Embraced By Passion

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Embraced By Passion Page 6

by Diana DeRicci

  Slipping his hands beneath the hem of her shirt between their snug bodies, Slone found her breasts and groaned. Their full weight filled his palms. Her nipples were taut and extended, begging for touch, lips, caresses. Dropping kisses to her shoulders, he slid his fingers beneath the band of her bra and began to play with those pert nubs. Shivered moans and gasps filled the cabin. They were the sexiest sounds he could remember ever hearing. Slone scooped her bra upward, exposing her to the air of the cabin and the arousing rub of Ja’Rol’s shirt.

  Her head fell back to his chest, her face a mirror of her bliss when Ja’Rol released her lips. Lowering his head, he latched onto one of her nipples, sucking it and Slone’s finger into his mouth at the same time.

  “Shit,” Slone growled. The building pain in his cock was becoming intolerable. Ja’Rol’s tongue rolled over them both, pulling at the digit and her flesh with short, sharp sucks or slow, languid swipes of his tongue. Slone pressed his cock into her ass in reaction, craving the curve of her softness against him. Quiet whimpers flowed from her. She clung to Ja’Rol with digging fingers, and leaned into Slone.

  “Delicious,” Ja’Rol breathed when he finally lifted. Meeting her mouth, he immediately thrust his tongue into her. Slone watched the dance with hungry eyes. Then he noticed Ja’Rol’s kisses were shortening, growing less passionate, becoming more intimate, and for a split second he couldn’t understand why he would want to stop loving the divine creature they held.

  He’d been so caught up in the moment, he’d almost thrown away his own rule for the rush of pleasure, for the feeling of her body so sweet between their hard shapes. When Ja’Rol released her this time, Slone drew her chin toward him, to finally have a taste. Damp and heated, her lips were decadent. The throb of his groin pounded, demanding release. Her tongue was wicked, plying against his. The fear that she would reject the idea of having them both quickly melted away under the heat of her kiss. The power of her lips, the enticing suckle of his tongue between her lips, proved she was willing to see where the two would lead her. Slone prayed it wasn’t just for the thrill of the moment, but that she would want to stay.

  Then she curled an arm over his head, tugging him tight and he groaned, a deep hungry sound that vibrated them all. Her nipples seemed to harden further beneath his fingertips. She was so aroused, so ready. A drawn breath drove the scent of her cream into his head. Slone vacillated hard on whether to continue or not. She needed rest. Needed care, not to be attacked. She must have sensed his intent to pull away. Her voice was as breathtaking as the first rays of dawn.

  “Don’t stop,” Brigit’s voice pleaded. “Please.”

  He growled, knowing he shouldn’t listen.

  “Please, Slone. Oh God!” she cried out into his mind, her mouth still his prisoner, her tongue whipping along his, teasing and thrusting, and he shuddered all the way to his knees. Seeking through their energies, he realized Ja’Rol had slid a hand into the front of her jeans and had found her soaked core, stroking and teasing over her clit until she trembled.

  “You need rest.”

  “I need you,” she replied, either too entrenched in the moment to be frightened by the intimacy of the telepathy, or unaware she was even doing it.

  He was cracking, Slone knew it. Ja’Rol had found her breasts to suckle again, his hand deep in her jeans. The subtle movement of her hips made it obvious Ja’Rol was pleasuring her, sliding in and out of her silken heat. Then she surprised him. Leaning her weight into Slone, she dropped her other hand from its perch on Ja’Rol’s shoulder to cup his cock behind his zipper. His legs almost crumbled out from beneath him. She rubbed against him harder, demanding.


  “I know what I’m doing.”

  “Are you sure?” Ja’Rol’s smooth voice asked, heard by both.

  “Oh God, yes! Feels so good! Please, don’t stop.”

  “Ja’Rol…help me. She feels too good.”

  Slone didn’t get an answer, instead he heard the obvious sound of a zipper being lowered. In that instant, Slone completely cratered. He hadn’t planned on seducing her in-flight. The voice of reason, however faint, was that she needed to be cared for.

