Marked by Death (The Godhunter, Book 4)

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Marked by Death (The Godhunter, Book 4) Page 21

by Sumida, Amy

  “Minn Elska,” he groaned and shifted his hips.

  “Trevor,” I looked up at him, a hard question in my face.

  “I want this,” he rubbed into me again. “I don’t know why, but I want this.”

  “Please don’t hate me later,” I felt Kirill’s hands strong on my hips, positioning me.

  “I could never hate you,” he leaned down to kiss me on my forehead. “I love you, Vervain.”

  “I love you too,” I groaned as Kirill rubbed into me, barely parting my flesh.

  “Tima, please,” his voice was more a breath. “Decide… now.”

  I looked up at Trevor, then shifted back and up onto my elbows, so that I hovered over Trevor’s pulsing length. “Yes,” I surrounded Trevor and Kirill at the same time, both men groaning out their desire simultaneously.

  My mind was reeling. Trevor was hard and sweet in my mouth, my hands stroking his chest and his legs quivering around my arms. Kirill was sliding maddeningly slow in and out of me, going to his full length every time and pressing his hips tight to me at the height of the strokes.

  I was starting to shake again and Kirill’s hands steadied me while Trevor slid his arms down between mine, so he could knead my breasts. Trevor was thrusting up at me and I had to slide a hand down to hold him steady. Kirill’s pace became faster as well, mimicking Trevor’s until I found the perfect rhythm. The sounds of sex and growling men were all around me, while their bodies filled mine, and I knew a moment of complete happiness.

  Trevor tensed, “I’m going to come.”

  “I too,” Kirill groaned and my legs began to shake in preparation for my own orgasm. I moaned my excitement, trying to urge them to go with me.

  Then we did, we all came in one wild, straining, rapturous roar of completion. Trevor rushing hot down my throat and Kirill between my legs, as I cried out around the flesh that filled me, and shook through my release. Then they were sliding out of me and rolling to the bed with me. We collapsed in one sweaty, happy heap and the men pulled me up between them, their arms twining around me, holding me tightly to each of them.

  “Would someone please tell me what just happened?” My voice came out more like a purr and I felt my face heat in embarrassment. Hello, Mega Slut.

  “I’m not sure,” Trevor nuzzled into my hair. “It just felt right. I saw the two of you and something clicked. Kirill wasn’t a threat but someone who loves you, someone who will help me protect you. My wolf likes the thought of you being protected.”

  “That doesn’t sound like you, Trevor,” I was beginning to feel an inkling of fear.

  “Maybe almost losing you has changed me.”

  “No,” Kirill broke in but his face was buried into my shoulder, giving me the sense that he felt guilty.

  “Did you do this?” I peered over at him, wondering if he had some kind of magic that I’d failed to notice.

  “No,” he finally looked up, his blue eyes liquid. “It’s somezing I should’ve varned you of but I hoped, for your sake, for your obvious reluctance of taking more zan one lover, zat it vouldn’t come to zis.”

  “Come to what?” I glanced at Trevor but he seemed to be in some kind of post coital haze. My jealous, bonded mate had just shared me with a man he’d originally resented even living with us. Why was I the only one worried?

  “Part of magic of lioness,” Kirill rose up on an elbow, “is urge to increase Pride and mate.”

  “Tell me that increase the Pride and mate does not mean that I’ll want to have sex with lots of men.”

  “It means your very instincts vill make you take many lovers. Ours is a reversed Pride, remember? One lioness and many lions,” Kirill licked his lips nervously and I found myself focused on his mouth. “I had hoped magic changed ven it found home in you but I couldn’t resist your pull tonight. As one of your lions, I could never deny you.”

  “So now I’m a rapist?” My skin was going hot and cold.

  “No,” Trevor and Kirill both cried out.

  “I vant you, Tima,” Kirill stroked a hand down my cheek and I shivered. “I’ve alvays vanted you, you must know zat. I’ve just been trying to control my desire because of your love for Trevor.”

  “It’s going to be alright, Minn Elska,” Trevor was rubbing circles into my stomach.

