Ashes (The Firebird Trilogy Book 1)

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Ashes (The Firebird Trilogy Book 1) Page 30

by Stephanie Harbon

  Suddenly I felt empathy for Garnha. Lynk had destroyed her entire family; probably turning his father into the monster that nearly killed Adrian.

  “Okay?” he demanded. “Just leave it.” He finally turned back to his lump of ice. “Now, are you going to stay there and watch me, or are you going to do something?” he wondered, “Because I find it hard to concentrate when you’re staring at my ass.”

  I felt a tingle of colour blush my cheeks rosy. Then I heard someone walking behind me. I turned around in surprise, my jaw dropping open as I saw that beautiful girl from my First Flight celebration; the one who had been all over Kieran. Her long gorgeous legs were barely covered in a tiny skirt; her vest top was low and revealing a voluptuous cleavage. Her skin was a flawless cinnamon colour and she seemed to glow with a radiant luminosity. She was so perfect I felt myself retch with jealousy.

  She ignored me and Jayson, strutting straight up to Kieran. As I watched in painful astonishment, my eyes wide, she stretched up her amazing body, wrapping her arms around Kieran’s neck and pressing herself right against him. She kissed his cheek, her stupid fat head covering the expression on Kieran’s face; then she moved her face around to kiss his neck intimately, whispering something inaudible in his ear. I glanced away, my anger flashing across my face. I knew I couldn’t get mad; not with witnesses around.

  “Right, I’m off,” she smiled, pulling back. “Thanks for this morning.”

  She winked at Kieran, a naughty twist on her pouty lips, then walked away, shaking her stupid skinny ass as she went. I gazed after her, ever single hair on my body raised in fury. I turned back to Kieran, who had distinctly apathetic features.

  “What’s she been doing here?” I demanded slowly through gritted teeth, forgetting momentarily that Jayson was next to me.

  “You’re too young to know,” he smirked and my anger flared dramatically. I had to physically stop myself from charging at him. “Don’t you have something to do? I’ve got sculptures to make.” He was avoiding my eyes.

  I suppose I did need to distract myself from my sadistic thoughts of castrating Kieran.

  “Well,” I decided. “I’m supposed to be singing at this festival thing, aren’t I? But no one’s contacted me yet so I don’t have any music to practice with, but I could use a guinea pig.”

  I glanced at Jayson and he smiled, relaxed, “What do you need me to do?”

  “Not much,” I admitted. “Just try not to get hypnotised by me.”

  Kieran laughed, “You aren’t that good Princess.”

  I whirled on him. “I am,” I snarled. “Why don’t you believe me? Do you want me to prove it?”

  Kieran folded his arms across his chest, “Go on then.”

  I turned around, hearing footsteps; it was Briseis. She sat beside me. “Thank God that evil bitch is gone,” she uttered under her breath to me. I assumed she could only mean Sofia. “What’s going on?” she asked loudly.

  “Ruby’s giving us a demonstration of her gift,” Kieran smirked.

  “Cool,” she turned to me. “How?” I shrugged. Then she giggled suddenly and whispered in my ear, “You should make them strip.” She suggested.

  “I can’t do that,” I objected, spurting into laughter.

  “Of course you can,” she winked, continuing to whisper. “Serves them both right for being arseholes. More Kieran than Jayson, but I do remember Jayson the other night at your Flight…” she trailed off suggestively.

  I glanced at the cheeky excitement on her face and a slow agreeing smile crept on my features. “All right,” I turned to the boys, both now stood in front of us. “Do you both give me permission to use my voice on you?” I asked, arching my eyebrows challengingly.

  They both agreed but uncertainly. I stood up. Walking slowly around them with an unnerving stare, I took a deep breath, feeling excited energy bubbling in my chest; up my windpipe and flowing over my tongue as I spoke. My voice came in a deep mesmerising lilt, a rare seductiveness escaping from my mouth in a soft hum that entranced the hearts of the men before me. I’ll show them what I can do, I thought confidently. I glanced up from underneath my eyelashes as I swept past them, knowing that eye contact emphasised my grasp on people. I stopped in-between them; both had their eyes hooked on me.

