Sinfully Supernatural

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Sinfully Supernatural Page 37

by Multiple

  Ming stood before him, shackled to the opposite wall, his blade embedded in her side. His blade. Just as he'd feared, he'd failed to protect her. His own weapon kept her in human form so she couldn't shift her way out of the restraints.

  Don't Jason. Don't blame yourself for this.

  He raised his gaze to meet Ming's eyes, surprised by her mental intrusion.

  I don't have to read your mind, Jason. I know you. You want to save everyone, but no man can do that. This isn't your fault, not at all. The White Wolf and I both believed in you. That's why she brought you here. A single tear fell from Ming's eye, and she blinked, releasing two more.

  The sight of tears falling down Ming's face caught Jason's heart in a death-grip. How many tears would fall while she was forced to mate with the winner of the pack fight? Oh God, why? Why had he failed her?

  I'm so sorry, Ming.

  Jason? Her eyes widened. Jason, did you just talk to me?

  Apparently so. He closed his eyes, wondered why he could speak to her telepathically, but couldn't give her whatever this moon vow was. It would save her life, but he couldn't do it, didn't even know what it was. I'm so sorry, Ming. If I knew how to give you the vow, I would. Can't you just tell me how to do it?

  No. She shook her head, her eyes filled with despair. It has to come from your soul, Jason. I can't just tell you how to do it, but, please, don't think of that. We need to save you.

  Incredible. She was about to be forced to breed, but her concern was for him. I don't deserve your care, Ming. I don't even give a damn what they do to me, but I can't allow them to hurt you.

  He glared at the blade in her side. Do you really believe in me, Ming?

  Yes. My faith in you brought you here. I'll always believe in you, no matter what happens.

  Jason smiled around the gag in his mouth, warmth filled his chest. Then, dammit, I'm going to earn that faith.

  He focused on the blade in Ming's side, directing his total concentration on the silver. A beam of pure blue moonlight crept into the cave, and a searing heat filled Jason's body, wrapping around his heart. Words filled his head and clawed to be released.

  Ming, I give you freely my heart and soul for your keeping, to hold in your hands from this night forward.

  Ming's eyes grew wide with surprise, a steady stream of tears poured down her face. Jason, I take your heart and soul into my body, and in turn, gift you with my love, my breath, my very being.

  I promise to live each moment, only for you, and to cherish each second of your existence, he responded.

  I promise to live only for you, and to die without your existence.

  I choose you, Ming, as the bearer of my children, and the owner of my heart.

  I choose you, Jason, as the father of my children, and the keeper of my soul.

  By the light of the moon, I become one with you, Ming.

  By the light of the moon, I become one with you, Jason.

  Heat scorched Jason's palm, and he screamed, the sound breaking through the barrier of cloth in his mouth. The agony quickly ended, and he stared at his palm to see a crescent-shaped mark burned into his flesh.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” Rong stepped into the cave.


  Ming gasped as the silver blade warmed. The pain lessened as the knife withdrew from her body and flew across the cave to land in the center of Rong's chest.

  Her brother stared down in surprise and let out a growl. He reached for the weapon, but Ming shifted into wolf form, escaping the shackles, and rammed into him, dropping him to the ground.

  I won, Rong. Jason gave me the vow.

  Rong's eyes hardened into black orbs of fury. “I might not be able to force you to breed for the pack, but I can still kill him.”

  “You can try.” Jason stalked toward them, the chains used to restrain him dangled from his hand.

  “How did you break—”

  Before Rong could finish the question, Jason delivered a swift kick to his face, sending blood flying through the air. “That's for threatening my mate.”

  Sensing their pack leader was in trouble, a dozen Weres entered the cave in wolf form, heads lowered, ready to fight.