  “Tonight has proved zat magic is unchanged,” Kirill looked like he wanted to get as much out as fast as possible. “You’ll have to take more lovers, if not, urges vill consume you and you’ll end up claiming strangers and making more lions.”

  “But what about Trevor,” I gestured to my happy little wolf, who only stared up at me with sweet puppy dog eyes. “Will he feel this way with anyone else or is it just you? And how many men are we talking about? I don’t have room for more men in my house.”

  “Trevor is Froekn but he’s also your mate,” Kirill sat up. “As your alpha mate, he has absolute certainty in his position. Your magic vill automatically reassure him, as long as your lovers have been accepted by him first. Number of lovers you take is up to you. Ve’ll have to see vat your magic requires.”

  “Accepted? Like how he let you live with us?”

  “Sort of,” Kirill gave me his first smile of the evening. “Vat vould you do if you vanted to bring another cat in house? How vould you get Nick to accept new feline?”

  “I’d put the new cat in a room, close the door and let them reach under it to feel each other out,” I thought about the cat instincts that went into play when you brought in a potential rival. “Once they were secure with each other, I’d let the new guy out and let them get more acquainted.”

  “Da,” Kirill nodded. “You have to bring possible lovers around Trevor slowly, so he can approve or disapprove. As your alpha, he should have deciding vote on vether new man is added to bed.”

  “They won’t have to live here will they?” I’d need a bigger house.

  “No,” Kirill lay back down beside me. “You have Pride Palace and plenty of villing men avaiting you. You von’t have to look for new lovers, Tima, zey’ll come to you.”

  “No, I freed them,” I felt an ache start to envelope my heart. “I can’t force them into my bed. What the hell am I talking about? Why are we acting like this is normal? I can’t do this. I can’t become this.”

  “Zis is normal,” Kirill smoothed my hair back. “Zis is who you are now and ve who love you, vill help you. You can do zis, I promise you, and I hope you’ll enjoy it.” His face turned sensual, a slow smile spreading over it.

  “What about you, Kirill?” I ran a finger down the face that had become so precious to me without me even realizing it. “Don’t you want your own mate, a woman you won’t have to share?”

  “I have my mate now,” he caught my hand and kissed it. “I’d rather share you vith a hundred men zan have anozer, all to myself.”

  “A hundred?” My voice was just a little squeaky.

  “I doubt you’ll need zat many,” he laughed and it was a low, soft sound that made me feel safe. “Nyavirezi didn’t need all lions she made, she just enjoyed having zem at her disposal. She only slept vith a few of us consistently.”

  “So maybe I’ll be okay with just the two of you,” I looked over at Trevor but he was suddenly serious.

  “I have to admit,” Trevor frowned for a second, “a part of me still rages possessively at the thought of you with other men but Kirill is different. I don’t know why.”

  “Because you’ve already accepted me,” Kirill smiled grimly at my wolf. “You vill feel as you alvays have about her, except ven it comes to zose of us you choose to allow closer. Zen magic vill rise around us and ve’ll be like brozers. You are Intare now as vell as Froekn, because of Vervain, ve are blood.”

  “Blood brothers, huh?” Trevor snuggled deeper into the bed and my side, looking like a content child tucked in.

  “Somezing like zat,” Kirill smiled at him and I caught my breath at the affection I saw in his gaze. He was right, there was already a bond between them. He caug
ht me looking at him and smiled wider. “Ve’ll try it vith just us for now, Tima.”

  “I think I can handle that,” I pulled Kirill down beside us again.

  “Forgive me,” Kirill whispered and I looked over at him, snuggled just as tight next to me as Trevor was.

  “For what, baby?” Oh, crap I was already handing out the endearments. I almost groaned but his face lit up so brightly that I got over it.

  “I vanted zis,” he bit his lip and I was completely fascinated by that small flash of white dimpling his tender flesh. “I’m not upset zat magic found you. Every time I looked at you I hoped for it, for zis night ven I’d finally hold you and have you look at me like zat.”

