Sinfully Supernatural

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Sinfully Supernatural Page 28

by Multiple

  The door bounced off the wall and he reached a hand out to steady it.

  Ivy waited, her gut coiled into a knot as Mark’s hand moved to his knife. Her tiger growled low in her throat and power surged through her limbs making her hands and feet tingle.

  “Took you long enough.” Ivy stood and pushed the chair away from her with a shove, toppling it over onto its side.

  Mark didn’t say anything as he crossed the entryway toward her, but his face was screwed up tight with a mark of hate. He unsheathed his knife as he stalked toward her. “I’m going to cut out your heart,” he snarled.

  Ivy let her hands relax at her sides. She stood on the balls of her feet and widened her stance. “A knife? What kind of a Were needs a knife?”

  Mark’s eyebrows shot up, then furrowed as his face reddened and his grip tightened around the knife.

  Mark slashed the knife in a wide arc as he walked toward her. As his arm reached the bottom of the arc, Ivy lunged and her fingers curled into claws.

  She concentrated on her fingers elongating and her claws erupting from her fingertips as she rammed her hands toward his eyes.

  Her heart raced with adrenaline as her claws sprang out.

  Ivy slashed at Mark’s eyes with her right hand and at his wrist with her left, digging deep furrows into his skin.

  Mark shouted in pain and took a step back.

  She smelled the rich coppery scent of his blood as it hit the air, and her mouth ached as her fangs threatened to elongate.

  She needed to get the knife away from him. A strange calm lulled her insides into a quiet peace that Ivy had never known. Her hands slashed out patterns across his body, patterns that she had learned as a cub to use to defend herself from attack.

  He shuffled backwards out of her reach and his hands came up to his bloody face, the knife still in his grip.

  She crouched low on the balls of her feet, her hands in front of her chest, held like lethal weapons.

  “Drop the knife and fight me like a Were.” Ivy clenched her jaw shut and reminded herself that she was in control even though her hands were covered in orange fur and her claws were that of the tiger.

  Mark looked at his fingers. Then he clenched his fist shut and pulled his hand close to his chest. “You are nothing.” He spat at her then lunged forward with the knife.

  Ivy’s held up her forearm as he came down for the blow. The knife slicked open the fur on her forearm and pain ripped through her body.

  Ivy’s left hand shot out to catch him in the side. She closed her paw around his skin of his side and pulled away a chunk of his shirt and strips of meat.

  Mark grunted. “You bitch.”

  Ivy thrust her hand out hard and connected with his injured side.

  He stumbled backwards and the knife went flying from his hand and slid under the hall closet’s door.

  Mark’s face paled as his weapon deserted him. He clutched one hand to his side as he backed away from her.

  “Come on, you rat-bastard.” Ivy motioned him forward with her hand. Her courage surprised even her.

  A trickle of blood ran down her arm from the large gash. Her arm throbbed and pain lanced through her. Ivy kept her courage even though the sight of her own blood made her stomach rumble and a wave of nausea wash over her.

  A dark shadow appeared in the doorway behind Mark.

  Mark glanced over his shoulder as if he felt the presence, and his body visibly trembled.

  “Ivy.” Edge’s voice was calm, but firm. She saw his face clearly with her Were night vision. His lips were a tight thin line of white, his brows drawn down, and his body shook with anger as he stepped into the house and shut the door, closing out the outside world. Mark stood still like he was afraid to move as all the color washed out of his skin.

  Mark’s gaze bounced between Ivy and Edge and that familiar ammonia smell scented the air.

  Edge’s nostrils flared and a low growl rumbled out of his throat.

  Ivy knew he could smell her blood on the air.

  Edge was suddenly a flash of white fur, claws and teeth as he tore Mark to shreds. Ivy backed away from Edge to give him space to work as her arms reformed into hands and the tiny orange hair follicles collapsed back under her skin, her hand covered her mouth as he dismantled Mark.

  Mark screamed in pain as Edge’s claws cut deep furrows over his body and blood rushed from the wounds down his clothes onto the floor.

