Galaxy Warrior Tyce

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Galaxy Warrior Tyce Page 12

by K. L. Wallen

  Carlie moved to the side of the machine and leaned against the counter. “Tyce says that the food and drinks are close replications to what we have. I couldn’t tell the difference with what I ordered earlier. Get what you want. Push the brown button on the side after you select. Get me a soda.” She walked over to another counter, waved her hand, and a hidden drawer opened. She took out a couple of napkins and silverware for her brother.

  “Did you have fun earlier?”

  Justin spent the next ten minutes telling Carlie just how much fun he had with the simulation. “Carlie, this is awesome! Can we stay for a while? Please.”

  Carlie set her soda aside. “I don’t know. We have our own lives to get back too.”

  “What lives?” Justin asked. He pushed his plate aside. “Carlie, we should at least consider their offer.”

  “What offer would that be?” she asked suspiciously.

  “To go with them. Come on. Rort didn’t need to tell me anything. I knew as soon as I touched different objects on the ship. We will be treated with respect. That’s important, right? That’s what you always say.”

  Carlie nodded. “What about your school? Your friends? That girl you’re interested in?”

  “Don’t they have school? Why can’t I finish up on their planet? My friends? What friends? You know how I go through them. Like you do. They think about themselves. And what girlfriend? Alexis? She wants to have a baby so she can get away from her parents.”

  “I didn’t know. I thought you and Alexis were planning on going out,” Carlie sighed. “A baby? You’re too damn young to have a kid.” She made a smacking sound and retorted, “It’s not easy being us.” She thought of her numerous failed relationships. All of those ended when she picked up that the guy she was dating at the time, was thinking of another conquest.

  “Mom and dad were lucky to have loved each other as much as they did.”

  Justin played with his fork. “Yeah. They were lucky. I get tired of girls who think of other guys, or play games.”

  Carlie sent her brother a sad smile. “I get tired of guys who only want one thing, or try to use me for what I can do. Seems like every time I meet someone, he turns out to be a jerk.”

  “Come on. Just call it like it is. You keep meeting assholes.” Justin twirled his fork several times. “Carlie?”

  She took the fork out of his hand and set it on the table. “Yes?”

  “What do we have down there? You hate your job. Those assholes downtown are trying to separate us. I keep getting into fights at school because I can’t always keep my mouth shut. Your love life is a joke. At least these aliens are being honest about using us.” He tried, unsuccessfully to scoot his chair back. He settled on twirling it to the side and propping his ankle up over his knee.

  “Hey, don’t be drillin’ on my love life. Damn, I just don’t know. I know these aliens want to use us and maybe it won’t be so bad since we know it upfront, but what will we have there? What if we don’t like it? Will they let us return? It could be very lonely. At least on Earth, we know what we’re facing.” Carlie stretched her hand across the table.

  Justin took his sister’s hand. “I don’t know. Let’s ask. We’ll know if they tell us the truth or not.”


  Adal reentered the conference room and immediately noticed the drawn faces. “Commander, we’re over the MacKenna residence. Whom do you want to transport down?” she asked softly.

  Dorn ordered Blaize, Maxon, and Rort to join Adal in transporting down. “I received notice that Kodiak’s been delayed by solar flares in sector three.” He then stood and dismissed the meeting. “I’ll be in my quarters. Tyce make sure you speak with the MacKennas’ once they come aboard. I want Carlie and Justin to meet them. Adal, make sure Aideen brings her math books with her. I promised her lessons.”


  “Are we just a novelty?” Justin inquired as soon as they were seated for the meeting with Tyce, the Commander, and most other warriors.

  Commander Dorn shifted his attention to young Justin. “I appreciate your forthrightness. I would not be so callous to say you’re a novelty. You and your sister would be welcome citizens of the Pzianian Empire. Leader Thalmar would not only welcome you, he would assure you that your gifts will be kept hidden, if you so wish. He respects your abilities. Leader Thalmar is an honorable male. He is offering you a new life. You and your sister will never have to worry.”

