Sinfully Supernatural

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Sinfully Supernatural Page 57

by Multiple

  Sam grasped it, allowing Quanto to pull him to his feet. The moon-drenched landscape tilted threateningly before settling.

  “The secrets of my daughter’s heart are hers to share, not mine.” Quanto’s grip was strong, grinding the bones in Sam’s hand together. “But she is ours to protect. You will have to prove yourself to her, to her brothers, but most of all to yourself. I will afford you that one opportunity, Samuel Elijah Kane. One opportunity and no other.”

  One chance.

  He was going to see Scarlett again.

  “Understand that this is a gift that I am offering you. A gift that you will treat more precious than your own heart, or I will find you in your dreams and if you were to die in them, then you would no longer walk this world.”

  Sam met Quanto’s serious gaze. It was a promise, not a threat, an oath to rend harm upon one who would hurt his child. His throat tightened as he nodded slowly. “I think we understand each other, sir.”

  “I think we do as well.” The man’s slight smile returned and he loosened his grip on Sam’s hand to clap him on the shoulder. “Come. We have much to plan and we must discuss how the gold is to be returned.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Scarlett stared at the train of three covered wagons with bemusement. Three days of being trapped at the house with only Wyatt for company left her eager for the ride down the mountain when he woke her early in the morning. He’d instructed her to pack for several days, but that food was already accounted for.

  Her saddlebags bulged with fresh clothes and a spare pair of boots. She embraced the unexpected opportunity after all the threats to keep her on the mountain where she had only her dreams of Sam to keep her company. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get the marshal or the memory of those stolen kisses out of her mind.

  A pang of regret clanged in her heart. She’d not seen Cody since she burned him either. He’d vanished that morning and hadn’t returned. Wyatt wouldn’t answer her questions about it either. She cast a look at her older brother who sat silent sentry at her side. She picked out her other brothers one by one as they loaded heavy crates onto the wagons.

  They were swearing good-naturedly, but her curiosity hadn’t prepared her for the familiar face of Kid wrestling a case with Cody. Her jaw fell open and she skated a look over the rest, standing up in the stirrups. At the front of the first wagon, hitching the horses was Micah. His gaze clashed with hers, a wide smile blooming across his beautiful face. He touched a hand to the rim of his hat and nodded to his left.

  What were they doing here?

  She followed his gaze, a stone inside her chest tumbling away from her bruised heart.


  The marshal stood next to a string of horses talking to Quanto. Awareness flooded through her, heat storming over the icy regret at leaving him. As if aware of her gaze, he looked toward her and her heart cantered to a faster beat.

  Disapproval shrouded any smile, but even the turned down lines of his mouth were a sight to her. She dropped back into the saddle, but Wyatt caught her reins before she could nudge Dawn back into motion. She jerked her gaze to him and saw seriousness etched into his quiet face.

  “Quanto is sending you back with the gold. You may have to face a trial, but the Kanes have promised you safe passage.” For a man of few words, he packed caution, advice and admonishment into the simple sentences. “The law doesn’t know about our brothers and we will keep it that way.”

  Unease threaded through her belly, but she nodded. She would carry that secret to the hangman’s noose if she had too. Wyatt’s teeth flashed in a brief smile.

  “Don’t worry, Scarlett. Quanto wants them to do the right thing. Returning the gold is the right thing. Returning your reputation and your safety is of greater importance. There is a bounty on your head, so you will stay close to our brothers and to the Kanes.” His mouth twisted. “Particularly the marshal.”

  Was Wyatt actually telling her to spend more time with Sam?

  “Don’t misunderstand me.” He tilted back the hat, revealing his mismatched green and blue eyes. “You’re not going to hang. You’re not going to prison. You’re not paying this penalty. Our brothers will remove you if not and we will not be kind in how we do so. But until then, you will cooperate.”

  Scarlett laughed shakily. She didn’t want to hang and she certainly saw no joy in living in a cell, but that was not the intent here. “And the marshal agreed?”

