Home > Other > Hers To Keep: THE QUINTESSENCE COLLECTION I > Page 23

by Akeroyd, Serena

  Andrei had, for some weird reason, always been attracted to Katrin. Kurt had even invited Andrei into the marital bed, and the idiot had accepted. Ever since, he’d trod carefully around her. But, since the woman’s surprise arrival, Sawyer had to admit he hadn’t noticed any lingering glances between them. If anything, Andrei was as concerned about Sascha’s pallor as the rest of them. His interest flickered between his plate and Sascha, that was it. It was almost like Katrin wasn’t there—a fact that had to stick in the bitch’s craw.

  When Katrin began bickering with Kurt in German, a language they all spoke but Sascha, Andrei reached over and cupped her arm, softly asking, “Sascha, sweetheart, are you feeling okay?”

  She blinked, her gaze shifting away from the argument going down in front of her and moving to the hand Andrei pressed to her knee under the table. “I’m fine.”

  “You don’t look it,” Sawyer countered, willing to say that much and little else.

  He was uneasy with Sascha, that he’d admit. She turned him on something fierce, and his body was more than willing to overcompensate for the fact his brain was at a loss.

  Sascha made him think about things he’d never thought about before. Hell, she even made him feel shit he’d never felt. In his fucking forty-one years of existing, God help him.

  If he was being honest with himself, he knew he clamped down on his reactions to her. Especially in front of his friends. Alone, it was easier to come to terms with the strange way she made him feel. Not by much, but some.

  Trouble was, he didn’t seek her out enough to get used to the way she made him feel. A fact he knew he needed to change.

  “They’re right,” Devon murmured, as usual sticking his foot in his mouth. “You look a bit crappy.”

  Sawyer hissed out a breath. Could the man never hold his goddamn tongue?

  Jesus. He loved Devon like a fucking brother, but sometimes, he’d love to deck him and knock him the fuck out.

  For whatever insane reason though, Sascha rarely took offense. Most of them took that as divine providence. If she could accept Devon’s inability to say the right thing at the right time, then she was heaven-bloody-sent. And in this, there was no change, because at his words, she chuckled.

  “Say it how it is, Devon, why don’t you?” She reached forward and, with her good hand, pressed her palm to his cheek. “I’m fine,” she told him, then turned to look at them both. To Andrei, she shot him an earnest smile, and pressed the fingers half-shielded by a cast against his.

  Sawyer scowled. She was lying. Why though?

  Her attention immediately returned to the bickering Germans down the end of the table, and he had to wonder if she was jealous. But she couldn’t be, surely? Not when they were arguing the way they were.

  Kurt and Katrin had never been blissful, and right now they weren’t even remotely trying to get along.

  Because he could sense the argument was upsetting her even though he could sense she didn’t want to miss out on what was happening, he barked out, “Enough, you two.” To Kurt, he quietly reminded, “Sascha’s head.”

  Katrin’s jaw flexed with irritation, but Kurt shot him an understanding look before he too studied Sascha.

  It was amazing how the diminutive American had entered their lives and taken over. They hadn’t been looking for another partner, but it was what they’d found when she’d agreed to work for them. A notion that had even Sean flabbergasted, and that man was pretty difficult to surprise.

  Kurt strode away from the wall and headed for Sascha’s side. He crouched down in front of her, and softly murmured, “Want to go upstairs?”

  She bit her lip, peered over at Katrin. On the brink of her refusal—she looked like she’d stay put through an air raid—Sean murmured, “Everything will be all right, Sascha. I promise. You go get some rest.”

  Sascha’s eyes met his, then she slowly nodded. Sean was the de facto head of the house. They all deferred to him. Even Andrei, who probably held it together better than most of them. It came as little surprise that Sascha’s reaction was proof that she’d follow their lead.

  Kurt, completely ignoring Katrin, stood up, helped her to her feet, then carefully hefted her into his arms. They were gradually growing accustomed to doing things very slowly where she was concerned.