  Edge drew his arm back and swiped one last time across Mark’s neck until the man’s slashed throat gaped like a hideous mouth of flesh.

  Mark staggered into the wall behind him making a horrific gurgling sound, his arms limp at his sides and slid down it as if in slow motion.

  Ivy covered her mouth with her hand as she gasped at the grotesque sight of the mauled Werewolf.

  Edge’s shoulders were hunched. Blood coated his hands and blood dripped from his now human fingers. His head turned slowly and his eyes were that of a tigera vibrant clear blue that nearly glowed in the dark space of her hallway.

  “Mine!” He roared and lunged at Ivy, taking her to the ground. Edge cuddled her close as he wrapped his body protectively around hers. He moved her arm and lapped gently at her wound.

  Ivy shivered as his hot tongue laved over her raw flesh. She stroked his wild black hair, and he kissed the skin on her arm.

  Edge pushed his lips against hers and thrust his tongue deep into her mouth, devouring her in a sudden kiss. “Mine.” He growled low in his throat as his hands roamed over her body.

  Ivy was shocked at the feral moves Edge made toward her, but she preened, arching her body into his, almost glowing at the attention Edge gave her. Gurgling noises sounded nearby and she glanced around Edge’s shoulder to see Mark sputtering for breath, as blood ran from his mouth.

  Edge grabbed her head and pushed her face against his chest.

  Ivy wasn’t sure how long she stayed in Edge’s arms, but after a little while, he loosened his grip on her. She placed her hands against his chest and stroked over his heart.

  “Why was he here?” Edge’s voice was a rough rasp.

  Ivy hesitated. Now or never. Her heart expanded until she though it would explode in her chest because he had protected her. Her gut ached that she would have to impart the truth now.

  “I killed his best friend in high school.” Ivy shivered at the memories of what Chad had done, and even worse, what he looked like after her mauling. She didn’t want to think about what Mark looked like now, mangled and lying in a heap on her entryway floor. “His name was Chad, and he tried to rape me.” The heavy weight of shame lifted as she told Edge the truth, even though she still cried. She had waited for this to be over for so long that the tears just spilled free.

  “Oh, Ivy.” He caressed her face and tipped her chin up.

  Ivy’s eyes glazed with tears again. She brushed a hand across her face as she stared at him.

  “No male should ever hurt a female.” He kissed her gently on the mouth. “I want you to go upstairs and take a nice long bath.” He stood and pulled her up with him. “I want you to soak until you turn into a prune and all this blood is washed away. Can you do that for me?”

  Ivy was incapable of speech, so she nodded and turned to go up the stairs.

  “Don’t look back.”

  She kept going, resisting the urge to turn around to see the mess in her hallway.

  Ivy ran the hot bath and eased her tired body into the water, careful to keep her slashed forearm out of the water resting it on the side of the tub. She left the lights off, and, for the first time since she was a child, she had real safety again.

  There was no Were hunting her, and the fears of her secrets ruining her life washed away like the blood on her skin.

  Ivy dunked her head under the water. When she surfaced, she reached for her towel.

  Fingertips brushed hers, and she knew they belonged to Edge. He sat on the toilet watching her.
  “Hi.” Her voice shook a little. Despite the soul-deep calm she had in the aftermath of Mark’s death, she was still afraid of Edge rejecting her.

  “You know how I told you there needed to be no secrets between us?” He waited for her response.

  Ivy nodded and held her breath, both wanting to hear his words and fearing what he might say.

  “I told you I was an orphan. It’s true. What I didn’t tell you is that I was feral when they found me. I couldn’t even hold a form for very long. I shifted between human and tiger constantly.” He took a deep breath and stared at his feet.

  His hands were folded and rested between his spread knees. “When I was young, I had to do a lot of things that I’m not proud of to survive. Things that, to this day, I have spoken to no one about.”