  “Yes.” Wyatt nodded once. “Quanto has chosen to believe him, so I will believe him as well. Or I would not trust you to his keeping.”

  “You’re not going are you?” Her stomach dropped away. As fearful as Wyatt was, his presence offered greater security than all of her brothers combined.

  He shook his head once. “I will not leave Quanto and it is not safe for him to travel such a great distance.”


  Her elder brother met her inquisitive gaze evenly.

  “This isn’t goodbye, is it?” She wasn’t certain where the question came from, but something in his manner, the gentle way he held her hands on the reins and the unexpected sweetness in his firm tone frightened her more than usual.

  “It is possible that you may choose to stay in Dorado. You may find that you are offered opportunities there you cannot find on our mountain. If you choose to stay, know that you have my blessing and if you ever need me, I will come.”

  Tears sparkled in her eyes. He was saying goodbye. She turned her hand over under his and squeezed his fingers. “I will come back.”

  “Perhaps,” he eased his hand away and stroked cool fingers down her cheek. “Just be happy.”

  “Wyatt?” She called, but instead of answering, he gave her mare a gentle slap on the rump and Scarlett was forced to focus or risk being dumped as the mare trotted down the path towards the waiting wagons. At the foot of the path, she reined the mare in and looked back.

  Wyatt was gone.

  “Let’s go Scar!” Rudy called from the back of the third wagon. “You can lift and carry too! Ow!” His words broke off as Ike thumped him and sent him sprawling out of the wagon. Laughter drifted on the breeze, but Scarlett ignored her brothers, finding Sam’s gaze still rested on her. She nudged Dawn forward, her attention on Quanto and Sam.

  Cody caught the mare’s reins, halting her progress. He offered her a hand to help her dismount and she studied his upturned face. The blisters around his mouth had healed, but the skin was still pink and heated. She couldn’t see his chest for the doe leather shirt, but she imagined it was similar.

  “Peace?” He said quietly, hand still extended.

  Swinging her leg over, she took his hand and slid out of the saddle and into a hug trusting the humanity in his blue eyes.

  “I’m sorry.” His arm looped around her and gave her a firm squeeze.

  “Me too, I swear I didn’t mean to hurt you…in any way.” She wrapped her arms around him tight. He chuckled, peeling her off and tapping her nose with gentle admonishment.

  “Yes well, you’ve always been a bit of a brat.” His tone lightened the harshness of the words. Relief flooded through her. This was her Cody.

  “Am not.”

  “Are too.”

  “Hey, Cody…these crates don’t carry themselves.” Jimmy waved at Scarlett and returned the rude gesture Cody sent him.

  “Go talk to Quanto,” Cody nodded to where their father waited with the marshal, but caught her arm before she could walk away. He dropped his voice. “Don’t choose the marshal, Scar, okay? You just met him. You don’t really know him and he’s not good enough for you.”

  His fingers were tight on her arm and yellow edged around his irises. She covered his hand with her own. “Sam is a good man, Cody. I like him. But I am not choosing anyone.”


  “Cody.” Quanto’s voice cut between them and they both looked at their father’s placid expression. “Let Scarlett j
oin us and go help your brothers.”

  “Yes, sir.” Cody released her, but mutiny tightened his jaw and he gave her a firm look before leading the mare away.

  Scarlett sucked on her lower lip, watching him go. She didn’t like the hurt that flashed through his eyes or the anger she sensed under the surface.


  She couldn’t put off Quanto’s soft summons any longer. Wiping her damp palms against her pants she walked towards him, her gaze skipping to Sam’s. The intensity in his stare was unnerving. It was almost physical the way he looked at her, a tangible caress against her skin and increased the weight of his star secreted away in her pocket.

  “Father.” She chose to address Quanto, surprised by the husky tenor of her voice. She cleared her throat and stole another look at Sam. He tipped his hat politely, aware of her scrutiny, but said nothing.

