Sinfully Supernatural

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Sinfully Supernatural Page 14

by Multiple

  Macy stopped a few feet in front of him. “Come out and play with me Jett. You know you want to fuck me.” She bit her lip and twirled her hair around a finger in a practiced move that repulsed him further.

  He couldn’t believe this was what he once thought was the epitome of sexy.

  Jett felt Corrine nudge him from behind. There was no way he was letting her get near Macy. Taking a step back he bumped into her, emitting a low warning growl.

  Macy, still oblivious to Corrine’s presence, thought he was growling at her.

  “Murph,” she whined. The high-pitched sound grated on his nerves. In the past he either put up with it, or just blocked it out. Usually giving in just to get her to stop. Not anymore though. He was only too happy Corrine didn’t feel she had to needle him into doing what she wanted. He would gladly do anything she asked to begin with.

  Before he could cater to Corrine and anything she wished, he had to take control of this situation. Keep Macy talking and occupied until relief got there. Without thinking through what he was about to do, he quickly shifted. He chanced a glance behind. Corrine, still in Tiger form, stood swishing her tail angrily back and forth.

  He spoke to her lowly, “I’m buying us some time. Stay hidden in the trees. Help is on the way.”

  Swallowing his pride and revulsion, Jett walked further into the clearing toward doom.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Corrine was dumbfounded. What the hell! Oh no he did not just tell her to stay put like a good little kitty! That man may meet his death yet.

  Still, like the fool she was beginning to believe she was when it came to him, she sat down, a large Colorado blue spruce blocking her from their view.

  She saw the look of triumph on Macy’s face when Jett’s naked ass walked her way. Saw the way her eyes hungrily ate his body up. She just wished she could see Jett’s face to know what he thought of Crazy Macy.

  Low murmurs reached her sensitive ears, but trees buffered the words. It was all she could do not to get closer and overhear.

  After a bit, her curiosity got the best of her. Being careful to not make noise, Corrine got up and inched forward. The closer she got, the more frustrated and pissed off she became. She only had a clear view of Macy, and Corrine had a driving need to see Jett’s face. Giving up on her current position, she circled around to the side. Getting the clear view of Jett and Macy’s profiles she desperately needed.

  What she saw was unexpected as jealousy took hold of her.

  Macy leaned into Jett, caressing his arm while laughing up into his face flirting and batting her eyes. She pressed her small pointy breasts against his chest, rubbing back and forth.

  Corrine couldn’t stop her Tiger’s response if she wanted to. Her ears rotated and flattened slightly, displaying her agitation. Teeth bared, a low, loud growl escaped, as Jett did nothing to stop Macy’s fondling.

  Macy glared in her direction. “I see your pussy is here after all,” she said loud enough to be heard.

  Corrine stepped out into the clearing. Her stance aggressive, prepared to attack. The overwhelming need to protect her territory and her home rode high. This was the bitch responsible for burning down her business. Most likely the reason for all of the strange things happening too.

  She was going to pay for it all, and soon. Especially for thinking she could lure Jett back to her side.

  Corrine let go of the doubt about Jett’s feelings for her. Let go of her hesitation to commit, and embraced what she knew within. They were mates. Meant for each other. Forever. When this was over, whatever happened in the past was going to firmly remain there. They were going to work on the future. Together.

  Crouching low, her tail close to the ground twitched violently every few seconds. Corrine kept her eyes trained on Macy, waiting for her to make the next move. It didn’t take long.

  “I told you to stay back Corrine,” Jett said. “I’ve got this.”

  The words were barely out of his mouth when Macy shoved Jett away unexpectedly with more strength than Corrine thought she should possess. He was so off guard he landed on his ass, clearly unable to be of much help.

  Macy shifted, mouth hanging open, revealing deadly, dripping canines. Hissing, she lunged straight at Corrine. All of it taking less twenty seconds for it all to go down.

  Corrine sprang to the side, deftly avoiding the attack before shifting gears. Barreling into Macy’s side, she knocked her off her feet.

