Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3)

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Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3) Page 18

by Bowles, April


  My head felt like it weighed a hundred pounds but the time was nearing and I knew we had to get ready. “Come on. Let’s not put this off.”

  “I wish we could.” Ruby sighed.

  “I know but I’d like to leave more.”

  We got the clothes we would wear from the pub the night before and set them out on one of the beds.

  First, before we got dressed we had to conceal the Black Wings of Death. We couldn’t be in our coats this time and everything had to be perfect if it were going to work at all.

  We stripped down into our under clothing and I stood first while Jaylyn and Ruby were on their knees in front of me, applying the cream and powder to cover my mark. This was a much easier process. I could fade them myself with my gift but to get them back, they would have to be done all over again and I didn’t have any ink with me. This was the quickest way. The cream and powder should just wash right off when we’re done.

  “Good. You’re awake.”

  The Great Seni Fighters walked into the room just as Ruby was last for this process and I saw Zayden basically for the first time since we had that fight.

  “What are you doing?” Darius smiled.

  “What’s it look like?” Ruby said. “We have to cover our mark, remember?”

  “Yeah, I know but I guess I just pictured it being done another way.”

  “Well, if you have a problem you can leave.” I replied.

  “Are you kidding? I could watch you do that all day and I think I will.” He went over and sat on a bed, facing our direction.

  “Okay, so here’s what we’re going to do.” Zayden explained. “Once you get there, Kanon will bring you to the lounge downstairs where the Pirate Lord will be and you’ll be left alone. Once that happens, you need to stall the kill for at least ten minutes in order to make this look real.”

  What just happened? Who was he supposed to be, our leader? “We know what to do. We don’t need you to tell us.”

  “Well, I just thought—”

  “Well, don’t. We can handle it. We don’t need you.”

  He turned away like he refused to say anything else to me and I agreed. I need to be focused on this, not worrying about what’s happening with us—though I did worry.

  “So, ten minutes?” Ruby asked. “That’s a long time to wait. A lot of unpleasant things could take place in those ten minutes.”

  I felt Jaylyn shiver next to me. “I hope it doesn’t come to that. I didn’t agree so I could actually be a hooker.”

  “Don’t worry.” I said. “It will be done quickly.”

  “Love, you have to make this look real. You can’t just do it and get out. They’d get suspicious.”

  “It’ll be fine. I never said we would do it and leave. We can stay for the remaining of the time, you know?”

  “Well, sure if you don’t mind being around a dead body during that time.”

  “Why would that matter? I’ve been around worse for longer.”

  Everyone in the room reacted together. “Ooh—”

  “All right, that was good but can we fight later? You have a job to do and I’m going to make sure it ends smoothly.”

  “Oh really? So, what is it you plan to do?”

  “Well, if anything is to go wrong we’ll be waiting for you with the horses so if you have to rush out of there, we’ll be ready.”

  It made me laugh. “Sure. Unless, of course, you get distracted. Kanon was hoping you’d come back.”

  “Well, we are going back but not for what you think.”

  “Yeah, we’ll see. Okay. I’m done with you, Ruby. Jaylyn, how’s your side coming?”

  “Wait, almost there.” Jaylyn took the moment to conceal the last part. “And done.” She stood up and turned to the guys. “So? How does it look?”

  Their eyes found their way to her hips where the marks appeared inexistent.

  “Good.” Troy replied. “But I kind of miss it.”

  “Don’t worry. It’s only temporary.”

  “You better get dressed.” Zayden said.

  I agreed but said nothing and we walked over to the clothes we had laying out and started to put them on. We each had a flowing sheer skirt with four slits, one in front, one in back and one on each side at the thighs that was tied in a knot at the top with a solid seven inch band going around the hips. We each also had a strip of sheer fabric that was used to go across our breasts in whatever manner we chose. It wouldn’t have completely mattered, they would still be seen.

  Jaylyn was ready first by simply just putting the fabric top around her and tied it in the back. I was ready next by putting the fabric top around my neck and crossed it over me and tied it in the back. We stood there and watched Ruby for a moment while she continued to get ready and it really didn’t look like she knew what she was doing.

  “What are you doing?” Jaylyn asked.

  “Why do you have to be so complicated, Ruby? Just put the damn thing on so we can leave.”

  She stood with her back to the guys as she hung her head, looking down at the cloth and speaking softly. “I’m sorry, I’m just having a hard time concentrating, I guess.”

  I knew it. I stepped closer with a soft voice and casually glanced back at Darius from some things we found out last night. “I know. Just remember, nothing happen.”

  Ruby huffed like she didn’t believe me and held up her hands, dropping the sheer cloth. “Just stop! I can’t do this. I’m not going to be much help to you like this. You’ll have to do it without me.” She walked to the door with one hand covering herself, grabbing her long coat along the way and put it on while she left the room.

  “What just happened?” Troy asked as the three of them all stood up from the bed.

  This was not helping my mood. I sighed, turning to Darius specifically with a voice that struck sincere hate. “That’s just great! You had to pick now to want to sleep with some old hooker rather than Ruby and completely ruin everything!”

