Sinfully Supernatural

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Sinfully Supernatural Page 19

by Multiple

  The scent of her rising cat perfumed the air and he growled in anticipation. Edge backed off again and let her take the lead.

  Ivy’s legs flew and dirt puffed slightly behind her feet as she passed him, the soft powder tickled the inside of his nostrils even as he tasted the gritty earth on his tongue.

  The scent of her cat trailed behind her making his body tense with anticipation of her change. The muskiness of her cat had him growling deep in his throat, in an attempt to warn her that he was now on the hunt. As it was, his fur-covered skin itched to have her hands on him.

  Ivy’s clothing ripped as her muscles shifted under her skin. Bones popped and he watched as her body contorted into the tiger’s shape. She grunted as her faced scrunched with the pain of the change right before she fell onto all fours.

  Her skin rippled with a sudden wash of orange fur and then stripes formed over her body as her muscles grew under her flesh, filling out her arms and legs. Ivy cried out as her form stretched and shifted. Her hands and feet enlarged into paws with sharp claws.

  She was a gorgeous orange and black tiger.

  Pride blossomed in his chest at the sight of her regal form. Edge always enjoyed seeing a fellow cat indulge their cat form. By how slow her change had been and the amount of grimacing she had done, she didn’t change often enough. Her body was sleek even though petite, and she had powerful muscles that spurred her on.

  Ivy put on a burst of speed and ran from him.

  Edge’s instincts to chase her made his heart race and his body stiffen. He needed to catch her and prove his dominance. Edge sped up and kept pace with her as they raced around the track.

  She panted hard, her paws pounded into the ground as she ran.

  Edge could have easily overtaken her, but the chase was too much fun to abandon. He ran with her until he caught her. When he did, he pounced, jumping on top of her still fleeing form and tumbled over her, taking her down into the gritty dirt. Edge growled and licked her face in a show of friendliness while he pinned her to the ground. His heavy body was flush against her smaller form, his larger paws held down her shoulders as she struggled underneath him. Edge chuckled to himself as she thrashed aroundthere was no way she could get out of his hold.

  Ivy managed to get her front paws free and swiped at his head and chest with her claws. He gently slapped her shoulder back to the ground. She was feisty for being so tiny. Ivy snapped her teeth in the air in front of him, mere inches from his face. That was enough, Edge wouldn’t allow her to be rude even if she seemed feral right now, his pride demanded he put her in her place.

  Edge wrestled with her head and finally closed his teeth around her throata male tiger’s show of dominancefirm and yet careful not to hurt her.

  She stopped, her body stilled completely. Pleasure surged through him at her submission. He was every inch the Alpha as his body shook and muscles strained.

  Ivy’s body contorted and heaved as her fur rippled and vanished. The smooth skin of her small shoulder slipped from under the pads of his paws. Ivy’s face screwed up tight and her eyebrows cinched hard as she squeezed her eyes shut and a tremor coursed through her body once last time. She cried out, then her eyes popped open wide, and she took a huge breath as if she’d been holding it during the change.

  “I give, you win.” She gulped deep breaths of air as he hovered over her human form.

  Edge stared at her as she caught her breath. A tightening started in his stomach and worked its way down to his groin, he felt his sac go heavy as need surged through his veins. He purred a soft invitation to her as he kept her between his paws.

  Ivy was gloriously naked, and he wanted to change back to human form so her soft skin could slide against his own naked body.

  Edge licked her fingers slowly loving the salty taste of her hot skin and pushed at her hand. She placed her hand on his head and stroked the fur over his eyes.

  Ivy’s fingers delved into his fur to find the sensitive skin below his ears. Edge’s body tingled everywhere she touched him, as if little sparks of electricity passed through her and into him. He closed his eyes and savored her touch.

  Edge purred as she scratched behind his ear.

  Her hands roamed over the fur of his neck and shoulders gently squeezing and caressing him. Ivy’s face was open and almost awestruck as she petted him, her eyes wide and her mouth gaped slightly.