  Corrine took the precious seconds to ensure Jett was out of the way. Pleased when she saw he was back on his feet, keeping a distance from the two fighting Tigers.

  Macy jumped back up onto all fours. Rushing forward, she swiped with her extended claws.

  Unable to move out of the way fast enough, pain lanced through Corrine’s leg. The flesh tearing on her right front leg. Warm blood flowed down, pooling between the toes on her paw.

  She pushed the pain aside. Dropping down and rolling away before the next attack.

  Out of Macy’s reach, she slowly circled the crazed Tiger waiting for the perfect opening to attack.

  Rustling noises from the woods distracted Macy, allowing for Corrine to jump. Macy’s strength reared its head. The woman had to be on something. No one this small should have this much power. They wrestled on the ground, each struggling for the upper hand. Growls and roars let loose by both of them, echoed throughout the clearing.

  A group of men burst through the trees stopping right inside the clearing, garnering their attention. Corrine broke free of Macy, relinquishing her dominant position.

  She kept a close eye on Macy as the Tiger staggered to get her footing. Wobbling on four feet, body shuddering, lungs laboring for breath. She looked wiped out but not defeated. It was no less how Corrine felt.

  Unexpectedly, Macy broke into a run, heading away from everyone. Corrine dashed after her letting loose a ferocious growl.

  The men were behind her, yelling and running toward them both. None of them would be quick enough to catch them unless they shifted.

  As Macy was about to breach the wooded area Corrine leapt into the air landing on the other Tiger’s hindquarters while sinking her claws in. Stopping all forward motion.

  Macy roared in rage before rolling onto her back showing her tender underbelly in submission.

  Corrine not trusting her, moved to her side, and in a swift move clamped her powerful jaws on Macy’s throat. Squeezing just enough to break the skin. A strangled noise escaped. She placed her paw on the Tiger’s exposed belly. Ready to rip it open at the slightest flinch.

  The men skidded to a halt near them, but none came close. Out of the corner of her eye, Corrine watched as Jett slowly approached them. Rounding them until he was standing next to her, he placed a hand gently on her back. Moving it up gradually in a soothing circling motion. Once his hand was on the nape of her neck, she felt him drop to his knees next to her, draping his body over her back. His head close to her ear. The heat of his body melted into her.

  “Let go baby,” he said quietly.

  She grunted low in her throat. Not quite ready to let go of her prey.

  “Please. I need you to let go so they can take care of her,” he pleaded.

  Just the thought of her being taken care of raised the fur on her back. She dropped lower, her jaws closing on Macy’s throat a fraction more.

  “Now baby, I know she pissed you off but you aren’t the type to kill without reason.”

  Frankly, she thought she had plenty of reason and he should know that. Pulling her paw back, she dug her claws into Macy’s soft belly. Puncturing the skin. The Tiger moaned and Corrine got the sick, fleeting satisfaction knowing she was in pain. She wanted Macy to feel the type of pain she had been in at seeing her bakery burnt down, and her mate in the arms of another woman.

  “Please, honey, let go. These men are going to take her away. Get her the help she needs, and never let her back into the population. You know we have ways of deal
ing with shifters like her.” He stroked his large hand down her back sending spirals of pleasure through her.

  They were at a stand still. He hadn’t given her a good enough reason to let go. And she couldn’t convince herself that Macy didn’t deserve swift punishment.

  A throat cleared to her left. A man approached tentatively. Tall and muscular like Jett. He had the same rugged good looks. Chiseled cheekbones and strong angular nose. It was Jett, just older. Gray peppered his hair giving him an air of dignity and authority.

  “Corrine,” his deep baritone pricked at her ears. “I need you to let Macy go. Much more of this, and we’re going to have to haul you both off, and I’d hate to do that to my son. Seems he’s quite taken with you and I don’t want to ruin that.”

  Corrine grunted but still didn’t let go.