  “How did you know about that?”

  “If you seriously think that we wouldn’t find out by going there then wow, you have more problems than you think! We still need her so you are going to fix it!”

  “How do you expect me to do that?!” Darius asked, getting a little mad himself.

  “Maybe you could actually tell her the truth! That sounds like a pretty good idea to me!”

  “No way! I can’t! I’m trying to change that! I don’t want her to know and have a different opinion of me!”

  “Then go ahead and lie! I don’t care! You seem to be pretty damn good at that! Maybe she won’t know the difference!”

  Zayden stepped in front of Darius and faced me. “Okay! That’s enough! Stop acting like you know! You don’t understand why he’s this way!”

  “I understand well enough!”

  “No you don’t! Maybe it never occurred to you but you’re not the only one who has had a rough life!”

  “Zayden, please.” Darius took his arm and pulled him back. “I appreciate it but I don’t want you to fight even more because of me. I’ll talk to Ruby myself.” He walked passed us and left the room.

  “Wow, this is fun. Can you think of something we should fight about?” Jaylyn asked Troy.

  He laughed and looked down at what she was wearing. “I’m thinking of something else entirely, actually.”

  Jaylyn smiled and Troy put his hands on her bare waist, pulling her closer for a kiss.

  “No!” Zayden and I didn’t even look at each other when we said it at the same time. Instead, we turned away and went to separate parts of the room to wait for Darius to get back with Ruby so we could end this. I just wanted to end this.

  Chapter 37


  What have I done? I walked stiffly downstairs, focused on what I had to do. The innkeeper was standing behind the counter, writing in an old log when I stepped off the last step. “If you’re looking for the red one, I saw her go into the cafe.”

  “Ah, thanks.” I tur
ned around and walked back into the cafe through the small hallway.

  It was completely empty except for Ruby sitting alone at a back table.

  I walked over and pulled out the chair next to her while she was gazing out the window towards the shore. I sat in the chair and there was a long pause before I could find it in me to say something. “Ruby, look—ah, I’m sorry if I hurt you. You have to know that I didn’t mean it.” I expected her to respond but she never did. “It was just the atmosphere of that place and she was making it hard to refuse but nothing happened. We got ourselves out of there way before that.” There was another long pause and Ruby had yet to say anything or even look over. “Can you please say something?”

  She sighed but kept her eyes out the window like she was disgusted to look at me. “What do you want me to say?”


  “I have nothing to say.”

  “I’m not falling for it.”

  She sighed again. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to be with me. You’re free to make your own choices.”

  Is that what she really thought? “I don’t feel like I have to. I want to. You’re not like everyone else. That’s probably why I’ve never found myself come to the point of settling before you.”

  “I know we agreed to wait for reasons of our own—” She finally looked over but it was a sight I could have lived without. Her eyes were watered and it was my fault. “But if you can’t handle that anymore, you have to tell me and I’ll listen. I’m still afraid of hurting you but that doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t force the control to try rather than having you go somewhere else.”

  I got right in closer with my chair and wiped a tear as it fell from her eye. “Ruby, that’s not what I was doing. I can handle this. I would never purposely go somewhere else to hurt you.”

  “What are you going to do when you go back?”

  “I won’t. Simple.”

  Ruby got a slight smile on her face with a question I wasn’t ready for. “Is she not up to your standards?”

  I didn’t know how to answer but I did. “Didn’t really take the time to fully check my mental list. Would you like me to?”

  “No. I think I’m fine with not knowing but I’d still understand. It takes time for people to get use to this.”

  She pointed at herself and I smiled. “Not for me.”

  She leaned in and kissed me. “I’m sorry that I freaked out. I’ve never been attached to someone like this before. I didn’t know how I was supposed to act.”

  “I’m glad I’m not the only one. Let me make up for it. I’m but your humble slave. Ask what you will of me.”

  “Mmm.” Ruby got up with a smile and opened the front of her coat to straddle my lap. I looked down and she was just wearing the sheer skirt. Her torso was bare and perfect in my eyes that I had to put my hands on her body while we kissed.

  It was even more perfect. I was more than sorry about what happened and would never let something like that get in the way of us again. I’d never lose her.

  “You know actually, we should really reschedule.”

  Ruby pulled back and seemed confused. “Why?”

  “You still have a mission to complete. They need you, Ruby. You’re the only one capable of killing him.”

  She sighed. “Oh, yeah. I almost forgot.” She stood up and looked down when she was about to close her coat. “And I might need a touch up.”

  I looked down at her hips and some of the concealer rubbed off while she was in my lap. “I think you’re right. Come on. We’ll get it fixed before you go.”

  Ruby nodded as she closed her coat and I got up, pushing the chairs back in. I put my hand on her lower back and led her back upstairs to the others.

  It was quiet at first until Adele approached. “Ready?”

  Ruby paused and looked over at me. She didn’t have to tell them anything because that’s not what she asked. I just nodded to her and she turned back to Adele with her answer. “Yeah. Sorry about that. Let me just get the top on and get this fixed and we can go finish the job.”