  “Daughter.” Amusement creased his aged face and he took her hand in his. “Your brothers are loading up the gold they took, the marshal and his brothers will escort you all back to Dorado. From there, the gold will be passed into the keeping of the bank until the army can send for it.”

  She nodded slowly, but Quanto held up a hand staving off any comment she might make.

  “You will be returning in the marshal’s custody as well.”

  Scarlett’s gaze shot to Sam’s, but she could read nothing in it.


  “The marshal and his family have promised you sanctuary. He has given me his word and I will hold him to that. You will cooperate and trust your brothers. They will ride with you and be there if anything goes wrong.” The order in his voice was firm and brooked no arguments.

  Swallowing back the lump in her throat, she heard the same farewell that filled Wyatt’s tone. Were they really just sending her away?

  “You have always longed for adventure, Scarlett.” Quanto squeezed her hands gently, lifting both to his lips and kissing them. It was a sign of trust and affection. Even as her heart raced and her stomach twisted into knots, he trusted her to keep the sting of her fire at bay.

  “And now you shall have it.”

  Scarlett glanced at Sam again. The man had remained curiously silent throughout the exchange. “You trust him, Father?”

  “In this, we are of the same mind. I trust his word and I believe he is a good man.”

  It wasn’t an endorsement, but it soothed her jittery emotions. “I will make you proud.”

  “You always have, sweet child. You always have.” With that, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and pulled her to his side with an arm around her shoulders. He turned his gaze to Sam and the marshal straightened under his regard. Some silent, curious silent message passed between the two men. “Marshal, I am trusting you with something precious. Do not disappoint me.”

  “Yes, sir.” His voice was the same warm warble of syllables she remembered and her stomach twisted in fresh knots.

  “Well, you two get reacquainted. I’m going to have a word with your brothers.” Quanto kissed her temple once more and then strode away, leaving Scarlett to stare after him.

  She huffed a long sigh and looked to Sam slowly. His measured gaze met hers evenly with just the barest hint of a smile playing around the corners of his mouth.

  “Miss Scarlett.”

  She could tell nothing of his feelings from his words.



  Her lips twisted and she grinned a little. “Only if you are not so angry you are going to spank me again.”

  “Have you done something worthy of spanking this time?” His tone was mild, his expression almost amused.

  “Maybe.” Another grin bloomed through the tension in her stomach. He was as handsome as she remembered, the dark hat hiding most of his summer wheat hair and it was the first time she’d ever seen him clean-shaven. His skin was sun-warmed to nearly golden. A bandana tied around his throat dipped to where his shirt was unbuttoned three from the collar, revealing equally golden colored skin on his chest.

  “Why do I suspect you use maybe when you mean yes?”

  “Maybe.” She repeated and delighted in the quick grin that turned his mouth upwards.

  “Scarlett, this is serious. I have to be able to trust you on the ride back. You mustn’t try to run away again, even if your brothers encourage it. I know they aren’t fond of this plan, but I need you to let me do this, to trust me to clear your name. “

  Her expression sobered. “I will do as Quanto asked.”

  “No,” Sam shook his head. “I understand loyalty and trust, but you need to do this because it’s the only way to clear your name, to give you back your freedom. Can you trust me long enough to let me help?”

  She didn’t answer immediately, turning instead to watch Quanto make his way through the line of wagons, pausing to speak to each of her brothers. He laid his hands on their shoulders and they gave him their full attention, as she had. They would do anything for their father.

  It was why the boys had taken the gold in the first place. His silent disappointment in their choice was a greater recrimination than shouting would have been. His decision to return the gold elicited grumbles, but not defiance.

  As Quanto approached Cody, Kid excused himself. Cody’s troubled expression left Quanto to look at her. She offered him a small smile, but his gaze hardened as it swept past her to where Sam stood. She could feel the marshal’s presence pressing against her side.

  Cody didn’t bother to disguise his distrust or his dislike.

