to him and said, “Your turn.” I twirled my hand as his body turned giving me his back.

  I came face-to-face with a winged reaper carrying a scythe. “It’s beautiful,” I said as my tongue traced the outline of the tattoo that was identical to his cut. “It’s so large and imposing.”

  “It’s me.” His simple statement was so quiet I barely heard him above the shower.

  My index finger traced each of the letters across the top. S-O-U-L R-E-A-P-E-R-S. Then the C-A-M-D-E-N C-I-T-Y across the bottom. The more I looked at it the more I realized how much of this tattoo symbolized who Tank really was. The black clothed reaper truly was Tank. He was a Soul Reaper through and through. Nothing, not even me, would ever change that.

  “I know,” I answered honestly.

  “Sunshine,” he uttered as his chin dropped to his chest. We stood in silence, each accepting what the other had said. I fully accepted who he was and what it meant to him to be a brother within the Soul Reaper MC. I knew I may not always understand what it meant but I understood him and that was all I needed. When he finally turned to look at me, I smiled my best smile so he could see for himself how happy all of this made me.

  He laughed softly to himself while shaking his head at me. “Perfect,” he murmured against my lips as he shut off the shower.

  “Don’t move,” he directed as he disappeared out of the shower. My eyes felt heavy, my body relaxed from our intimacy. “Tired?” he asked as he came to stand in front of me wearing a towel around his waist. The second towel in his hands went around my shoulders as he proceeded to dry every inch of my body. Any tiredness I felt was replaced with desire as he spent extra time on my breasts and between my legs.

  “Hungry?” he rasped. My new favorite sound- Tank’s horny voice.

  “Starving,” I returned, wiggling my eyebrows and licking my lips. Tank threw his head back with a deep laugh. I was glad he got the double meaning.

  “Then let’s get dressed and get some food, horn ball.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” I said, hopping off the counter. I shook my ass the whole way out of the bathroom. Right as I reached my bag, Tank swatted my ass. Oh yeah!

  “Get dressed Sunshine, before you become my lunch.” His words shocked me. My mouth gaped open at his frankness.

  “You gonna catch flies like that,” he laughed as he pulled up a pair of jeans. My hand covered my mouth as I took in the hunk of a man in front of me. Muscles that had muscles detailed every inch of his exposed torso. The sleeve of tattoos from his shoulder to his elbow on his right arm was colorful and usually hidden by the black t-shirt he always wore. But today I got a great view and knew that my tongue would trace every single one very soon. On his left bicep was a single tattoo that at first glance looked like a barbed wire, but was really a line of nails that looked sexy as hell on him. It added to his bad ass appeal. His jeans hung low on his hips showing the sexy V of his hips, that again my tongue would get acquainted with real soon. My eyes followed the sprinkling of hair that lead to his happy place . . . while I should say my happy place. My core pulsed and I rubbed my thighs together trying to find relief.

  Tank cleared his throat and motioned with his hands for me to raise my eyes up. “Up here Sunshine.”

  “What?” I teased.

  “You know what! You keep staring at me like that and I cannot be held responsible for what I do to that sweet little body of yours.”

  “I dare you.” My bold words caught Tank off guard as surprise flitted across his features. His chest heaved as his hands clenched and unclenched at his sides.

  “Get. Dressed. Now.” He did not wait to see if I obeyed his command as he was out the door before I could even speak. I threw on clothes and chased after him.

  When I made it out of the room, sounds of too many in too small a space could be heard. I jogged down the hallway and met Tank at the top of the steps. He was looking down into the main open area of the clubhouse. Wow! It was packed with men, women, and a few kids. It seemed like everyone that knew the club was packed into this small space.

  “Lockdown?” I asked Tank over the noise.

  “Lockdown,” he confirmed. Yep! Whenever there was trouble, you could count on lockdown; the ultimate clustering of those that loved the club and the club loved to keep tabs on everyone and their safety.

  “Shit just got real.” My comment had Tank stopping misstep and turning around.

  “You better fucking believe it,” said Tank. The expression on his face was the most serious I had ever seen on him. “The Hellhounds have no idea the shit that will rain down on them in the next few days.” But the real question was what shit would they throw at us before this was all said and done.



  Tonight Campbell turned 18. We have all been in lockdown for the last five days and already it was starting to wear on everyone. The drama was still pretty low between the old ladies and sweet butts, but the brothers were already placing bets on when something would happen.

  Both places Campbell and Logan worked were friends of the club, so there was no issue with them not coming in during lockdown. All it took was a phone call from Prez and everything was fine.

  The day-to-day activities were done in shifts from look outs, to scouting, to meals. Campbell was Logan’s shadow all day, which was good since I was busy most days scouting and following leads that Prez got from other chapters and a few other clubs. We always traveled in pairs. Colton and I were usually together, but with the girls being in the clubhouse neither of us wanted to be gone at the same time. The last few runs I made with Knox, but today I was with Trigger. We were traveling back from a surveillance trip at what we believed to be a Hellhounds safe house about two hours away from the clubhouse.

