Project: Adapt - Achieve: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 2)

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Project: Adapt - Achieve: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 2) Page 11

by Jade Waltz

  “Selena! Stop,” Zirene begged.

  “Let go!” I growled, facing him as I tried to pull away.

  His feline amethyst eyes searched mine.

  “Why are you running?”

  Through my bond threads, I could sense my nestmates surrounding me as a crowd formed around us.

  “I will tell you one more time. Let. Go.”

  He sighed and complied. I hurriedly wrapped my arms around my waist, refusing to allow him a chance to grab my hands again.

  “Why did you run? You won. You should be proud of yourself, not running as if in fear.”

  “Are you really asking this? Right here? Right now? Are you really that clueless?”

  He took a step closer, and I replied with a step back.

  His face filled with concern, his eyes laced with hurt.

  “Why are you backing away from me? What did I do wrong?” he asked, holding his paw out to me, confused.

  “Let me ask you this. Is this a game to you? You made me believe I was alone in the universe, only to be accidentally told I was some prized possession to be added to your collection of demi-humans you have gathered over the years. Is that all I am to you?” I demanded, not caring who heard. I pulled my hood off and tilted my head, revealing his mark on my neck. “Does this mean anything to you? Or is it a brand to show I am your property?”

  Zirene dropped his hand, and his face hardened.

  “Are you going to believe what some… stranger… said?” He paused and glanced at the gathered crowd. “Or are you going to let me explain everything to you?”

  I rolled my eyes as I covered my silver hair once more.

  “Why should I trust you?” I barked. “You made me believe we had something special. You have abused that connection to use me for your political gain every chance you get. You were collecting demi-humans this whole time! You got me pregnant without my consent, only to force me into a political battle without proper preparation.” I paused and took a deep breath as tears threatened to fall. “Leave me. You disgust me.”

  “Selena…” Zirene stepped closer and tried to cup my face.

  A hiss escaped my lips as I dodged him. “No, Zirene. I want nothing to do with you anymore.”

  He quickly studied the crowd before locking his eyes with mine. Wordlessly, Odelm and Xylo flanked him with the princes directly behind him.

  “Selena. Let us retire. You should get some rest. Perhaps after, we can have this much-needed discussion,” Zirene urged.

  “There is no ‘we.’ I want nothing to do with you. Not after today.”

  His eyes hardened as he closed the gap between us. Swiftly, he gripped my arm and lowered his face to mine.

  “You are MINE,” he growled. “You will stop embarrassing both of us and do what I said.”

  “Let go,” I snarled as I tried to yank my arm from his paw locked around my wrist. His nails dug into my skin as he tightened his grip. “Let. Me. Go!”

  Betrayal. Disappointment. Hurt. Rage.

  My need to get away from him—from everyone—heightened as he stared deeply into my eyes, refusing to let go.

  Everything I thought I knew about him came crashing down.

  Gathering all the power in me, I pulled back my free hand and let go.

  A loud snap sounded as his head jerked to the side from the impact. He dropped my arm and shuffled backward. I cradled my arms on my chest as tears from the pain assaulted me.

  Gasps and shouts filled the area before it fell silent. I could feel the weight of the room on me.

  “You told me you would never use your position of power against me. You lied! You just did. You no longer have the right to touch me, Prince Zirene Darcaw. Do not try to ever again,” I snapped. Glancing over at my nestmates, I took in their shocked expressions. “I wish to be alone. I will let you know when I am ready to talk.”

  Without waiting for their reply, I turned from the scene and walked away.

  The crowd parted, letting me through as I stormed by with my head raised. I didn’t care that the station saw the tears falling down my face. How could I when they all probably witnessed the chaos that happened during the Assembly?

  It was one thing to be led on, but to bring my nestmates into his bullshit was the end of a comet’s tail for him.

  Each step I took, I felt my anger lessen, replaced with sadness.

  I felt lost. Alone. On my own, to figure out what exactly my future would hold now.