  She dropped her gaze to her boots and sighed. “Marshal, my father trusts you and you have been kind to me, most of the time.” She decided to forgive him the spanking. She had hit him in the head. That made them somewhat even.


  But what? I don’t know you. I don’t know your family. You were kind, but you’re still strangers. You’re still the marshal. You turn my heart upside down. You fill my head with thoughts I’ve never really had before. I want to kiss you again. I want to know if that was real.

  “But I’m scared.” She cut off the wild tumble of thoughts with an honest confession.

  “What are you scared of Minx?” His voice gentled and he circled around her, squatting down to meet her gaze when she wouldn’t look up.

  His brown eyes were whiskey warm, carrying that same golden sheen as his wheat colored hair. Curiosity and kindness twined in the look, wrapping around her heart and tugging at her soul.

  “Everything.” The admission cost her, sliding another knot of tension around her stomach. “I’m scared of going. I’m scared of staying. I’m scared that they’ll hang me. I’m scared of what my brothers will do if they try.”

  Sam nodded slowly, rising from his crouch and holding his hands, palm up out, but not quite touching her. She lifted her chin, looking from his hands to his face.

  “I can’t promise you that nothing bad will ever happen. The world is not a friendly place. I can’t promise you that this will be a simple matter. I can’t promise you that will be quick. But I can promise you that I will do everything in my family’s power to right this, but it will take time and effort and trust on both our parts to make it happen.”

  Indecision wracked her. She wanted to take his hands. She wanted to run back to her horse. She wanted to believe him. She wanted to hide.


  She shivered at the caress in the nickname and with agonizing slowness, put her hands in his. Her heart thudded painfully inside against her ribs. His fingers closed around hers, cradling her palms gently. The rough skin of his palms was both hot and cool to the touch.

  “I reserve the right to change my mind.” She committed to the course that Wyatt and Quanto endorsed. If they had not, she wouldn’t be here. She knew that. She raised her eyes, meeting Sam’s gaze directly. “But I promise I won’t unless you give me a good reason, too.”

  Sam smiled, the expression easing away the d
oubt and dark clouds in his face. He squeezed her hands gently. “That is a fair promise.”

  She avoided looking to where her brothers worked, tilting her head to the side to give Sam a half-grin. “I am sorry that I didn’t say goodbye. You weren’t terribly upset with Kid, were you?”

  “Furious.” Sam shrugged. “But he had his reasons as did you. I do not have to like it to understand or respect that. But let’s not focus on our regrets, but rather our goals, yes?”

  Overhead a hawk screamed into a dive and Scarlett turned to watch the bird plummet. It rose seconds later, a rabbit struggling in its talons. She felt a bit like that rabbit, plucked from the safety of her home for the uncertain future. But Sam wasn’t angry with her, in fact, he seemed almost pleased to be talking to her again.

  She glanced to the wagons, where the last of the crates had been loaded and her brothers were finished hitching the horses. Her brothers and his, working together. Of Quanto there was no sign, but he was never one for long goodbyes. She saw Cody staring at her and she offered him a small smile, but he turned away to catch a saddlebag from Jimmy.

  “Your brothers are decent men. A little strange, but decent.” It was a fair observation and she felt another band around her chest loosen.

  It could be fun to be on the same side, except… “I don’t suppose you’ll promise to not spank me again?”

  Sam’s eyes twinkled when he met hers. “No, ma’am. I definitely can’t promise that.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  It was just edging towards noon when the last of the crates were loaded and the wagons sorted. Sam pointed Scarlett away from the horses and up onto the bench seat of the first wagon, climbing up behind her. The narrow seat forced her to sit hip to hip with him, but Sam didn’t mind. Corona and Dawn were both secured to the rear of the wagon and could trot along after.

  Buck drove the second wagon with Noah bringing up the third. That left the others to mount up and ride circuits. The burdened wagons would move slower than the men on horseback, allowing the others to scout ahead and to even plan campsites for the wagons. It would be a longer trip back to Dorado.


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