  There was definitely activity at the house with motorcycles parked out front but no one wore cuts that came in or out of the house. And we did not recognize anyone, not a single soul. We stayed for the entire day watching for anything out of the ordinary. Ax and Whistler had taken over for us and now we were a few minutes from the clubhouse.

  Although Campbell had shared my bed since lockdown started, neither of us had made a move since that day in the shower. We were playing with fire and I seemed to be the only one concerned that we were about to get burned. She never stopped pushing me with her body pressed up against mine every night and her words every fucking day. I knew that if I was selfish enough to reach out and take what was mine, Campbell would never deny me. She told me I was her birthday wish. God my cock stiffens just thinking about it.

  It was yesterday morning, and I had been awake for a little while just watching her sleep. I stared at the barely there marks on her face, reminding me of everything she went through and everything I had failed to stop. My fingers lightly traced the marks when I saw her eyes fluttering open. I quickly closed mine and lay perfectly still so she would think I was still asl
eep. Even though my heart raced in anticipation of what she would do, I kept my breathing light.

  The silence stretched on. Right as I was about to open my eyes I felt the most delicate of touches trace my bottom lip, then the top, which was followed by two fingers running the length of my face from my hairline to my chin. I could not wait any longer to see her face. Ever so slowly I opened my eyes to see her chocolate depths following her fingers as they blazed a trail over my face; the gold in her eyes extra bright this morning.

  “Morning Sunshine.” My voice was dry from lack of use. I cupped her face and pulled her to me.

  “Morning handsome,” she purred as she curled into my side, laying her head on my chest. She traced her fingers along my chest and down to my stomach. Goosebumps trailed her touch as she went back and forth.

  “Soooooo,” dragged out Campbell. “My birthday is tomorrow and I know what I want.”

  “What you want?” This was going to be interesting. She inched herself up and propped herself up on my chest; her chin rested on her fist.

  “Yes, what I want. I thought long and hard about it. Logan usually took me to a movie and bought me a new outfit from Old Navy or an awesome something,” she air quoted something, “from a thrift store. And knowing Logan she will do the same this year which would be good since I don’t really have a lot of clothes. Plus I mean who doesn’t want clothes, right? Anywho. . .” Campbell rambling was fucking adorable. She trailed off as her cheeks turned the pretty shade of pink.

  “Sunshine,” I paused, patiently waiting for her eyes to lock on mine. When they finally did, I let her know I would do anything for her. “Whatever you want. Just tell me.”

  “You are my birthday wish.” My body stirred to life as her eyes darkened with desire. “I want you to be my first.” Hot damn! The quietness that followed had Campbell pursing her lips as her eyes grew larger than life. The shock of her blatant request surprised even herself.

  “O! M! G! I can’t believe I actually just blurted that out.” Campbell sat up in the bed with her hand over her mouth. “That . . . this is so embarrassing. Who says shit like that to a fucking bad ass biker. That is like asking for a first-class ticket to sweet buttville.” She went to stand up muttering to herself, but I stopped her retreat with an arm around her waist pulling her back into bed.

  “Where are you going?” I buried my nose in her head, breathing her in, while trying to not to laugh at her. I chuckled for I kept hearing sweet buttville over and over in my head.

  “Great, now you are laughing at me,” pouted Campbell.

  “No Sunshine,” I lied because that shit was funny. “Tell me,” I crooned, “why you trying to get away from me?”

  “To wash off the shame,” she said dramatically, throwing the back of her hand over her eyes. There’s my Sunshine. “Maybe if I scrub off enough embarrassment I can find some pride hiding under the humiliation.” Now I outright laughed at her theatrics.

  “Really! It was that embarrassing to let the fucking bad ass biker,” I air quoted her line, “your words not mine, know that you are in heat for his meat?”

  “OH MY GOD,” she laughed. “You did not just say that.” By now we were both laughing so hard. “Stop. You gotta stop making me laugh. I gotta pee.” Her words spurred me to action as I rolled over and straddled her. “Henry James Whittaker,” she threatened as I lifted my hands in a claw-like manner letting her know I was about to tickle the shit out of her. “No,” she squealed, trying to hold my arms as I so slowly lowered my hands teasing her. She screamed and then laughed hysterically as my fingers connected with her sides. Her hips bucked, then twisted and turned trying to get me off of her but I was just too big for her to have any luck. My cock responded instantly to her body rubbing against mine.

  “Stop,” she begged after a minute or two of my assault.

  “Are you crying uncle?” I asked, knowing I had to get off of her before I embarrassed myself.

  “Never,” she cried out as her fingers tried to tickle me.

  “Oh, you are in trouble now,” I threatened, grabbing her hands and pinning them above her head. Our bodies pressed intimately together with our lips inches from each other. Our heavy breaths mixed with one another as we stared into each other’s eyes. Hunger and need mirrored in our gaze.

  “Tomorrow,” she purred.

  “Tomorrow,” I agreed.