  Then she moaned, a long gasping cry of pleasure and even that faint voice of common sense was obliterated by their combined needs and hunger. He held her weight as Ja’Rol tugged her jeans free, popping her shoes off. Following Ja’Rol’s motions, he noticed she had a toe ring on her left foot, a small silver band. His focus narrowed again when the wet heat of her tongue stroked his throat, her teeth marking him with little nibbling bites.

  Grasping the bottom of her bra, he tugged it and her shirt over her head, leaving her completely bared for their enjoyment.

  Slone dropped her clothing on the chair with the blanket. Ensuring she could stand, he stepped away to walk around her. The glow of her skin, the pale hue, seemed so much more feminine against the deeper-toned coloring of Ja’Rol and himself. Both had a skin tone similar to the color of their scales when they became wyvern, richly hued, earthen. She was like a diamond between them.

  “She’s beautiful. You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

  Lazily, her eyes turned to him, their blue so dark, they reflected back at him. Her fingers had dug into Ja’Rol’s thick hair as he kissed her thighs and caressed her. Pulling his shirt out of his pants waist, Slone tossed it to the side with hers, watching her enjoyment breathlessly. Deftly, Ja’Rol slid his fingers between the soft fullness of her thighs, sending a new jolt of desire coursing through them all.

  Slone hissed, unprepared for the tightening web. What one felt, they all shared. The bonding had begun. He hoped they were all ready because from this point forward, with her first signs of acceptance, it would only grow stronger.

  Standing with her, Ja’Rol inched her backward until she stopped with her calves against one of the leather flight chairs. Lowering, he found her lips, grinding into her with a hot kiss before urging her silently to have a seat.

  Ja’Rol quickly shrugged out of his shirt and loosened his jeans, a gasp of relief unmistakable.

  “The satchel pouch,” Ja’Rol whispered into Slone’s mind before he dropped to his knees between her legs.

  Blinking, it took a moment for Slone to understand the request. The condoms and lube. He’d put it away because he’d had no plans for this. Hurrying to the luggage compartment at the front of the cabin, he popped the door and searched the large bag, grateful when his hand closed over the bathroom pouch.

  Returning, his lust hit a new gear finding Ja’Rol diving hard with his tongue against her pussy, licking and sucking at her pinked flesh. Her gasps and moans were music, harsh pants causing her breasts to move with delicious rhythm.

  Slone had to swallow, savoring her flavor with Ja’Rol, and his enjoyment only driving his craving for the woman higher. Kicking off his shoes, he stripped his jeans and underwear, his cock hard and jutting stiffly before him.

  He noted her eyes locked on him as soon as she caught that he was undressing. Her lips rose with a beckoning tease. Lifting a hand, she wrapped her fingers around his length and squeezed.

  “Fuck!” Slone stiffened and shuddered, her touch like fire to his skin, pouring into his veins. Brigit stroked him, tugging him closer. Propping herself on an elbow, she popped him into her mouth, drawing him deep with the very first pull.

  The room swam for a moment, and he drove his fingers into her silken hair just to stay on his feet. Her mouth was magic, hot, slick, tight and each sucked pull reached deep into his balls and tightened them with every motion.

  Ja’Rol propped one of her legs on the arm of the seat, exposing her glistening skin. Slone could barely think, much less speak with her mouth driving over him, hot and tight. The scent of their combined arousals filled his head, and he had to swallow to find moisture.

  Mewls of excitement were growing. Ja’Rol finger fucked her as he drove against her clit with the flat of his tongue. Then she screamed, the sound muffled with her
mouth full. Ja’Rol lapped and sucked, holding her still to catch every drop of her orgasm. She shook as her body undulated, striving to feel the sensation of his mouth.