  His hair was as long as mine and almost the same color, just a few shades darker. The heavy length of it pooled around us and I stroked my fingers through it, thinking about how much I’d wanted him too. How could I not? He was all male, the most beautiful of all Niyavirezi’s lions. His skin was perfect and smooth over tight muscles, thicker than Trevor but not as big as Thor. His eyes were a bright sapphire, clear and honest, made even brighter by the dark lashes framing them. His features were a little sharp but all male and the overall effect was mind blowing… like the sex we’d just had.

  “Tima, say somezing,” he swallowed hard and I realized that I’d left him waiting as I admired him.

  “I love you.”

  “Zat’s a hell of a somezing,” he exhaled hard and started to tremble.

  “I’m sorry,” I took his hand. “It’s okay. I didn’t mean to pressure you. I just wanted you to know that I needed you as much as you need me. I want you to know you’re special to me too.”

  “It’s not pressure,” he smiled as a tear slipped out of his eye, “it’s shock and awe. It’s having somezing precious after all zose empty years. I have a true goddess to love finally, a goddess who’s answered all my prayers vith one sentence.”

  “Does that mean you love me too?” I smiled mischievously up at him.

  “It means I’ve never loved anozer as I love you and I never vill.” His lips were on mine again and I was full of a sense of destiny and belonging, belonging to the moment, the future, and to my lovers.

  Both of them.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  I felt safe and warm, thick arms around me, a thigh over mine, my foot entangled with another, and a steady heartbeat under my cheek. I sighed and opened my eyes. Trevor’s chest spread out before me and I raised my face to see him smiling down at me contentedly.

  “Good morning,” he whispered as he brushed some hair out of my eyes.

  “Good morning,” I smiled back, then blushed as I realized it wasn’t his hand across my belly or his leg over mine.

  “No second thoughts,” he kissed me gently. “We are all bound together now.”

  I looked over my shoulder to find Kirill stirring. He’d left his hair down and it had wrapped us together in the night. Then I realized I’d forgotten to put mine up too. I gave a small cry as I tried to lift my head and found myself tied down by my own hair.

  A small rumble of laughter alerted me to Kirill’s attention and I pouted at him as he easily extracted his hair from us by lifting me gently. He swished my hair up and over the pillows before he lowered me back down and flicked his own hair to the side.

  “Ve’ll have to be more careful next time,” he leaned over me, looking happier than I’d ever seen him.

  “Next time?” I looked over at Trevor and he leered at me.

  “You up for a next time?” Trevor nuzzled my cheek and I closed my eyes as shivers coursed through me.

  When I opened them again, they were both wearing tender expressions. My heart clenched. Why me? What had I done to deserve this? There was a time I would’ve killed for one love like this, one man who looked at me like they both were, and now I had two. I had two lovers! My mom would raise a brow and who knows what Grandma would say. Did I care? Not so much.

  I put a hand on each of their cheeks, looking from one to the other. I couldn’t find anything adequate to say but it didn’t matter. They knew, they sensed it and shot glances at each other before descending on me like birds of prey. I chirped, startled at their swift shift in mood, and burrowed back into the bed. It’s pretty hard to escape two shifters who already have a hold of you though.

  Trevor was between my thighs in a heartbeat, Kirill taking my face into his hands and kissing me senseless. His hair swirled around me as Trevor plunged home. I cried out at his sudden entry, thankful that I was ready for him. I felt him lift my hips and sink in deeper as he groaned.

  I ran my hands through Kirill’s hair, over his wide shoulders and down his chest till I found the hard length I was searching for. He moaned and deepened our kiss as his hands roamed over my breasts, kneading and teasing. I was cresting already and I drew away from Kirill so I could pull his hips up to my mouth.

  He obligingly got to his knees beside me, pushing pillows under my head so I could reach him easier. I sucked him in eagerly, amazed at the feeling of two men at once. Some part of me cringed in monogamous horror but another, wilder part shouted in triumph. Finally, it seemed to say, as it urged me to take more… give more.

  I lifted my hips to meet Trevor’s thrust, as I reached one hand out to stroke his bicep. His muscles were tight and a light sweat was starting to slick his skin. I moaned around Kirill and he in turn cried out. Kirill’s hand caught in my hair, yanking me to him and my whole body tightened in response, causing Trevor to growl in delight. It was an unending circle of pleasure, an electrical circuit of passion that I wanted to keep joined forever.