  He watched her delicate nostrils flare. Edge hoped his scent was ingraining on her brain just as her musky, sunshine scent was committing to his memory. Her hands buried deep in his fur made his cock harden and his skin heat at the sensation. When his muscles started to twitch and ache under his skin, he had to move away from her or risk changing into human form on top of her. He savored her touch for a minute longer before he backed away to change and head for the locker room. Edge wasn’t usually modest, but he didn’t assume Ivy would be okay with seeing him naked. He also didn’t want her to know how easily he changed, it would give away the fact that he was older and an Alpha.

  He needed her to want him for himself, not for his status among the pack.

  Edge’s white fur receded slowly as his muscles lengthened back into his longer arms and legs. His bones reformed, snapped and popped growing into their human shape. He clinched his jaw against the cracking and snapping of the bones, even though the whole process hurt like hell, it was a momentary pain. The pain left a dull ache inside his body after the change was done, but since he loved being a tiger, the pain, in his opinion, was worth every fractured bone and torn muscle. Edge pulled on his clothes forgoing the shoes. He was in a hurry to get back out to Ivy and didn’t want to take the time to lace them up. Edge jogged back through the door with two bottles of water he’d taken from his locker.

  “You should know better than to play with a tiger.” He handed her the water.

  “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.” She took the water, popped the top and took a huge gulp. “Really, thanks. That felt great. It’s been a while since I’ve run like that.” Ivy’s body language was very closed, she wouldn’t exactly look him in the eye and had crossed her arms over her naked breasts.


  The delicate features of her brow furrowed.

  “I don’t change much.” She glanced away.

  A blush stole up her cheeks, and she seemed truly embarrassed about being a Were-tiger. “Your cat is just an extension of you, indulging in the change is part of who we are.”

  “You have your cat under control.” Ivy bit her lip as if she hadn’t meant to say that then muttered, “Never mind.” She waved a dismissive hand in the air as she took another swig of water.

  It seemed as though she thought her cat wasn’t within her control. To Edge, that was ridiculous. He had always been proud of who and what he was, maybe it was why he had been a natural Alpha.

  “I’d like to see more of the other you.” He searched her face in an attempt to understand what went on inside her brain, and to keep his eyes from roaming over her naked body.

  “Um, I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

  Edge’s stomach knotted at her abrupt words. He had to see more of Ivy. The tiger inside of him roared in anger at her words, making his ears throb. Edge couldn’t believe he’d been shot down before he had even had a chance to begin.

  Then she covered up all of that beautiful pale skin with her T-shirt. Edge wanted Ivy to be bare as often as possible, if for no other reason than for him to enjoy the sight of her creamy skin.

  His nostrils flared as a growl tried to rumble out of his throat, but he didn’t say another word, just watched as she walked back to her stuff and pulled her socks and shoes back on. She walked the track until she recovered all of her torn clothing.

  Edge stifled a moan of desire and walked over to her. “You want a pair of sweats?” His body tightened as he caught a glimpse of the curls at the vee of her thighs. Ivy’s firm breasts pushed at the front of her shirt and her nipples were
small pebbles against the material.

  “Yeah, thanks.” Ivy tugged at the hem of her small shirt.

  Edge strolled into the locker room again, taking his time. Ivy walked toward the door as he came back and handed her the pants.

  She drew the pants over her white tennis shoes, and Edge decided to try a different tactic. “Would you like to grab something to eat?”

  She peeked up at him from under her lashes. Her gaze said she wanted to, but maybe didn’t want to admit it.

  Finally after a long moment she spoke. “Sure, I could eat.” She pulled the drawstring tight.


  Ivy followed Edge to the small cafeteria just off the lobby of The Haven. Judging by the fading light coming through the long, wide windows, evening had arrived. Not many people had come from work yet so the cafeteria was mostly empty. The entire area smelled like roast, potatoes and carrots, which made her stomach rumble.