  She’d had the concussion for three weeks, and it didn’t look like it was going anywhere soon. With every flinch and wince, groan and whimper of pain, Sawyer had to admit, he was going nuts for her.

  Who the fuck had done this to her? Who was plotting to hurt her? Sawyer wondered. Hating that she was in danger and hating it even more when he knew they had zero idea why or from whom the peril was sourced.

  She let out a little moan when she was in Kurt’s arms, but settled into him with an ease that spoke of a deep intimacy. There was no way Katrin could fail to see that, and after he watched Kurt carry Sascha up the stairs, Sawyer looked at the ex-wife from hell and saw the calculating look in her eye.

  “Katrin, you have less than five minutes to leave the house.”

  His order had her eyes widening, mostly because Sean was usually the one who’d issue such a dictate. Around him, he felt the unease his friends felt. They were family, and he loved them, but from time to time, they could be pussies.

  He was, in his own way, a gentleman. He believed in caring for the women in his life, opening doors and all that shit. But when it came time to deal with bitches like this one, he knew when to back away from the chivalry and get down to brass tacks.

  Katrin was a manipulator and a user. Having a pussy didn’t suddenly make that acceptable. She was toxic, and she needed to go. Stat.

  The others, though they knew it, were too well bred and kindly to spring into action.

  “I need your help,” she argued, a beseeching tone to her voice.

  Trouble for her was, with that thick accent, no way could she ever pull off beseeching. “I’m sure you do. You can call at office hours.”

  She snorted. “Since when have any of you held office hours?”

  Sean sighed. “Since forever. Now, as you can see, it’s time for the evening meal. Sawyer’s right, Katrin. It’s time to leave.”

  “I can’t leave.”

  Devon frowned. “Technically, there’s no such word as can’t.”

  Katrin narrowed her eyes at him. “Don’t be pedantic, Devon.”

  “Sascha says it’s what I do best,” came his proud retort, a reply that had all their lips twitching in varying degrees.

  Sawyer had a feeling that over the coming weeks, the longer Sascha lived with them, and the more they got to know her in the Biblical sense, they’d be hearing that more and more often.

  ‘Sascha says.’

  Had Katrin not been here, he’d have mocked Devon, and from Andrei’s smirk so would he, but with the bitch present, there was no way they’d break ranks.

  Her narrowed eyes became all the narrower. Jesus, she was practically squinting at them as she murmured, “She’s another one of your whores, isn’t she? Mein Gott, are you so desperate you’re hiring the women in now?”

  Slamming his palm against the table, uncaring that the plates rattled, he spat, “You say another fucking word, Katrin, and I’ll toss you out rather than let one of the others escort you.”

  She went from squinting to gawking in less than a millisecond. “You wouldn’t dare,” came the huffy but wary retort.

  “Just try me.”

  She pushed her shoulders back a tad, then murmured, “I can’t leave. I have nowhere else to go.”

  Andrei frowned, but as he asked, “Why not? Never heard of hotels?” Sawyer noticed he didn’t look at the woman.

  “I don’t have enough money for a hotel.”

  The five of them froze in their seats. Kurt’s family wasn’t exactly super rich, but they were damn wealthy. Katrin was wealthier still. Her grandparents had more fingers in more pies than a freakin’ baker back in their heyday. A wealth her father had increased exponentially

  For her to say that? It was beyond fucked up.

  “How is that even possible?” Sean asked, his tone showing the bewilderment they were all feeling.

  “I told you. My financial advisor is embezzling from me.”

  “That’s more than embezzling if he’s left you with nothing,” Andrei snapped. “What’s going on, Katrin?”

  For the first time, Sawyer thought he saw genuine emotion on her face as she blinked at him. “I truly don’t know. I just… a few weeks ago, I tried to withdraw a large cash sum, and was denied. I looked into it, then tried calling you, Andrei. When you wouldn’t answer, I contacted Kurt, and now I’m here because I have no money in any of my accounts.” She swallowed roughly, as though she was trying to compose herself, then wailed, “I-I’m poor.”