  “Listen to my voice,” I said softly, practically purring. I saw their body’s tense as they fought me. Kieran, in particular, struggled, trying to look away. I continued, my voice faintly hypnotic, cautiously easing them in. “You can hear me. You are in my control,” I smiled, unleashing my voice with a sudden exciting force. “First, what I want you to do is…” I trailed off, then dipped my voice lower, “Take you’re shirts off: slowly,” I said mischievously.

  Kieran struggled. Jayson was hooked. I repeated myself until they both did as I said; obviously fighting me but unable to stop. Behind me Briseis was giggling like a school girl, as they brought up their hands to their shirts. I smirked; impressed at my own power and glad I was getting my own back for them both staring at me naked the other day.

  “Drop them to the floor,” I commanded; they followed my orders obediently. I continued, my was voice low and dangerously hypnotic. I had to concentrate now, so as not to go too far and break my hold over them. I glanced back at Briseis who grinned encouragingly, “Okay,” I continued, “Shoes and socks off.” They complied instantly. I smiled, “And now your trousers.” Briseis was hysterical behind me now as the boys slowly, in complete synchronisation, stripped outside in the freezing weather; until they stood in just their underwear.

  They both had beautiful athletic bodies, lean muscle building them up. They were so different; dark and light, black and blonde, Fire and Earth, and yet both were equally gorgeous.

  “Turn around,” I continued.

  Irritation flickered in me as I noticed the scratches across Kieran’s back; long like nail marks. An overwhelming anger saturated my voice as I realised what exactly he’d been doing with Sofia. Those marks were because of her. I was initially going to stop there but I didn’t now, because of that. “And the rest of it,” I demanded and they did, revealing a narrow strip of ass, thigh, then everything. I turned to Bris. “I think I’ve made my point.”

  The energy had gone from my voice, a sudden exhaustion pinned me where I stood, but it was definitely worth it for the looks on Kieran and Jayson’s faces as they slowly came into realisation of what had happened.

  Jayson looked down in astonishment, his cheeks turning crimson and I laughed humorously as he pulled his boxers up. Kieran picked up his clothes with a blank stern face, “Okay, point taken.”

  “Ruby that was amazing,” Jayson said excitedly. “A little depraving…” He considered as he put his trousers back on, “but amazing never the less. I had no control at all over what I was doing.”

  “Speaking of depravity,” Briseis turned to me, “Have you got your outfit for the Winter Festival yet?”

  I shook my head. To be honest I’d purposely thought as little as I possibly could about the damn thing, which some idiot had offered me to sing in.

  “Have you practiced Half-Changing yet?” she wondered.

  I stared at her in blank incomprehension. “What?”

  “Like Kieran does,” she explained, “When he sculpts.”

  So that’s what Kieran meant. “Why have I got to do that? It looks painful.”

  “It’s a display of physical strength,” Jayson explained, “You have a High Name. It’s compulsory. Kieran and Nik will have to do it too, to shows their high status.”

  “Do you have your wings out too?” I asked anxiously.

  “No,” he shook his head. “But I will anyway.”

  “Ebony will as well,” Briseis volunteered, “and because she’s female she’ll have to have her tail feathers out too.”

  “I have to have my tail feathers out too! How am I supposed to wear clothes if I have bloody great feathers sticking out of my ass?” I was flustered.

  Bris bit her lip, as if unwilli
ng to tell me something, so Jayson intercepted calmly. “You won’t be wearing many,” he admitted composedly. “You’ll wear Brellusk, the traditional Phoenix wear for events like this.”

  “Which consist of…?” I trailed off.

  “Well, your tail should be covering most of your bottom half and the rest you’ll wear kind of a draping skirt and sandal-like shoes,” Briseis said.

  “And on the top half?”

  “It’s difficult to explain, but kind of like a halter-neck bikini top. Only fancier.”

  “Wait, wait, wait,” I gasped, horrified, “I have to sing in front of a massive audience wearing the equivalent of my underwear!”