  After having made her selections, Ivy settled at a table near the large windows. Thankfully, she could eat like normal and not have to hide her appetite from him like she did when she was in a human restaurant.

  Edge sat across from her as the sun set outside.

  She glanced up to find him watching her, his face highlighted in the soft, orange glow. Edge was unbelievably handsome. He had long inky, black hair and penetrating, blue eyes that made her feel like he could see her darkest secrets. His face was rugged. Maybe it was his slightly crooked nose—that looked like he’d seen his share of fist fights up close—or the way he held himself, shoulders back and square as if he dared anyone to take him on that made Ivy decided he had a hard life. His crystal clear eyes seemed to watch everything around him even though they were focused on her. Those eyes promised to see straight through to her soul. Ivy’s hand shook as she reached for her fork praying he couldn’t actually see inside her.

  His eyes never left her as she placed a bite of salad in her mouth. Ivy wasn’t sure what to do under his scrutiny, but she knew food was such a huge part of their culture, it was normal to see a male so tuned in to a female’s eating habits. Males used food as a way to care for their females.

  A male brought food home to show he cared about her well-being, and when a female ate for him, she was acknowledging his efforts. In dating, males took special care to provide for a female he wanted as a mate. Sometimes ordering for her or feeding her by hand. Eating became a sensual dance that went deeper than just the act of chewing and swallowing.

  His intense scrutiny sent a warm, tingly rush of heat through her chest and reminded her of the rules of mating. Rule two specifically was feed your female, show her you can provide for her and that her well-being is important.

  Slowly, Ivy scooped up another bite and let her eyes linger over Edge’s face as she placed the forkful in her mouth.

  Edge’s skin was a rich brown caramel and his eyes were set just far enough apart to balance his strong jaw. He had a small cleft in his chin that made Ivy’s knees turn to mush.

  Ivy also remembered as she chewed that a female could acknowledge a male’s affections by eating for him.

  Edge’s eyes turned a deeper shade of blue as she took another bite. If eyes could smolder, his did. His dark lashes hooded his blue eyes as he watched her.

  The heat in Ivy’s body kicked up a notch. Electricity arched between them through the air. She was tense as she slowly savored her food and drew out her movements. Once a male was on the hunt for a mate, he wouldn’t stop until he had what he wanted.

  Ivy enticed him with her body by eating slowly and making sure she held his full attention, allowing her tongue to glide occasionally over her lower lip. She wanted to ask him to be more to her. The only way to do that was through the seductive dance of eating for him. The mating moon would come soon, and she just couldn’t help herself. Ivy pushed away the thoughts from last night and savored this moment as this male’s gaze roamed over her body.

  During the whole meal she had experienced a sense of being wanted.

  Ivy’s nipples ached with heat as she leaned forward. His eyes widened, and he licked his lips. The heat between them intensified, twining around them as her body purred in response to his gaze.

  Ivy forced her thoughts to focus and continued eating her salad, even though all she could see inside her head were his broad shoulders and narrow waist hovering above her naked body. She fought not to wiggle in her seat as heat formed in her belly and an ache grew between her thighs. Ivy waited through several more bites before he finally picked up his fork and started his own meal.

  She took a drink of water to cool her hot throat. Her body hummed with unfulfilled need, and she had to squeeze her thighs together to quiet the blazing inferno that had started at her core. Edge broke through her turmoil.

  “I know this is a little forward, but I’d like to give you my phone number.”

  Ivy stared at him as her cat purred in response to the attention he gave her. She pushed the salad around her plate. “Why?” Ivy didn’t gaze directly at him.

  “I like you, and I’d like you to have my number.” Ivy wanted to jump up and down in joy. She bit her cheek to settle the giant grin that threatened to split her face in half.

  He took a pen from his pocket, scribbled his number on a napkin and handed it to her. “Just in case. I’ve been friends with your brother for a while now, and I know it’s just the two of you in town.” He took a bite of his roast beef sandwich.