  “I’m not going to last,” Slone warned them. Clasping at the rear of the chair, he maneuvered to give her full control. It was the best idea he could’ve had. Sensations were spiraling through his body, making him gasp with every motion. He thrust into the rhythm she had set, pumping his length into her mouth, feeling the drag of her teeth and the soft palette of her throat. His head lolled on his neck. Lights were bursting across his vision as his balls tightened, the need to explode seconds away.

  Ja’Rol stood and dropped his jeans, quickly sliding a condom over his pulsing shaft.

  Slone’s head was swirling. “God, yes. Make her come again.” Her mouth was incredible, sucking harder as her excitement matched theirs. He couldn’t wait to feel her for himself, her hot sheath clamped down on his cock as he slammed into her ripe body, riding the wave of ecstasy.

  “Join with me,” Ja’Rol offered. “Feel it with me.”

  Slone groaned, watching his friend clasp her close, lifting her until they met, then reveling in the sheer ecstasy as he slowly speared her, filling her. Brigit writhed and moaned, her eyes closing as pleasure erupted throughout them, a kaleidoscope of sensation that flared over them all like a fireball. Leaning forward, Slone was able to capture Ja’Rol’s mouth for a hard, short kiss, striving to stay standing just a few minutes longer.

  “Oh my God,” she cried, pumping herself against the cock filling her. Then she was swallowing Slone again, all reaching for the final ecstasy. Ja’Rol’s steady pounding drove her deeper over Slone’s engorged penis, taking him like no one had before.

  “Ja’Rol!” Slone was splintering. The pulse of his orgasm gushed through his body. Through Ja’Rol, he felt her reactions, her undulations, her insistence for more. The clench of her sheath as she captured Ja’Rol’s cock. Slone felt the heat of her body, the slick slide and thrust through their connection. His mind had narrowed to those feelings, to those motions. Sweat had broken out across his shoulders.

  Brigit’s whimpers were escalating, her body twisting to meet Ja’Rol’s thrusts. There was no warning. Her mouth swallowed him deep, Ja’Rol filled her with a hip grinding, forward jolt and Slone’s world vanished in a burst of light.

  Almost at the same time, Ja’Rol jerked stiff with a roar as he pushed forward, seeking more of her hot body. Brigit shuddered as her orgasm rocked her, sucking his cock harder as pulses of adrenaline rolled over her. The vacuum stole over them all for those split seconds. His lungs froze. His heart ceased to beat. The only sensations were the hot, sweet pull of her mouth and the whip of her tongue as she swallowed Slone’s release, the clenching, hungry heat of Brigit and the ecstasy Ja’Rol felt and shared with him. It felt like it went on forever, yet not long enough.

  With a rush, time hit him like a swift kick from a horse, straight to his solar plexus. Shivering, Slone collapsed to his knees, catching himself on the chair to not hurt Brigit, or let her fall with him. Her arms encircled his neck naturally, her head on his shoulder. Ja’Rol, leaned forward, his head on her stomach, and she reached to find him as well.

  Slone watched the scene, savored her reactions, remembered her bliss and excitement shared with both himself and his lover and knew the only thing that would make the bond irrevocable now was her acceptance of their wyvern sides. Because they weren’t naturally human, the magic of their souls also had to be appeased. He knew he was already sunk as far as his heart went.

  Dropping a kiss to her damp temple, her soft breasts rising and falling as she caught her breath, he stole a glance at Ja’Rol.

  His usually golden brown eyes were bottomless with his emotions when their gazes met.

  Their hearts were too deeply entwined. There had never been secrets between the two men. “I know, Slone,” Ja’Rol said quietly for him alone. “She is our one. I can’t let her go.”

  “We’ll find a way,” he replied, drifting his fingers through her hair, her entire form relaxed with their loving. Then, reaching for Ja’Rol’s fingers, Slone curled them into his own. His breath hitched hard when, half asleep, Brigit covered them both with her soft hand, binding all three. He wondered if she had even an inkling to the message she was offering them, and fought to not let himself get too far ahead of the moment.

  Chapter Seven

  Brigit stared at the bedside table. Two in the morning, though by her internal clock it was closer to four. Either way, she was laying there in bed, watching the glowing colored numbers, unable to sleep.