  “Tima,” Kirill cried out as his ass tensed and his hands clenched in my hair. “I can’t hold out.”

  I slid my hand to his ass and pulled him in as my response. He roared, his hair shaking out around us as he came before he collapsed to the bed. He rolled down to kiss me and resume stroking me as Trevor started pumping faster and faster. Kirill was at my throat then, nipping at my skin before diving down to take a nipple into his mouth. He sucked at me gently as he slid his other hand down to search for the sweet spot Trevor was already working. My eyes got huge as Trevor casually reached down and parted me further, guiding Kirill's fingers to the right place.

  With a few flicks of a finger, I was screaming my release with Trevor shortly following. As he crumpled, Kirill moved aside, and I kissed my wolf, feeling sated and sweetly sore. Then Trevor slid down my side, working his head under my arm and onto my breast. Kirill followed suit, latching onto a nipple and wrapping a leg around one of mine. Not to be outdone, Trevor claimed the nipple on the breast he was previously using as a pillow and started to lave me as he stared at Kirill with a challenging look. His hand snuck down into my wet folds and started the magic all over again. I looked them over and laughed, shocking myself with the sensual sound to it.

  “Mother?” Vidar’s voice came through the door as he knocked gently.

  Talk about a mood breaker.

  “Oh fuck,” I whispered as I stared at my bedroom door in horror.

  “Everyone’s going to find out eventually,” Trevor sighed as he pulled his fingers out of me and got to his feet.

  “Wait,” I stopped him as he headed for the door. “I don’t know if I’m ready for certain people to know.”

  “Odin,” Trevor frowned and I knew he wouldn’t be welcoming my ex-husband into the fold with open arms.

  “Right,” I rubbed at my head, “and that’s my son out there. This is not how I want him to find out his mother is no longer a one-man woman.”

  “What do you want to do, have Kirill hide in the bathroom?” Trevor raised a brow.

  “No,” I frowned, “okay, you’re right.”

  “Mother, are you alright?” Vidar knocked again.

  “I’ll be right out,” I called and heard his footsteps echo down the hallway. “I need a shower. Can you go offer him some coffee or something, Trevor?”

  “Sure, baby,” he helped me out of bed and kisse
d me quickly.

  “Thank you,” I stumbled to the bathroom, my legs still trying to function properly.

  When I finished brushing my tangled hair, the water was hot so I jumped in. Nice, very nice on my sore body. I sighed then inhaled sharply when Kirill opened the shower door. Sputtering on the water I inhaled, I wiped my wet hair back and stepped out of the spray.

  “What are you doing?” I glanced nervously around.

  “Tima,” he laughed, sweet lions I loved his laugh. “We just had sex. Can’t I share a shower with you?”

  “Oh, uh,” I laughed at myself, “of course you can. This is just going to take some time for me to get used to.”

  “Me too,” he pushed my wet hair back and kissed me. Slow and thoroughly.

  I felt my knees start to buckle and he took my weight easily, shifting his arm down to my waist. He drew back and took the shampoo bottle down. With a small smile, he emptied some into his hands, then started working it into my hair. I closed my eyes as he gently massaged my scalp and slipped his sudsy fingers down to the ends of my hair.

  Then he was urging me back into the spray, rinsing my hair carefully before pulling me out. I opened my eyes to find him eying the bath puff I used and then the assortment of shower gels. He finally chose Romantic Wish by Victoria’s Secret and started to soap me up with it.

  I pushed back the memory of Anubis washing me and focused on Kirill. He knelt before me, all slick and beautiful with little droplets sparkling in his hair like diamonds. It looked like a black cape with him there on his knees. I stroked his face while he finished washing me and he smiled radiantly. Something inside me rejoiced in that smile and I knew… I finally knew how to completely heal Kirill. I’d show him that sex didn’t have to hurt or be about domination. I’d show him the give and take. I’d show him real love, real desire.


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