  Since the first time I met him in my dreams nine years ago, I hoped to meet him in person. Now that I had, I didn’t know who he was. What happened to the male who visited me in the dreamscape? The male I finally met in person wasn’t him. I didn’t know who or what to believe.

  In the end, it was always about Zirene. The answer to all of my problems—my salvation. Have faith he would come for me, believe he would make everything all right, and trust he would fix things.

  Why should I keep blindly following him? He had an ulterior motive this whole time.

  Had I fallen for a trap set by him? And did I just sign my fate—and by extension, my clan’s fate—to him?

  Suddenly, a black-cloaked figure materialized directly in front of me and grabbed me, holding me tight to their chest as their cape wrapped around us. My ears popped as a wave of nausea passed through me. I jerked, trying to get out of their hold.

  “Selena, it’s me,” Kaede whispered. “You are safe. Everything will be all right.”

  I stilled. “Kaede?”

  He’d changed. This wasn’t the man I was familiar with.

  His conforming black bodysuit was different—newer. It still covered him neck to toe, but it was sleeker, lacking the hardened plates he had before. An updated matching black armband wrapped around his left wrist as dual blasters hung from his utility belt. Gone was the face cover. Now, his suit ran up his neck to the visor that covered his eyes, leaving only enough space on his face for his nose, mouth, and ears. The black cape hung behind him as his dark hair rested on his shoulders.

  “Is it really you?” I asked. After what happened, I could be dreaming all of this.

  “You are very much not dreaming,” Mwe chimed in.

  “Thanks for the help earlier,” I replied sarcastically.

  “It was my job.”

  I rolled my eyes. Either he didn’t understand sarcasm, or he was an ishing frax too. Slight guilt pinged through my rage.

  “Once I calm down, I want to have my connection with my nestmates back. The princes don’t deserve to be attached to this drama… and I want to hear what the other two have to say.”

  “I am here to assist you. Just let me know when you want me to unmute you.”

  “Thank you. I will keep in touch.”

  “I should ask you the same question,” Kaede replied, pulling me into the present.

  I tilted my head and studied him before surveying the room. It was dark and styled like Zirene’s Royal Apartment, but with a much smaller bed and no personal belongings to be found. From the scene of space outside his glass wall, we were on a much lower floor in the Aldawi sector of the space station.

  “Why is that?” I asked, curious, as I watched shuttles coming to and from the space station.

  “Because the Selena I know wouldn’t have had it in her to stand up for herself, not caring if she followed protocols or offended anyone,” he said pointedly.

  “When everyone wants to control every aspect of your life, you learn to adapt.” I turned and smiled. “Isn’t that what we were designed for?”

  Kaede pursed his lips, making his fangs more pronounced.

  “You mean you.” He held up his gloved hand, silencing me. “I heard it all. You were created differently from us. Where we were altered and bred to be super warriors, they created you to be the prototype of their superspecies. A perfect breeder. The Yaarkins were dying. They tried to replace their body parts with cybernetics and started to become more android than being. Knowing this, they needed to create a form to breed w
ith them that could easily carry attributes of newly introduced species. That is why you exist. You were their final prototype of the new form they were going to take. Through you, whenever they conquered another planet, they could easily take over by breeding with their occupants and creating the next generation.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me all of this before?”

  “Truthfully?” he sighed, avoiding my gaze. “Because Prince Zirene was supposed to. I felt it wasn’t my place, and no one knew if your cubs would even survive labor. If they died…”

  “I understand. My mental stability was already messed up by my hormones… Stars… how I handled myself earlier was probably due to my postpartum hormones… it matters not. They all knew I just had my cubs but insisted I needed to have that stupid trial.”

  “Selena, what Prince Zirene did to you… it was uncalled for. They should have briefed you about the Assembly. I don’t know why he kept those secrets from you when he had a chance yesterday to tell you everything. You have the right to be angry at him.”

