Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3)

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Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3) Page 16

by Bowles, April

  “There is no ground here.” Adele replied. “And we have to do things more normally now. Come on.”

  We tied the horses up outside before going in through the offset doorway. Our feet made the floor creak with every step and it caught the attention of the old inn keeper behind the counter.

  “No need for a bell with this floor.” I muttered.

  Adele elbowed me in the ribs and stepped right up to the counter. “Hi.”

  “Welcome to Fine Shores where your stay will sure be fine. They call me Knox. If you are looking for board, you’ve come to the right place. Can I offer you travelers a room?”

  “Give us your best.” Adele reached in her coat pocket and pulled out one gold piece, setting it on the counter.

  Knox took it and stepped out from behind the counter with a cane. “Certainly, miss. How many rooms do you require?”

  Adele quickly held out her hand towards Ruby, stopping her from speaking. “Just one will be fine.”

  Ruby sighed and turned her unhappy look up at Darius. I wanted to laugh but didn’t when he rubbed her back, letting her know that it was okay. I already knew she didn’t find any of this to be okay. She was Ruby.

  “Very well.” Knox replied. “Right this way.”

  He led us up the noisy stairs, one slow step at a time. We followed behind, having to walk just as slow until we came up to a room on the third floor.

  “You shall be mighty comfortable in our master suite. It should accommodate you nicely.”

  “Thank you.”

  “If you need anything at all, this room is equipped with a call bell. Just give it a ring and my wife, Milee, will be right up to assist you.”

  Adele opened the door while Knox was slowly shuffling away and we all walked in. It was a large room with four beds and a balcony view overlooking the town.

  “I think this will do.”

  “At least we get room service here.” Jaylyn smiled.

  I almost forgot about her love for it until she said it and Adele smiled at her comment too. “And four beds. This one’s for us.” She sat herself on the end of one by the windows on the right. “You and Troy can have that one.” She pointed to the bed by the closet. “Darius can have that one.” She pointed to the one across from ours. “And Ruby can have the one all the way by the door.”

  “What?! Adele!”

  “I’m really not discussing it. You know why. Behave well enough and maybe I’ll change my mind.” She got up and walked over to the balcony while Darius kept Ruby close to him and made sure she didn’t reply. Getting Adele’s mood worse during a time like this wasn’t a good idea. That was already something he probably knew about her.

  “So, what now, Adele?” Jaylyn asked, approaching behind her.

  “We find information. We need to know where he’s hiding.” She turned around and walked to the door. “I’m going to talk to Knox, he might know something.”

  I didn’t even think anything of what she said until I saw Troy and Darius shoot their looks at me and it hit me. I wasn’t supposed to let her go anywhere alone and approached her before she reached the door. “I’m coming with you.”

  “Why? I can handle it myself.”

  “Don’t argue with me on this.”

  Adele’s eyes narrowed and she turned fully to me, crossing her arms like she knew I was hiding something. “Is there a reason I should?”

  “No. I was just saying don’t because I’m coming with you whether you like it or not.”

  “All right. Fine. Come on then.”

  I followed out after her and closed the door behind me. “Have you ever been here before?”

  “No. We’ve been by before but never stopped in. Why?”

  “Just wondering. You didn’t seem as shocked as we were to see it. I’ve never seen anything like this place before.”

  “Different part of the world.”

  She got me there, didn’t she? This was a different part of the world but I wasn’t going to bother getting used to it.

  We reached the first floor where Knox was visible, cleaning the front windows. He probably heard these stairs creak as we stepped off them and turned around. “Is everything all right?”

  I jumped at the question before Adele could. “Yes. Everything’s fine. We were wondering if maybe you could help us.”

  “Well, certainly. What do you need?”

  “Information.” Adele pulled me back towards her, insisting she should do the talking. “We’re looking for one called Chan Doe.”

  The moment Knox heard that name he quickly closed the blinds and locked the front door as fast as his old body would allow.

  Adele looked at me and I didn’t know what was going on. It seemed strange how he reacted.

  “We don’t speak of that name around here, little lady. Only those on the inside call him that. To his captive folk, he’s known as the Pirate Lord.”

  “So, you know him?” Adele asked.

  “Of him is more the word. He has taken hostage of this town many years ago but none of his foes has ever laid eyes upon him and lived to tell about it.”

  “Where might we find him?” I asked.

  “You don’t want to go stirring up the wrong kind of trouble around here. It’s best if it was left alone.”

  “Please, it’s very important that we find him.” Adele said.

  Knox just shook his head. “You’re in over your heads here, kids. He’s a monster that is not to be trifled with.”

  He didn’t seem so inclined to tell us but I thought of a question that might get him to. “Would it mean anything to you if I told you we’re here to kill him?”

  Knox took a deep breath like he could only dream about it. “It would mean freedom but it can’t be done. Many have tried and failed a hundred times over and never once actually making it to the man himself. He has those serving under his dark purpose surrounding all access.”

  “But they weren’t us.” Adele said. “We’ve taken on worse.”