  Carlie cleared her throat to gain the Commander’s attention. “What about Justin’s schooling?” She ignored Justin’s moan of disapproval.

  Carlie and Justin were fascinated to learn that electrodes could be used, safely, to bring Justin’s academics up to par with Pzianian youth. Justin was particularly interested in the physical warrior training. He learned that he might not become as large as the typical Pzian male, but can more than make up for it in dexterity. All of the warriors promoted the warrior training in a positive light.

  Carlie could tell Justin was excited and hated to bring up the elephant in the room but felt it her duty as his guardian. “Tyce mentioned that Pzian females are only slightly smaller than the males.” She turned to Justin and spoke softly, “Justin, you’re very athletic, you might grow another two or three inches taller, but it’s not in our genetics to be as large as these warriors. What about love and having a family? Their females will outweigh you and be bigger in bone structure. Will that bother you?”

  Adal readily spoke up and addressed her concern. “Although most of our females are of average weight and height, like myself, not all are. Just like humans, we do have size differences. There are males and females who are smaller in stature. They train with those of average size. These warriors are no less skilled, or thought of less because of their size.”

  She softened her expression and added, “Carlie, approximately ten percent of our population enters into life-mating. This is taken seriously. These Pzian citizens never divorce. I, actually many of us, expect this percentage to increase in light of the fact that our Co-Leader and his sons are reviving this culture. Most of Co-Leader Scorpak’s sons have entered into life-matings with human females, or are about to. Co-Leader Scorpak is reported to be involved with a human female and we are expecting him to life-mate. Life-matings was once a common practice. Many of us predict the lifestyle will rebound and become more prevalent in the years to come.”

  Dorn then injected, “I could speak with Leader Thalmar and see if Justin would be granted trips to Earth, on future missions, in order to obtain a mate. If he doesn’t find one among our females.”

  “Huh?” Justin spit out. “It’s not that easy.”

  Dorn corrected him. “With your importance in our society, it would be easy.”

  Carlie gently shook her head. She looked amused. “Commander?” she waited until he looked at her. “You’ve never life-mated have you?” When he confirmed that he hadn’t, she turned to Justin and shrugged.

  Justin mumbled, “Well, at least it’s a thought. Maybe I can abduct some hot chick.” He waggled his eyebrows at Carlie, only to receive an eye roll back. “When I’m older.”

  “That’s disturbing on so many levels,” Carlie ricocheted.

  Tyce interrupted their exchange. “The MacKennas’ have boarded and are waiting to meet you. We will dine in the cafeteria and then move into the entertainment center. All of the warriors have pictures, videos, and stories to share with you about our home world. The MacKennas are relatives of honored guests that have already gone on to Pzianian. Would you like to meet them now, and hear about our world?”

  “Sure,” replied both Carlie and Justin.


  “How could you not have told me you have an interactive simulator?” Robert fired at Blaize.

  Justin stood off to the side and wondered what he started. “Rort took me in there,” he attempted to come to Blaize’s defense. “Robert, we could ask Rort if he’ll start it up for us.” Justin smiled. “It’s awesome. They have these killer fly
ing things called hortchs that try to tear your throat out and a creature called a mavia, which is like a gigantic wolf. It stalks you and wants to eat you!”

  “I’ll take you,” Tyce offered.

  “I thought you were going to talk to me about your planet,” Carlie implored. She found the MacKennas a little bit too upbeat for her tastes and felt uncomfortable surrounded by persons she didn’t know well.

  Justin eyed Carlie and knew his sister was going through a bout of shyness. “It’s okay Tyce, stay with my sister.” He turned to the other warriors present and held his hands out to the side. “So who’s going in there with me and Robert?” He left the cafeteria with Robert, Rort, and Maxon.

  Several hours later, Carlie learned that the aliens have a permanent hair removal wand. Tyce promised she could use that and the clothes replicator. Obard said he would contact Olivia and Samantha to get the codes they programmed into the replicators on the Galaxy Hunter.

  Carlie and Stacy planned a ‘girl’s day’ once they receive the codes. Carlie quietly asked Commander Dorn Gharm if Aideen could participate and he agreed. He suggested that they invite Nica as well since she will be moving to the West Coast soon.