  “What about you?” I laughed, shocked he didn’t think I was angry at him too. “You didn’t leave on good terms either.” I crossed my arms and winced from the pain.

  Kaede glided across the bedroom and stood before me.

  “What is it, Selena?” he asked urgently.

  “My arm and my hand… Zirene’s claws stabbed my arm before I injured myself slapping him,” I gasped.

  He knelt down and gently grabbed my arms, examining the damage. “You need to get these checked out,” he said, looking up.

  An uneasy feeling bubbled inside me.

  “I don’t want anyone I don’t know to look at me.”

  Suddenly, Kaede’s visor split in the center and disappeared behind his ears. His eyes faintly glowed in the darkness as they locked onto mine.

  “Will you trust me?” he whispered.

  “Not this again,” I mumbled, rolling my eyes as I tried to pull away.

  “Look, I know I am not your favorite person at the moment, but I am your Head of Security, and right now, you are injured. So, can you please yell at me while someone examines you?”

  “Only if you promise a few things.”

  “What are they?” he asked, annoyed.

  “First, you need to agree to answer all of my questions about what is being kept from me. Second, I didn’t miss your new suit, and I assume you used that to get us here. So, are you going to tell me how? Teleportation?” I gave him a pointed look. “And third, you need to tell me why you have been an ishing frax, and why this is the first time we have talked since you left me in labor.”

  “I can do all three. Now, will you let me take you to Xylo and the rest of your healer team?” He paused before glancing at the bedroom door. “Or do you want to meet my half-sisters and have them look at you? No matter what, I don’t have the equipment in my suite to aid you.”

  I sighed. I was already over today. I wanted to just go to my bed and cuddle with my cubs. But all that needed to wait, I needed to fix things with my nestmates first. They didn’t deserve this friction in the clan because of Zirene’s actions and my outbursts.

  “Let me get you something to drink while you think about it.” He glanced at his bed. “Have a seat there while you wait for me to return.”

  “That sounds good.”

  He nodded and gave my body one last look, then let go of my injured arms.

  I watched as he left the room without a word before I sat down on the edge of his perfectly made-up bed.

  “Mwe, I can’t say it’s been a pleasure meeting you today the way we did, but I would like to thank you for your help… and assisting me during my trial. I want to be unmuted, please.”

  “I would like to invite you over for a meal with your clan. I hope to meet them formally and introduce you to my daughter.”

  “That sounds nice, but it may be a few days before things settle down with my clan. How would I arrange a time to meet with you?”

  “I know your mental signature. It was easy to memorize since it is the only golden thread connected to a bright golden shield and your—now four—bond threads. Have one of your nestmates assist you; that way, you can contact me whenever you need to while you are on the CEG Space Station. It would be a helpful ability for you to have.”

  “Thank you, Mwe.”

  “I shall be the one thanking you for your sacrifice for the future of the CEG species.”

  A similar wave passed over me from before, but I was prepared for it. I felt my connections solidify, with Xylo’s and Odelm’s more vibrant than the princes.

  Multiple mental shouts of my name came through as a feeling of comfort flooded my Ulax bonds.

  I lightly gripped all four golden bond threads, grabbing their attention while I spoke to all four of them together.

  “There is a lot to be discussed, but at the moment, I need Xylo to check my injuries and I want to see my cubs.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Z’fir watched his new nestqueen stomp away. Their golden courting bond thread became fainter as the distance between them grew. He took a hesitant step after her, conflicted whether he should follow her, but something wrapped around his arm, preventing him from continuing forward.

  “I wouldn’t, if I were you,” Xylo scolded. “If Selena wants to be left alone, you are better off giving her the space she needs.”

  Z’fir heard the words he spoke, but there was a nagging pull deep down in his chest that told him to be with her.

  “There is nothing to see!” Zirene shouted, his paws opening and closing along his sides.

  The crowd eyed Zirene warily as they dispersed.

  A pair of Aldawi Royal Guards shoved their way through the thick crowd.