  Ming stood between them and Jason, crouched low. She waited for them to make the first move as Jason and Rong scuffled behind her, but none of the Weres lunged forward. Others trickled into the cave, some came as wolves, and some in human form. Penny, a young Were who'd just reached breeding age and was to be fought for tonight, passed the others to watch the fight between Jason and Rong, her teeth nibbling at her lower lip. Hope filled the young girl's eyes.

  Realization suddenly dawned. The pack didn't want Rong to win the fight.

  Ming shifted into human form and turned to see Jason standing over Rong, the metal chains he'd been bound with now wrapped tight around her brother's neck.

  Jason planted his foot on Rong's chest and pulled the ends of the chains tighter, cutting off the pack leader's air flow. With the silver blade in his body, Rong couldn't shift. He was completely helpless as his face turned a mottled purplish red.


  Air caught in her throat as she gazed at Jason's face. He raised an eyebrow, asking her permission.

  “He's my brother.”

  “I know. That's why this is your choice.”

  She stared at her brother as he struggled to draw a breath, finding the feat impossible. He'd be dead if she didn't intervene, but his eyes didn't beseech her for help. They remained focused on Jason, hatred burning in the depths. Even near death, his only thought was to defeat, destroy. He'd never change.

  She turned to Penny and swallowed hard as the young girl's eyes watered.

  “I don't want to breed, Ming.”

  “You don't have to.”

  She stepped over to her brother and knelt at his side. “I still love the little boy you once were, brother, but I can't allow you to keep hurting the women of the pack. We need a better leader, and you won't give away the title freely. I'm sorry.” She kissed his forehead and stood, nodding once toward Jason.

  Jason jerked the chains, and the connection to her brother disappeared.

  The White Wolf appeared and let out a mournful howl. They only had a few seconds. Jason dropped the chains and stepped away from her brother's lifeless form and turned toward her, his eyes full of pain. “I'm sorry, Ming, but I couldn't allow him a second chance to hurt you or any other woman here.”

  “I know, and I'm not upset with you.”

  He smiled and reached out his hand…but disappeared before she could grasp it.

  Chapter Ten

  Jason, come to me. Come home...

  Ming's voice taunted him as he paced the small confines of the cell. Over and over again for weeks along with voices of others he didn't recognize. They called him Pack Leader. He wasn't a damned pack leader. He was a prisoner.

  He slammed his palm against the brick wall and growled. He remembered it all, and dammit, it wasn't a dream. He still had the crescent mark on his palm to prove it!

  He kicked a tray of untouched food across the floor and took off again, pacing back and forth. Something was wrong with him, besides the obvious— He'd somehow entered another realm and was then sucked back out of it.

  No, there was something else. For the past several days something shifted inside him, like something coming alive inside his body, clawing its way out, but it couldn't escape. It seemed to rest during the day, but grew hungry with nightfall. Now, nightfall approached, and the thing inside him was ravenous.

  He shouldn't even have known nightfall was approaching in his windowless cell, but he could feel it in his body, just as he knew when the guards drew near his door far before he heard their footsteps.

  I'm waiting for you, Jason.

  “Ming. Baby, I want to be there with you, but I can't.” He growled again, letting out a cry of anguish. She was real, dammit. He'd killed a man for her, to pro
tect her. Why the hell had he been dragged back to this hell-hole?

  Pain tore through his abdomen and brought him to his knees. He let out a roar as the torture spread through his body.

  The first time is always painful. It'll get easier. Soon, you won't feel a thing.

  He glanced up from his crouched position to see a gorgeous white wolf before him, compassion in her purple eyes.

  “The White Wolf. What are you doing here?”

  The wolf's mouth turned up at the corners, resembling a smile, then she disappeared as another wave of pain ripped through Jason's chest, tearing a scream from his body.

  “What the hell is going on in there?”

  He heard the voice of the guard who'd once beaten a cell mate to death in front of him, and his stomach grumbled with hunger. What the hell?

  Footsteps echoed in the hall and keys jingled.

  Jason crouched. Hunger had him in its full grip now.