  “You’re a stubborn one aren’t you? Not too stubborn I hope. Jett needs a woman who will stand up to him but not run right over him, attempting to control every aspect of his life.” Jett’s Dad’s eyes hardened, dropping to the Tiger beneath her. Bringing his gaze back to her it softened, “I think that woman is you. Now be a good girl and let go.” The man had the nerve to wink at her, a small smile tipping his lips. She snorted. As much as she wanted to be ticked at the man’s attitude, she couldn’t help but be charmed. Just like she was when Jett was acting like a fool.

  Ever so slowly, she released her grip on Macy’s throat. Removing her claws from her belly. At the same time, Jett moved off her back, giving her the space to move away.

  Corrine ambled to the side, plopping down a few feet away, worn out from all of the activity.

  The contingency of men circled Macy. All of their attention, including Jett’s, focused solely on her. One very unhappy man thrust clothes at the pathetic looking woman.

  She watched in curiosity as Macy planted her balled up hands on her hips. Not caring a wit that they were all staring at her.

  “Daddy, can you believe that bitch,” Macy screamed at the man with the clothes. Snatching the garments from his outstretched hands, struggling to pull on the obnoxious bright pink velour sweat suit. “I’m bleeding and it’s all her fault. I’m going to be bruised and scarred for life. She needs to be dealt with. I could have been killed. Violent trash like that shouldn’t be allowed to mix with the rest of us.” Her tone was haughty and self-righteous.

  Corrine had enough. She was tired, sore, and her wound was still oozing blood. Catching a whiff of burnt wood, the destroyed bakery flooded back into her mind. Getting up, she sedately walked away. Leaving them all behind.

  She walked past the bakery, heading for the back of the house. She couldn’t even bring herself to look at the place, feeling completely numb.

  In the backyard she shifted. Finding her robe hanging on the outdoor hook on the patio, she slipped into it. Instead of going inside like she planned, she turned and trudged up the hill to her favorite spot. Needing the comfort and peace she knew it would bring. Standing on the hill, she mindlessly surveyed her land. So lost in her own world she didn’t sense Jett’s presence.

  Jett found her standing on the hilltop looking lost and alone. He could feel the pain radiating off her and it broke his heart.

  He couldn’t believe he didn’t know she’d walked off. He should have felt it the moment she left the clearing. He’d been too busy dealing with Macy and the Guild. Explaining what happened.

  The minute he realized she wasn’t there, dread set in and he put on the clothes his father brought and took off. The others could deal with Macy. He was done feeling guilty for her breakdown.

  Climbing the hill he walked up behind Corrine, slipping his arms around the tops of her shoulders. Her startled jump confirmed what he already figured. She had shut down. Was unaware of anything going on around her.

  He held her. Soaking in the feel of her body against his. She relaxed back into him. Some of his tension releasing, knowing she was comfortable with him again.

  “Why didn’t you let me know you wanted to leave? I would have come with you,” he stated quietly.

  Her chest rose beneath his arms before releasing on a heavy sigh. “Everyone was preoccupied with Macy and I didn’t want to interrupt. I just wanted to get back to the house and get this stench off me.”

  “Why are you up here then?”

  “I just came. I planned to hit the bath, which I still need to do by the way, and was drawn up here,” she shrugged.

  He rested his chin on the top of her head, closing his eyes. The thought of Corrine naked, slippery, and wet in the bath did crazy things to him. His cock stirred. Involuntarily pressing his hips against her ass.

  Corrine snorted.


  “If you think you’re getting lucky after the day I’ve had, you are sadly mistaken.”

  Jett didn’t answer. He knew she was trying to make everything that happened seem like it wasn’t a big deal, but he refused to play along. “You scared the hell out of me Corrine. Why did you come out of the woods? I told you to stay there and wait.” His grip tightened across her body. He relived the moment Macy shoved him to the ground and he couldn’t do anything to stop her from going after Corrine.