  “You’re going on a fool’s hope here. There are only two units that I’ve ever heard of that has the ability to bring down the Pirate Lord if they were to join together because it takes high skill and careful planning that only they could conjure but al last, they are from two sides of the war.”


  The old man looked around before answering like he was scared to. “We cannot speak of them. It is forbidden here.”

  “Then do not speak it.” Adele took a piece of paper from the counter and a quill pen and slid it in front of Knox.

  He was hesitant to take it but he did and started drawing out the symbols that would name them. Even writing the words seemed too risky in his eyes.

  We tried getting a look at it as he did it but then he turned the paper around to us. I didn’t want to say it out loud but it was Fate. The Black Wings of Death and the Great Seni Fighter mark that was embedded on our very skin was scratched on that paper. Adele picked it up and looked at me with a smile. She was probably thinking it too.

  “What?” Knox asked.

  I didn’t speak but I did the next best thing. I pulled on the front of my shirt and showed Knox the Great Seni Fighter symbol over my heart and Adele did the same by opening her coat and showed him the Black Wings of Death marks exposed on her hips.

  Knox’s mouth hung open. He put his glasses on and came out from behind the counter to get better look. “Impossible? Together?”

  Adele smiled at me and we covered them back up for safe measure. “Not as impossible as you think. We’ve come a long way and could really use your help.”

  The unexpected happened. Knox dropped down to his knees and bowed in front of us like he truly believed we were his saviors. I didn’t know if that was true but I appreciated the respect we were given even though I was supposed to be considered his enemy. “You coming here was a true act of Fate and I shall play an important role as was intended of me.”

  “On your feet, Knox. There’s no need for that.” I got down
to him and helped him up.

  He was shaky and had to support himself on the counter behind him. “Because it is you, I’ll tell you what you need to know. There is an old pub down the street from here. It’s the front door of the Pirate Lord’s lair but that’s all I can really tell you. You’ll have to be on the inside to figure out the rest on your own. I haven’t stepped foot in that pub since the takeover. Now only the most ruthless enter that place. Your presence will not go unnoticed but to do it right, they must not find out who you are. Your names only bring trouble.”

  “Thank you, Knox.” Adele said. “You’ve been a big help to us.”

  “I’m delighted to help those worthy to bring us salvation, Adele and Zayden. The stories of the great ones are never forgotten. You will be remembered throughout history when you succeed.”

  “Thanks again.” Adele embraced the stranger, only he didn’t seem to be so strange now.

  “Knox! How many times do I have to tell you to keep these blinds open?!” An old woman came in from the back room with a loud nagging voice before he could reply and she didn’t even see us at first. She walked over and pulled the shades open aggressively. “And why is this door locked? You’ll make the customers think we’re closed.”

  She unlocked the door right after and Knox sighed. “This is my wife, Milee. She’s quite delightful, isn’t she?”

  His tone just made me think that he was only being sarcastic and I smiled but the woman came over and slapped the back of Knox’s head. “Don’t be smart mouthing me. You have a job to do so do it.” She paused only long enough to look up and see us standing still. “Hello, I hope my husband hasn’t been discourteous to you in any way.”

  “Oh, no. Not at all.” I replied.

  “Good. Are you here for a room?”

  “We already have one, actually.” Adele said. “The master suite.”

  “Oh, you’re staying in the master suite. I remember what young love used to feel like.” Adele looked at me and we both smiled. “Then you get old and he starts looking like that and you think, why did I ever fall in love with him?”

  We shared another look, this time with fading smiles and Knox took Milee’s bony shoulders, pulling her back. “I think that’s enough, Milee. You don’t want to scare them out of it. Sorry, about that.”

  Adele fought another smile. “We’re just going to go. Thank you for—everything.”

  Knox nodded and we didn’t hesitate to turn back up the staircase and scale them as quickly as possible.

  “Just so you know, I will never treat you that way.”

  “Good to know. Thank you.”

  We made it back up to the room without another word to each other and Ruby was the first to say something. “So? Find out anything?”

  “I never want to get old.” Adele answered.

  Eyes traced the room and all focused back on her with various amounts of bizarre expressions.

  “That’s it?” Jaylyn wondered.

  “No, we found out a lot.” I said. “Like where to find him.”

  “Good.” Troy replied. “So, where?”

  Adele walked to the balcony and looked down the street, pointing to the pub. “There. That old pub is the front door to the Pirate Lord’s lair.”

  “Pirate Lord? Don’t you mean—”

  I quickly turned around and covered his mouth. “Don’t speak that name around here or trouble will swiftly follow.”

  Troy looked a little confused as he moved my hand from his mouth himself. “Okay. So, what now?”

  “We need to scope it out so we know what to do next. He’ll be hard to get to.”

  “Okay, then let’s go.” Ruby turned around and went back in the room.

  “Wait! Not you.” Adele went quickly after her while we followed.

  “Then who?”

  Adele turned around and set her eyes on us, the men in the room.

  “Us?” Darius asked. “Weren’t we supposed to see this as a vacation and you three do all of the work?”

  I patted him on the back. “Sorry, it’s the only way. Knox says only the ruthless enter. Three women would only seem suspicious.”

  “All right. When do we go?” Troy asked.