  The metal door clanged open, and two burly guards entered. Their eyes widened as they stared at him. The color drained from their faces.

  “How in the—”

  The burly guard never got the chance to finish his question.


  He was close. A silly school-girl smile plastered itself on Ming's face as her heartbeat quickened. A whole month had passed while the pack had waited for their leader to return, and she'd suffered most. Her body ached for her mate.

  She'd done her best in his absence, ruling over the pack, but the males didn't like a woman dictating to them. She smiled slyly, knowing they would have to get used to the idea. Jason had always been very protective, and very respectful, of women.

  A twig snapped behind her, and her breath caught in her throat.


  His voice turned her blood to molten lava. She spun around and gasped at the sight of him. He stood tall in the moonlight, dressed in a white T-shirt and snug-fitting jeans which flaunted his powerful build. Like most Weres, his body had grown more toned with the change. “Jason!”

  He stepped forward, caught her around the hips and crushed her against his chest. His mouth sealed over hers as his tongue invaded her mouth showing no mercy. She reveled in the taste of him.

  “I missed you so much.” His green eyes shone as he came up for air. “At first I thought it was all a dream, but you kept calling to me.”

  “I'm sorry.” She averted her gaze. “It must have seemed as though I was teasing you, but I missed you so badly.”

  Jason placed a finger under her chin and lifted her face to nuzzle noses, a common gesture of affection between Weres. “I'm glad you did. It kept me going. I've been running non-stop to you since I got out, only stopping to eat and get new clothes.”

  “I wish you hadn't had to go back there, but you had to wait a month for another full moon. The first change can only take place then.”

  “But—” His brow crinkled. “How did I become a Werewolf? I was never bitten.”

  Ming threw back her head and laughed. “You have got a lot to learn. Lycanthropes are changed by a bite. Werewolves are either born of magic, or are the natural offspring of other Werewolves. You were changed the moment you gave me the moon vow.” She raised her palm with the crescent mark, and he matched his mark to hers.

  “I guess these are like our wedding bands?”

  She smiled. “Something like that, but these symbols are far more powerful than mere metal bands.”

  He kissed her nose. “I love you, Ming.”

  “I know. You showed me, loud and clear.” Her smile grew, her heart full of joy. Then worry slammed into her chest. “You're supposed to be in prison! They'll be searching for you!”

  Jason laughed. “No, I have a feeling they'll believe the same wolf who mysteriously got inside the prison and ate one of the guards, also ate me.”

  “The wolf who—Jason!”

  “What? I only ate the bad guard. The other guy got away with a few scratches and a pissy pair of pants.”

  Laughter burst from her mouth. “Oh, Jason, you're going to be a wonderful pack leader.” She kissed him deeply, only stopping because she needed to breathe.

  Jason nuzzled her nose again. “About this pack leader thing, I've been hearing some of the other Weres. I guess I should hold a meeting with them or something, huh?”

  Ming groaned. “If I must share you, I guess I'll take you to them.”

  Jason laughed. “Honey, I've waited a month to get back to you. The meeting can wait until after we celebrate my return.”

  “Now, there's a brilliant idea.” Ming backed away. “But you'll have to catch me first!”

  She shifted shape and took off at a run through the woods, turning her head to see a gorgeous dark-gray wolf gaining on her. The sight of him in wolf form caused the air to catch in her lungs and he pounced on her.

  They rolled to a stop, shifting back into their human forms to make love under the glow of the moon.


  Crystal-Rain Love resides in the South with her three children and enough pets to host a petting zoo. When she's not writing she can usually be found creating unique 3D cakes,hiking, reading, or spending way too much time on FaceBook. Slightly obsessed with David Cook and Supernatural.