  “I’d like that.” She laughed nervously and stuffed the napkin inside the pocket of her borrowed sweats. “I could use someone besides my brother to call.” Ivy picked up her fork and renewed her focus on her salad.

  Edge liked her. He barely knew her, but he said he liked her. Ivy’s tiger purred her approval again.

  “I’m sure you’ve got males just busting down your door.” He grinned at her as he wiped his napkin over his lips.

  She stiffened at the comment and glanced up from her food. “No. I don’t.” Edge didn’t know about her past. He wasn’t part of her pack.

  “Well, you should, I mean look at you, you’re gorgeous.”

  Her cheeks blazed hot. “Thanks,” she whispered shifting in her seat as she finished eating. What would he think of her if he knew what she’d done? Would he still be here talking to her? Ivy stashed her panic deep inside her in a little windowless box. She couldn’t let it out, not now. Not while she was enjoying Edge’s company.

  “Would you like some dessert?” He interrupted her thoughts.

  “No, I really shouldn’t.” Ivy shook her head.

  “What do you mean you shouldn’t?” He arched an eyebrow at her.

  “Well…” She always abstained from dessert in human restaurants, most human women did, so she made it a practice for herself as well to blend in.

  Edge stood up, walked to her side of the table and crouched next to her chair. Ivy’s cheeks heated at the closeness of his large body. Her heart pattered in a fast tap dance as excitement flared inside her.

  “Ivy, look at me.” When she did he brushed his hand over her cheek.

  She shivered as his touch sent little wisps of heat through her body.

  “You’re safe here. You’re in our world, not theirs. You don’t have to pretend here.” The sound of his deep velvety voice made her skin tingle. She closed her eyes savoring the sound.

  “It’s been a really long time since I’ve been able to relax and be myself. Yes, I would love some dessert, actually.” Ivy didn’t want to tell him why it had been a long time. Besides the fact that she lived in a large city surrounded by humans, she hadn’t been herself since before that night with Chad.

  He smiled a devastatingly handsome grin, and her body softened in her seat.

  As he strode away, Ivy stared at his tight butt in his workout pants and at those bulging biceps. Her tiger growled, the cat wanted him. So did Ivy. She rubbed a hand over her face.

  Ian was right, Edge seemed like a really gre
at guy. Once Ian found out she thought that too, he would tease her mercilessly, just because he could.

  When Edge returned, he carried a huge slice of five-layer chocolate cake.

  Ivy smiled up at him as he placed the cake on the table and sat beside her.

  She reached for the fork, but he took it out of her hand. He sliced off a good-sized piece and held it out to her.

  Ivy glanced from the piece to him.

  Accepting food. This was a big step in acknowledging him.

  Her brain warred with her cat, who now roared inside her making her ears ache. She wanted a mate, and this was a first step in that direction. Her sensible side kept saying he’d find out about Chad, and, right or wrong, it would change his opinion of her. But, oh, how she wanted this, craved to be with someone, even though she told Ian she didn’t.

  She really wanted to accept Edge’s offer because he offered something no male had before. Himself.

  She wanted a male to love her and care for her. And he used the rules, those dumb archaic rules that had been drilled into her as a cub, and, like it or not, they did mean something to her.

  Ivy sat up a little straighter as she stared at Edge.

  She truly wanted this.

  Ivy leaned closer to him and slowly took the bite he held out to her.

  A low rumble sounded from Edge as she chewed the rich mixture of fluffy cake and silky chocolate frosting.

  Ivy lowered her gaze and his head lowered to hers. She remained still but didn’t pull away. He brushed her lips with his.

  Tiny electric shocks ran through her lips and into her body causing her blood to heat and race through her limbs. Her body began to ache and burn like a fire had been lit in her middle. She leaned into him pressing her lips back against his, her hands caressed up his arms to his solid chest. His heart raced against her palm, her own heart thumped wildly in her chest thrilling at the sensations he was creating inside her.


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