  He twisted his hands together as he seemed to take his time on his next thoughts. “I have killed before, too, Ivy. Many times. In the place I lived as a cub, it was kill or be killed. That was all I knew. As I got older and time went by, the guilt of those deeds weighed heavily on my head. I allowed guilt to eat at my core, I thought I would never be able to outrun my past. That the past would always find me.”

  Ivy held her breath at his story, hope filled her chest that he would trust her enough to tell her things he had never told anyone else. Her heart seemed to pause as she waited to hear this knowledge that he wanted to share with her.

  “One day an old tiger came to me in the center. I was pummeling a punching bag because I was so angryback then I was always angry.” A sad smile moved over Edge’s face at the memory. “Angry at being alive, angry at the world. He tapped me on the shoulder, and I swung a punch at him. I will always remember the way he ducked out of the way and laughed. The old tiger told me he could feel my rage. He said he knew it ate at my soul and my heart, but one day I would find peace with myself on my own terms. The old tiger told me everything would be okay. Then he hugged me and walked away.”

  Edge’s eyes filled with tears, but he sniffed and blinked them away. Ivy had never seen a male show so much emotion and a pang of pride welled up inside her.

  The bath water had cooled around her, and her body broke out in goose bumps. She fidgeted in the water.

  “Come here.” He pulled her from the water and wrapped a fluffy towel around her before settling her on his knee. “You’re cold.” He rubbed the towel briskly over her body, then, cuddled her close. Her ear lay over his heart and she listened to the soothing thump as he spoke again.

  “I’m telling you this, Ivy, because you need to know you’re not alone. I’m here for you. I want you to be my mate. When I saw that slice on your arm, that feral side of me went wild.” He stroked a hand over her hair as he spoke. “I will never let anything happen to you again. I will never turn my back on you or walk away from you, from us, again. I was angry and I’m sorry.” He tilted her face up to his and searched her eyes.

  Ivy was awash with warmth as she sat with him. Her heart throbbed in her chest so full of love for this male that she thought she would burst.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you why he was hunting me. I just didn’t know what to do, but you showed me how to be myself. I used that strength to fight Mark. Strength I wouldn’t have without you. Thank you.” Ivy leaned toward Edge and kissed him softly on the lips. Edge growled in his throat as he pushed his tongue into her mouth. He kissed down her neck and teased that tender spot with his teeth.



  “What are we going to do about Mark’s body? You know he was a strange creature for a Werewolf. He wouldn’t change and fight me.” Ivy threaded her fingers through his hair. His scent engulfed her and made her body tingle.

  “About Mark. After you left The Haven, I called your Alpha up north and he told me all about the situation with the Werewolves.”

  Steam rolled through Ivy making her ears turn red.

  “You called my Alpha? Why did you call him?” Ivy shot daggers at him with her eyes.

  “I needed to know what you were up against.” He smoothed his hand over her hair and pulled her back against his chest. “Anyway, your Alpha told me Mark went rogue about a year ago. Apparently, he abused his power as a Werewolf and his pack stripped him of his rank and ability to change.”

  “How can they do that? We are born Were.” Ivy twisted a piece of Edge’s shirt in her fingers.

  “As Alphas, we have privileges that others don’t. We are blessed by witches when we become the leaders of our packs with powers to control other Weres.”

  Ivy sat up and searched his eyes. Alphas? Her breath hitched at the thought of her being mated to an Alpha.

  “What are you saying?”

  “I forgot to tell you. I’m the Alpha of my pack. I don’t only work at The Haven. I own it. By the way, Mark and the foyer hallway have been taken care of.”

  “But you’re so young.” Ivy gasped at the revelation, then, narrowed her eyes. She should have guessed, but Edge had never shown any sign that he was so important. Ivy kissed him, and a slow grin spread over his face.

  “We Weres are funny creatures that way. We age slowly, did you know that?” Ivy frowned as she looked over his face searching for his true age.

  “How old are you?” Her curiosity ate at her, and she tried to figure it out.

  “Does it matter? I’m your mate, that’s all you need to know.” He nuzzled her neck as he chuckled at her.