  Other Works From This Author:

  The Fire Still Burns

  Guardian Cowboy

  Little White Lies

  Cook County : Second Chance Cowboy

  Cook County: Lucky In Love

  Blood Revelation Series:

  Blood Curse

  Slayer’s Prey

  Witch’s Net

  Siren’s Snare

  Vampire’s Halo (coming soon)

  Immortal Rage (coming soon)

  Moonlit series:

  Moonlit Watcher (novella)

  Moonlit Protector (novella)

  Moonlit Majesty

  Siren’s Snare



  “Move it, Blondie. Table nine’s gettin’ pissy.”

  Marilee glared at the chunky redhead in the two-sizes-too-small outfit and bit back a scathing retort. She usually didn’t let Brenda get to her, but her gut was twisted out of shape tonight. Something was going to happen, something big and most likely dangerous.

  She grabbed the basket loaded with mini corn dogs and fries, and the two plates of burgers and onion rings, and balanced them on her tray. Wedging herself between the bar and Brenda’s fat ass, she managed to get past the skank-bag and onto the floor. A gyrating couple nearly backed into her, but thanks to her quick reflexes she managed to get the order out to the trio at the table.

  A heavy man in a baseball cap sat with his arm wrapped around the shoulders of an overly made-up brunette. Opposite him in the booth, a tall lanky man ogled her unabashedly. Bet those perky tits would taste real good.

  Marilee clenched her jaw and turned on her heel. It was better to leave than to cause a scene.

  “Uh, excuse me, honey,” the woman called out. “I need a refill!” Stupid bitch didn’t even ask when she saw my empty glass. Her tip just got smaller.

  “Another Coke coming up,” Marilee called back over her shoulder with a tight smile. She barely restrained the urge to flip the skinny woman off. People couldn’t control their thoughts like they could control their tongues, and if she’d been on her game, she wouldn’t have read the woman’s mind anyway. Her nerves had her off and she had to deal with the consequences.

  As she grabbed a frosty glass out of the cooler and filled it with Coke she let her gaze rove over the room. Hank’s Hoe-Down was just like the thirty or so other hole in the wall bars she’d worked in over the years since leaving Hicksville without a backward glance. The music was loud, the food greasy, and the drunks plentiful.

  This particular bar was decorated in a country western motif, not unusual f
or small towns in Texas, and cowboy wannabes filled the room. So did the cowboy wannabe groupies, in their short skirts and smaller tank tops. Couples danced in the middle of the floor, people sat wedged into the booths, chewing on greasy burgers or sloppy ribs, and in the far corner a group of men bet on the outcome of a pool game between two guys in T-shirts and tight well-worn jeans.

  It was a normal Friday night at Hank’s, except for the unease slithering around in Marilee’s belly.

  She delivered the Coke and two icy longnecks to table nine, careful to lockdown her mind so she wouldn’t hear what other parts of her body Pervo-man wanted to taste, and took orders from two more booths.

  “Order up, Charlie,” she called to the heavyset man whipping up food in the kitchen before glancing at the clock. Two more hours until closing time.

  A cold chill skirted up her spine and an unnamable force drew her gaze to the door as a tall, dark silhouette filled the entry. Her breath caught as he stepped forward into the light.

  He stood about six feet two inches tall, with wavy black hair that fell just below his shoulders, and dark, piercing blue eyes that met hers across the room and refused to let go.

  “Where did that big hunk of sex in the flesh come from?”

  Marilee broke free of the man’s gaze and turned her head to see Brenda pulling down her tank top and pushing up her breasts until they nearly toppled over the edge of her neckline. “I don’t know what he’s having for dinner, but I’m gonna be that man’s dessert.”

  We might all be. Marilee swallowed hard as she watched Brenda sashay over to the man, who now sat leisurely at the corner table closest to the door. He wore black combat boots, black pants, a black T-shirt and a black leather jacket. Back to the wall, he tapped his long fingers on the table as he kept her in his sights, his perfectly carved face giving away nothing.

  “Hey! You deaf or something?”

  Marilee jumped and turned her head to notice the grizzly looking man who’d parked himself right in front of her at the bar. “I asked for a Rattlesnake.”


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