  “Promise?” Could I promise this? I closed my eyes to give me a chance to think as a thousand yeses ran through my mind. Not a single no voiced itself. I opened my eyes and saw all the confirmation I needed staring back at me. Campbell let her emotions shine through warming me from the inside out. “Promise.”


  Tonight was the night. It was all I thought about the last few hours. I was so excited that I could barely contain my energy. T minus 12 hours. Midnight never looked so awesome before in my life. New Year’s Eve did not hold a candle to tonight. To be honest, I never got the craziness of setting new resolutions or a new year, a new start. Hell, if there was something you wanted you went after it, whether it was a man or a new job. Whatever the hell it was, why wait? You want something bad enough you work your ass off to get it. At least that was how I saw it. And now that I was an adult, I planned to follow that motto. And sex with Tank would be my first adult “thing” that I went after with everything I had.

  Bang . . . bang. Back to reality. God I loved Logan but she sucked at shooting. She was an absolute mess; so bad at it that it was now just a running joke between us.

  “Oh, that was bad.” Logan’s voice was shrill as she looked between Colt and me.

  “Beautiful. Just don’t close your eyes when you pull the trigger.” Poor Colt tried everything to get her to be better than awful but he could not get through to her. And Logan being Logan just smiled her sweet smile and shrugged her shoulders.

  “Sorry baby,” she winced as she put the safety back on the gun. “Maybe you should just shoot with Cam. She is really good at this.”

  “Beautiful,” he paused, trying to gather some patience. “You need to know how to shoot. What if Cam isn’t around or you find yourself alone. You need to know.”

  “Colton,” she gritted out. The frustration she felt was written all over her face.

  “Hey.” Colt’s voice lowered as he grabbed her chin, tilting it up so they stared at one another. “Stop that bullshit right now. You know better.” He dipped his head and bit at her lips. Logan turned her head to avoid his assault. Her cheeks a lovely red as she made eye contact with me. It dawned on her that they were not alone and she quickly stepped away from Colton, mouthing sorry to me. I shrugged. It did not bother me in the least to see how Colt was with her. I loved him for it actually.

  “Focus,” he snapped, slapping her ass before stepping around her to me.

  “Ready, Cam?” He was so great. I loved him for my sister. Over the last week stuck together, Colt and I really got to know each other and have found our own bond without my sister. He even told me about his bitch-ass mother, Becky Price, who left him when was a kid and got his dad shot twice.

  “Yes,” I answered honestly as he held out the gun I had been practicing with. The thrill of holding the gun started to run through me. Adrenaline coursed through my body as I took the handle offered to me; the gun pointed at the ground as I released the safety.

  “Remember,” Colt said, “breathe the entire time. Don’t hold your breath. Keep your feet shoulder width apart. Other hand cradles the butt of the gun.” I nodded in response to his instructions as I did each thing he said. “Aim the gun.” Another nod as I lifted the gun and pointed towards the bottles that were our targets. “Square your shoulders.” Colt adjusted my stance. “Then fire as you breathe out.”

  My breath left my body. Bang . . . bang.

  “Good job,” congratulated Colt. I lowered the gun and redid the safety. “Perfect.” Pride slowly replaced the adrenaline. I took out my bottle, then Logan’s. “Let’s do a few more and then call it a
day,” Colton said.

  “Sounds good to me.” I walked to the fence as Colt went to grab more bottles. I felt eyes on me and looked around to find Tank off to the side watching me. His eyes were dark once again as he followed my every movement like a predator stalking his prey. A warmth I never felt before blossomed within me. Was it desire? Love? No, it was need. Pure, unadulterated need. It ran so deep that I ached from it. The spot between my legs ached for Tank as I felt wetness dampen my panties. My nipples peaked as I licked my very dry lips. Tank’s eyes widened in response before narrowing. One step, then another, heightening my need for this man as he stalked closer.

  “Tank.” Colton called, breaking the spell we had both fallen under. “You’re back. Everything cool?” Tank nodded his head up and down, never breaking eye contact with me. We continued to stare at one another until Colt cleared his throat.

  “Later,” Tank promised, staring straight into my soul before turning on his heel and walking away.

  “Holy shit,” exclaimed Logan who was now next to me. I had not even heard her approach. “That was so intense. He wants you so bad.”

  “Fuck yeah,” I agreed.

  “I wondered . . .” Logan trailed off.

  “Wondered what?” I asked finally taking my eyes off of Tank’s retreating form to look at my sister.

  “If it had happened yet since you two have been sharing a bed.” I swore her eyes could always see the truth no matter what I said. So why lie?

  “Not yet.” I dropped my head feeling sheepish all of a sudden.

  “I figured since you still dropped f-bombs,” teased Logan. “It hadn’t gotten fucked out of you yet.” She air quoted the word fucked. I laughed and she joined in as I remembered our conversation when we first met Colt and Tank.

  “Like you and Brock Phillips,” I teased back.

  “Yeah like me and Brock Phillips.” Our laughter was so loud that we started drawing the attention of folks that were behind the clubhouse with us. It felt so good to laugh about something stupid with my sister. With all the horror hanging over our heads it was something we both needed.


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