  “Sire! Sire!” shouted one guard.

  “Sire, do you want us to find her for punishment?” asked his partner.

  It was clear by the dimness in his eyes, Zirene would not press charges. Z’fir didn’t need to be an Ulax to see how Zirene’s fight with Selena was affecting him.

  “You are correct. His aura radiates an array of colors of emotions. Prince Zirene didn’t believe he was doing anything wrong and now regrets his decision,” V’dim confirmed.

  “We weren’t the cause of the clan’s rift, but we should help our nestbrothers fix it before it gets worse. There is a multitude of big decisions about the future that need to be made. If the clan remains the way it is, I fear what would come.”

  “No. Leave her be. What happened between us was between mates and nothing else,” Zirene growled. “I want her to be left alone. She has her own personal guard to handle her safety.”


  Both Royal Guards saluted Zirene and left.

  The crowd had died down. The only beings around were stragglers. Some of which failed to hide their interest in Z’fir’s party.

  “Secrets. They ruin everything,” Odelm murmured.

  Z’fir glared at the young musician. The male was staring down Zirene, whose focus was on Selena’s retreat. Odelm growled, his coloring shifting between red anger and orange worry, as he advanced on Zirene.

  “You did this. You had us keep secrets from her. Secrets that she should have already known. Why?” Odelm threw up his arms in rage as his tentacles loosened themselves from their default wrapped up position.

  “Look what you did, Prince Zirene. I have done everything to prove myself to her… and now, you ruined everything I built up. Our clan just fell from its nestqueen’s grace because of you. If this is how you are going to treat her, then I will do everything in my power to keep her away from you.”

  Zirene’s eyes hardened, his tail swishing in agitation as his ears pinned back.

  “How do you expect to do that?” Zirene chuckled darkly.

  Prince Royak stepped forward and grabbed Zirene by the shoulder, his face laced with anger as he eyed his brother.

  “If this is how you are going to treat her after all of these y
ears, I am disappointed in you. I have my own star system to rule, brother, and you have wasted my time and resources assisting you.” Royak squeezed Zirene’s shoulder. “Fix things. Or don’t. But stop making things harder for her. The poor female has been through enough.”

  Zirene rolled his shoulder, freeing himself from his brother’s grasp, and turned to face him.

  “I worked so hard to get my Nova, only to fail…”

  “You failed because you didn’t believe in Selena,” Odelm barked. “Maybe you should trust her more. For someone who had a connection with her for nine years, you fail at knowing who she is.” He took a step back and turned toward the direction Selena left. “She has an inner strength that shines so brightly, her golden aura lights up the room. Sometimes, I wonder how I deserve such a nestqueen.”

  Zirene sighed and turned toward Odelm and Xylo. “How do I fix this?” he asked, his eyes pleading.

  Odelm lowered his tentacles and eyed Xylo as his coloring started to return to normal.

  “You need to give her space,” Xylo said, crossing his arms. “She needs time to adjust to all the changes in her life. The Fates keep throwing things at her with no chance to recuperate.” Xylo glanced over to both Circuli princes. “And we need time to fix things with our nestqueen as a clan.”

  “This isn’t the place to speak freely,” Royak said, studying the bystanders and the few present Royal Guards. “Let’s return to the Royal Aldawi Commons and continue there.”

  The group nodded in agreement and made their way together.

  Z’fir hadn’t had a chance to spend much time with Selena on the Destiny. His focus had been on commanding the ship, along with V’dim, while managing the crew. The things he knew came from his discussions with Xylo and when he searched her memories. She was fair and kind, with great inner strength. Her major fault was her social awkwardness, paired with extreme emotions that got her in trouble. He hoped Xylo was right, saying she would calm down as her hormones balanced out and as she learned more about communicating with others.

  Xylo and Odelm were protective of her, borderline territorial—with good reasons. She had been through enough, as Prince Royak said, joined with the fact she had many species interested in using her for their own goals.


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