  Tyce sat next to Carlie. He was thrilled when she reached over and held his hand. He gently cupped the outside of her hand with his other hand so her entire hand was encased in his stronger ones.

  Carlie’s forearm rested on Tyce’s thigh and it felt natural. She asked questions as one warrior after another presented their photos and videos of Pzianian. The MacKennas also asked questions that Carlie found interesting since their daughters were on that planet. They brought up topics that Carlie, admittedly, wouldn’t have thought of for weeks. As time went on, she was enjoying the MacKenna clan’s company. She liked that Laurel and Moira’s parents were still together and that both sets of parents supported their daughters’ decision to move to Pzianian.

  “It must be hard on you. Having your daughters so far away,” Carlie commented to Bridgett and Sherry.

  “It is,” Bridgett admitted. “If it weren’t for the fact that we know how much Laurel and Moira are loved,”

  “And worshiped,” Sherry interjected.

  “And worshiped,” Bridgett repeated, “we would have a problem. We are thinking about moving there once Aideen and Robert graduate college. Only,”

  Conall spoke up, “Nolan and I have a brother, Sean. We don’t want to leave him or his family. Then there are Moira’s brothers and sisters. They don’t know what has happened.”

  “It’s complicated,” Nolan sighed. “At the very least, we will go there for an extended vacation.” Nolan smiled kindly at Carlie. “You and your brother will be well taken care of. Our daughters will welcome both of you. Don’t worry about being the only humans there. You won’t be. In fact, I hear Kodiak is returning.” He smiled even wider. “Kodiak and LC will make sure the two of you are well taken care of. Trust me on that.” He and Conall then told Carlie all about Kodiak, LC, and the other honored guests who are now on Pzianian.

  Chapter 18

  Rort, Maxon, Justin and Robert entered the training room and engaged the interactive battle. Rort entered the same settings that a first year warrior would practice on at the academy. Justin and Robert taught the aliens Rock, Paper, Scissors. Robert won and took on the role of team leader for the first round.

  Commander Gharm had a private conversation with Robert and Aideen’s parents, Bridgett and Conall, about using electrodes to help Aideen and Robert with their studies. The Commander accepted the senior MacKennas gratitude and rejection. He respected their desire that their children not be given an unfair advantage. Dorn was pleased that they were willing to accept the learning program when and if they relocate to Pzianian. Mostly, he was delighted that they were considering the relocation in the future. Although he hadn’t known the MacKennas long, he enjoyed their company. With Conall and Bridgett’s permission, he escorted Aideen to the bridge conference room so he could tutor her in her math studies.



  “Yes, Aideen?”

  Aideen tapped her pencil on the conference room table. “Your son. Ah. Do you have a picture?”

  Commander Dorn Gharm picked up his data pad and entered a couple of commands. “Here, this was taken at his graduation from the academy. The next two pictures of him were taken during warrior training at the academy.” He passed the data pad over to her.

  Aideen slowly moved from one picture to the next. “Wow. He’s really good looking. Does he have a girlfriend?” She hesitantly passed the data pad back to the Commander.

  “No, he doesn’t have a girlfriend, as you would define one.”

  She tapped her pencil some more. “Do you think he might want to be pen pals?” Aideen then explained what that entailed when the Commander admitted to not knowing what a pen pal was.

  “I could ask him. First, I think you should ask your parents. If they approve, I will contact him,” Dorn looked pleased.

  “What’s his name?”

  “His name is Trey.”

  “Trey,” Aideen repeated as if she were trying it on for size. “That’s a good name.”

  “Let’s finish these equations. You’re doing fine so far and I don’t see any problems with you passing your exams,” Dorn complimented.


  Tyce nervously stayed as close to Carlie during evening meal and then in the entertainment center as was possible. He desperately wanted to prove to her that he is not one of the assholes that only want to use her, as he heard her tell her brother earlier in the day. The problem was, was that he was unsure how to prove such a thing. Ivanoff had recommended that he present himself as approachable and friendly; however, the problem with that is that Tyce wants more than friendship. He wants to hold Carlie and mesh lips with her like what he read about in the instructional manuals.