  She was still in shock over what she’d done on that plane. Closing her eyes, that wasn’t even the end of it. Then she had to go and make a fool of herself in the limo on the way to the hotel.

  Burying her face in her pillow, she let out a scream. Why did she have to say all of that? Now they were going to think she was a snotty slut or something. Telling them that it had been fun. Fun? Christ. Fun?

  That sex had been the best of her ever-living life. She just couldn’t sit still across from them both and not keep quiet. They looked utterly delicious, relaxed and all it had done was make her feel like she had to fill the silence, because she was anything but relaxed after what had happened between them.

  Unfortunately, her mouth was not always in radio contact with her brain at moments like that.

  They’d both asked if she was okay, if she was tired, if she hurt anywhere. She had no idea. She was still tingling, even now, hours later. So of course, being unable to deal with it, she’d given some flip answer that she couldn’t even remember, her mouth in full gear when her brain wasn’t. At least neither had taken her stupidity to heart. They’d been the epitome of gentlemen, ensuring she was in her suite and had anything she could need for the night.

  Well, anything except sleep. Flopping to her back on the cushy mattress, she stared at the ceiling. They’d helped her dress in her clothes, fed her again, coddled her, and made sure she was comfortable, and generally doted on her like a princess.

  They obviously had the wrong chick.

  Chewing her inner cheek, she tried to relax, and failed. Giving up, she growled, throwing the covers clear to stand and find her long shirt. She didn’t bring a robe, but she had a long flannel that she’d owned for years. Yanking it on and stuffing her arms into it, she marched to the door separating the suites in the living room. Freaking gorgeous room and she couldn’t see straight to appreciate it.

  She lifted her hand and then froze, her knuckles millimeters from the wood. Should she? What could she tell them? Gee, I’m sorry, but you’re both so damned sexy I lost my head and decided I’d take the chance at a once in a lifetime thrill? She snorted. Yeah, because the chances of it repeating were slim to none.

  Her head sank to the wood. But it was more than that, at least after about the first five seconds it had been, for her. She’d thought she’d felt their caring, believed that their passion had been real, and not just some quirky gay-guy-gets-lucky-with-a-broad thing.

  She frowned. She knew that wasn’t it, but then what was it? And really, why her?

  Tugging the shirt edges in for protection, she lifted her chin then rapped on the door. If they were asleep, then she’d let it go and see how things played out, but she couldn’t sleep with the idea that they would think she was some two-bit tramp out for a cheap thrill. She wasn’t like that, intentionally or otherwise.

  The door swung open almost immediately and considering the suite was identical, with their bedroom on the far side from the connection door…

  She glanced up at Ja’Rol. “Did I wake you?”

  He shook his head, his hair a bit shaggy and unkempt. “Couldn’t sleep.”

  She tried to smile. “Me either.” She hugged her arms around herself. “Can we talk?”

  He stepped back and let her through, closing the door.

  “Are you both awake?”

  As if she’d called his name, Slone appeared
in the bedroom doorway. Both wore black pajama bottoms and nothing else. Looking at Ja’Rol, she realized he had a nipple piercing. Something she’d totally missed in her sexual euphoria of earlier. She glanced away, determined to not let her body get the better of her again. But damn… Drawing a breath, she put it out of her mind.

  “I wanted to talk about what happened earlier, between us.” Slone nodded and motioned to the chairs in the suite living room.

  “We understand. We took advantage of you when we shouldn’t have.” Slone looked ready to be whipped, just waiting for the verbal flogging.

  She gasped and straightened on her chair. “No! Please don’t believe what I said in the car.” She tucked into herself, wishing she could become a small ball and just roll out of the room. “I’m not that weak, then or now.” She blushed. This was where it got hard. “I didn’t tell you to stop. I actually remember begging you not to. What I said…” She looked away, unable to keep their watchful gazes. “It wasn’t just a cheap thrill. Not for me.”


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