  Adele pulled Ruby’s coat open while she held it around the top of her and saw part of her mark showing. “Ruby. Great.”

  “It’ll only take a second.” Ruby assured her, taking off her coat completely and reaching for her sheer top. She put it behind her, twisting it in the front and then brought the ends up, tying them around her neck. “See? Now we’re just waiting on you.”

  Adele rolled her eyes and Jaylyn handed her the powder and cream and she sat down on a bed, pulling Ruby in front of her. “Why do you have to be such a—”

  “What?! It wasn’t my fault!”

  “Oh, yeah because it never is.”

  Ruby tried to continue to hold in her laugh and Adele covered the exposed mark quickly.

  “Okay. We better be going. Our audience is waiting.”

  “We’ll be there in a few minutes.” Zayden said. “Remember to stay in there for a bit before coming back out.”

  “Yeah. Yeah.” Adele muttered. “We’ll be fine.”

  They left.

  “So, what’d you say?” Troy asked, turning to me. “Did you tell her?”

  “No, but I didn’t lie either.”

  “Good.” Zayden said. “I’d hate to see you ruin it.”

  “And what about you?”

  “I’m fine. She’s just stressed because of the mission. I couldn’t fix it now if I tried.”

  He was probably right.

  We began to gather our things and get ourselves ready in case a quick getaway was needed.

  Chapter 38


  The mission was now in motion, leading closer and closer to its end. This was always the best part.

  Kanon immediately saw us entering the pub like so many but he was the only one to approach. “Ladies. Good. You’re here. I have the other three taking care of some other clients tonight while you entertain the boss. Now come.”

  We smiled as we walked with him to the back rooms. We were ready for this and everything was going perfectly. We’d finally have a success.

  Kanon walked us down a set of dark stairs to a door just at the bottom. “This is the lounge. Go on in, he’s expecting you.” He opened the door for us and we cautiously went in.

  The room was completely white with black accents such as pillows, blankets and was filled with black lit candles and a fragrance from scented oils.

  A man came walking out from behind a black curtain to our left. He was in his mid-thirties with shaggy black hair, deep blue eyes and a medium build, not what I expected for someone who terrified everyone.

  He was wearing white linen pants with an open black silk robe over it. His skin was flawless, free of any scars just proving that no one had ever come close to harming him. That would all change tonight. We were determined to make our last mission under the Queen’s rule a success.

  “You are indeed more beautiful than my other set.” Chan began in a smooth strong voice. “I hope your skills are as good as you look.”

  “You won’t be able to breathe after we’re done with you.” Adele said. It was true and I showed my smile for it.

  Chan laughed under his breath as he walked over and turned his back to us to light another candle. “It’s funny that you still think I don’t know who you are.”

  Breaths stopped. We froze where we stood and tried to act normal. Did he know?

  “Kanon tells me of three travelers who are just passing through and then the same night, three beautiful women come to him and offer their bodies for our purpose. Coincidence? I think not. I know why you’ve come and you will not see my end but your own, Kalu Assassins.” He quickly turned around and threw a dagger towards us.

  “Look out!” Adele pushed Ruby out of the way and got hit with the dagger in the back of her right shoulder.

  She fell to the floor and I immediately got down next to her, yelling in a panic. “Ruby! Finish him!”

  Ruby looked down at the wounde
d Adele and it was just what she needed. Her anger risen. Her eyes turned red and she looked up.

  “And they say I’m a monster.”

  “You haven’t seen anything yet. No one hurts my family.” She walked towards him and he tried taking a swing at her. The strength from her gift easily stop his fist with her hand. He looked at her and she slightly smiled then pushed him backwards. He flew into the back wall and fell down to the floor. I had taken the dagger out of Adele and started healing her but I continued to watch, ready to see it end.

  Chan slowly started to get up again and Ruby walked to him and kicked him back to the floor. It was like she was playing with him like a cat does with a mouse before the kill, maybe giving me the time I needed to heal Adele. It seemed she made it last for as long as she could but that all changed when she grabbed a hold of him and tossed him up in the air.

  The force she used caused him to break all the way through the floor of the pub, up to the ceiling then crashing into some empty tables. I felt his heart stop.

  Everyone in the pub walked to the huge hole in the floor, looking in.


  “Ruby!” Adele shouted.

  Kanon quickly approached the hole around the others and looked down. “Assassins! Kill them!”

  Adele used her gift and grabbed a hold of us and jumped up through the hole, landing inside the pub as the men started to attack with weapons out. We didn’t have a weapon so we had to use our skills in hand-to-hand combat to make our way to the exit but it seemed more kept coming and it was becoming a little scary.

  “Adele, do something!”

  She gave in to my request and used her gift to clear a path so we could run for the door. The men around were all dazed and confused to what happened that it was easy for us and we made it outside.

  “Just in time!” I jumped up on my horse just as Troy reached the pub with it.

  “What did you do?” He asked.

  “Ruby’s fault.” Adele said. “But it got the job done. Let’s get out of here.”

  “But what about our fun?” Darius asked.

  “I understand that you’ve probably had enough running but right now, we don’t have time for anything else.”


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