  Briseis shrugged, “It’s traditional. I’ll be wearing something like it too, though perhaps less dramatic.”

  Well that makes me feel a million times better, I thought grudgingly.

  “I’m hungry anyway,” Briseis announced, getting up. “I’m in the kitchen if anyone wants me.” With that she bounded off into the house.

  “I better head off too,” Jayson said, “I have a hit to track.”

  I nodded, “Okay, see you in the morning?”

  “Yeah,” he agreed, then stopped as he was about to leave. “One more thing,” he remembered. “I was wondering if you wanted to go with me; to the Festival, I mean.”

  I looked at him, startled, and wondered, “What, like a date?”

  “If you want, or we could just go as friends. It’s up to you.” He explained casually, “There probably won’t be many people you know there; I thought familiar company might be appreciated.”

  Automatically my thoughts went to Kieran, who was ignoring us from a distance. What would he think? I know he’d be angry, but to be honest he had no right to be. He’s bad for me, he messes with my head. The image of those nail marks on his back popped into my head with a renewed surge of anger, why shouldn’t I go with Jayson, if Kieran had already moved on?

  I smiled, realising that he was waiting for an answer. “Sure,” I grinned eventually, feeling like I’d betrayed my own heart. “Of course I’ll go.”

  Jayson smiled brilliantly and he really was handsome, all gold and angelic.

  “Great,” he said. He bent down to slowly touch my hand to his face, touching his lips to my skin. I felt nothing. No sparks, no flush, not even a skip of my heartbeat; nothing. Kieran could make me shiver with just a look. Shut up Ruby, I thought furiously, stop thinking about him.

  Jayson was still smiling as he walked away.

  Kieran was facing away from me, his velvety black wings suddenly sprouting from his shoulders. He hacked at the ice maliciously with the blades of his wings, sprinkling diaphanous shards across the floor like fragments of a shattered mirror. He was angry.

  You haven’t done anything wrong. I reminded myself.

  “Um,” I gulped anxiously, “Is it okay if I-“

  I saw the prominent muscles of his back twitch under his magnificent wings. Staring fiercely at his work, he stated, clipped and biting, “Just one question.” The hard line of his jaw clenched sternly, “Why him?” His eyes reflected anger but his exterior was as composed as a poker player. “You could have anyone you want, and yet you choose him, why?” I could see his knuckles were strained white as they gripped the frozen surface.

  Why did he think I could have anyone I want? Did he mean because of my voice? Okay, now I was mad. Jayson was not under my influence…well, not anymore. Kieran had no right to be angry at me. He was the one who said he didn’t want me. He didn’t want me. So why can nobody else have me?

  “It doesn’t matter why,” I told him viciously, feeling my head start to pressurize painfully as I struggled to fight away angry tears, “Not to you.”

  “Of course it matters,” he snapped, whirling around to glare at me.

  “Tell me why then, Kieran,” I demanded icily. “Why would you care? What the hell has it got to do with you?”

  “It’s got everything to do with me-“ He began furiously.

  “Why?” I wailed suddenly; my voice rising a few octaves. My head was screaming. I turned to Kian, my voice so strong and authoritative he did exactly what I said, “Kian go to the front of the house and wait for me there. I won’t be long.” He obliged immediately.

  “Do you think this is easy for me,” he yelled right back, glaring into my eyes with a fierce intensity; he looked deranged and possessed with anger. “Do you think it’s easy for me to just stand there and watch him steal you away?” From me, his eyes added.

  “You can’t steal something that doesn’t belong to you,” I screeched, furiously battling the tears that burned my eyes. “It was you who didn’t want me. You who said it’s impossible for us to be together.”

  “It is impossible, but that doesn’t make me want it any less.” His voice dropped then, he stepped forwards almost unconsciously.

  “Kieran,” I cried, shoving him roughly back. “You can’t just say that and then go running off with that girl like I know you will. You can’t. What were you even doing with her?” I demanded. “I’ve seen the scratches on your back.”

  “She came to me,” he snapped. “What was I meant to do?”

  “Tell her to sod off,” I glared.