  He shuddered at the thought of a different outcome. Nevertheless, he should have known his mate could take care of herself. She told him she could and he needed to start believing in her.

  Her hands came to rest on his forearms. The gentle touch soothing him until he looked down and saw blood on her right arm.

  “Damn it, Corrine.” He spun her around, seizing her arm to inspect it. The large ugly red lacerations stood out against her skin. Blood oozed and he strangely felt faint.

  “Uh, Jett? You okay?”

  He tried to focus on her face but couldn’t seem to get his eyes to work. She was wavering before him as the blood rushed out of his head. “Yeah,” he croaked.

  She pushed him to the ground and he went willingly. Seeing his mate hurt was something he wasn’t prepared for. Something he didn’t know would affect him so strongly.

  “You’re not looking so hot babe. Maybe we should go inside.” She framed his face with her hands, her gaze searching his own. Shutting his eyes to keep her from seeing his weakness, he let her touch abate the fear that set in.

  He took a deep breath before letting it slowly out. “I’m good. Really. Just shocked to see you hurt.”

  “I’m a big girl. I’ll survive. No Tiger comes out unscathed. Besides, it isn’t a big deal. I’ll get the scratches cleaned up and dressed. Be good as new in a day or two. Might need a tetanus shot though. No telling what that bitch is carrying.” She chuckled softly, but it didn’t lighten his mood.

  They sat in strained silence. He didn’t know what to say or what to do. He could have lost her before he ever really had time with her. The thought was a blow and huge reality check.

  The slight pressure of her lips on his took him by surprise. His mind and body screamed for more. Deepening the kiss, he slid his tongue across the seam of her lips. Delving inside when her mouth opened. They tangled and dueled fighting for dominance. Pushing against each other’s tongue, biting and licking.

  His balls tingled as his cock rose to attention between them. Snaking his arms around her waist, he pulled her on top as he laid back. Her lush body covering his hard planes. There wasn’t a better feeling in the world.

  Pulling back, he gasped for breath, only to have Macy’s scent envelope him, breaking through his lust. The cloying perfume was all over Corrine; the reason for it twisted his gut. Corrine was injured because of him. And he was ravishing her up on the hilltop in view of anyone who had an inclination to look.

  Gently he rolled them to their sides. Taking care to not place her on her injured side, while putting a small space between them.

  He rested his forehead against hers, needing to touch her in some way. “Don’t ever do that again. You have to let me protect you. I couldn’t bear it if you were severely injured or kil
led,” he sighed heavily.

  She blinked rapidly. The fog of arousal lifting from her mind. She poked him hard in the chest with her finger. “You were letting her rub her tiny titties all over you and didn’t do a damned thing. What else was I supposed to do?”

  The vehemence in her voice brought his head up. How could she be angry with him for trying to protect her and stall for time? Didn’t she realize Macy did nothing for him? There was not one thing on that woman’s body sexually appealing.

  Corrine was pouting with little irritated wrinkles in her forehead. It finally dawned on him.

  “You were jealous!” he crowed. Reaching out, he rubbed a lock of hair between his fingers. Loving the silky texture. “I was just keeping her occupied until Guild members could get there. She has nothing on you, honey.” He looked pointedly at her breasts peaking out of the robe.

  “Jerk,” she said lightly. Knocking his hand away.

  He sighed. Elated she was joking and not pissed off and yelling at him. He was damn lucky to have Corrine. Now he just needed to ensure she stayed his. Forever.

  With Macy out of the picture for real, for the first time in years he felt free. He could finally let the horrible experience fall into the background where it should have been all along. Instead of letting it rule his life, his relationships. He would take the blame for allowing it to happen too. He could accept his fault in the whole ordeal. What he wouldn’t accept was letting it continue.

  “I love you Corrine. I have from the first time I saw your picture back in college. I’ve been enchanted. I just didn’t know it at the time. I know we haven’t officially entered Dewasa, but that doesn’t matter to me. You’re my mate. My soul. I don’t want anyone else.”


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