  So how do I alleviate her concerns? he wondered.

  Carlie leaned towards Tyce and whispered, “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Are you enjoying yourself?” he whispered back.

  “The MacKennas are nice. Robert and Aideen are a riot. I’ve enjoyed the stories and pictures. But,” she stopped.

  Tyce leaned in close. “But?” He briefly thought he should scoot back, that she might not appreciate being crowded.

  Carlie leaned into him and turned her head so her cheek brushed his. When her lips were close to his ear she whispered, “You haven’t told me about your home and family. I’d like to know. Is your room nearby? Where we might have a little privacy,” she clarified.

  “Yes.” He took her hand and led her out and down the hallway. “The warship my father is assigned to is currently on rotation guarding our planet. My mother is an architect and works in the arts department on Pzianian. She designs new buildings for the outlying areas. She likes the buildings to blend in with the surrounding vegetation so not to disrupt the natural beauty. She has received much praise for her designs.”

  Tyce handed Carlie the glass of wine as soon as they entered his assigned room. “Let me give you the short tour of my quarters.”

  He turned and led her to the entryway of his bedroom and pointed to the cleanser. Tyce chuckled, “Now you’ve seen it all.”

  “It’s like a one-bedroom apartment with a kitchenette. A little larger than guest quarters. In that they’re more like a spacious studio. I like it.”

  “Which one?”

  “Both. Now tell me more about your family, please.”

  Carlie loved how Tyce spoke of his mother and her accomplishments with pride. She asked him questions about his father, and learned that he is a structural engineer and decorated warrior. Tyce spoke of his father with as much pride as he did his mother. To Carlie, this told her a lot about Tyce and his upbringing. She never did like people who spoke poorly of their family.

  Tyce felt comfortable sharing intimate details about his family and his life. “I have a half-sister who was just recently assigned to the Shadow
Warship. She is following in my footsteps as a Junior Interspecies Officer. We speak often.” Tyce next shared pictures of his family. He told Carlie several stories of his time spent traveling on holiday between the two parents and of some of the good-natured trouble he and his sister created for their mother.

  “My sister and I often wished we shared the same father. Her father is wonderful. As is mine,” Tyce sucked in a breath. “It’s just that we would have been able to spend every holiday together as a family. I guess there’s something to be said for life-mating and single family households.”

  “Yes, there is. Justin and I have been alone for years.” Carlie unconsciously hugged herself. “It’s been hard, but I can’t imagine not having Justin. It’s been,” she sniffled, “the two of us. I am so grateful to have him in my life. We both miss our parents. They were fun, fabulous, supportive, and loving. Just the best parents any kid could hope for.”

  Tyce didn’t think or hesitate. He wrapped his arms around Carlie and held her close. He shifted uncomfortably when he felt himself physically responding to her closeness. “I’m sorry,” he apologized.

  “For this?” Carlie chuckled and pressed her hip against his hard-on. She knew what he was referring to and decided she’d rather concentrate on him. “Are you vibrating?”

  “Uh, yes,” Tyce muttered in a strangled voice. “It’s inappropriate and I don’t want you to think I only want to use your body.”

  Carlie wrapped her arm around his side. “What do you want?” She cleared her throat. “I’d really like to know.” She placed her hand on his bare hand.


  She knew he spoke the truth. She then released him and walked over to a monitor that was turned off, and placed her hand on top of the unit. “You have been watching me and Justin.” Carlie tilted her head. “It’s not just here. At our apartment too.” She paused for several long seconds. “I see you turned off the video when we weren’t decent. That’s good. The whole thing is disturbing, but that’s good,” she mumbled.

  “You find me attractive.” She smiled. “You want me. You want me for more than sex. You’ve thought about coming home to me at night. Sleeping with me every night. Waking up with me.” Carlie lifted her hand and looked at Tyce. “I’m the first woman you’ve thought about wanting to life-mate?” she questioned in a low, surprised tone.


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