  “Don’t you understand? I’m meant to be with Sofia,” he explained, his voice rising again in bitter frustration. “She’s of Earth. I’m of Earth. No matter what I want, I can’t change that. ”

  My hands dropped lifelessly to my sides. Ouch, that hurt. He might as well have stabbed me with those brutal, dark wings of his. “I know that,” I said, “but in that case I’m meant to be with Jayson too. Or someone else like him.”

  “I don’t want this,” he told me weakly, like his lungs had been deflated. He reached out to touch my forehead with those soft, shimmering feathers; removing the pain there. He was close; his glorious angel wings surrounding me.

  I looked up into those eyes and they were sad, filled with a lifetime of war and pain. “It doesn’t matter what you want,” I said. “Not in this world.”

  His lovely wings closed around me like a soft blanket. “I know,” he uttered.

  I smiled, looked down at his wings where they delicately tickled my skin. These wings, I thought, they really are amazing. How could something that can slice through ice like a knife, embrace so carefully as well? He looked down too and his expression automatically transformed, like he’d just realised what he was doing. Impulsively he released me and backed off, returning to his work while rubbing his forehead as if it were sore.

  “Lady,” Kian said, returning. “We have to go, Lynk will be back soon.”

  I nodded, “I’m coming.” I took one last painful glance at Kieran then followed Kian.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  I closed my eyes and thought of fire.

  Instantaneously the energy pulsated down my spine, zapping into my susceptible nervous system; subsequently possessing every compliant cell in my body. I made myself focus on the development, concentrating as the vigorous energy recoiled again, dominating the muscles in my back.

  Encouraging my cells to expand and multiply, I felt my wings sprout painfully from my shoulders. My closed eyelids twitched as the appropriate time arose. Seizing the opportunity, the vibrating sensation obediently halted, but as the seconds passed my Phoenix body struggled, wanting to continue the Change while my mind rejected the notion.

  I was gasping now, blood churning in throbbing veins. The energy fanned through my entire body, battering all my senses but I persevered and eventually it dwindled, fading in relinquishment.

  My eyes darted open, my vision burred, but strong prying fingers held my kneeling form still against the wild tremors.

  “Did it work?” my voice cracked.

  “Have a look,” Jayson’s bright tone gave me hope.

  I’d spent all morning attempting to gouge my wings out of my human back and keep them there, but after thirteen unsuccessful attempts I was exhausted.

  As I centred myself, I slo
wly became aware of the heavy weight nagging at the flesh of my shoulders and the hot blood trickling down my spine.

  My neck protested as I lifted it, the joints clicking loudly, but a wave of relief echoed through me at the sight of my crimson wings; collapsed inelegantly across the wooden floor of the indoor training room at the Palace.

  I was kneeling down for balance. Burn marks blistered my knees from where I’d been shaking so violently, but now I tried to stand. Jayson supported me by the waist and I finally managed to straighten upright. My wings weighed a bloody ton but I could just about manage.

  “See if you can walk.” Jayson suggested.

  I staggered forwards precariously, but soon got the hang of it and even though my muscles ached tremendously I eventually managed to move my wings freely. I knew that after a bit more practice, I would be fine. Once I discovered how to make my tail feathers come out too.

  Loud footsteps behind us made us turn. To my surprise it was the Water Elder I vaguely recognised from the High Council. With a swift step she moved over to Jayson, whispering something in his ear. He nodded respectfully, placing his crossed fingers over his forehead then heart in a conventional gesture, and then smiled at me, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Um…okay.” I frowned, confused, as he left the room.

  The woman looked at me with a mixture of weariness and politeness. “I am sorry for the intrusion,” she began, “but I have some important matters I wish to carry out.”

  “Okay,” I said, then thought of my wings. “Should I Change back?”

  She shook her head, “No, it looks like you need the practice.”

  She took me away from my ever-present Protector, instantly explaining, “It is not long until the Winter Festival and I need to make sure you know exactly what you will be doing on the night. From now on, you shall be practicing every afternoon with our musicians so you are prepared. They’ll travel here.”


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