  * * *

  “What’s she doing here, Kurt?” Sascha asked, her tone less strident than she’d have liked. But hell, she was feeling weak. Weaker than she’d done since the car accident itself.

  Maybe she did need to go to the doctors? She wasn’t used to feeling anything less than hale and hearty, so to be shaken up by this rattlesnake’s appearance in her world was unsettling.

  From what she knew of the woman, she was predisposed to dislike her. Then, Katrin had done nothing but peer down that too big a nose of hers and treat Sascha like she was dogshit on those Blahniks she wore…

  Yeah, predisposed, my ass, she thought wryly. With or without the accident, she wouldn’t have appreciated such a toxic presence in her house.

  And she totally knew how presumptuous it was of her to say that but say it she would—to her damn self, at any rate.

  Before her brain started on overtime at what Katrin’s true purpose was here, she had to smile as Kurt began tucking her into bed. He’d had to pull the covers off one side so he could set her down on the sheets, and the awkward position had her giggling when she’d nearly fallen out of his arms.

  Not that she’d have been giggling in the aftermath. Christ, she didn’t even want to think of how badly her head would have pounded if he’d actually dropped her. Still, she’d felt secure in his arms, hence the giggle.

  Keeping her safe was their top priority… was it any wonder she was getting addicted to them? To their care and cosseting?

  Talk about living the dream.

  With a sigh, she watched as he tucked the covers around her so tightly she wouldn’t be able to move during the night. Not that she complained or anything, but still, it was cute.

  “I don’t know,” he said after a few moments. “Katrin’s actions rarely match up with what she has to say.”

  She frowned, unsure if he was saying it how it was or simply being cryptic. “What do you mean?”

  “She says she’s here for Andrei’s help.” He shrugged. “Undoubtedly, there will be another reason. A reason I’m not interested in.”

  Feeling stupid for being insecure, she nevertheless had to ask, “Do you still care for her?”

  He froze in place, his hands stilling with the bedsheets in his clasp. Turning to her, she saw amusement buried in his gaze. “Yes, Sascha. I do. I’m so madly in love with her that I’d walk into the path of an incoming bus for her.”

  She pouted. “There’s no need to tease.”

  He rolled his eyes. “There’s no need to ask if I still have feelings for my ex. I’d prefer to spend time with a snap-happy cobra than her, Sascha. I mean that. The minute the divorce came through, I was a very contented man.”

  “Sean said you were depressed.”

  “Of course, I was. I’d just wasted years on a witch of a woman to whom I meant nothing.” He shrugged. “I felt like a fool. So stupid for having put up with her, with the shit and drama she brought into my life, but even more of an idiot for having listened to my mother and having allowed her to interfere. Plus, my ego was hurt. My pride, too. I am but a man, Sascha darling.”

  He bent over to press a kiss to her forehead. “Now, I should go and see what her game is.”

  As he made to stand, she grabbed his hand with her good one, and pleaded, “Stay. Please.”

  His brow puckered. “There truly is no reason to fear my being with her. I doubt she’d try to seduce me to help her, but even if she did, I wouldn’t act on it, Sascha. I truly have no feelings for her anymore.” He rubbed his chin. “If she seduced anyone, it would be Andrei, but he wouldn’t touch her either. I can promise you that.”

  Something inside her settled at his promise, but she whispered, “It’s not that. I don’t want to be alone.”

  The frown deepened. “Your head is that bad?”

  She swallowed. “Yes. It’s…” Her eyes fluttered shut, unable to think of a comparison.

  “You need to sleep.”

  “I know. But I don’t want to sleep alone.”

  He let out a soft sigh but toed out of his shoes. “I will leave when you drift off, okay?”

  “I’d nod, but it would make it hurt more,” she teased, still capable of humor even if it felt like her skull was caving in. “Why would Katrin try to seduce Andrei? Just to get what she wants?”

  His grimace had her narrowing her eyes. “We had an open marriage, remember? I invited him to…” He cleared his throat.