  “Now seems like a good time.” Adele said.


  “Yeah, I’d like to get it over with so you better get going.” We started walking to the door but Adele stepped forward. “Oh, wait a second. You need to leave these here.”

  She reached down at my side and took both my short staffs. “What? Why?” I may have sounded anxious when I tried getting them back.

  “You don’t want them to recognize you and you have to realize that they know what your weapons are. You can’t bring them.”

  “And if we need them?” Darius asked while Ruby helped unstrap his sword from his back.

  “You better not. This needs to go as smoothly as possible. You can’t cause trouble yet.”

  “She’s right.” Adele said. “You’re not going there for fun. You have a job to do.”

  “And if something were to happen, not being our fault?” Troy wondered, unwillingly handing off his sword.

  “Then you walk. You are not to take a life until we take the one we came for. After then, you can have fun and kill everyone in the pub if you wanted but not until we’ve done our job.”

  “All right, we get it. We’re going now.” I said as we turned from them again.

  “Oh, and my father says his henchmen’s name is Kanon so look for information on him and the Pirate Lord won’t be far.”

  I just held up my hand and we left the room.

  “In a rush?” Darius asked.

  “I’d just rather it be us than them.”

  “So, what exactly will we be doing there?” Troy asked. “Just observing?”

  “I at least hope so.”

  Troy and Darius looked at each other with a smile and we left the inn to get to the pub on foot.

  Walking in this strange town seemed much more quiet. No one stopped to look at us. It was like we were normal people except much better looking and were able to get to the pub without any distractions but when we got there, it was surely something different.

  Everyone inside stopped what they were doing and looked up. All eyes were on us and it was quiet while we stood in the doorway. We found ourselves being the weird strangers again.

  “What a happy crowd.” Darius said quietly.

  Everyone eventually stopped looking and the noise picked back up. We walked over to a table and sat down, trying to keep our shifting eyes from causing the wrong kind of attention.

  We weren’t sitting there that long before a server came over with a tray holding three mugs of rum. “Compliments from the host.” His voice was bland, not welcoming and with no expression. He put a mug in front of each of us and simply just walked away without a sound.

  We looked up farther into the room and a man at a back corner table raised his mug to us as our first greeting. We picked up ours and did the same to be polite.

  “Who is that?” I asked as I turned back around.

  “The host, I guess.” Troy whispered. “And he’s coming over here.”

  I heard the man’s footsteps and he slapped my back while I was about to take a drink as a gesture of a friendly greeting. “Welcome to my pub. I can tell you’re new in town.”

  “Is it that obvious?” I asked.

  The man laughed and sat down with us. “I like you. Not many people receive that by the first impression. I’m Kanon. I run the place.”

  Was it luck or just sheer coincidence? Chan Doe’s henchman was the first to greet us and already says he likes us? How could this have gone better? Chan Doe himself surrendering his life to us right away? Maybe but unlikely. I was happy with this.

  “Thank you for the drinks, Kanon.” I said politely, trying not to seem as anyone that should be taken as a threat. “We’re grateful.”

  “You’re welcome. So, what brings you to the pier?”

/>   “We’re just passing through.” Darius answered.

  “Travelers, ay? You must have been on the road for days. We’re the only town around.”

  “You don’t need to tell us.” Troy said with a sigh.

  “Yeah, I hear you and I know just what three lone travelers such as yourselves need. Please, why don’t you come with me?” Kanon got up and we looked at each other before following. We needed to find out something while being here. “Men can only really tolerate so much of each other before they go completely mad.” Kanon led us back to a private room of the pub that seemed off limits to the public. “Have a seat. I’ve got something you might enjoy to ease said madness. They’re what you might call favorites around here.”

  We sat down on the couch and Kanon turned around and whistled with his fingers like he was calling for the attention of someone.

  Three older women walked out from behind a curtained doorway. I say older but they were probably in their thirties. They were wearing sheer clothing and Kanon addressed them by name. “Gisele. Simone. Monique.”

  It didn’t take a second before we looked back at each other even quicker with the widest of eyes. This is not what I was thinking he meant and surely not what Adele meant for us to do.

  “Come.” Kanon put his arm around them and turned to us. “Meet our young new guests. They’ve been traveling for quite some time and I think they could use something you’ve got.” He guided them gently forward and each of the girls came over and sat on our laps, putting their hands all over us. “So, you like?”

  “Like is not so much the word I would use right now.” I replied while this Gisele woman was kissing all over my face and neck.

  Kanon laughed. “I see! You’re right! I’ll just leave you alone. Don’t worry, I’ve left you in very capable hands. Do what you do best ladies! It’s on the house!”

  Kanon left the room and we were left to fend for ourselves while we were being smothered by strange women. We couldn’t talk to each other without being discovered so all we could do was try and stop this from happening.

  I got my chance when Gisele started pulling up my shirt and I stopped her so she wouldn’t see the Great Seni Fighter symbol on my chest. I reacted quickly, thinking of it instantly and pulled her back. “Ah, ladies, please. Not that we don’t appreciate your hospitality but we really can’t do this right now.”


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