  “No, seriously. How old are you?” Edge threw Ivy over his shoulder as he laughed and carried her into the bedroom. He sat her on the bed and stripped the towel from her. Edge gently prodded her forearm then tore open a package of large gauze pads that he had gotten from her bathroom medicine cabinet.

  Ivy was puzzled as she watched him dress her wounded arm. This male would never cease to amaze her.

  “Are you going to tell me?” She turned his face to look him square in the eye.

  “I’m only ten years older than you are.” He grinned slow and sexy and kissed her on the mouth.

  Ivy’s head spun as she did the math. He was only thirty-five? That wasn’t old, that was actually very young for an Alpha. His admission sent a small wave of fear ghosting over her spine. Would she be able to live up to his experience of life? Still, Ivy couldn’t help a surge of pleasure that flowed through her to know she’d won the heart of an Alpha male. She, who had been ostracized by her own pack, was now an Alpha female of her own pack.

  “I have a pack.” She grinned wide and threw her arms around Edge’s neck.

  “Yes, baby, you do. You’ll never be alone again.


  My name is Buffy Christopher and I have been writing paranormal romance for 6 years. I love shifters and vampires. I currently reside is sunny southern California with my hubby of 20 years and my two kids, my 18 year old daughter and my 16 year old son. They are my loves and my life. They inspire me everyday to be a better person through their actions and love. I never knew you could love unconditionally until I married my magnificent hubby Dan and had Emma and Lucas. My two little babies are Jack the Beagle and Colby the Chihuahua.

  My hobbies include bargain shopping and school! I am currently working on my Bachelors Degree in human services for child and family services. Children are where my heart lies and I can’t wait to make a difference in their lives.

  I have four other books besides The Mating Moon and The Twin Moon. Bound by Darkness is currently at for $.99, Dangerous Pride another Cat Shifter book is $2.99 at and Ivy’s Surprise and Midnight are free at Please visit my site at and enjoy!

  TWIN MOON Sneak Peek:

  Chapter One

  Andy Garrett braced her feet wide apart on the tile floor of her foyer. Back against the wall across from the front door of her small house in a derelict neighborhood of San Francisco she sucked a deep shaky breath in through her nose and blew it out through her mouth. Her stomac
h ached with nausea and she fought the bile rising up the back of her throat with one more controlled breath. With her right arm bent and her index finger along the guard of the shot gun that was wedged against her shoulder, she eyed the blue front door through the sight on top of her new gun. The sight shook as her arms trembled from fear and the weight of the shotgun.

  “If he comes through that God damn door, it’ll be the last thing he ever does,” Andy mumbled. Her finger rested next to the trigger, just like the guy at the range had showed her. The broken arm had healed, but she wouldn’t allow Rich, her ex-boyfriend, close enough to hurt her again. Andy called the police the last time he’d violated his restraining order, but by the time they finally made it to her house Rich had disappeared. All she could do was make a report as the seasoned officer rolled his eyes and the rookie kept his hand on his gun as he eyed her “historical” neighborhood.

  “Andrea. Let me in you bitch.” The booming male voice was followed by a heavy bang that made the old wood door creak and vibrate. Andy shook with trepidation and anger causing a hysteria inside her that quickened her pulse.

  “It’s called a restraining order for a reason….it restrains you. So go away, Rich.” Andy had to shout through the door. I can do this. I’m stronger than that asshole.

  “Come on baby, I just want to talk to you. I miss you.” His voice gentled. Andy snorted. This was his false calm. She’d seen it that night right before he’d pushed her backward off the porch onto the concrete sidewalk. Before he’d wretched her arm hard behind her back and she’d heard the ominous snap of her bone. She shivered as she remembered the pain that burned through her arm and into her chest where her broken heart wept in silence. But that was another night, and tonight she was prepared

  “No. Get back in your car and leave before I call the cops.” Andy’s throat hurt from shouting, but she was strong for standing up to him even if the door that separated them and the gun she held was her real protection. She really would have called the police, too, if it hadn’t meant she would have to put down her new shotgun.


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