  “He slept with her while you watched,” she clarified blankly. When he nodded, she squinted at him. “That’s why he was okay with you jacking off the first time he touched me, isn’t it? He’s used to it.” And from what Andrei had once told her, she’d thought Katrin had disgusted him.


  She was almost amused at the sudden sight of the pink cresting his cheeks as he admitted, “They’re all used to it. But yes, Andrei more than most.” His knee came up to the side of the bed, and he cocked a brow at her. “Do you still want me to rest with you?”

  “Of course.”

  “You’re not mad?”

  “How can I be mad about a past that didn’t involve me?” she asked, trying to be rational when deep down, she was feeling anything but. Still, it wasn’t his fault Katrin was… well, perfect. Goddamn perfect. So tiny and freakin’ blonde… and skinny, let’s not forget skinny. The Bitch. Totally deserving of a capital letter too because the sexy package wrapped up the heart of a boa constrictor.

  Kurt eyed her warily, like he expected her to pounce, but climbed onto the mattress. “If you say so.”

  He settled beside her with a care that had her throat closing up. Nervous, she might be when it came to the human-sized Tinkerbell sitting in her kitchen—because, dammit, it was her kitchen—flirting with her men, but Sascha could never doubt the care and attention they gave her.

  In the face of that, her petty jealousy and stupid insecurities were ridiculous.

  Hadn’t she caught each of them studying her when she’d been absorbing Katrin’s diatribe? Each of her men checking in on her, making sure she was okay. Somehow knowing that exact moment when the headache had devolved into a migraine, and taking her away from the situation to get some rest.

  She was fortunate. It was time to embrace that fact and shove aside anything else. Because, jealous or not, it was irrelevant. By word and deed, they showed her what she meant to them. Just because Katrin probably weighed as much as the left side of Sascha’s body didn’t change that.

  “Thank you for this,” she whispered, when he rolled over, curling his body about hers.

  “You don’t have to thank me. I’m touched that you trust me enough to be here.”

  Carefully turning her head to look at him, she murmured, “You really mean that, don’t you?”

  He snickered. “Of course, I do.”

  “I was very lucky the day I got the call from the agency for this interview.”

  “Not as lucky as we were,” he said softly. Reaching over, he carefully began to stroke her hair away from her face. It had been in a topknot earlier, but she’d loosened it when the pain had begun to pound at her skull and the pressure had grown with it. “You’ll be fine, Sascha. When we go to the doctor, what
ever they say, you’ll be fine.”

  Her eyes widened. “How did you know I was scared?”

  “Because you asked me to rest with you.” He cocked a brow at her. “I might not be the smartest man in the house, but I’m not a complete fool.”

  “Never thought you were,” she replied, closing her eyes when he began to trace his fingers over her face in gentle swirls. It should have been ticklish, but if anything, it was soothing.

  She wasn’t sure why they cared for her so much. Sascha knew she was nothing special. And yet, she’d wormed her way into their lives, and they didn’t seem to want her to worm back out again.

  The five men in this house were beyond brilliant. When Kurt said he wasn’t the smartest here, it was because Devon was off the charts, batshit brilliant, where Kurt was only another literary genius. When you had that kind of comparison going down, being smart was a relative concept.

  She’d always considered herself of average intelligence. More than most, but not cray cray. Yet, though she was way less smart than they, they never made her feel like she was an idiot or stupid.

  She was falling for them, Sascha knew, and as she tumbled into sleep, couldn’t find it in herself to be scared about that.

  If anything, she was excited, and that was probably way more dangerous.


  “I can’t believe we’re letting her stay,” Sawyer growled.

  “It’s only on the sofa,” Sean retorted, folding his arms across his chest. Even though he defended their agreement to let the Wicked Witch of West Germany spend the night, he wasn’t happy about it either.

  “You tell that to Sascha tomorrow. Because I’m not going to,” Andrei retorted easily, sinking back into the dining chair with a topped-off cup of coffee in his hand. It was the disgusting glop Sascha made specially for him, and Andrei never wasted a drop.

  “She’ll understand.” When no agreement was forthcoming, Sean tugged at his collar. “Won’t she?”


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